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Work Allocation

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This page was last updated on 03/12/2007. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / Hardware / Next Gen - Work Allocation

Mark McDougall has made considerable progress towards implementing CoCo 1/2 functionality in an FPGA He is active on the Color Computer email list, and has participated in next-generation CoCo discussions there. The CoCo FPGA project is part of Mark's more expansive PACE project for FPGA arcade game emulation. Mark's CoCo emulation can now run Color BASIC, but hardware implementation is incomplete as of 1/23/2007 when he posted this in a message to the mail list:

I'm using John's CPU09 as a basis for my Coco 1, and have started on my own 
implementation of the 6883 and 6847....

Whilst my own Coco implementation is a fair way off yet, my intention is to 
release it to the public domain when it's sufficiently complete. Of course, 
there's the GIME to tackle next for a real work-horse, but it's a start at 

And this in 1/30/2007:

For those interested, the design emulates the Coco 1, with the 6883/6847
implemented only to the point of being able to display the standard text
screen. This requires 3,921 LEs, or 12% of the EP2C35. Of those, 3,064
comprise John Kent's CPU09.

Keith Howell has developed a Polymorph Computer in FPGA which includes emulation of the 6847 Video Display Generator used in the CoCo 1 & 2, and partially implemented in the CoCo 3's GIME. He notes that CoCo compatibility could be added to his system by implementing a 6809 CPU.

Also James Daggett has done some work on implementing the CoCo 3's GIME custom chip in VHDL.