2024-03-02: The wiki ran out of disk space, so things were not working. This has been resolved by adding another 5GB of quota ;-) Thanks to Tim Lindner for reporting the issues. 2020-05-17: If a page gives you an error about some revision not being found, just EDIT the page and the old page should appear in the editor. If it does, just SAVE that and the page should be restored. OS-9 Al (talk) 12:22, 17 May 2020 (CDT)


From CoCopedia - The Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer Wiki
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Looking for CoCo help? If you are trying to do something with your old Color Computer, read this quick reference. Want to contribute to this wiki? Be sure to read this first. This CoCo wiki project was started on October 29, 2004. --OS-9 Al

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This page was last updated on 10/25/2021. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / User List - AllenHuffman



Name AllenHuffman
Date August
Year 1969
Location Des Moines, IA
Notes Co-founder, Sub-Etha Software. Worked at Microware from 1995-2001, then RadiSys (purchaser of Microware) from 2003-2007.
Info Source Allen Huffman
About the Company Info Box

Unless otherwise specified, all items were distributed by Sub-Etha Software.


RS-DOS Applications

OS-9 Applications

OS-9 Games

OS-9 Utilities

  • MultiBoot - OS-9 bootfile manager, co-written with Terry Todd.
  • Towel - OS-9 disk utility using the EthaWin interface for mouse/keyboard selection of files/directories and common functions like copy, delete, etc.

MM/1 Applications

Commodore VIC-20

These items are being documented on

  • Eggs - My first published program! A "catch the falling object" game published in the VIC-NIC NEWS. (I wish I could find my copy.)
  • Factory TNT
  • Gold Grabber
  • Meteor Clash
  • Sky-Ape-Er
  • Space Shot
  • Thick Brush
  • Houston Boat Show video titles - Created on a VIC-20 with Super Expanded cartridge, and displayed on a VHS tape at the boat show.

Wiki Scratchpad

Things I am using for working on the wiki...

<!-- Call the InfoBox -->
<onlyinclude>{{InfoBox |
| boxtype    = Company
| name       = {{{name|}}}
| photo      = {{{photo|}}}
| caption    = {{{caption|}}}
| date       = {{{date|}}}
| year       = {{{year|}}}
| enddate    = {{{enddate|}}}
| endyear    = {{{endyear|}}}
| location   = {{{location|}}}
| interface  = {{{interface|}}}
| author     = {{{author|}}}
| media      = {{{media|}}}
| memory     = {{{memory|}}}
| os         = {{{os|}}}
| platform   = {{{platform|}}}
| publisher  = {{{publisher|}}}
| requires   = {{{requires|}}}
| videomode  = {{{videomode|}}}
| notes      = {{{notes|}}}
| infosource = {{{infosource|}}}

<!-- Call the InfoBox -->
<onlyinclude>{{InfoBox |
| boxtype    = Convention
| name       = 
| photo      = 
| caption    = 
| date       = 
| year       = 
| enddate    = 
| endyear    = 
| location   = 
| interface  = 
| author     = 
| media      = 
| memory     = 
| os         = 
| platform   = 
| publisher  = 
| requires   = 
| videomode  = 
| notes      = short description
| infosource = where did this information come from

Company, Convention, Hardware, Person, Publication or Software