2024-03-02: The wiki ran out of disk space, so things were not working. This has been resolved by adding another 5GB of quota ;-) Thanks to Tim Lindner for reporting the issues. 2020-05-17: If a page gives you an error about some revision not being found, just EDIT the page and the old page should appear in the editor. If it does, just SAVE that and the page should be restored. OS-9 Al (talk) 12:22, 17 May 2020 (CDT)

Main Page

From CoCopedia - The Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer Wiki
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Looking for CoCo help? If you are trying to do something with your old Color Computer, read this quick reference. Want to contribute to this wiki? Be sure to read this first. This CoCo wiki project was started on October 29, 2004. --OS-9 Al

See Recent Changes. | About this site. | Join the E-Mail List or Facebook Group. | Contact me with updates/questions.

This page was last updated on 09/18/2024. Total Pages: 744. Total Files: 994.

Home - Main Page

SockMaster's CoCo 3 and CM-8 monitor.

Due to vandalism, this Wiki is now locked to prevent automated new user signups. IF YOU WANT AN ACCOUNT SO YOU CAN EDIT PAGES, please send e-mail to and let me know what you want for a username. A temporary password (which you can change) will be e-mailed to you.

See what's been added/changed.

Welcome to the experimental CoCo Wiki! Help me fill this thing up with information on all things CoCo. You have to have an account to edit/create pages. If you are unfamiliar with how Wikis work, I'll have a short tutorial posted later. -- Allen

We will come up with a template format to use for the various pages. We can base it on other things that Wikipedia has done, and include a photo and table for filling in information (name, release date, system requirements, etc.). This should be fun. For now, you can just create and edit pages and put raw information there, and we'll have editors start formatting later when we figure out what the format needs to be.

Site Sections

  • Articles - New articles written specifically for the CoCo Wiki.
    • Datasheets - Manufacturer's Datasheets for all sorts of Integrated Circuits.
    • FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions on CoCo topics.
    • Timeline - Color Computer historic timeline.
  • Companies - Past, present, and... future?
  • Conventions - Rainbowfests, Color Expos, CoCoFESTs and more.
  • Emulators - The next best thing to the real thing? How to run Color Computer software on modern PCs, Macs and Linux machines. And more.
  • Hardware - Disk controllers, speech paks, MIDI interfaces.
  • Internet Resources - Other places to talk CoCo on the internet.
    • CoCo Links - Collection of the known CoCo related websites.
  • People - Who's who (or who was) in the CoCo Community.
  • Publications - Rainbow, Hot CoCo, UpTime, Color Computer, and others.
  • Software - Games, utilities, and tigers. Oh my!

CoCo and retro computing events

For more events, and info on past events, see Conventions

Special Projects

Visit the new Special Projects section. This should be used for items that do not fit in to any of the main categories.

Special Pages

...let's get building!