2024-03-02: The wiki ran out of disk space, so things were not working. This has been resolved by adding another 5GB of quota ;-) Thanks to Tim Lindner for reporting the issues.
2020-05-17: If a page gives you an error about some revision not being found, just EDIT the page and the old page should appear in the editor. If it does, just SAVE that and the page should be restored. OS-9 Al (talk) 12:22, 17 May 2020 (CDT)
CoCo Next Generation
Looking for CoCo help? If you are trying to do something with your old Color Computer, read this quick reference. Want to contribute to this wiki? Be sure to read this first. This CoCo wiki project was started on October 29, 2004. --OS-9 Al |
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This page was last updated on 03/27/2013. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.
Home / Hardware / Next Gen - CoCo Next Generation
Gary Becker has started the CoCo-X project.
Specifying the CC-Five
The purpose of this section is to serve as a collaborative framework for developing technical specifications for the next generation of Color Computer development.
- History and Rationale - Why do such a thing?
- Roadmap - How we might get to where we want to go today.
- Design Criteria - Guidelines for what gets added, what stays, and what goes.
- Standards and Procedures - What kinds of information do we expect to put in the following subsections?
- Architectural Overview - Here's the big picture. Block diagrams of major subsystems, etc.
- CPU / MMU - Design specifications for the processor, memory management unit, and DRAM controller, system bus, etc.
- Video - Video display hardware.
- Audio - Sound input and output.
- Other I/O - Built-in I/O devices, such as serial, parallel, IDE, and memory card.
- Software Issues - Software and firmware that may be distributed with CC-Five systems.
- Work Allocation - Rubber, meet Road. Who's actually going to work on this stuff?
- Wishlist - Put fanciful musings here. Please leave them out of the other subsections.