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The RAINBOW Magazine December 1982

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Home / Publications - The RAINBOW Magazine December 1982

The RAINBOW Magazine December 1982

Name The RAINBOW Magazine December 1982
Date December 1982
Year 1982
Location English
Notes Magazine Thick Loin
Info Source Luis Fernández
About the Publication Info Box

From the Cover:


  • Path EDTASM+ To Your Disk
  • A Versatile Word Search
  • Our Data File Is Upgraded
  • Parachute Gum Game

--Over 30 Products Reviewed Inside--

External Links

Video Comentary


Section Leyend
ART Articles
DEP Departments
REV Product Reviews
EDI Editor's Notes
Title Author Description Pag On Disk Section
PLAYING COCO FOR THE HOLIDAYS Sara Nolan The author explains how to translate music into CoCo Play commands and Christmas and Chanakah songs for your enjoyment 10 * ART
PATCHING EDTASM+ TO RUN Roger Schrag Now enjoy the convenience of a disk version of Radio Shack's Editor/ Assembler with these patches. 29 ART
A CHRISTMAS EVE FIREPLACE Peter Stumpf This one will decorate your house, and just in the (St.) Nick of time, too 34 * ART
LET'S LOOK AT MEMORY Lester Hands A way to get inside your RAM 54 * ART
ADVENTURE REPORT Staff An update on the big Adventure Contest 61 ART
LETTERS EVERY WHICHWAY Joseph Kolar vertical letters can ao neat things Tor your screen displays 62 * ART
LET'S WRITE SOME MUSIC Larry Konecky Move over Beethoven, CoCo doesn't even need paper 66 * ART
PARACHUTE OR FREE FALL? Joe Bennett and C. E. Laidlaw This month's game has its ups and downs— mostly the latter 76 * ART
MOVING GRAPHICS John W. Dana This short program gives all sorts of "different" graphics 85 * ART
DRIVING TOWARD ADVENTURE Geoff Wells Here's a way to plug in your own tricks into an Adventure (Part 1) 98 * ART
THREE DISK UTILITIES Paul Selig These programs will help you make your media mind 110 * ART
UNIDATFL REVISITED? Arnold Weiss Our data base programs gets spiffed up and more versatile in this update 114 * ART
KEEP A HAM RADIO LOG B. B. Wltham Why do all that work yourself when CoCo is ready, willing and able? 124 * ART
SEARCH FOR WORDS- ANY WORDS Timothy O'Donnell Create your own Word Search puzzles forfun and amusement 130 * ART
GRAPHICS WORD PROCESSING Ross Chamberlain For LP VII and LP VIII: Make your own character sets and print them out 136 * ART
SOFTWARE IN THE CLASSROOM Paul Kimmelman and David MacAli The importance of good educational softwaro is discussod 146 ART
ASSEMBLY CORNER Dennis Lewandowski Our ML Graphic Game Gets Some Targets 106 * DEP
Back Issue Information 112 DEP
BASIC TRAINING Joseph Kolar Our Newest Series Has Hints For Beginners 37 DEP
CHARLIE'S MACHINE Charles J. Roslund This Month. Formatted Listings 86 * DEP
Corrections 171 DEP
EDUCATION NOTES Steve Blyn Sustain Interest In Educational Programs 56 * DEP
THE DRAGON's BYTE Bill Nolan What Does That Dungeon Look Like? 50 * DEP
GAMEMASTER'S APPRENTiCE Bob Albrecht and George Firedrake Meet Three New Friends This Month 168 DEP
PRINT #-2, Lawrence C. Folk Editor's Notes 8 DEP
Submission Guidelines 161 DEP
USING GRAPHICS Don Inman Looking At High Resolution 41 * DEP
Across The Rubicon 141 REV
Bulletin Board Software 142 REV
ccForth Larry Preble A Tutorial 148 REV
CGP-115 Printer Bill Nolan With A Listing 168 REV
CoCo Cooler 39 REV
Color Forth 148 REV
Colorpede 144 REV
Colorshow 171 REV
Craps 112 REV
DragonQuest 168 REV
Enchanted Forest 74 REV
Frog Man 173 REV
Game Writer 84 REV
Gangbusters 161 REV
Graph 16/32 75 REV
Graph Zapper 53 REV
Household Expense Manager 36 REV
Intergalactic Force 49 REV
laser Tank Duel 174 REV
LOGO David Hunt In-Depth 88 REV
JARB Memory Kit 92 REV
Micro Script James Reed In-Depth 156 REV
Rail Runner 173 REV
Reversi 173 REV
Semi-Draw 144 REV
Telewriter Disk 156 REV
Tower Castle Adventure 154 REV
Wordclone 156 REV
Worksaver 82 REV