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Lester Hands

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Home / People - Lester Hands

Dr. Lester Hands has been fascinated with electronic gadgets since he was a young boy. After he finished college, Les went to medical school and bought his first computer called the Cosmac Elf.

Eight years later, when the Color Computer was introduced, he bought one for $399. It had 4K of RAM and color. Soon after he found a music program to play on his Kim I with the CoCo and its 6809 chip. He realized he had a better thing going than the 6502.

In 1982 he wrote Musica 1.

Later Lester encountered a music program on the Commodore Amiga and became fascinated by the concept of a mouse driven music program. By then Cecil had the MIDI bug and was passing it on to Lester. According to Lester that Amiga program was the real inspirational seed for Lyra.

According to Dr. Hands, CompuServe played a key role in the development of the CoCo MIDI program. He needed someone to bounce ideas off and to do some testing for him - that person was Mike Ward (MikeyTerm). It was not until January of this year that CoCo MIDI 3 came to be.

The above from the article "Play It Again, CoCo" in the December 1989 issue of The Rainbow.

Dr. Hands is currently has a General Medicine practice in Oregon. He just recently rejoined the CoCo community and plans to help develop new software for our CoCo.