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Review: Color Meteoroids
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This page was last updated on 05/19/2019. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.
Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-11 - Review: Color Meteoroids
The second program in SPECTRAL ASSOCIATES' Space Trilogy is called COLOR METEOROIDS, and it is -- like its brothers COLOR SPACE INVADERS and SPACE WAR — a fast-action. machine language game that will bring hours of delight to devotees.
Although you need joysticks to play, you do not need Extended Color Basic. This can be a real plus for some, and it also shows just what you can do with machine language.
The game is like the arcade version. with a number of enhancements and plenty of action. Basically. you are the pilot of a ship navigating through the middle of a meteor swarm. You have to fire at the meteors. breaking them apart. They blast apart, but, then, you have to hit them again (and again!) to make them finally go away. Since there are 16 different levels of difficulty, this is a game in which the whole family can compete.
One of the things you can do with COLOR METEOROIDS that you can't do in the arcades is control the position of your gun. Here, you have full control — as well as control of the ship itself. And for the really adept, you get a bonus ship for every 10,000 points. There's also a demonstration mode for cocktail party conversation. Finally, there is an option that will allow your ship to move into hyperspace. Here, you just blip out of one location and into another. Put, you must exercise caution -- sometimes various meanies in hyperspace can destroy your ship.
The graphics of COLOR METEOROIDS are excellent and the action is fast-paced. The sound effects, despite a disclaimer from SPECTRAL. are good, as well.
That, combined with special added effects such as difficulty levels. hyperspace, and an alien space ship, make COLOR METEOROIDS ($21.95 from SPECTRIL, 141 Harvard Ave. Tacoma. WA 98466) an excellent buy.