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Color Meteoroids
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Home / Software - Color Meteoroids
(Color) Meteoroids

(Color) Meteoroids is a clone of the arcade hit Asteroids. It is a little unique in that
it requires 2 joysticks... One controls the spacship's direction itself, while the other controls the direction
of the gun on your spaceship. This game is one of the first 3rd party games put out for the Coco, and I believe that
it was eventually licensed to Radio Shack/Tandy and resold as Microbes... as it mysteriously disappeared from Spectral
Associates advertisements in 1982.
Title: (Color) Meteoroids
Author: ???
Publisher: Spectral Associates
Released: 1981 (possibly re-released as MICROBES by Radio Shack/Tandy in 1983?)
Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, tape or disk, 2 joysticks.