2024-03-02: The wiki ran out of disk space, so things were not working. This has been resolved by adding another 5GB of quota ;-) Thanks to Tim Lindner for reporting the issues. 2020-05-17: If a page gives you an error about some revision not being found, just EDIT the page and the old page should appear in the editor. If it does, just SAVE that and the page should be restored. OS-9 Al (talk) 12:22, 17 May 2020 (CDT)


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Home / Emulators - VCC

The VCC Emulator (Originally called "Bjork") is one of the most versatile Windows Based Emulators out there rivaled only by M.A.M.E. (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) which now includes what used to be M.E.S.S. (Multiple Emulator Super System). Current version (as of October 2016) is 2.01b, released on February 6, 2016.


VCC is a small (under 1 MiB) modular Color Computer 3 emulator. The installer includes all that is needed to run the program, and it can be used as a portable application without needing any modification, making possible the concept of "CoCo in a pocket".

Version 1.42 or later can emulate a CoCo 3 with 6809 or 6309 CPU (overclocking up to 89.4 MHz), 128, 512, 2048 or 8196 KiB of RAM, 2 Joysticks, 4 Floppy Disk Drives with the FD-502 controller, 1 Hard Drive with Cloud9 controller (with real time clock), MPI and Orchestra-90 CC.

It can simulate RGB and composite video output in windows or full screen.


VCC was initially created under the name of "Poco", latter changed to "Bjork" as an homage to Steve Bjork, reaching version 7.35, and finally changing to "VCC" in June 2007, resetting the version count to 1.0.

VCC Version history
1.05 Introduced support for an emulated 4th floppy disk drive
1.06 First version to use Direct Sound.
1.11 Support for 2 joysticks.
1.40 Major update/rewrite. Support for cassette.
1,41 Finally updated the Virtual Hard Disk image to Nitros9 Version 3.2.8 and added Multi-Vue Use DOS 255 To launch. Fixed problem with version check in FDRAWCMD Added Some Bit-Banger output support, It can be directed to a text file now Added IDE emulation. This will be of interest to anyone with a Super-IDE or Glenside controller You can use your PC to take a backup of a CF card and run it in VCC! (maybe)
1.42 Updated documentation Added Monitor Console for BitBanger Output.
1.43 Introduced Becker port support.
2.0 Major rewrite, source code updated to support Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community. Becker port support moved to a hard disk controller dll. Cleaned up most of the keyboard code. Renamed existing keyboard layouts to CoCo and Natural. Added keyboard layout 'Compact' (does not need number pad). Made keyboard layout tables easier to read and edit. Moved keyboard related code from config.c to keyboard sources. Changed file open dialogs so you cannot change focus back to the main window until closing the dialog. Added compile time switch to choose modal or modeless main configuration dialog

System Requirements

  • CPU: Pentium III at 500Mhz+
  • OS: Windows 95 or latter with DirectX 8 or latter.

Additionally, Windows 2000 or latter and a supported Controller chip are required for RAW disk access.

External links

Download page for the new VCC 2.x

GitHub source code page for the new version of VCC

VCC Homepage (old)