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Using the editor (Rainbow 1981-08)

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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-08 - Using the editor (Rainbow 1981-08)

If you have Extended Color Basic, you will be happy to know that there have been a few things left out of the Radio Shack documentation on using the editor. And, if you have a good know-ledge of Level II Basic, you might have felt cheated that all the editing commands in level II were not included in Extended Color.

Not to worry. They are all there, the manual just "forgets" to mention three of them. The "missing" editing commands are "A", "E" and "G". For those of you not familiar with Level I we will present a short rundown or the changes below:

  • A (Cancel and Restart):

This command moves the cursor back to the beginning of the program line and cancels the editing changes you have made.

  • E (Save Change and Exit):

This one makes the computer end the editing process and save all the edits you have made. It is much the same as hitting ENTER.

  • Q (Cancel and Exit):

When you decide you didn't really want to make those edits, "Q" is the command to use.

For "A" and "E" you cannot be in a subcommand mode. If you are. you must exit the subcommand (by hitting the up arrow and SHIFT at the same time) before they will work.


See Rainbow Magazine 1981-08 Pag 7, in [[Category: Software Utilily],,