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The RAINBOW Magazine November 1982

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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow Magazine 1982 - The RAINBOW Magazine November 1982

The RAINBOW Magazine November 1982

Name The RAINBOW Magazine November 1982
Date November 1982
Year 1982
Notes Round loin
Info Source Luis Fernández
About the Publications Info Box

From the Cover:


  • Graphics And Text Combined
  • PMODE3 In Depth
  • Australian Moire Patterns
  • Colorful Polygons

Cover illustration

Computerware's new Foxy Grof drawing program. Photo by Jim Reed. Separations by Kelly Color Service.

External Links

Video Comentary


Section Leyend
ART Articles
DEP Departments
REV Product Reviews
EDI Editor's Notes
Title Author Description Pag T/D Section
A 3-D TYPE GAME TO TRY Fred Scerbo Use 3-D glasses to give some added depth 8 TD ART
MORE MOIRE-FROM DOWNUNDER R. T. and D. Delburgo An Australian father and son provide these graphics 23 ART
REALLY COMBINE GRAPHICS AND TEXT Chris Hall This Machine Language Program does it easily 26 ART
A CAT'S HEARTBEAT Mike Speer It's time we gave equal space to the felines 32 ART
ONCE MORE WE'LL GO A-ROWING Geoff Wells Let's man the oars 33 ART
TOWERS OF HANOI Robert Kelley This game is educational, not warlike 42 ART
TECKY YES! Sue Searby Stab the alligators with your slide rule 62 ART
SHADES OF PMODE3 Allen Curtis The author fol lows up on his popular PMODE4 article 78 ART
FONEHOME Susan P. Davis Help your kid remember his or her telephone number 82 ART
TWO BY GEORGE George Ziniewicz An article and a program on this issue's graphic theme 86 ART
SEND SOMEONE A BILL Ron Garrett This short program wi ll generate statements 98 ART
CAN YOU PROTECT STARBASE ALPHA? Jim Ebbert [[A Basic space game on the "protect your cities" theme 101 ART
SECURING GRANTS FOR COCO Paul Kimmelman An educational administrator has suggestions for your school 105 ART
A SPECTACULATOR SMALL BUSINESS Jud Posner Using Spectaculator to keep track of expenses 108 ART
HOW HEALTHY ARE yOU? John Fernald A CoCo adaptation of a health self-test 124 ART
A SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Barry Becker Our "own" word processor gets spitted up 138 ART
THE EYES HAVE IT Rich Dersheimer What's a graphic issue without an eye? 142 ART
Assembly Corner Dennis Lewandowski 90 DEP
Back Issue Information 10 DEP
Charl ie's Machine Charles Roslund 46 DEP
Corrections 116 DEP
Education Notes Steve Blyn 18 DEP
The Dragon's Byte Bill Nolan 67 DEP
GameMaster's Apprentice Bob Albrecht and George Firedrake 37 DEP
Letters To RAINBOW 4 DEP
The Pipeline 76 DEP
Editor's Notes DEP
Submission Guidelines 89 EDI
Using Graphics Don Inman 12 EDI
Avenger 52 REV
Baseball 112 REV
Big Num 54 REV
CCube 116 REV
Disk ColorComjE 58 REV
Disk Scripsit 25 REV
Disk Spectaculator 25 REV
Dungeon Maze 55 REV
EI Diablero 112 REV
Escape 66 REV
Golf (Aardvark) 114 REV
Golf (Mix) 114 REV
Invader's Revenge 114 REV
Madam Rosa's Parlor 66 REV
Modem I 118 REV
Offenders 52 REV
Pac Droids 49 REV
Planet Invasion 52 REV
Protectors 52 REV
Recipe File 72 REV
Roman Checkers 55 REV
RS-232 Switcher 89 REV
SAM Saver 58 REV
Smart Modem 118 REV
Songbook 54 REV
Starfire 52 REV
Talk Processor 106 REV
3-D Brickaway 84 REV
20,000 Leagues 56 REV
Video Interface Kit 54 REV