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The MC6809 CookBook

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Home / Publications - The MC6809 CookBook

The MC6809 CookBook
The MC6809 CookBook
Title The MC6809 CookBook
Author Carl D. Warren
Pub Date 1980
Pages 177
ISBN 0-8306-9683-0 & 0-8306-1209-2 (pbk.)
Language English
Info Source Luis Fernández

Preface As a result of the profliferation of microprocessors (μP), since 1977 hardware and software designers have been able to extend their capabilities in terms of creating useful products for everyday life. Each day, new processor introductions are opening up even more exciting vistas. Unfortunately, there is a problem associated with the introduction of the newer devices: how to correctly use them for maximum benefit and efficiency. This book, like many of its type, attempts to give the engineer or technician an expert command of the fundamentals of the 6809 microprocessor (μP), and the basic skills for writing 6809 assembly language level code. In systematic fashion, it proceeds from analysis of the microprocessors design to its important electrical characteristics. It continues with discussion on matters like internal logic, comparison to the 6800, interfacing to peripherals, software architecture, addressing techniques and the instruction set. It concludes with advice on how to build or make use of existing 6809 based systems. Further enhancing

The MC6809 Cookbook's usefulness is the inclusion of a programmer's card, provided courtesy of American Microsystems Inc. (AMI).

The MC6809 Cookbook may be studied as a course, proceeding from the simple to the more complex. However, it should be more appropriate viewed as a reference source to be called upon as necessary. Therefore, I have kept the idea of a compact and concise reference work utmost in my mind while creating this book. As aresult of this goal, the diversified contents are readily identifiable to facilitate the finding of specific principles or functions associated with the 6809 μP.

The MC6809 Cookbook aims to be comprehensive without being cumbersome. It seeks in all areas to be exact, clear and succinct.

Throughout this book, μP, and μC are used to mean microprocessor and microcomputer, respectively. These are stylisticnuances used at EDN magazine, and permit brevity without being imprecise.

carl d. warren

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