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The Blacksburg Continuing Education Series
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Home / Publications - The Blacksburg Continuing Education Series
From rear cover:
The Blacksburg Group
According to Business Week magazino (Technology July 6, 1976) large scale interated circuits or LSI "chips" are creating a seond industrial revolution that will quickly Involve us all. The speed of the dovelopments in this area is breathtaking and it beomes more and more difcult to keep up with the rapid advance that are being made. It is also becming difcult for newcomers to "get on board."
It has been our objective, as The Blacksburg Group, to develop timely and efective educational motoria Is and aids that will pormit students, engineers, scientists and others to quickly loarn how to apply new technologies to their paricular needs. We are doing this through a number of means, textbooks, short courses, and through the development of educational IIhardware" or trining aids.
Our group members make their home in Blacksburg, found in the Appalachian Mountains of southwestern Virginia. While we didn't actively start our group collaboration until the Spring of 1974, members of our group have been involved in digital electronics, minicomputers and microcomputers for some time.
Some of our past experiences and on.going efors Include the following:
- The development of the Mark·B computer, an BOOS-based device that was featured in Radio· Electronics magazine In 1914, and generally recognized as the frst widely available hobby computer. We have also designed several BOBO-based computer., including the Mini·Micro Designer (MMD.l). More recently we have been working with aOB5·based computers and the TRs·ao.
- The Blacksburg Continuing Education SerlesTI covers sublects ranging from basic electronics thrugh microcomputers, operational amplifers, and active flters. Test experiments and examples have been provided In each book. We are strong believers in the use of detailed experiments and examples to reinforce basic concepts. This series originally started as our Bugbook series and many titles are now being translated into Chinese, Japanese, German and Italian.
- We have pioneered the use of small self·contained computers In hands-n courses aimed at micrcomputer users. The solderless breadboarding modules developed for use in circuit design and development make it easy for people to set up and test digital circuits and cOfputer inter· faces. Some of our technical products are marketed by Group Technology, Ltd., Check, VA 24072, USA. (703) 651·3153.
- Our short course programs have been presented throughout the world, covering digital electronle through TRS·SO computer interfacing. Programs are ofered through the Blacksburg Group and the Virginia Tech Extension Division. Each course ofers a mix of lectures and hands·on laborator sessions. Courses are presented on a regular basis in Blacksburg, and at various times to opon groups, companies, schools, and other sponsrs.
for additional information about course oferings, we encourago you to write or call Dr. Chris Titus at The Blacksburg Group, Box 242, Blacksburg, VA 24060, (703) 951·9030, or Dr. Linda Lefer at the Center for Continuing Education, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, (703) 961· 5241. Mr. David Larsen is on the faculty of the Department of Chemistr at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dr. Jonathan TItus and Dr. Christopher TItus are with The Blacksburg Group, Inc., all of Blacksburg, Virginia.
The Blacksburg Continuing EducationTM Series
The Blacksburg Continuing Education SeriesTl of books provide a Laboratory-or experiment. oriented approach to electronic lopiel. Present and forthcoming titles in this series include:
- 80sic BUlinoss Software
- Circuit Design Programs for tho TRS·BO
- DBUG: An 8080 Interpretive Debugger
- Design of Adiv! Filters, With Experimenfl
- Design of Op·Amp Circuits, With Experiments
- Design of Phosl.Locked loop Circuits, With bperiments
- Design of Transistor Circuits, With Experiment.
- Design of VMOS Circuits, With Experimenll
- 8080/8085 Software Design (2 Volumu)
- 8085A Cookbook
- 555 Timor Applications Sourcebook, With Experiments
- Guide to CMOS Basics, Circuils, & Experiments
- How to Program and Inlerface the 6800
- Microcomputer-Analog Conyerter Software and Hardware Interfacing
- Microcomputer Interfacing Wi,h the 8255 PPI Chip
- NCR Basic Eleclronics Course, With Experiments
- NCR Dala Communications Concepts
- NCR Data Procening Concepts Course
- NCR EDP Conceph Coune
- PET Interfacing
- Progromming and Interfoting the 6502, With bperimonh
- 6502 Software Design
- 6801,68701, and 6803 Microcomputer Programming and Interfacing
- 6809 Microcomputer Programming & Interfacing, With Experimonts
- TEA: An 80BO/B085 Ca·Resident Editor/ Assembler
- TRS-8O Interfacing (2 Volumes)
In most cases, these book. provide both text material and experiments, which permit one to demonstrate and explore the conceph that are covered in the book. These books remain among the very few thai provide instructions concerning how to learn basic electronic toncepts, wire actual circuits, test microcomputer interfaces, and program computers based on popular microprocessor chips. We hove found thai the book. are very useful to the electronic novice who desires to join the "electronics revolution," wilh minimum time and efforl.
Additional information about the "Blacksburg Group" is presented inside the rear cover.
Jonathan A. Titus, Christopher A. Titus, and David G. Larsen "The Blacksburg Group"
Bug Symbol trademnrk Nanotran, Inc., Blacksburg, VA 24060