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Home / CoCo Relatives - TDP-100


Name TDP-100
Year 1982
Notes gold 64K badge is aftermarket
Info Source see references
About the Info Box

The Tandy Data Products System 100, or TDP-100, was a Color Computer made by Tandy but marketed by Radio Corporation of America (RCA). The TDP-100 was notable in being marketed outside Tandy's traditional distribution channel of Radio Shack stores; instead being sold by retailers that sold RCA products. Tandy also made some otherwise-standard CoCo software and peripherals that were TDP-branded.

Tandy announced the TDP-100 in July 1982. [1]


Bob Rosen of Spectrum Projects gave the TDP-100 a favorable review in the February 1983 issue of The Rainbow and in the April 1983 issue of The Color Computer Magazine. Somewhat strangely, he called TDP "Tandy Distributor Products" instead of "Tandy Data Products". Anyway, he was clearly impressed enough with the machine to have Spectrum Projects become a TDP-100 retailer, as advertised in the November 1982 Rainbow. (Hmm several months before writing his reviews, which did not mention him selling the product. CoCo fans can most likely forgive the apparent conflict of interest from such a stalwart supporter of the platform.)

In May 1983, John Steiner, in Issue 60 of Micro (formerly Micro 6502 Journal), warned users of early-model TDPs: "There is no buffering between the processor and ROM slot, nor is there any between the controller input and ROM. A failure of either unit can easily damage both. As a precaution, be sure the power is off several seconds before reinstalling a card in the slot." [2]

In September 1983, Steiner, in Issue 64 of Micro, passed along an important tip from Ron Krebs of Mark Data Products. It provides specifics (including part names and numbers) to fix a problem with high-resolution color graphics in early-model TDP-100s. [3].

Official TDP-Branded Accessories and Software

This is just a list of specifically TDP-branded products. Obviously, the TDP-100 was not limited to only being able to use these products; since it could (with extremely rare exceptions) use any CoCo 1/2 program or accessory, regardless of whether that CoCo product was an official TDP-branded product, or a Tandy / Radio Shack-branded product, or from a third party. Similarly, any CoCo could use any TDP-branded product.
TDP used "Stock Numbers" rather than Radio Shack Catalog Numbers.
All TDP-branded programs could run on the base model 16K TDP-100, with no Extended BASIC ROM necessary.
All these products had Radio Shack equivalents. When no "Radio Shack" equivalent name is given, the Radio Shack version's name was the same as the TDP version's.
All TDP-branded programs were Program Paks, except Learning Lab, which was on tape.

Stock No. Product Name Radio Shack Equivalent RS Cat # Nov. 82 Price Notes
10-1100 Color Graphics Printer I CGP-115 26-1192 249.95 Really a plotter, not a printer. Used 4½" wide roll paper
10-1101 Plotter Pens for 10-1100 Black x3 26-1480 2.95
10-1102 4⅞" Paper Roll for 10-1100 x3 26-1428 4.95
10-1103 Plotter Pens for 10-1100 1 red 1 blue 1 green 26-1481 2.95
10-1130 Line Printer I DMP-100 26-1253 399.00
10-1131 9½" Paper for 10-1130 (500 sheets) 26-1423 7.95
10-1132 Ribbon for 10-1130 26-1424 8.95
10-1150 Mini-Disk Drive Color Computer Mini Disk Drive #0 26-3022 599.00 "Mini" = 5¼"; comparison was to 8" floppies
10-1151 5¼" Diskette 26-0305 3.95
10-1200 "Black Beauty" Joystick (x2?) 26-3008 12.95
10-1210 Computer Dust Cover Color Computer Dust Cover 26-3006 4.95
10-1250 Computer Cassette Recorder CCR-81 26-1208 59.95
10-1251 Computer Cassette Tape (CT-10) C-10 26-0302 1.79
10-1252 Computer Cassette Tape (CT-20) C-20 26-0301 3.69
10-1270 Serial Cable 4-pin DIN to 4-pin DIN 26-3020 4.95
10-1290 Modem I Direct Connect Modem I 26-1172 149.00
10-1300 Bustout 26-3056 29.95 Clone of Breakout; called Super Bustout inside the manual
10-1301 Space Assault 26-3060 29.95 Clone of Space Invaders
10-1302 Project Nebula 26-3063 39.95
10-1303 Polaris 26-3065 29.95 Clone / derivative of Missile Command
10-1304 Micro Painter 26-3077 39.95 Coloring book app. Radio Shack sold more pictures on tape
10-1305 Microbes 26-3085 29.95 Clone / derivative of Asteroids
10-1306 Shooting Gallery 26-3088 29.95
10-1307 Personal Finance 26-3106 39.95
10-1308 Color File 26-3103 29.95 Database, saves files to tape
10-1309 Spectaculator 26-3104 39.95 Spreadsheet, saves files to tape
10-1310 Color Scripsit 26-3105 39.95 Word processor, saves files to tape
10-1311 Learning Lab Color Computer Learning Lab 26-3153 39.95
10-1312 Videotex 26-2222 29.95 Telecommunications app
10-1313 Chess 26-3050 39.95

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