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This page was last updated on 10/1/2024. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / Software - Shanghai

Year 1987
Publisher Activision, Tadndy
Author Rick Adams
Media Program Pak
Requires Joystick, CoCo 3
Optional 256K, Disk for OS-9 Version

Shanghai is a strategy game that has appeared on many platforms, and quite a few Japanese arcade games. It is based on the Oriental tile game Mah Jong, and is very addictive. New versions for current mainstream platforms are still being made today. The object of the game is two pull off matching tiles until the entire screen is emptied. You can only pull off from the left or the right, and only if the tile is not blocked in on those two sides.

The original cartridge version was later ported to OS-9 by Bill Nobel. A little later after that, Alan Dekok did some further modifications to the OS-9 version, allowing for different tile sets.

One interesting bit of trivia from the original cartridge game: there is a hidden, third color set (besides the labelled RGB and Composite), which is a yellow shadow based color set. You have to select it from the main game screen, and it is in the upper left 1/4 of the screen.. in only ONE spot. See if you can find it, if you have the cartridge version!

External Links




Shanghai (Box)
Shanghai (Back Box)


Shanghai (cartridge) intro screen
Shanghai (cartridge) intro screen
Shanghai (OS-9) alternate tile game screen
Shanghai (OS-9) alternate tile game screen