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Screen monitor
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This page was last updated on 09/25/2020. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.
Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-10 - Screen monitor
Al Morgan of Pittsfield, MA, contributes this program which he characterizes as a screen printer and which we feel is really something more than that.
It is more like a screen monitor, because everything which appears on the screen will be dumped to the printer a line at a time as it is appearing on the screen. This makes it go pretty fast and, frankly, is an excellent utility. One of the reasons for the speed, of course, is that it is in machine language, which is poked into memory by the basic program listed below. Once it’s there, it will print everything out.
This program has a countless variety of uses. One which we have used a great deal is to debug -- so that results are listed on the printer. Also, changes you might wish to make in the program through the edit commands are easily discernable from the printout (although AI's program does not print the editing commands themselves.
You have an added bonus in that with this screen monitor you can get a complete listing of the programs you have stored on tape! Just go to the command mode and instruct the COLOR Computer to SKIPF "X". The result will be a printout of all program names. Now that's handy.
The Listing:
5 CLS 10 FOR X=1 TO 15 20 READ A 30 POKE 1007+X,A 40 NEXT 50 POKE 359,126 60 POKE 360,3 70 POKE 361,240 80 DATA 52,22,198,254,215,111 90 DATA 190,160,2,173,3,15 100 DATA 111,53,150
Oh, Al cautions that if you wish to list, it must be done prior to running this program.
See this article as it appeared in the magazine, in