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Review: Cprint (Rainbow 1981-12)
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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-12 - Review: Cprint (Rainbow 1981-12)
If you want things formatted to your printer simply and easily --things like line length, page length and skip-over perforation -- then CPRINT from Micro-Labs, Inc., is probably for you.
CPRINT is a ROM Pack which plugs into the Cart slot on the side of your Color Computer and allows you to control many of the functions you could not control before (without complicated line counting software that you had to write yourself).
Even more important, CPRINT holds on to control even during the LLIST command, which means you can have format control for your line listings. We hope all you readers of the RAINBOW appreciate that, since we try to format our listings to the 32-character screen to make it easier for you to enter programs. CPRINT makes this possible.
CPRINT (available for $49.95 from Micro-Labs, Inc., 902 Pinecrest, Richardson, TX, 75080) also converts your serial output to parallel, which means -- especially in the case of the LP VII — the throughput is faster because you are not tied to the 600 BAUD rate. It can also be used with other printers which use a parallel interface.
It comes in an attractive plastic cover. And, because it plugs into the ROM Cart port, you still have your serial port free for, say, a modem which could -- with a little software -- give real-time printout of VIDEOTEX, especially with the CPRINT Screen Print function (another plus!).
Of course, using the ROM Cart port can be a disadvantage for those who must dedicate this port to a disc drive system. We've spoken to Micro-Labs and they are considering a solution to this problem.
Since the CPRINT operation is in ROM, there is no overhead and for those who need some forms control, this is an extremely worthwhile purchase, especially if no disc system is involved.
See this article as it appeared in the Rainbow Magazine 1981-12 Pag 11, in