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Review: Color Space Invaders

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This page was last updated on 05/3/2019. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-10 - Review: Color Space Invaders

The word, of course, is that the one thing the Color Computer can do especially well is generate graphics on the screen. And, while most of us know that, there is hard proof of this by simply marveling at Color Space Invaders from SPECTRAL ASSOCIATES.

This version of the ever-popular game ($21.95 from SPECTRAL, 141 Harvard Ave., Tacoma, WA, 98466) is a machine language version that is even better than the arcade game!

In short, it has everything the arcade game does, plus a little extra. That really makes it well worth the cost.

We have a Video Arcade here, and the "official" Atari cartridge for Space Invaders. Frankly, that game does not compare to this offering from SPECTRAL.

Color Space Invaders provide six rows of eight nasties each for your shooting fun. There is also the mystery mother ship at irregular intervals and the usual fortifications to hide behind. You get four bases per game and there is a very good on-screen scorekeeper.

What makes Color Space Invaders so special is the additional things. First of all, you can shoot down the incoming bombs -- something not always available on other programs.

Then, in addition to on-screen scoring, the program keeps track of the four highest scorers per session. The scorekeeping function also notes the level of difficulty (and there are 16!) each player used.

But that's not all. In addition, there is a shield, which protects you against falling bombs. You can control the shield — but it loses energy right after a bomb hit’s


See this article as it appeared in the magazine, in