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Review: Animated Hangman (Rainbow 1981-12)

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This page was last updated on 05/19/2019. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-12 - Review: Animated Hangman (Rainbow 1981-12)

There bust be a hundred "Hangman" games on the market, but ANTIMATED HANGMAN from Soft Sector Marketing is (1) About the best we've seen and, (2) Was written to use all the excellent functions of the Color Computer.

You can have hours of enjoyable fun by sending $14.95 to Soft Sector (6250 Middlebelt, Garden City, MI, 48135). The whole thing is in color and it will run on a non-extended Color Computer.

The words are variable length, some easy and others difficult. While the missed guesses built the scaffold for the poor hangman, he makes noises, moves his head about and lifts his arms in frustration. When you miss a guess, you get a not-so-complementary response. When you guess right, there's praise.

We Bust say it is almost worth it to lose. Poor hangman falls through the scaffold trap door, and comes out with a pitful sound. It really is a game that can be played for quite some time.

Because it's written in BASIC, you can change the word list to your liking. That's helpful for teaching the kids spelling wards and so on.

We suppose no hangman game is very deep, but Soft Sector's ANTIMATED HANGMAN is a real good game and it has enough sound and graphic action to keep on amusing the player for quite some time.


See this article as it appeared in the Rainbow Magazine 1981-12 Pag 19, in