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Rainbow emphasizes printer uses
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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-10 - Rainbow emphasizes printer uses
This month's issue of the RAINBOW emphasizes printer functions and how your printer can interface with BBS' and CompuServe.
If you don't have a printer, we think there are some advantages to these articles, anyway. And, once you do get a printer (it's the first piece of hardware most users obtain), you'll have these on hand to make use of them right away.
This issue also features another game program from JARB Software and a Gin-scoring program. There are other tidbits here and there, as well as a number of software reviews. We also hope you like our new typeface --which we believe will make the RAINBOW a little easier to read.
Next month we will feature a takeout on GET/PUT, a way to download programs from BBS' and CompuServe and, if all goes well, a program to amaze your friends and keep instant statistics on basketball games.
Incidentally, future plans call for special issues on graphics, adventure games and on home and office business uses.
We are pleased to report that we're growing rapidly! In fact, the RAINBOW is now an international publication. We received our first subscription from Canada a week ago. While we're certainly not in the class of the big publications yet, we do offer much more information on the COLOR Computer than any of them (or all of them combined).
We're also proud of the acceptance by a number of computer stores which carry the RAINBOW on a single-issue basis. And, we're really pleased that so many of you have written in with comments, good wishes and programs.
We'll say what we said in our inaugural issue: We intend to be an independent publication that will be THE source of information about the COLOR Computer. We will tell you when review software is good, and we'll tell you when it is bad. And we'll always be open to suggestions, questions and to provide any assistance we can.
And now, to the RAINBOW...
See this article as it appeared in the magazine, in