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Home / Datasheets - Datasheets

Core Components

Components in this table are key components used in the Color Computer and for the most part are family members within Motorola's product line to build 6800/6809/68000 microcomputers.

Part # Manufacturer Description DataSheet
MC6809E Motorola The Central Processing Unit (CPU) used in the Coco 1,2 and 3 pdf
MC6821/MC6822 Motorola Peripheral Interface Adapter. Two are used in the Coco to interface the 6809 to IO functions. pdf
MC6847 Motorola Video Display Generator used to generate text on the Coco 1 and 2 pdf
MC6883 Motorola Synchronous Address Multiplexer (SAM) used on the Coco 1 and 2, Also known as SN74LS783. This chip interfaces the system memory with the CPU and VDG. pdf
MCM68A364 Motorola Basic and Extended BASIC ROM chips. These Read-Only Memories (ROMs) are programmed in the factory with the Basic interpreter developed by Microsoft and Microware. pdf
GIME Tandy Graphics Interrupt Memory Enhancement chip. This custom chip provides most of the "personality" of the Coco 3, including the hi-res graphics modes, ability to access more than 64k and the ability to connect to an RGB monitor.
WD1793 Western Digital Floppy disk controller chip. The main component in the floppy disk controller pak, this chip provides functions to control floppy disk drives.

Additional Components

The following non-core components were used in the Coco models. They are off-the-shelf parts typically used to provide support and minor logic functions on the board. Many of these components will be familiar to electronics experimenters, and are available from several manufacturers.

Part # Manufacturer Description DataSheet
MC14050B Motorola Latch link
74LS273 Octal Flip-Flop link
MC14529B Motorola Dual 4-channel data selector. Used to switch joystick and audio inputs. link
74LS138 1-of-8 Decoder/Demultiplexer. link
MC1372 Motorola Color video modulator. Used in the RF modulator circuit to connect the Coco to a TV. link
723C Common, off-the shelf 5v voltage regulator. link
LM339 Quad Comparator link
741C Standard [Op-Amp] chip. link
74LS244 Octal 3-state buffer/line driver. link
78M12 Common, off-the-shelf 12v regulator. link
74LS02 Quad NOR gate link
MCM4027AC3 Motorola 4k RAM chips. Used in Coco 1 only. link
MCM90072C Motorola 16k RAM chips. link

Add-on Components

Part # Manufacturer Description DataSheet
6551 Various Asynchronus Communications Interface Adapter. Used in expansion paks like the Deluxe RS232 Pak and the Direct Connect Modem Pak link