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Machine tape finder/saver
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This page was last updated on 05/19/2019. Total Pages: 744. Total Files: 994.
Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-12 - Machine tape finder/saver
The short, simple program listed below will allow you to copy machine language programs onto a cassette tape.
10 REM *** FINDER *** 20 CLS 30 PRINT "PROGRAM:" 40 FOR X=474 TO 481 50 Y=PEEK(X):IF Y=32 THEN Y=143 60 POKE X+559,Y 70 NEXT X 80 A=PEEK(487)*256+PEEK(488) 90 I=PEEK(126)*256+PEEK(127)-1 100 C=PEEK(157)*256+PEEK(158) 110 PRINT" DECIMAL"," HEX" 120 PRINT" ------"," ---" 130 PRINT"START: "A," "HEX$(A) 140 PRINT" END: "B," "HEX$(B) 150 PRINT"ENTRY: "C," "HEX$(C) 160 PRINT:INPUT "HOW MANY COPIES OF THIS PROGRAM DO YOU WISH TO MAKE";N 170 IF N=0 THEN END 180 PRINT:INPUT "WAT IS THE TITLE YOU WISH TO USE FOR THIS PROGRAM";A$ 190 A$=LEFTS(AS,8) 200 FOR X=1 TO N 210 CSAVEM A$,A,B,C 220 PRINT@416,"COPY"X"COMPLETE" 230 MOTOR ON 240 FOR Y=l TO 1000:NEXT Y 250 MOTOR OFF 260 NEXT X 270 END
See this article as it appeared in the Rainbow Magazine 1981-12 Pag 12, in