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Helicopter battleground for you
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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-10 - Helicopter battleground for you
If you enjoyed fighting around the LASER STAR last month, JARB SOFTWARE offers another sample goodie for your joysticking pleasure this month as well.
This is HELO BATTLE, which pits you against a fortified castle that shoots antiaircraft rounds at your helicopter.
To play, you have to fly your chopper to avoid the incoming fire while, at the same time, aiming and firing your gun.
The right joystick controls the copter's flight and the left the chopper's gun. Obviously, there is some eye-hand coordination necessary here! At the end of the game, your friendly COLOR Computer will let you know who won the encounter -- and will give you the option of playing again.
You can purchase HELD BATTLE on a tape with LASER STAR by sending $14.95 to JARB SOFTWARE, 1169 Florida St., Imperial Beach, CA, 92032. Please add $1 for postage and handling. out for the sneaky little guy!
Helicopter Battle in game
Helicopter Battle in game
The Listing:
1 '************************** 2 '* HELO-BATTLE * 3 '* by * 4 '* JARB SOFTWARE * 5 '* (c) JARB SOFTWARE 1981 * 6 '************************** 10 CLS:PRINT@192,TAB(10)"HELO BATTLE":PRINTTAB(15)"BY":PRINTTAB(9)"JARB SOFTWARE":FORI=1TO5:PLAY"O"+STR$(I)+"V30T16L4EP8EP8EP8L1AP8EP2L4BGGEADEADDDP4":NEXTI 15 CLEAR200 20 DIMA (30, 30) 25 ALLIES=ALLIES+OS:AXIS=AXIS+TS:OS=0:TS=0 30 IF ALLIES>=200 THEN 225 35 IF AXIS>=200 THEN 225 40 S$="V30T100L64O1DD" 45 PMODE4,1:PCLS:SCREEN 1,1:A=128:B=24:A1=128:B1=96 50 T1=RND(195)+30:T2=T1 55 A$="BU20L10D10L1DE10BG10G4D4F4R20BU22R2U2L2U4R2U2L60R122L60D2R2D4L2D2R10F8R60E8BD4H10BF10F10BH10G10BE10E10BG10BU4R4D10L72G12L10BR5D5R20BL20L15U5BD5L20H5" 60 B$="BL25U20R5D5BD3D4R5U4L5BU3R5U5R5D10R20U10R5D5BD3D4R5U4L5BU3R5U5R5D20" 65 DRAW"S1BM128,28"+A$ 70 GET(102,16)-(158,33),A,G 75 PCLS 80 DRAW"S3;BM"+STR$(T1)+",191"+B$:PAINT(T1,191) 85 HEIGHT=RND(191) 90 PUT(A-26,B-14)-(A+30,B+7), A,PSET 95 IF HEIGHT<=19 THEN 85 100 IF HEIGHT>=170 THEN 85 105 DRIFT=RND(32)-16 110 ES=ES+1:SOUND1,1:FORI=1TO3:CIRCLE(T1,176),I,1:NEXTI:FORI=1TO3:CIRCLE(T1,176),I,0:NEXTI 115 FOR FLAK=176 TO HEIGHT STEP-10:T1=T1+DRIFT:A1=JOYSTK(2)*4:A=A+INT(JOYSTK(0)/6.3)-5:B=B+INT(JOYSTK(1)/6.3)-5:PSET(T1,FLAK,1) 120 IFPPOINT(T2,189)=0 THEN 205 125 IFA<=28 THEN A=28 130 IFT1<=20 THEN 175 135 IFT1>=235 THEN 175 140 IFA>=225 THEN A=225 145 IFB<=24 THEN B=24 150 IFB>=171 THEN B=171 155 IFB=171 THEN 210 160 PUT(A-26,B-14)-(A+30,B+7),A,PSET:PLAYS$:IFPEEK(65280)=125ORPEEK(65280)=253GOTO195 165 PRESET(T1,FLAK) 170 NEXT FLAK 175 PLAY"O1V30T32L32BBB":FORI=1TO10:CIRCLE(T1,FLAK),I,1:NEXTI 180 E1=PPOINT(A-15,B):F1=PPOINT(A-17,B):E2=PPOINT(A+25,B):F2=PPOINT(A+23,B): E3=PPOINT(A,B-15):F3=PPOINT(A,B-13):E4=PPOINT(A,B+8):F4=PPOINT(A,B+10) 185 IF E1<>0 AND F1<>0 OR E2<>0 AND F2<>0 OR E3<>0 AND F3<>0 OR E4<>0 AND F4<>0 THEN 200 190 FORI=1TO10:CIRCLE(T1,FLAK),I,0:NEXTI:T1=T2:GOTO85 195 SF=SF+1:LINE(A,B-3)-(A1,191),PSET:CIRCLE(A1,191),2:PLAY"O1V30Tl00L64DF2DP2DP2DP2DP2D":LINE(A,B-3)-(A1,191),PRESET: FORI=1TO2:CIRCLE(A1,191),I,0:NEXTI:GOTO165 200 TS=10:FORI=1TO40STEP2:Z1=RND(255):Z2=RND(191):LINE(A,B-7)-(Z1,Z2),PSET:CIRCLE(Z1,Z2),2:CIRCLE(A,B-7),I/2: PLAY"OlV30T100L100DDV10DD":NEXTI:GOTO25 205 OS=10:FORI=lTO40:CIRCLE(T2,191),I,1,1.5,.5,0: PLAY"01V30T100DV20DV10D":NEXTI:GOTO25 210 T3=RND(255):DRAW"S4;BM"+STR$(T3)+",191E3F3BH3U4L1U1R2D1L1D2L3BR3R3":PLAY"O4T32V30L8AEP1DFGBP1AAEDCP1FP1FP1BP1BP1D1DP1DF1DP1":FORI=1TO100:NEXTI:LINE(T3,185)-(A,B-7),PSET:PLAY"O1V30T100L64DP2DP2DP2DP2DP2DP2DP2DP2DP2":LINE(T3,185)-(A,B-7),PSET 225 SCREEN0,1:CLS:FORI=1TO10:CLSRND(8):SOUNDI*10,I:NEXTI 230 CLS0:PRINT@64,STRING$(10,128);:PRINT"FINAL SCORES ",:PRINTSTRING$(8,128); 235 PRINT@192,TAB(10)"YOUR SCORE=";ALLIES*5:PRINTTAB(10)"TOTAL SHOTS=";SF 240 PRINTSTRING$(32,126); 245 PRINTTAB(10)"ENEMY SCORE=";AXIS*5:PRINTTAB(10)"TOTAL SHOTS=";ES 250 PRINTSTRING$(32,128); 255 IF ALLIES>AXIS THEN 275 260 IF ALLIES<AXIS THEN 280 265 IF ALLIES=AXIS THEN 285 270 GOTO235 275 PRINT" YOU HAYE WON THIS BATTLE":GOTO290 280 PRINT" THE ENEMY HAS WON THIS BATTLE":GOTO290 285 PRINT" THIS BATTLE IS DECLARED A TIE":GOTO290 290 PRINTSTRING$(32,128);:PRINT"DO YOU WISH TO PLAY AGAIN (Y/N)?"; 295 PA$=INKEY$:IFPA$=""THEN295 300 IFPA$<>"Y"THENEND 305 GOTO15
Note: Line 195, source error, change "169" to "191" in "FORI=1TO2:CIRCLE(A1,191),I,0:"
- See this article as it appeared in the magazine, in
- Virtual disk with programs from Rainbow magazine 10-1981: File:Rainbow 1981-10.dsk