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GEnie Tandy Programming and High-res Graphics

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Home / Internet Resources / GEnie - GEnie Tandy Programming and High-res Graphics

GEnie                         Page 636
        Tandy Software Library        
       Library: Color Computer        

 1. Description of this Library
 2. Directory of files
 3. Search File Directory
 4. Browse through files
 5. Upload a new file
 6. Download a file
 7. Delete a file you own
 8. Set Software Library
 9. Save Current Software Library
10. Instructions for Software Exchange

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GEnie                         Page 637
      Set Tandy Software Library      
       Library: Color Computer        

 1. Models 100, 200, and 600
 2. Color Computer
 3. Models I & III
 4. Model 4 Family
 5. Model II,12,16, & 6000
 6. Xenix & Unix
 7. Tandy 1000/1000HD/1200
 8. Tandy 2000/2000HD
 9. OS-9
10. Languages & Programming
11. RoundTable Files
12. Hi-Res Graphics

13. ALL Libraries

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GEnie                         Page 636
        Tandy Software Library        
   Library: Languages & Programming   

 1. Description of this Library
 2. Directory of files
 3. Search File Directory
 4. Browse through files
 5. Upload a new file
 6. Download a file
 7. Delete a file you own
 8. Set Software Library
 9. Save Current Software Library
10. Instructions for Software Exchange

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Library: 10 - Languages & Programming
  No. File Name             Type Address      YYMMDD Bytes   Access Lib
----- ------------------------ - ------------ ------ ------- ------ ---

 1269 UTILITY/PCL              X R.CARR       870317   15120     40  10
      Desc:      General PASCAL proceedures.
End of Directory.

GEnie                         Page 636
        Tandy Software Library        
   Library: Languages & Programming   

 1. Description of this Library
 2. Directory of files
 3. Search File Directory
 4. Browse through files
 5. Upload a new file
 6. Download a file
 7. Delete a file you own
 8. Set Software Library
 9. Save Current Software Library
10. Instructions for Software Exchange

Enter #, <P>revious, or <H>elp?8

GEnie                         Page 637
      Set Tandy Software Library      
   Library: Languages & Programming   

 1. Models 100, 200, and 600
 2. Color Computer
 3. Models I & III
 4. Model 4 Family
 5. Model II,12,16, & 6000
 6. Xenix & Unix
 7. Tandy 1000/1000HD/1200
 8. Tandy 2000/2000HD
 9. OS-9
10. Languages & Programming
11. RoundTable Files
12. Hi-Res Graphics

13. ALL Libraries

Enter #, <P>revious, or <H>elp?12

GEnie                         Page 636
        Tandy Software Library        
       Library: Hi-Res Graphics       

 1. Description of this Library
 2. Directory of files
 3. Search File Directory
 4. Browse through files
 5. Upload a new file
 6. Download a file
 7. Delete a file you own
 8. Set Software Library
 9. Save Current Software Library
10. Instructions for Software Exchange

Enter #, <P>revious, or <H>elp?2

Library: 12 - Hi-Res Graphics
  No. File Name             Type Address      YYMMDD Bytes   Access Lib
----- ------------------------ - ------------ ------ ------- ------ ---

 2607 DRUIDESS/ARC (44K)       X TIMSEWELL    880429   45360      2  12
      Desc: MacPaint Picture
 2600 TIM/ARC (16K)            X TIMSEWELL    880428   15120      8  12
      Desc: MacPaint picture of TIMSEWELL.
 2599 TRSSTORM/ARC (32K)       X TIMSEWELL    880428   30240      7  12
      Desc: Hurricane Tracking Program.
 2598 GINGER/ARC (24K)         X TIMSEWELL    880428   23940      4  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude
 2597 CRYSTAL/ARC (28K)        X TIMSEWELL    880428   27720      4  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude
 2596 BECKY/ARC (28K)          X TIMSEWELL    880428   28980      4  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude.
 2592 WHATZIS/ARC (52K)        X TIMSEWELL    880427   54180      5  12
      Desc: Collection of unknown programs.
 2582 LADIES4/ARC              X DLBRYANT     880424  107100      5  12
      Desc: Four more MacPaint pics - R-rated an
 2581 DRAWFILL/ARC (12K)       X TIMSEWELL    880422   10080     10  12
      Desc: All of the FILL patterns available.
 2563 STEADMAN/ARC (12K)       X TIMSEWELL    880414   11340     10  12
      Desc: A "different" view of Ms. Liberty
 2562 FROG/ARC (8K)            X TIMSEWELL    880414    6300      5  12
      Desc: Frog proverb in /HR format.
 2557 COCOSCAN/MAC             X B.BRADY      880412   34020      6  12
      Desc: Thunderscan of a COCO.
 2556 GORILLA/MAC              X B.BRADY      880412   10080      7  12
      Desc: Computer Gorilla MacPaint
 2552 HIRES4/CMD               X R.DALEY      880409    2520      7  12
      Desc: Screen dump for Hi-Res graphics
 2515 DRAW/ARC                 X S.MCBURNEY   880318   17640     20  12
      Desc: New version of DRAW/BAS
 2506 RLEPRINT/ARC             X M.GUSTITIS   880315    8820     17  12
      Desc: Print /RLE files on RS DMP printer
 2505 RRATE4/ARC               X M.GUSTITIS   880315   57960     30  12
      Desc: More MACPAINT cuties r-rated
 2449 MADONNA/RLE (8K)         X TIMSEWELL    880306    7560     26  12
      Desc: Madonna's Face.
 2448 HISTOG/HRG (12K)         X TIMSEWELL    880306   10080      9  12
      Desc: High Rez Histogram Generator.
 2428 ATAR2BIN/BAS (4K)        X TIMSEWELL    880229    1260      8  12
      Desc: Corrects Atari RLE Binary files.
 2427 MACFIX/BAS (4K)          X TIMSEWELL    880229    1260     27  12
      Desc: Correct MacPaint files.
 2425 RLEGEN3/CMD (4K)         X TIMSEWELL    880228    1260      7  12
      Desc: Model 3 RLE generator.
 2424 MISSJULY/ARC (28K)       X TIMSEWELL    880228   26460     62  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude.
 2423 NADYA/ARC (32K)          X TIMSEWELL    880228   31500     41  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude.
 2422 TONIA/ARC (24K)          X TIMSEWELL    880228   22680     34  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude.
 2421 EXPOSE/ARC (16K)         X TIMSEWELL    880228   15120     30  12
      Desc: MacPaint Cartoon.
 2420 FEBRUARY/ARC (32K)       X TIMSEWELL    880228   31500     32  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude.
 2404 TEXSPEED/ARC             X GEORGE.M     880223    2520      4  12
      Desc: Speed up the TrsText mod for TrsDraw
 2403 TRSTEXT/ARC              X GEORGE.M     880223    5040     12  12
      Desc: DotWriter fonts on RS/HiRes screen!
 2402 RLEGEN4/ARC (12K)        X TIMSEWELL    880221   12600     22  12
      Desc: RLE file generator.
 2391 DICK/ARC (16K)           X TIMSEWELL    880219   11340     28  12
      Desc: Don't Drink and Drive!
 2387 RRATE3/ARC   (MACPAINT)  X M.GUSTITIS   880216   63000     18  12
      Desc: More cuties from the world of MAC
 2380 ROBIN2/ARC (36K)         X TIMSEWELL    880214   37800     22  12
      Desc: The second in this great series.
 2292 RRATE2/ARC (MACPAINT)    X M.GUSTITIS   880209   74340     28  12
      Desc: More MacPaint nudes.
 2285 DOUBLEDRAW/DOC           X GEORGE.M     880207    3780     12  12
      Desc: Use TRSDRAW & PRODRAW simultanously!
 2255 FONT/ARC                 X GEORGE.M     880202    5040     22  12
      Desc: DotWriter fonts on-screen for RS-HR!
 2251 DRAW/ARC (24K)           X S.MCBURNEY   880131   25200     20  12
      Desc: High Res Drawing w/ Dotwriter fonts
 2246 PAULINA3/ARC             X D.HAWN       880128   36540     31  12
      Desc: Paulina Poriskova #3.
 2245 PAULINA2/ARC             X D.HAWN       880128   23940     24  12
      Desc: Paulina Poriskova #2.
 2244 PAULINA/ARC              X D.HAWN       880128   20160     23  12
      Desc: Paulina Poriskova #1.
 2242 MACTRASH/RLE             X GEORGE.M     880126    3780     25  12
      Desc: Trashing the Mac!
 2241 HRCHAR/ARC               X GEORGE.M     880126    7560     19  12
      Desc: Fonts for TRSDRAW
 2223 ROBIN1/ARC (40K)         X TIMSEWELL    880116   40320     68  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude.
 2204 CONCENT/CMD              X DLBRYANT     880102   25200     19  12
      Desc: Compiled Concentration Game.
 2192 AMY/ARC (28K)            X TIMSEWELL    871229   30240     62  12
      Desc: MacPaint Nude.
 2191 RLEPICS5/ARC (44K)       X TIMSEWELL    871229   45360     20  12
      Desc: 16 More RLE Picture files.
 2190 TILEDIT/GRA (4K)         X TIMSEWELL    871228    3780     22  12
      Desc: High Rez pattern developer/editor.
 2189 LAUNCH/GRA (20K)         X TIMSEWELL    871228   21420     64  12
      Desc: Space Shuttle Launch Simulation.
 2188 HRDUMP/ARC (4K)          X TIMSEWELL    871228    2520      9  12
      Desc: High Rez Memory Save/Load.
 2187 OVERLA/ARC (4K)          X TIMSEWELL    871228    2520     14  12
      Desc: Graphic/Text combine demo.
 2186 STOCKS/ARC (16K)         X TIMSEWELL    871228 �
GEnie                         Page 636