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GEnie OSK Files Browse Listing
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Home / Internet Resources / GEnie - GEnie OSK Files Browse Listing
Library: 10 - OSK Files and Utilities ********************************* Number: 7054 Name: JPEGSHOW_2.0.LZH Address: J.MORRIS68 Date: 950330 Approximate # of bytes: 99200 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: Jpegshow Ver.2.0 for viewing Jpeg files under OSK. (This is for the MM/1 computer from Blackhawk Enterprises) Keywords: JPEG,VIEWER,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: JPEGSHOW_2.0.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6051 Name: MM_ONE.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930619 Approximate # of bytes: 5376 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: MM_One is a graphical MM/1 logo meant to be run from your 'startup' file. It makes rebooting look a little more professional <g>. The graphical logo and background looks very attractive and the fade-in effect should "wow" your friends... no matter what system they run! ;) And, since the archive is a mere 5k, there's no reason every MM/1 owner shouldn't have this program! Docs included in the archive. Written by Joel Mathew Hegberg, released to the public via Sub-Etha Software! Freely distributable. Keywords: mm/1,mm_one,graphical,logo,system,startup,reboot,bootup,reset,j.hegberg,joelhegb --------------------------------- File: MM_ONE.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6046 Name: MM1FONTS.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930608 Approximate # of bytes: 36608 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: This is an archive of 35 K-Windows fonts, converted from OS-9 Level II on the Color Computer 3. There are some great fonts in here for those of you running K-Windows (such as MM/1 computer owners). Also, if you are not running K-Windows but have a 24-pin Epson-compatible printer, see the "ulpfont" upload, which will let you upload K-Windows fonts to your Epson printer for your documents! Converted to K-Windows format (plus extra-characters added) by Joel Mathew Hegberg. Publicly released by Sub-Etha Software! Keywords: k-windows,kwindows,fonts,mm/1,mm1,ulpfont,j.hegberg,35,sub-etha,software,42 --------------------------------- File: MM1FONTS.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6045 Name: ULPFONT.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930608 Approximate # of bytes: 2432 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: This program will upload your favorite K-Windows fonts to your Epson- compatible 24-pin printer. You need not be running K-Windows to use this program, but you need to have some K-Windows font files on disk. Now you can print out your documents using all the great fonts you're used to on-screen! If you need some K-Windows font files, see the archive of 35 K-Windows fonts also available in this database! UlpFont was written by Joel Mathew Hegberg and released to the public by Sub-Etha Software! Keywords: ulpfont,epson,24-pin,k-windows,kwindows,fonts,j.hegberg,sub-etha,42,osk,mm1 --------------------------------- File: ULPFONT.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6044 Name: STRMAN.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930608 Approximate # of bytes: 16640 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: StrMan is a graphical front-end for the Strack program, which plays Amiga MOD files on the MM/1 personal computer from IMS. This program will make listening to your MOD musical file collection much more enjoyable. StrMan was written by Joel Mathew Hegberg and released to the public courtest of Sub-Etha Software. Must be used in conjuction with the STRACK program, written by Russ Magee. Keywords: strman,strack,mod,amiga,music,sound,player,graphical,front-end,j.hegberg,sub-eth --------------------------------- File: STRMAN.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6043 Name: STRACK.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930608 Approximate # of bytes: 2048 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: Finally, Amiga MOD music files are now playable in stereo on the MM/1 personal computer from IMS! MOD files are fantastic and readily available in mass quantities in the Amiga and PC sound areas! Use with Joel Mathew Hegberg's "StrMan" program for a full-featured player. Written by Russ Magee. Keywords: mod,music,sound,player,j.hegberg,mm/1,ims,russ,magee,strack --------------------------------- File: STRACK.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6034 Name: LHA.BIN Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930507 Approximate # of bytes: 63744 Number of Accesses: 9 Library: 10 Description: LHa is an updated version of LHarc (also available in this area), which handles some additional compression algorithms which the older LHarc could not. This lets you get into all those .lzh archived files which are popping up all over the place! The compression ratios for this program are astounding! The wr_demo.lzh program I uploaded here was originally 120k, but went down to 37k with this program! That's 1/3 the size! Saves lot of time for downloaders! This was ported to OS-9/68k by Mike Haaland. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: lha,lharc,j.hegberg,compression,archiver,dearchiver,os-9/68k,osk,os-9/68000 --------------------------------- File: LHA.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6033 Name: WR_DEMO.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930507 Approximate # of bytes: 37632 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: Write-Right! is a graphical word processor written by Joel Mathew Hegberg for the MM/1 or other K-Windows compatible OS-9/68k systems. In this .lzh archive is a working demo of WR with the exception of the SAVE and PRINT functions. Also, a sample WR file showing fonts, colors, and other features is in the archive as well as the two necessary font files. Ordering and price information is also included in the archive. Enjoy! -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: wr,demo,word,processing,sub-etha,j.hegberg,joel,hegberg,mm/1,mm1,k-windows,kwind --------------------------------- File: WR_DEMO.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6021 Name: MAZE_SRC.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930417 Approximate # of bytes: 4480 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: Source code (in C) for the Maze screen saver ported to K-Windows. Uploaded with permission. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: maze,source,code,c,screen,saver,burn-in,j.hegberg,joel,hegberg,osk,k-windows,kwi --------------------------------- File: MAZE_SRC.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6020 Name: MAZE.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930417 Approximate # of bytes: 15232 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: Screen saver 'MAZE', popular on many systems, is now available on the OSK/K-Windows platform thanks to Scott McGee. Uploaded here with his permission. -- Joel. Keywords: maze,screen,saver,burn-in,j.hegberg,joel,hegberg,osk,k-windows,kwindows --------------------------------- File: MAZE.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6019 Name: CURSIVE.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930417 Approximate # of bytes: 13824 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: I missed the 'cursive' program I used to use on my CoCo under OS-9, so I found the PC source code for it and ported it to OSK. Enjoy! -- Joel Keywords: cursive,osk,mm1,mm/1,joel,hegberg,j.hegberg --------------------------------- File: CURSIVE.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6014 Name: MAKE.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 930404 Approximate # of bytes: 62592 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: Replacement for MW's make program. This will help when compiling those large C programs. Keywords: make,c --------------------------------- File: MAKE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6006 Name: EXTRACT2.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 930319 Approximate # of bytes: 32896 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: Easy way to open up those archives that you download. Must have an MM/1 and a mouse. Source is included. Keywords: osk,mm1,ar,lha,unzip --------------------------------- File: EXTRACT2.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5984 Name: GCLOCK_NEW.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930207 Approximate # of bytes: 12544 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: This is a new GClock upgrade, which adds two new styles and a 12-hour/military option as well. Now, along with Analog, there are digital and chalkboard styles! The ChalkBoard style uses Bezier curve font technology to create hand-written-looking fully scalable digits and AM/PM symbols. Anyone with an MM/1 should get this. Well worth the mere 12k download time! Archived in .LZH format. Enjoy! -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: APPLICATIONS, GCLOCK, CLOCK, MM1, MM/1, GRAPHICAL, TIME, MOVEABLE, RESIZEABLE, B --------------------------------- File: GCLOCK_NEW.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5967 Name: OTHELLO.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930102 Approximate # of bytes: 8960 Number of Accesses: 8 Library: 10 Description: A nice version of Othello for the MM/1. Fully moveable and resizeable. Many options, including ones to let you choose the color and pattern of your game pieces! You can play human vs. human or human vs. computer. Game is mouse-driven and uses all standard MM/1 window control icons. Written by Joel Mathew Hegberg. Release to public by Sub-Etha Software! (Program Edition #42!) Enjoy! -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: game,othello,mm1,mm/1,ims,sub-etha,subetha,software,j.hegberg,joelhegberg,fun --------------------------------- File: OTHELLO.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5960 Name: CHRISTMAS.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 921221 Approximate # of bytes: 14080 Number of Accesses: 10 Library: 10 Description: Graphical Christmas card from Sub-Etha Software for your MM/1. (Use CTRL+E or CTRL+C to quit.) -- Joel Mathew HEgberg. Keywords: Christmas,card,graphical,sub-etha,subetha,software,j.hegberg,joelhegberg --------------------------------- File: CHRISTMAS.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5947 Name: GCLOCK.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 921126 Approximate # of bytes: 8832 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: Graphical clock for the MM/1. Fully resizeable and moveable, and even has an icon to put it to sleep until clicked on again. Works in any type window. Released to public courtesy of Sub-Etha Software. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: gclock,graphical,clock,mm/1,mm1,moveable,resizeable,sub-etha,subetha,joelhegberg --------------------------------- File: GCLOCK.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5932 Name: IMASTER_101.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 921101 Approximate # of bytes: 39680 Number of Accesses: 11 Library: 10 Description: This program will print out your gif files. You can zoom in on a part of the screen and then print it out to a Epson or HP laserjet. This will only run under Kwindows on the MM/1 Keywords: osk,gif,viewer --------------------------------- File: IMASTER_101.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5926 Name: TERMINAL_100.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 921011 Approximate # of bytes: 57472 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: This term program is mouse driven as well as via the keyboard. It is shareware and version 1.0. One draw back is that you can not set it to half duplex so it can't be used on Genie right now but check it out. It has a 15 number directory and has xmodem, xmodem-1k, and ymodem-batch Zmodem and Kermit will be in the next release. [SysOp Note: Full duplex terminal programs can be used on GEnie. When you first call and receive the "U#=" prompt, type "Ctrl-R" and that will force GEnie to echo characters back and allow the use of full duplex terminal programs.] Keywords: osk,terminal,MM1 --------------------------------- File: TERMINAL_100.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5920 Name: DATADEX_DEMO_1_05.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 920927 Approximate # of bytes: 114944 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: This is a great looking free form data base for OSK machines. Keywords: osk,database --------------------------------- File: DATADEX_DEMO_1_05.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5903 Name: KX70.TEXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920902 Approximate # of bytes: 5120 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: Text file describing the new KX-70 OSK computer from Frank Hogg Labs. Uses the 68030 CPU, up to 128 MB on the motherboard, expandable to 2 GB via memory boards, 16.7 mil color palette controller, possibly 1024x768 graphics resolution, and is even TC-70 compatible! This file was created by Frank Hogg -- uploaded here with permission. Keywords: Frank,Hogg,FHL,product,announcement,information,text,KX-70,KX70,TC70,TC-70,j.heg --------------------------------- File: KX70.TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5902 Name: KX70.TXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920902 Approximate # of bytes: 5120 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: New TC-70 compatible computer from FHL using the Motorola 68030 chip and capable of having 128 MB of RAM on the motherboard, and expandable to 2 GB with memory boards! Keywords: FHL,OSK,computer,new,produce,announcement,Frank,Hogg,j.hegberg --------------------------------- File: KX70.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5897 Name: FONT.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 920822 Approximate # of bytes: 17920 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: This will let you change the font as well as view the font. Keywords: osk,font --------------------------------- File: FONT.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5896 Name: UNIXLB.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 920822 Approximate # of bytes: 48128 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: Keywords: osk,library,unix --------------------------------- File: UNIXLB.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5884 Name: MM1EXPANSION.TEXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920629 Approximate # of bytes: 23168 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: This is a text file compiled by Tim Kientzle (freely distributable) which contains a list of hardware that has been successfully tested on the MM/1 such as hard drives, mice, and monitors. It also contains valuable pin-out information for the various ports on the back of the MM/1 and also jumper pin information for the MM/1 motherboard and i/o board. -- Joel. Keywords: hardware,help,text,mm/1,mm1,ims,hacks,information,technical,pin-outs --------------------------------- File: MM1EXPANSION.TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5881 Name: WSEE.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920622 Approximate # of bytes: 6144 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: WSee will let you peek over at another window... in other words, display the contents of another window in the current window. Kinda neat. Use "WSee -?" for syntax and options. (C) 1992 by Joel Mathew Hegberg, Released courtesy of Sub-Etha Software. Enjoy! -- Joel. Keywords: WSee,j.hegberg,joelhegberg,sub-etha,subetha,MM/1,osk,graphics,kwindows,k-windows --------------------------------- File: WSEE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5880 Name: SNAPSHOT.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920622 Approximate # of bytes: 16384 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: SnapShot and SnapShow (both in archive) will let you take a "picture" of another window and save it to disk. This is great for vendors who want to upload "screens" of their programs in action... So, included in the archive (for test purposes, of course <grin>) is a snapshot of Etha-GUI from Sub-Etha Software. Please use the extension ".snap" for all SnapShot pictures. Use the '-?' option to see syntaxes and options for these programs. (C) 1992 by Joel Mathew Hegberg, Released courtesy of Sub-Etha Software. Enjoy! -- Joel. Keywords: SnapShot,.snap,osk,MM/1,joelhegberg,j.hegberg,sub-etha,subetha,graphics,kwindows --------------------------------- File: SNAPSHOT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5868 Name: CLOCK Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920618 Approximate # of bytes: 6272 Number of Accesses: 8 Library: 10 Description: Clock will display a clock with hour, minute, and second hands to display your system's time. Requires KWindows with windio.41 or higher. This file comes to you courtesy of Joel Mathew Hegberg and Sub-Etha Software! Enjoy! -- Joel. Keywords: clock,time,j.hegberg,joel hegberg,subetha,sub-etha,graphics,analog --------------------------------- File: CLOCK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5843 Name: RAYS.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920508 Approximate # of bytes: 123776 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: Archive containing sample DKB-Trace images rendered on the MM/1 by Glen Hathaway. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: mm1,mm/1,ims,j.hegberg,glen hathaway,comper,ray tracing,computer art,computer ge --------------------------------- File: RAYS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5842 Name: DKBDAT.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920508 Approximate # of bytes: 120320 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: This archive contains some necessary files for use with DKB-Trace. Also, there are some sample scene scripts included. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: mm/1,mm1,ims,j.hegberg,dkbtrace,ray tracing,computer art,computer generated --------------------------------- File: DKBDAT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5841 Name: DKBMM1.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920507 Approximate # of bytes: 176000 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: This is an AMAZING ray-tracing program which lets you do all sorts of object shapes and can control lighting, transparancy, reflectiveness, and lots of textures like wood, metallic, checkered, marble... AMAZING! -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: mm/1,mm1,graphics,ray tracing, dkbtrace, j.hegberg,ims,computer art,computer gen --------------------------------- File: DKBMM1.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5840 Name: DKBDOC.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920507 Approximate # of bytes: 90752 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: Contains the documentation for using DKB-Trace, which has been ported over to the MM/1 (also in this database). DKB-Trace creates stunning worlds through tracing rays of light through computed scenes. This file is well worth downloading even if you don't have an MM/1 to run the program. Very interesting reading! If you are downloading DKBTrace for use on your MM/1, these docs are a MUST! -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: ray tracing, graphics, OSK, MM/1, IMS, J.HEGBERG, computer generated, computer a --------------------------------- File: DKBDOC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5803 Name: MM1RAYTRACES.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920324 Approximate # of bytes: 152192 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: This is an ".ar" archive containing 4 ray-traced GIF files. They were created on the MM/1 computer from IMS. Done using beta versions of DKBTrace and POV. Keywords: MM/1,IMS,GRAPHICS,GIF,RAYTRACE,MM1,DKBTRACE,POV,J.HEGBERG --------------------------------- File: MM1RAYTRACES.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5791 Name: SOUND.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 920307 Approximate # of bytes: 6272 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: This text file gives you some insight in making stereo sound files on the MM/1 with Mike Knudsen's recplays program. Keywords: mm/1,sounds,stereo,text --------------------------------- File: SOUND.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5790 Name: IMSUPDATE.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 920307 Approximate # of bytes: 7936 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: Find out what IMS is working on and the things they want to get done. Keywords: ims,text --------------------------------- File: IMSUPDATE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5789 Name: RECPLAYS.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 920307 Approximate # of bytes: 4864 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: This program is for the MM/1 and takes advantage of the built in sound port. It allows you to record and playback stereo sounds. Keywords: mm/1,record,stereo --------------------------------- File: RECPLAYS.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5788 Name: ARC521.BIN Address: K.BAUER Date: 920307 Approximate # of bytes: 44800 Number of Accesses: 9 Library: 10 Description: This version, ported by Mike Haaland, has all the lastest features. Keywords: archive,arc --------------------------------- File: ARC521.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5735 Name: OGRE_MM1.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 920208 Approximate # of bytes: 38528 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: The source is included with this Tank battle game. Keywords: osk,game --------------------------------- File: OGRE_MM1.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5734 Name: FUTILS.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 920208 Approximate # of bytes: 22400 Number of Accesses: 10 Library: 10 Description: The files are WC(word count), Font (change or just view a font), Divide (divide a text file into smaller files.) Keywords: osk,mm1,utility --------------------------------- File: FUTILS.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5733 Name: BSPLT68.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 920208 Approximate # of bytes: 3456 Number of Accesses: 8 Library: 10 Description: this program will split up your os9boot file into the seperate modules. Keywords: osk,boot --------------------------------- File: BSPLT68.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5700 Name: GIFSHOW Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920205 Approximate # of bytes: 33408 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: Displays GIF pictures on your MM/1 computer! This comes to us from HyperTech Software, and was orginally uploaded to another on-line computer service. Lots of great options. Just use GIFSHOW -? to see them. Really fast. The GIF format saves a lot more memory than IFF images do, and no more having to run GIFTOIFF conversion programs anymore, which take about ten years to complete (ok, so a little exaggeration there...)! Fully supports 256 colors, interlaced and non-interlaced modes, and no-border "full-screen" gifs... Man, I never knew my MM/1 could display a picture that large (removes the border)! Amazing. A must have. -- Joel Keywords: GIF,viewer,graphics,OSK,MM/1,MM1,IMS,HYPERTECH,JOEL HEGBERG,j.hegberg --------------------------------- File: GIFSHOW is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5689 Name: SH_HELP.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 920118 Approximate # of bytes: 6784 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: This file tells about how I use SH which is a Borne shell clone for OS9/68000 Keywords: osk,sh,text --------------------------------- File: SH_HELP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5663 Name: STICKY Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920111 Approximate # of bytes: 2048 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: Sticky modules are defined on page 1-11 of the Microware OS-9 Technical Manual for OSK as a module that "is retained in memory when its link count becomes zero. The module is removed from memory when its link count becomes -1 or memory is required for another use." That would be great, but on the MM/1 1-meg system where video and program share the same memory, sticky modules are not swapped out of memory when another application needs its memory... instead, the system crashes. Also, there seems to be no easy way to change the sticky attribute in the module header. This utility will make a module sticky or non-sticky. Use "sticky -?" for options. This OSK utility brought to you by Sub-Etha Software and Joel Mathew Hegberg! Keywords: sticky modules, OSK, Sub-Etha Software, Joel Mathew Hegberg, J.HEGBERG,fixmod --------------------------------- File: STICKY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5606 Name: SC6_16_2.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 911206 Approximate # of bytes: 149120 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 10 Description: This package contains an OS9/68000 port of version 6.16 of the UNIX spreadsheet calculator "SC". You will need to pick up the file "TRMINFO1.LZH" to use this program. It is file number 5605. When you run Lharc it will put files into a CMDS and a DOC directory. The Trminfo1.lzh file will create directoies under the /dd/SYS directory. Use a blank floppy to dearc then move the files you need to your hard drive. This file is uploaded with the permission of Ken Scales who did the fine job of porting this to OSK. Keywords: osk,sc,spreadsheet --------------------------------- File: SC6_16_2.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5605 Name: TRMINFO1.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 911206 Approximate # of bytes: 12544 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 10 Description: You will need this terminal info file to use the Spreadsheet calculator t that is called SC6_16_2.lzh on this board. Keywords: osk,sc,terminfo --------------------------------- File: TRMINFO1.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5604 Name: BOOTS.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 911206 Approximate # of bytes: 768 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: For OS-9/68k. This is a short program to be run from your startup file. The utility will keep track (and display) how many times your system has been booted. Unarc with lharc. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: boots, osk, mm/1, utility, startup, j.hegberg, joel, hegberg --------------------------------- File: BOOTS.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5597 Name: AR15B.BIN Address: K.BAUER * HIDDEN * Date: 911128 Approximate # of bytes: 24320 Number of Accesses: 2 Library: 10 Description: This is the OSK version of AR with all the lastest updates. Has been tersted on an MM/1. Keywords: osk,ar,archive --------------------------------- File: AR15B.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5596 Name: SKEL.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 911127 Approximate # of bytes: 38272 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 10 Description: This file includes the source code to show you how to set up a program with pull down menus and pop up windows. If plan on doing programing in C for the MM/1 get this file. Keywords: osk,mm1,window --------------------------------- File: SKEL.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5587 Name: VED13.TXT Address: K.BAUER Date: 911124 Approximate # of bytes: 1792 Number of Accesses: 8 Library: 10 Description: This is a information text file about Ved version 1.3 for OS9/68000. Keywords: text,ved,osk --------------------------------- File: VED13.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5563 Name: UNZIPOSK.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 911109 Approximate # of bytes: 19072 Number of Accesses: 8 Library: 10 Description: Here is UNzip for the new OSK machines. It should run on all three. It is archived using LHarc Keywords: unzip,osk --------------------------------- File: UNZIPOSK.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5557 Name: LHARC.BIN Address: K.BAUER Date: 911103 Approximate # of bytes: 30976 Number of Accesses: 5 Library: 10 Description: This is an OSK archive utility. It gives very good compression rate on all types of files. Use it on files that have the LZH extension. Keywords: osk,lzh,archive --------------------------------- File: LHARC.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5556 Name: STERM151.LZH Address: K.BAUER Date: 911103 Approximate # of bytes: 113280 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: This archive includes Sterm for both OS-9 on the CoCo and OSK for the new machines that are out. It also includes the source and a special version with a Zmodem option that works on an MM/1. Keywords: osk,sterm,telcom --------------------------------- File: STERM151.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5550 Name: LBDUMP.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 911026 Approximate # of bytes: 5760 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: List the headers and DEFS contained in .l and .r files. Uploaded with the authors (John Wainwright) permission. Keywords: osk,rdump --------------------------------- File: LBDUMP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5547 Name: CHGFONT.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 911026 Approximate # of bytes: 1792 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 10 Description: A nice utility to change the current font on your MM/1. It is uploaded here with the authors (John Wainwright) permission. Keywords: font,osk,mm1 --------------------------------- File: CHGFONT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5527 Name: FIXFONT4 Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 911010 Approximate # of bytes: 512 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 10 Description: While playing around with my new MM/1 computer (and loving it!) I've found a bug in the /dd/sys/stdfont_04.fnt file which makes it wipe out the stdfont_03.fnt in memory (font #3). This small packed basic executable program should be stored in your CMDS directory with the execute attributes (attr) set. When run, it will examine your /dd/sys/stdfont_04.fnt file and determine if it needs to be patched. If it does, it will patch the file and notify you. If not, it will leave the file alone and notify you. To change fonts in KWindows 1.0 on the MM/1, use: display 1b 3a c8 0x where x is the font # (1-4). -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: fix,patch,fonts,MM/1,MM1,OSK,Joel Mathew Hegberg,J.HEGBERG --------------------------------- File: FIXFONT4 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5409 Name: MICTMACS.TXT Address: K.BAUER Date: 910915 Approximate # of bytes: 2944 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 10 Description: Tells how to set up your termcap file to use MicroEmacs in a 80 x 52 screen or a 90 x 60 screen. Keywords: me,microemacs,mm/1 --------------------------------- File: MICTMACS.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5403 Name: STGMM1.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 910907 Approximate # of bytes: 21504 Number of Accesses: 6 Library: 10 Description: Some nice utilities for your OSK system and one that is just for the MM/1. Keywords: osk --------------------------------- File: STGMM1.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5374 Name: MM1DISK3.TEXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 910802 Approximate # of bytes: 9216 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 10 Description: A complete and thorough description of the software included on Disk #3 with the MM/1 computer. This file has found it's way to me and originated from Paul Ward of Interactive Media Systems (IMS). Quite interesting reading. Keywords: MM/1,IMS,Joel Hegberg,Paul Ward,OSK --------------------------------- File: MM1DISK3.TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5369 Name: MM1DISK2.TEXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 910724 Approximate # of bytes: 7808 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 10 Description: A description of the software which comes on disk #2 with the purchase of an MM/1 from IMS (Interactive Media Systems). A total of 6 disks come with the MM/1. This file originated from Paul Ward of IMS, and found it's way to me, and now up to GEnie. -- Joel Hegberg Keywords: mm1,mm/1,Paul Ward,IMS,Joel Hegberg,TEXT --------------------------------- File: MM1DISK2.TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5368 Name: MM1DISK1.TEXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 910724 Approximate # of bytes: 13184 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 10 Description: A description of disk #1, which is included with the purchase of an MM/1. There are a total of 6 disks. This file originated from Paul Ward of IMS and has found it's way to me, and now up here to GEnie. -- Joel Hegberg. Keywords: OSK,MM/1,MM1,IMS,Paul Ward,Joel Hegberg,TEXT --------------------------------- File: MM1DISK1.TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5362 Name: MM1REVIEW.TXT Address: K.BAUER Date: 910716 Approximate # of bytes: 6656 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 10 Description: This is a short review of the MM/1 from a users standpoint. Keywords: mm1,osk,text --------------------------------- File: MM1REVIEW.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5356 Name: AR.BIN Address: K.BAUER Date: 910714 Approximate # of bytes: 22784 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 10 Description: This is AR for those OS9/68000 machines. Keywords: ar,osk --------------------------------- File: AR.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5355 Name: RZSZT0.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 910714 Approximate # of bytes: 120576 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 10 Description: The source for zmodem is hardcoded for which port it uses. This has T0 as the port but it is easyly changed. One line in the beginning is all that needs to be changed. To use just shell out and type> RZ (or) SZ <filename> Keywords: osk,os9/68000,zmodem --------------------------------- File: RZSZT0.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5354 Name: UPTIME.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 910713 Approximate # of bytes: 4992 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 10 Description: This is an osk file for OS9/68000. It will keep track of your computers uptime. Keywords: osk,os9/68000,utility --------------------------------- File: UPTIME.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5349 Name: SCOPY12.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 910713 Approximate # of bytes: 19584 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 10 Description: This is a single drive copy command for OS-9/68000 machines such as the MM/1 , TC70, and System IV. When you use it on an excecutible file you will need to reset the e and pe attributes. Keywords: osk,os9/68000,utility --------------------------------- File: SCOPY12.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5341 Name: MM1UPDT.TXT Address: K.BAUER Date: 910706 Approximate # of bytes: 14336 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 10 Description: This file tells about some of the things that IMS has been up to. Keywords: osk,mm1,text --------------------------------- File: MM1UPDT.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5339 Name: MM1NEWS.TXT Address: K.BAUER Date: 910706 Approximate # of bytes: 7040 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 10 Description: This tells about 4 new programs that are available for the MM/1. Keywords: osk,mm1,text --------------------------------- File: MM1NEWS.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... == End of Browse.