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GEnie OSK Files

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This page was last updated on 04/23/2020. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / Internet Resources / GEnie - GEnie OSK Files

File contents captured by Allen Huffman. Full archive of these files is available.

Library: 10 - OSK Files and Utilities (Part 1 of 1)

  No. File Name             Type Address      YYMMDD Bytes   Access Lib
----- ------------------------ - ------------ ------ ------- ------ ---
 7054 JPEGSHOW_2.0.LZH         X J.MORRIS68   950330   99200      4  10
      Desc: Jpeg file viewer for OSK.
 6051 MM_ONE.LZH               X J.HEGBERG    930619    5376      7  10
      Desc: Graphical MM/1 startup logo!
 6046 MM1FONTS.LZH             X J.HEGBERG    930608   36608      7  10
      Desc: Archive of 35 K-Windows fonts.
 6045 ULPFONT.LZH              X J.HEGBERG    930608    2432      6  10
      Desc: Upload K-Windows fonts to Epson ptr
 6044 STRMAN.LZH               X J.HEGBERG    930608   16640      4  10
      Desc: Graphical front-end for Strack.
 6043 STRACK.LZH               X J.HEGBERG    930608    2048      5  10
      Desc: MOD sound file player for the MM/1
 6034 LHA.BIN                  X J.HEGBERG    930507   63744      9  10
      Desc: LHa de/archiving program for OS9/68k
 6033 WR_DEMO.LZH              X J.HEGBERG    930507   37632      4  10
      Desc: Demo of WR word processor for MM/1!
 6021 MAZE_SRC.LZH             X J.HEGBERG    930417    4480      5  10
      Desc: Source code for Maze/K-Windows.
 6020 MAZE.LZH                 X J.HEGBERG    930417   15232      5  10
      Desc: Maze screen saver (for K-Windows)
 6019 CURSIVE.LZH              X J.HEGBERG    930417   13824      6  10
      Desc: CURSIVE program for OSK!
 6014 MAKE.AR                  X K.BAUER      930404   62592      4  10
      Desc: Tim K.'s make program. very nice
 6006 EXTRACT2.LZH             X K.BAUER      930319   32896      5  10
      Desc: Version 2 of Extractor for OSK/MM1
 5984 GCLOCK_NEW.LZH           X J.HEGBERG    930207   12544      6  10
      Desc: Neat new GClock for the MM/1!
 5967 OTHELLO.LZH              X J.HEGBERG    930102    8960      8  10
      Desc: MM/1 Othello Game
 5960 CHRISTMAS.LZH            X J.HEGBERG    921221   14080     10  10
      Desc: Graphical Christmas card (Sub-Etha)
 5947 GCLOCK.LZH               X J.HEGBERG    921126    8832      5  10
      Desc: New graphical clock for MM/1!
 5932 IMASTER_101.AR           X K.BAUER      921101   39680     11  10
      Desc: GIF viewer and printer!
 5926 TERMINAL_100.AR          X K.BAUER      921011   57472      5  10
      Desc: Terminal program from Mike Sweet
 5920 DATADEX_DEMO_1_05.LZH    X K.BAUER      920927  114944      4  10
      Desc: Demo of DataDex data base program.
 5903 KX70.TEXT                X J.HEGBERG    920902    5120      7  10
      Desc: New OSK computer from FHL!
 5902 KX70.TXT                 X J.HEGBERG    920902    5120      6  10
      Desc: Powerful new computer from FHL!
 5897 FONT.LZH                 X K.BAUER      920822   17920      7  10
      Desc: Change the font on your MM/1 fast
 5896 UNIXLB.AR                X K.BAUER      920822   48128      6  10
      Desc: Unix function library for C
 5884 MM1EXPANSION.TEXT        X J.HEGBERG    920629   23168      7  10
      Desc: Tested hardware for the MM/1
 5881 WSEE.AR                  X J.HEGBERG    920622    6144      5  10
      Desc: WSee for the MM/1
 5880 SNAPSHOT.AR              X J.HEGBERG    920622   16384      5  10
      Desc: SnapShot for the MM/1
 5868 CLOCK                    X J.HEGBERG    920618    6272      8  10
      Desc: Graphical analog clock for MM/1
 5843 RAYS.AR                  X J.HEGBERG    920508  123776      5  10
      Desc: Sample DKB-Trace GIF images
 5842 DKBDAT.AR                X J.HEGBERG    920508  120320      5  10
      Desc: Required files for DKBTrace.
 5841 DKBMM1.AR                X J.HEGBERG    920507  176000      4  10
      Desc: DKB-Trace -- Raytracing on the MM/1!
 5840 DKBDOC.AR                X J.HEGBERG    920507   90752      5  10
      Desc: Documentation for DKB-Trace!
 5803 MM1RAYTRACES.AR          X J.HEGBERG    920324  152192      5  10
      Desc: Raytraced graphics from the MM/1
 5791 SOUND.AR                 X K.BAUER      920307    6272      4  10
      Desc: Hints in using Recplays on the MM/1
 5790 IMSUPDATE.AR             X K.BAUER      920307    7936      4  10
      Desc: 02/92 update from IMS.
 5789 RECPLAYS.LZH             X K.BAUER      920307    4864      5  10
      Desc: Mike Knudsen's record/play utility
 5788 ARC521.BIN               X K.BAUER      920307   44800      9  10
      Desc: Version 5.21 of Arc.
 5735 OGRE_MM1.LZH             X K.BAUER      920208   38528      4  10
      Desc: A text game for the MM/1
 5734 FUTILS.LZH               X K.BAUER      920208   22400     10  10
      Desc: Some utilities for the MM/1
 5733 BSPLT68.AR               X K.BAUER      920208    3456      8  10
      Desc: Split your boot into seperate mods
 5700 GIFSHOW                  X J.HEGBERG    920205   33408      7  10
      Desc: Gif displaying program for the MM/1
 5689 SH_HELP.AR               X K.BAUER      920118    6784      6  10
      Desc: A help file for the SH shell (OSK)
 5663 STICKY                   X J.HEGBERG    920111    2048      6  10
      Desc: OSK sticky utility from Joel Hegberg
 5606 SC6_16_2.LZH             X K.BAUER      911206  149120      3  10
      Desc: OSK Spreadsheet ported from UNIX
 5605 TRMINFO1.LZH             X K.BAUER      911206   12544      3  10
      Desc: OSK terminfo file for SC6_16_2.lzh
 5604 BOOTS.LZH                X J.HEGBERG    911206     768      6  10
      Desc: Counts # of times system is booted.
 5597*AR15B.BIN                X K.BAUER      911128   24320      2  10
      Desc: OSK version of AR 1.5b update
 5596 SKEL.LZH                 X K.BAUER      911127   38272      3  10
      Desc: MM/1 window demo w/src. for MM/1 onl
 5587 VED13.TXT                X K.BAUER      911124    1792      8  10
      Desc: INfo about VED for OSK machines
 5563 UNZIPOSK.LZH             X K.BAUER      911109   19072      8  10
      Desc: Unzip for OSK!!!!!
 5557 LHARC.BIN                X K.BAUER      911103   30976      5  10
      Desc: OSK archive utility.
 5556 STERM151.LZH             X K.BAUER      911103  113280      7  10
      Desc: Sterm for OS-9 & OSK w/source
 5550 LBDUMP.AR                X K.BAUER      911026    5760      4  10
      Desc: An OSK RDump replacement
 5547 CHGFONT.AR               X K.BAUER      911026    1792      4  10
      Desc: Change the font on the MM/1
 5527 FIXFONT4                 X J.HEGBERG    911010     512      3  10
      Desc: Fixes font #4's header on MM/1.
 5409 MICTMACS.TXT             X K.BAUER      910915    2944      7  10
      Desc: Info about Termcap file for MM/1
 5403 STGMM1.AR                X K.BAUER      910907   21504      6  10
      Desc: OSK shareware utilities from StG
 5374 MM1DISK3.TEXT            X J.HEGBERG    910802    9216     16  10
      Desc: Desc. of Disk #3 included with MM/1.
 5369 MM1DISK2.TEXT            X J.HEGBERG    910724    7808     13  10
      Desc: Desc. of disk #2 included with MM/1.
 5368 MM1DISK1.TEXT            X J.HEGBERG    910724   13184     17  10
      Desc: Desc. of disk #1 included with MM/1.
 5362 MM1REVIEW.TXT            X K.BAUER      910716    6656     37  10
      Desc: A users review of the MM/1
 5356 AR.BIN                   X K.BAUER      910714   22784     15  10
      Desc: OSK-- Ar archiving utility
 5355 RZSZT0.AR                X K.BAUER      910714  120576     17  10
      Desc: OSK Zmodem for OS9/68000
 5354 UPTIME.AR                X K.BAUER      910713    4992     17  10
      Desc: OSK - keep track of computer uptime
 5349 SCOPY12.AR               X K.BAUER      910713   19584     13  10
      Desc: OSK single drive copy command.
 5341 MM1UPDT.TXT              X K.BAUER      910706   14336     14  10
      Desc: Update on IMS activities.
 5339 MM1NEWS.TXT              X K.BAUER      910706    7040     16  10
      Desc: New software for the MM/1!

End of Directory.