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GEnie OS-9 Files

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This page was last updated on 04/23/2020. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / Internet Resources / GEnie - GEnie OS-9 Files

Library: 9 - OS-9 Programs and Utilities (Part 1 of 2)

  No. File Name             Type Address      YYMMDD Bytes   Access Lib
----- ------------------------ - ------------ ------ ------- ------ ---

 7081 LSTFST96.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   960509   12644     21   9
      Desc: Report of the '96 Chicago CoCoFest
 7080 COCOFST6.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   960509   10968     12   9
      Desc: Report of the 1995 Atlanta CoCoFest
 7072 SOUNDRV2.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   950714    5248     19   9
      Desc: Updated CoCo 3 digital sound driver!
 7067 XYDOWN2.LZH              X COCO-SYSOP   950613   31104     13   9
      Desc: X/YModem/Batch download command
 7065 OS9FILES.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   950521   17536     40   9
      Desc: LZH'd list of ALL OS-9 files (5/95)
 7064 LSTFST95.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   950518   16640     36   9
      Desc: Report of ChicagoFest '95 (LZHed)
 7062 CLIB1990.LZH             X J.MORRIS68   950514   40704     24   9
      Desc: 1990 version of Krieder Clibs.
 7053 COCOKA9Q.AR              X J.MORRIS68   950326  229248     32   9
      Desc: Beta version of KA9Q Ameratur Radio
 7052 COCOKA9Q.TXT             X J.MORRIS68   950326    1024     27   9
      Desc: Text file describing fil
 7051 ANSIFRONT012.LZH         X J.MORRIS68   950326   27008     23   9
      Desc: Updated version of ansifront front e
 7042 X10_SRC.LZH              X COCO-SYSOP   950108   43264     22   9
      Desc: Source to X10 software.
 7041 X10.LZH                  X COCO-SYSOP   950108   27264     21   9
      Desc: X10 PowerHouse software for OS-9
 7040 PLAY5.AR                 X COCO-SYSOP   950103   24576     20   9
      Desc: Play Mac/Amiga/WAV sound files
 7037 ETHALIB1294.LZH          X COCO-SYSOP   941216   35072     21   9
      Desc: 'C' library for TUI (text interface)
 6257 SCSI47.AR                X J.MORRIS68   941111   33792     19   9
      Desc: SCSI system driver ver.4.7
 6255 DRAGON_HST.LZH           X COCO-SYSOP   941111   31616     20   9
      Desc: History of the Dragon CoCo UK clone
 6254 SWIHACK.LZH              X COCO-SYSOP   941111    2688     33   9
      Desc: Patch to speed up OS-9 systems
 6253 SCSISYS10A.LZH           X COCO-SYSOP   941110   42624     20   9
      Desc: Matt Thompson's PD SCSI drivers
 6252 ONEBYTE.PATCH            X COCO-SYSOP   941106    2176     28   9
      Desc: Patch to massively improve tasking!
 6246 COCOFST5.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   941007   13696     23   9
      Desc: Report of 1994 Atlanta CoCoFest
 6245 BLOBSTOP_V10.AR          X COCO-SYSOP   940924   49664     21   9
      Desc: ELIMINATE the "blob" problems
 6243 SHELL22A.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   940915    9600     22   9
      Desc: Complete Shell+ 2.2a w/command hist.
 6242 TOWELDEMO102.LZH         X COCO-SYSOP   940915   18048     19   9
      Desc: Point-n-click disk util demo.
 6241 MBANDEMO.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   940915   11392     19   9
      Desc: Demo of MiniBanners (banner printer)
 6240 AR.DOC                   X COCO-SYSOP   940911    6272     21   9
      Desc: Documentation (ASCII) for AR2
 6239 AR2                      X COCO-SYSOP   940911   14080     23   9
      Desc: Standalone binary for AR v2.0
 6238 AR2.AR                   X COCO-SYSOP   940911   17408     19   9
      Desc: AR archived, NEW VERSION!
 6237 SHELHST3.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   940911    6144     22   9
      Desc: Patch Shell+2.1 for commandline hist
 6236 GSHELL32.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   940911   16384     22   9
      Desc: Patch MultiVue to Version 3.2
 6235 VDGINT.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   940911   15616     22   9
      Desc: Patch VDGint to be SMALL or TINY!
 6233 OS9UG.FAQ                X COCO-SYSOP   940830    3840     24   9
      Desc: OS9 User's Group FAQ File
 6232 SOUNDRV.AR               X COCO-SYSOP   940829    5888     22   9
      Desc: Digitized sound driver for CoCo OS9
 6231 SEGAME.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   940827    5760     21   9
      Desc: Space game demo for OS-9
 6214 TOWELUP.AR               X COCO-SYSOP   940728   24960     19   9
      Desc: Update Sub-Etha's Towel to V1.01
 6179 LSTFST94.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   940710   19200     23   9
      Desc: Updated report of '94 Chicago Fest.
 6178 LBLMKR.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   940708   18304     21   9
      Desc: B09 mailing label printer
 6177 LABEL201.PAK             X COCO-SYSOP   940708    7936     21   9
      Desc: Mailing label utility
 6176 COPT2_11.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   940708   26624     22   9
      Desc: Vaught Cato's extra 'C' optimizer
 6175 RZSZ_NEW.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   940708   56704     24   9
      Desc: Newer zmodem for OS-9
 6174 DO_9600_3.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   940708   77440     24   9
      Desc: Tips/patches to do 9600 baud.
 6173 MAXQWK21.ARC             X COCO-SYSOP   940708   11264     21   9
      Desc: Another .qwk offline reader.
 6172 SMALLC.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   940708   34688     17   9
      Desc: Simple 'C' compiler for OS-9.
 6171 UU6809.LZH               X COCO-SYSOP   940708   12160     24   9
      Desc: New uuencode/decode (binary/text)
 6170 ADQWK32A.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   940708   27136     20   9
      Desc: Offline reader for .qwk messages
 6169 SCRIBE40.PAK             X COCO-SYSOP   940708   77824     20   9
      Desc: Offline reader for .qwk messages
 6116 UNLZH_7.AR               X COCO-SYSOP   940603   22656     23   9
      Desc: Extract .LZH archives under OS-9
 6115 VEFIO.AR                 X COCO-SYSOP   940603   19072     18   9
      Desc: Grab any gfx OS9 screen, save as VEF
 6114 VEF2GIF.AR               X COCO-SYSOP   940603    9344     18   9
      Desc: Convert OS9 VEF files to GIF format
 6103 SEMAZE07.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   940420    7680     21   9
      Desc: 3D Maze demonstration (V0.07)
 6101 HDINT.TXT                X COCO-SYSOP   940403   21888     33   9
      Desc: Plans for CoCo/PC hard drive interf.
 6100 SUPERDIAL.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   940403   11776     22   9
      Desc: Another SuperComm dialing dir editor
 6099 SEDITOR2.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   940403    6528     22   9
      Desc: Dialing dir editor for Supercomm
 6090 ETHALOGO.VEF             X COCO-SYSOP   931203   32128     18   9
      Desc: Sub-Etha Software logo in VEF format
 6088 TANK.AR                  X COCO-SYSOP   931031   32768     29   9
      Desc: OS-9 tank game with many screens.
 6087 SNAKEBYTE.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   931031   38784     20   9
      Desc: OS-9 game with level editor.
 6086 LANDER.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   931031   11392     22   9
      Desc: Lunar lander game for OS-9
 6085 GEMQUEST.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   931031   36096     19   9
      Desc: OS-9 game, find the gems
 6083 CFEST3DEMO.LZH           X COCO-SYSOP   931010   31744     31   9
      Desc: Demo of OS9 graphics adventure
 6082 ETHADEMO2.LZH            X COCO-SYSOP   931009   14592     20   9
      Desc: NEW demo of the EthaWin interface.
 6079 COCOFEST4.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   931007   19456     26   9
      Desc: Report of the '93 Atlanta CoCoFest
 6070 CC250.LZH                X J.HEGBERG    930719   23168     22   9
      Desc: CC 2.5.0 for use with ANSIFRONT
 6068 MULTIBOOT.AD             X COCO-SYSOP   930716    2688     23   9
      Desc: Press release on new bootfile mgr.
 6056 ANSIFRONT.LZH            X J.HEGBERG    930628   23808     20   9
      Desc: Vaughn Cato's ANSIFRONT for OS-9.
 6049 COCOTAG.AR               X N.JOHNSON1   930613   42368     23   9
      Desc: Official release of CoCoTag 2.01
 6041 PONGTEST.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   930519    7936     23   9
      Desc: Demo/Programming Contest Announcemnt
 6036 LSTFST93.LZH             X COCO-SYSOP   930511   26880     25   9
      Desc: LZHed Report of ChicagoFest '93
 6030 OS9FAQ6.TXT              X COCO-SYSOP   930425   18816     33   9
      Desc: Frequently Asked Questions about OS9
 6028 UBOX3_4.75A              X N.JOHNSON1   930424   16512     20   9
      Desc: Version 4.75A of Ubox-3
 6027 PICALC.B09               X N.JOHNSON1   930424     256     20   9
      Desc: Basic09 Pi Calculator
 6024 CACHE.AR                 X COCO-SYSOP   930418    7552     25   9
      Desc: Disk cache for floppys - speed up!
 6023 CLOCK_UPDATE_ED9.AR      X COCO-SYSOP   930418   11648     27   9
      Desc: Updated Clock drivers - No IRQ prob!
 6018 RSDOS7.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   930412   20736     25   9
      Desc: Read/Write RS-DOS disks from OS-9
 6015 UNZIP45A.ARC             X K.BAUER      930404   50176     32   9
      Desc: Unzip for the new 2.04 ver of pkzip
 5993 SELIST.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   930219    3328     26   9
      Desc: Abortable "list" command.
 5992 SEMENUFILT.AR            X COCO-SYSOP   930219    2944     18   9
      Desc: Strip codes from StG BBS .mnu files.
 5991 SELISTER1.05.AR          X COCO-SYSOP   930219    6400     29   9
      Desc: ULTIMATE file list/prompt utility?
 5990 SEBBSLIST.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   930219   15360     17   9
      Desc: User-created BBS list utility!
 5989 SEFORM.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   930219    4096     18   9
      Desc: Create questionaires (good for BBS)
 5946 DEWIZ.AR                 X N.JOHNSON1   921121    1280     25   9
      Desc: Strip extra CoCoBin block
 5940 TAGLINES                 X N.JOHNSON1   921114    6528     18   9
      Desc: A sample tagline file for Tagme.b09
 5939 TAGME.B09                X N.JOHNSON1   921114    2048     21   9
      Desc: A basic09 tagline program.
 5918 HI_SPEED.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   920920    7040     27   9
      Desc: Tips on hi speed modems and SCom2.2
 5917 HD6309.ZIP               X COCO-SYSOP   920920   25600     20   9
      Desc: All about Hitatchi 6390 chip.  Zip.
 5916 STREAM11.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   920920   32512     24   9
      Desc: GREAT OS9 Hard Drive Backup!!!
 5915 RZSZ8.AR                 X COCO-SYSOP   920920   57088     30   9
      Desc: Zmodem protocol for OS9 terminals.
 5914 SC22_DOC.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   920920   13184     28   9
      Desc: Docs for SuperComm 2.2.  ARchived.
 5913 SUPERCOMM22.AR           X COCO-SYSOP   920920   18048     34   9
      Desc: OS9 terminal.Zmodem, 9600bps, etc!
 5865 AUZISND2.AR              X F.KENIMER    920612  297984     22   9
      Desc: More Play sounds from Australia
 5864 AUZISND1                 X F.KENIMER    920612  112384     16   9
      Desc: sounds for Play from Australia
 5862 OCNN0692.ZIP             X K.BAUER      920609   16384     22   9
      Desc: OS9 Community Network Newsletter
 5821 NEW_MAG.AR               X JEVESTAL     920414    1536     25   9
      Desc: New Magazine for OS-9 users
 5815*WELCOME_NEW.AR           X JEVESTAL     920408   51968     18   9
      Desc: replacement welcome for StG
 5811*STG_CMDS3.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   920401   52480     18   9
      Desc: A few updates to stg_cmds package.
 5809*STG_EXAMPLE_MENUS.AR     X COCO-SYSOP   920330   21888     17   9
      Desc: StG Network BBS Demo - Part 4 of 4
 5808*STG_DOCS.ARC             X COCO-SYSOP   920330   38272     19   9
      Desc: StG Network BBS Demo - File 3 of 4
 5807*STG_CMDS2.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   920330   82560     17   9
      Desc: StG Network BBS Demo - File 2 of 4
 5806*STG_CMDS1.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   920330  169984     23   9
      Desc: StG Network BBS Demo - File 1 of 4
 5802 GROW.PAK                 X K.BAUER      920321   27264     22   9
      Desc: A database for Gardening
 5795 6309.TXT                 X J.HEGBERG    920313   31872     37   9
      Desc: Secret features of the 6309 CPU!
 5778 PACSRC.PAK               X K.HOUSER     920223   61824     15   9
      Desc: Sources to PACOS9 Pacman game
 5772 OCNN0292.ARC             X K.BAUER      920221   54912     21   9
      Desc: Feb Issue of OCNN newsletter.
 5694 IMSCAT.AR                X K.BAUER      920125   17664     33   9
      Desc: newest IMS catalog Jan 1992
 5693 OCNN_JAN.ARC             X K.BAUER      920125   32640     17   9
      Desc: The second issue of OCNN newsletter
 5664 RBAD.TXT                 X J.HEGBERG    920111    4352     23   9
      Desc: Advertising offer for Rainbow ads.
 5642 VEFPRT2.AR               X M.ORTLOFF    920107   30976     30   9
      Desc: VEF screen dumps for MANY printers!
 5638 R3SYS.AR                 X M.ORTLOFF    920102   35968     36   9
      Desc: Disk utils from R-cubed Systems
 5637 PACMAN2.AR               X M.ORTLOFF    920102   21888     35   9
      Desc: Newest version of PacMan, nice!
 5622 OCNN1.ARC                X SECOM        911209   26624     25   9
      Desc: Vol 1 #1 OCNetNews
 5621 MEMBERS.ARC              X SECOM        911209    7296     24   9
      Desc: OCN Membership list
 5620 OS9NET.ARC               X SECOM        911209   15488     25   9
      Desc: Promo and text concerning the OS9 Co
 5608 POPV44.AR                X M.ORTLOFF    911207   24704     20   9
      Desc: pop a new window on-the-fly
 5607 OCN9112.ZIP              X K.BAUER      911206   18944     19   9
      Desc: OS9 Community Netnews newsletter
 5599 MVCHECK22A.AR            X K.BAUER      911128   26368     15   9
      Desc: Complete Check register program.
 5598*AR15B_SRC.AR             X K.BAUER      911128   16896     11   9
      Desc: Source code for AR 1.5b update
 5595 STERM15.AR               X K.BAUER      911127   94464     16   9
      Desc: Sterm for the CoCo w/source code
 5569 XLED22.ARC               X M.ORTLOFF    911116   19712     26   9
      Desc: Fullscreen editor for Scribe et al
 5544 CHECKBOOKMANUAL.AR       X J.HEGBERG    911019   12416     17   9
      Desc: Manual for ""
 5543 CHECKBOOKDEMO.AR         X J.HEGBERG    911019   53504     19   9
      Desc: Demo of CheckBook+/OS-9 program!
 5542 BALLSPIN09.AR            X COCO-SYSOP   911018   77568     20   9
      Desc: Ray-Traced spinning ball demo...!
 5541 GSHELLALL.AR             X COCO-SYSOP   911015   88448     23   9
      Desc: Compilation of all MultiVue patches
 5532 VIEW44.AR                X COCO-SYSOP   911010   33536     45   9
      Desc: VIEW graphic files (Mac, Gif, etc.)
 5526 ULTRACIA.AR              X COCO-SYSOP   911009   19968     27   9
      Desc: Patches to ACIAPAK - Make it better!
 5517 AC.AR                    X J.HEGBERG    910926    9600     18   9
      Desc: Find city/state from area code!
 5373 CDINEWS.TXT              X K.BAUER      910729    6272     19   9
      Desc: News from the CDI front.
 5348 ZOGSCAVE_VEF.AR          X A.SHELTRA    910710   17024     20   9
      Desc: VEF of SysOp of Zog's Cavern BBS
 5347 CCCCTOOLS.PAK            X A.SHELTRA    910710   54784     48   9
      Desc: OS9 version of PCTools...
 5346 SACIA.ARC                X A.SHELTRA    910709   20864     29   9
      Desc: Replacement for ACIAPAK
 5335 WP31.AR                  X A.HUFFMAN1   910612   33792     53   9
      Desc: Vers. 3.1 of OS9 Word Processor
 5289 V2UPDATE.AR              X A.HUFFMAN1   910515  252800     26   9
      Desc: RiBBS V2.0 (Complete w/updates)
 5243 MFP9C9.AR                X P.SENIURA    910313   60480     26   9
      Desc: Updates for MFConv and MFPlay
 5237 MFCONVERTER.AR           X P.SENIURA    910309   40320     26   9
      Desc: SMF Converter program and docs
 5235 IMPTUS.AR                X P.SENIURA    910309   89460     20   9
      Desc: Four Impromptus in CMF/MFPlay format
 5234 MT32CMF.AR               X P.SENIURA    910309   66780     21   9
      Desc: Converted SMFs of PolySoft's Demos
 5221 MFPLAYER.AR              X P.SENIURA    910303   57960     30   9
      Desc: Converted SMF Player
 4918 TSHELL_DEMO.AR           X A.SHELTRA    901223   12600     30   9
      Desc: TShell... What MV should have been!
 4897 RAYBOUNCE.AR             X A.HUFFMAN1   901213   66780     32   9
      Desc: Raytraced bounce demo - AWESOME!
 4896 UUCP.AR                  X A.HUFFMAN1   901212  264600     33   9
      Desc: "Unix" Usenet port for OS9
 4895 TETRIS                   X A.HUFFMAN1   901212   12600     54   9
      Desc: Tetris port for OS9
 4894 BONK.AR                  X A.HUFFMAN1   901212   57960     35   9
      Desc: "Breakout"-ish game for OS9...Great!
 4882 APPEND2.AR               X D.PENZIEN1   901203    5040     37   9
      Desc: A assembler version of Append.
 4834 CGFX7SRC.AR              X A.SHELTRA    901111   47880     28   9
      Desc: SRC for Mike Sweet's CGFX LIB
 4833 CGFX7DOCS.AR             X A.SHELTRA    901111   44100     28   9
      Desc: The doc file for the CGFX7 LIB
 4832 CGFX7LIB.AR              X A.SHELTRA    901111   28980     27   9
      Desc: Mike Sweet's Replacement CGFX LIB
 4821 FONT.AR                  X R.SCRANTON   901108    6300     36   9
      Desc: font manager for os-9 level 2
 4811 NFLSCHD.AR               X K.BAUER      901030   17640     19   9
      Desc: Nfl schedule printer.
 4797 ED30PAT.AR               X K.BAUER      901019   10080     29   9
      Desc: Ipatch for Ed version 3.0
 4796 CARD17A.AR               X K.BAUER      901019   22680     21   9
      Desc: Version 1.7a of CardKeeper.
 4776 ED30.AR                  X K.BAUER      901006   32760     43   9
      Desc: A windowing text editor. version3.0
 4761 CARDKEEPER.AR            X K.BAUER      901001   17640     22   9
      Desc: Keep track of baseball cards.
 4721 DASM.PAK                 X R.HEBERT3    900831   35280     55   9
      Desc: RMA/ASM powerful disassembler!
 4720 MROFF.PAK                X R.HEBERT3    900830   36540     38   9
      Desc: OS-9 Text Formatter
 4712 COCOS9ER.TX4             X K.BAUER      900826   40320     55   9
      Desc: A list of BBSs for the CoCo.
 4710 SDIR.AR                  X R.HEBERT3    900825   34020     25   9
      Desc: alternative to the standard DIR cmd
 4709 WMODE.AR                 X R.HEBERT3    900825    7560     40   9
      Desc: like Dmode but for window desc.
 4708 AD9.I                    X R.HEBERT3    900825   11340     24   9
      Desc: packed Icode address base w/windows
 4707 TYPE.AR                  X R.HEBERT3    900825    2520     39   9
      Desc: sets up a window to run a program
 4706 SMENU.AR                 X R.HEBERT3    900825   39060     44   9
      Desc: nice alternative to Multi-Vue
 4705 SCRIPTS3.AR              X R.HEBERT3    900825   11340     27   9
      Desc: even more shellscripts for Shell+
 4704 SCRIPTS2.AR              X R.HEBERT3    900825    7560     27   9
      Desc: more useful shellscripts for Shell+
 4703 SCRIPTS1.AR              X R.HEBERT3    900825    8820     28   9
      Desc: useful shellscripts for Shell+
 4656 COCOFEST.TXT             X M.WITTKOSKI  900714    3780     36   9
      Desc: Info on Atlanta CoCoFest '90
 4644 TOMCAT VS MM1 TEXT       X B.BRADY      900704    5040     59   9
      Desc: A comparison by Frank Hogg.
 4643 TOMCAT Q&A TEXT          X B.BRADY      900704   21420     47   9
      Desc: About 10 pages of Q&A from Frank
 4640 MAN4.AR                  X R.SCRANTON   900701    5040     42   9
      Desc: MANual command for OS-9
 4639 NLQ130.AR                X R.SCRANTON   900701    3780     35   9
      Desc: Alt nlq font for dmp130a printer
 4634 GFX2.AR                  X B.BRADY      900628   10080     42   9
      Desc: Hot new GFX interface for Level II
 4630 TSUTILS.AR               X D.KEEFE      900626   22680     38   9
      Desc: a new tsmon program
 4608 JTDICT14.AR              X D.KEEFE      900616   40320     39   9
      Desc: dictionary for text files.
 4601 CC3DISK.AR               X B.BRADY      900609    6300     39   9
      Desc: Patches for CC3Disk for PC-DOS
 4574 WIZ AUTO HELP            X B.BRADY      900526    2520     30   9
      Desc: Wiz Autolog Codes
 4569 LIST8.PAK                X R.SCRANTON   900523    3780     38   9
      Desc: enhanced list utility
 4564 TOMCAT ANNOUNCEMENT      X B.BRADY      900520   10080     39   9
      Desc: Next generation CoCo from FHL
 4533 TOOLSHED.B09             X I.SCANLON-CA 900428    6300     35   9
      Desc: Basic09 utility menu system
 4442 MULTIEDIT20.AR           X F.RESLER     900421   42840     48   9
      Desc: An enhanced AIF/Icon editor for MV
 4376 TOMCAT.TXT               X F.RESLER     900331    7560     51   9
      Desc: Announcement about the new CoCo4
 4375 GFX3.AR                  X D.KEEFE      900327   16380     56   9
      Desc: a enhanced ver of gfx2.
 4367 MAX9.PAK                 X R.SEITZ1     900317    8820     37   9
      Desc: A VEF Graphics editor by K.Darling
 4360 MVDEFINE.B09             X F.RESLER     900313    6300     29   9
      Desc: MV definitions for BASIC09
 4359 REAPER.PAK               X F.RESLER     900313   30240     30   9
      Desc: VEF of the Grim Reaper
 4358 MIXUP.AR                 X R.SEITZ1     900312   31500     31   9
      Desc: A Graphics game of Memory
 4356 BLAST.PAK                X F.RESLER     900311   35280     32   9
      Desc: VEF picture of the shuttle
 4349 GRFDRV2.AR               X D.KEEFE      900304    2520     38   9
      Desc: a patch to keven darlings i patch
 4342 FASTGRF.AR               X R.SEITZ1     900218    7560     36   9
      Desc: Kevin Darling's GRFDRV patch
 4328 IMGSHOW.PAK              X D.KEEFE      900213   74340     30   9
      Desc: show 4096 color pictures.
 4310 CALBUMP.AR               X J.WAINWRIGHT 900211    7560     21   9
      Desc: Adjust calendar dates on DeskMate fi
 4292 KBCOM.AR                 X D.KEEFE      900204   74340     48   9
      Desc: com program for os9.
 4291 CC3GO.PAK                X D.KEEFE      900204    5040     46   9
      Desc: password protect bootup.
 4290 WFNC.AR                  X D.KEEFE      900204    6300     37   9
      Desc: c stuff for windows.
 4289 PLAY4.AR                 X D.KEEFE      900204   26460     24   9
      Desc: play mac and amiga music
 4288 PLAYMUSICA.PAK           X D.KEEFE      900204    8820     25   9
      Desc: play musica files on os9.
 4287 SMARTWATCH.PAK           X D.KEEFE      900204   12600     29   9
      Desc: clock for the coco.
 4258 WSET.WMAKER.HLP          X K8YUW        900126    1260     35   9
      Desc: Help file for WSET and WMAKER
 4257 WSET.SCR                 X K.HEIST      900125    2520     25   9
      Desc: Change the type of the window your i
 4256 WMAKER.SCR               X K.HEIST      900125    2520     24   9
      Desc: Create window and set ttheir type.
 4254 UPLOAD2.AR               X R.SCRANTON   900123    3780     20   9
      Desc: send text to slow bbs's
 4253 CC3GO.AR                 X D.KEEFE      900121    7560     74   9
      Desc: a new cc3go  for shell+
 4252 COCO4.TXT                X D.KEEFE      900121   79380     51   9
      Desc: coco4 chit chat.
 4251 BITBANG.PAK              X D.KEEFE      900121   13860     48   9
      Desc: serial port driver. multitask
 4250 DISKEDIT.PAK             X D.KEEFE      900121    7560     18   9
      Desc: edit disk files. & more
 4249 LOF.B09                  X F.RESLER     900120    1260     24   9
      Desc: Finds the length of a file
 4245 VU.PAK                   X D.KEEFE      900116   20160     78   9
      Desc: Vue text files forward & backward.
 4222 QTIP.PAK                 X D.KEEFE      900106   22680     32   9
      Desc: disk editor for OS9.
 4220 PACMAN.AR                X D.KEEFE      900106   25200     58   9
      Desc: a game of packman
 4216 B09UTILS.AR              X F.RESLER     891231    3780     23   9
      Desc: Three utilites for BASIC09
 4215 XEQ5.PAK                 X R.SCRANTON   891231    5040     23   9
      Desc: enhanced command repeater
 4209 RMA FUNCTION LIBRARY.AR  X Z.SESSIONS   891230   23940     31   9
      Desc:, function library for 6809
 4206 REBOOT.PAK               X D.KEEFE      891229    3780     33   9
      Desc: Two types of reboot for os9l2
 4203 TIME.AR                  X D.KEEFE      891229    8820     27   9
      Desc: displays just the time.
 4144 STRIP.AR                 X JEVESTAL     891215    3780     45   9
      Desc: A filter utility
 4124 FINANCE.AR               X R.SEITZ1     891210    7560     47   9
      Desc: Financial planner for level2
 4084 OS-9 UPGRADE TEXT        X B.BRADY      891205    3780     60   9
      Desc: An article from MOTD.. no byline
 4083 WPXMOD VER 1.9C          X B.BRADY      891205   16380     32   9
      Desc: Faster version of WizPro's xmodem
 4082 PROACIA.NOSLOT           X B.BRADY      891205    1260     25   9
      Desc: Non-Slot switching
 4017 FESTNEWS.TXT             X LCIOCCIO     891029    3780     54   9
      Desc: News of possible Level 2 Upgrade
 4005 FPARK3.AR                X R.SCRANTON   891028    3780     29   9
      Desc: enhancement to FPARK.AR utility
 3985 WEATHER_RADAR.AR         X P.SENIURA    891025   28980     36   9
      Desc: Sample radar maps from Okla. NWS
 3984 GRFDRV_PATCHES.TXT       X P.SENIURA    891025   10080     61   9
      Desc: Discussing extra graphics modes
 3959 UPLOAD.AR                X R.SCRANTON   891015    3780     23   9
      Desc: ASCII upload to slow BBS's
 3916 TRANSFER.AR              X R.SCRANTON   891007    2520     42   9
      Desc: check data transfer rate of disk
 3914 SPOOL6.PAK               X R.SCRANTON   891007   10080     35   9
      Desc: edition #6 of Spool - less overhead
 3861 RESTORE.AR               X R.SCRANTON   890902    5040     42   9
      Desc: os-9 method of sending entire disk
 3856 MULTIEDIT.AR             X F.RESLER     890826   13860     49   9
      Desc: An AIF/Icon editor for Multi-Vue
 3853 MASTER THE CUBE!         X Z.SESSIONS   890822   28980     39   9
      Desc: two dimensional rubik's cube
 3836 DIRDUMP.AR               X R.SCRANTON   890804    2520     27   9
      Desc: allow hex-dump of directory file
 3835 FUDGE3.AR                X R.SCRANTON   890804    3780     31   9
      Desc: os-9 clock adjuster demon
 3834 AFIL2.AR                 X R.SCRANTON   890804    3780     36   9
      Desc: ascii text filter ed. #2
 3829 LABEL.AR                 X Z.SESSIONS   890730    8820     36   9
      Desc: change volume labels
 3819 GRAPHICS.DEMO.SYS.AR     X Z.SESSIONS   890729   54180     40   9
      Desc: VEF Graphics Demonstration System
 3781 PDIR2.AR                 X R.SCRANTON   890722    3780     29   9
      Desc: enhanced PHONE directory lister
 3776 PDIR.AR                  X R.SCRANTON   890718    2520     21   9
      Desc: companion to vander Poel's PHONE
 3746 WIZPRO V1.0B PT1 AR      X B.BRADY      890708   51660     64   9
      Desc: Wiz Professional Part 1
 3745 WIZPRO V1.0B PT2 AR      X B.BRADY      890708   50400     63   9
      Desc: Wiz Professional Part 2
 3741 OSTERM208.PAK            X N.WHITE1     890704   60480     71   9
      Desc: Replaces #3669-Updated Term. Prog.
 3738 SSPAK.AR                 X P.BARONE1    890702    8820     51   9
      Desc:  Use the speech/snd cart. in L2 OS-9
 3737 SSMGPB.AR                X HAALAND      890702    2520     41   9
      Desc: Patches for CGFX.L Library (DEV-PAK)
 3736 VEFSQSH.AR               X HAALAND      890702   17640     35   9
      Desc: VEF Compress/Uncompress Utilities
 3735 VEFSHOW20.AR             X HAALAND      890702   12600     38   9
      Desc: Vef picture display program
 3721 SPOOL09.PAK              X R.SCRANTON   890628   12600     40   9
      Desc: spool queue manager for os-9
 3716 EXEC.AR                  X R.SCRANTON   890620    3780     37   9
      Desc: command repeater for OS-9 L1 & L2
 3709 ALTLINK.BIN              X JAMSTAR      890616    1260     23   9
      Desc: Bootlink for XT-ROM's
 3708 SPANNER.AR               X JAMSTAR      890616   30240     54   9
      Desc: Hard drive backup utility
 3707 DSSORT.AR                X JAMSTAR      890616    8820     26   9
      Desc: Dsave listing sorter
 3700 VDG.AR                   X R.SCRANTON   890613    2520     32   9
      Desc: extra vdg descriptors for L2 OS9
 3692 JUN.AR                   X R.MAYEUX     890611   52920     18   9
      Desc: the June data file for for Today
 3691 TODAY.AR                 X R.MAYEUX     890611   11340     27   9
      Desc: shows birthdays/events in history
 3688 PHRASES.AR               X R.MAYEUX     890611   27720     25   9
      Desc: quote of the day type programs
 3687 EXAM.AR                  X R.MAYEUX     890611    6300     21   9
      Desc: multiple-choice text file reader
 3686 SOKOBAN.BIN              X JAMSTAR      890611   17640     36   9
      Desc: Sokoban hacked for arrow keys
 3670 SOME VEF PICS            X Z.SESSIONS   890601   32760     43   9
      Desc: vef pictures
 3646 SOKOBAN.AR               X JAMSTAR      890523   45360     56   9
      Desc: A game for CoCo 3 & OS9
 3644 GALACTIC CONFLICT SRC    X JAMSTAR      890520   28980     39   9
      Desc: Source Code for OS9 Galactic Confl.
 3640 GALACTIC CONFLICT OOS9   X JAMSTAR      890517   45360     35   9
      Desc: Basic09 archive of Galactic Conflict
 3638 C COMP ON HARD DISK.AR   X Z.SESSIONS   890513    7560     44   9
      Desc: Moving the C Compiler to Hard Disk
 3636 VIEWGIF2.AR              X N.WHITE1     890509   51660    109   9
      Desc: Version 2 of V.Cato's ViewGIF.
 3632 BOO.B09                  X B.BRADY      890506    3780     32   9
      Desc: Non-Pariel Port Peeker
 3623 LARRY UNDER MULTIVUE     X Z.SESSIONS   890427    7560     23   9
      Desc: Leisure Suit Larry under MultiVue
 3616 INSTALL_WIZZERO.CCB      X B.BRADY      890423    2520     24   9
      Desc: Automatic WizZero installer
 3615 INSTALL_WIZZERO          X B.BRADY      890423    3780     17   9
      Desc: Automatic Installer for WizZero
 3614 FEST CHICAGO '89         X B.BRADY      890423   12600     37   9
      Desc: Kevin Darlings report
 3613 OS9GIFV21.AR             X B.BRADY      890423   10080     53   9
      Desc: Chris Babcock's GIF converter
 3612 MSPUB.AR                 X B.BRADY      890423    3780     31   9
      Desc: Bruke Memory Sense
 3611 WHERES.AR                X B.BRADY      890423   12600     40   9
      Desc: Find files on your hard disk.
 3610 STEST.AR                 X B.BRADY      890423    7560     38   9
      Desc: Sector tester for disks
 3599 CB.AR                    X K8YUW        890417   11340     43   9
      Desc: Reformats C programs
 3598 ASC.AR                   X K8YUW        890417    6300     29   9
      Desc: Convert up/down to/from ASCII
 3597 HAMLOG.AR                X K8YUW        890417    8820     29   9
      Desc: Ham Radio Logkeeping manager
 3596 REPLACE.AR               X K8YUW        890417    6300     33   9
      Desc: Replace strings in text files
 3595 SPINT.AR                 X K8YUW        890417   10080     31   9
      Desc: Search and PrINT utility
 3581 CGRAB.AR                 X Z.SESSIONS   890414   18900     32   9
      Desc: Grab parts of VEF pics to disk
 3579 CRYPT.PAK                X N.WHITE1     890410    3780     37   9
      Desc: encrypt/decrypt files.
 3572 WIZDOCS.AR               X B.BRADY      890408   57960     60   9
      Desc: Wiz Pro Shareware Docs compressed
 3563 LPRINT.AR                X D.PENZIEN1   890403    6300     28   9
      Desc: Parallel printer interface prog.
 3494 PLAYCOMP.PAK             X N.WHITE1     890318    5040     43   9
      Desc: Compresses PLAY files
 3469 SURVLIB.DOC              X K8YUW        890310   28980     60   9
      Desc: OS-9 Library Survivor's Kit - text
 3441 WIZGEN.I\BIN             X B.BRADY      890304    5040     39   9
      Desc: Shortcut for making WizPro Boot
 3437 INVENTORY.B09            X D.KEEFE      890228   12600     61   9
      Desc: small business program.
 3436 DOOR.AR                  X D.KEEFE      890228   17640     81   9
      Desc: a muenu operating system

Library: 9 - OS-9 Programs and Utilities (Part 2 of 2)

  No. File Name             Type Address      YYMMDD Bytes   Access Lib
----- ------------------------ - ------------ ------ ------- ------ ---
 3388 GRFORMAT.AR              X JAMSTAR      890220   12600     34   9
      Desc: Mouse driven front end for format
 3387 OS9P4.AR                 X JAMSTAR      890220    7560     52   9
      Desc: Sys Mod of interest to programmers
 3386 PHONE.AR                 X JAMSTAR      890220   16380     33   9
      Desc: Bob Vander Poole's dialer prog
 3385 BREAK.AR                 X JAMSTAR      890220    1260     40   9
      Desc: icon & aif for
 3384 WAIT.AR                  X JAMSTAR      890220    2520     55   9
      Desc: Bruce Isted's screen saver
 3380 REWRITE.PAK              X N.WHITE1     890216    2520     80   9
      Desc: PAK & unPAK whole disks.
 3371 FF.BIN                   X B.BRADY      890212    1260     40   9
      Desc: Form Feed command
 3369 PLAYUTIL.PAK             X N.WHITE1     890211   11340     56   9
      Desc: Utilities for PLAY.
 3367 HORDES.AR                X N.WHITE1     890211   17640     35   9
      Desc: simple game.use Cocobin header
 3359 SUB BATTLE FROM MV       X Z.SESSIONS   890204    5040     59   9
      Desc: Sub Battle as a MultiVue app
 3358 MM AS MV APP             X Z.SESSIONS   890204    5040     29   9
      Desc: Microscopic Mission from MultiVue
 3357 KQ3 FROM MV              X Z.SESSIONS   890204    6300     49   9
      Desc: King's Quest 3 as MultiVue app
 3356 FLIGHTSIM II FROM MV     X Z.SESSIONS   890204    6300     53   9
      Desc: Flight Simulator II as MultiVue app
 3350 ULTIMUSE VER2 DOC        X B.BRADY      890129    7560     50   9
      Desc: Changes between Version 1 & 2
 3349 ULTIMUSE VER2 BINARY     X B.BRADY      890129   40320     52   9
      Desc: Version 2 Ultimuse Shareware
 3346 SLED23.AR                X N.WHITE1     890128   46620     98   9
      Desc: V.2.3 of SLED text editor
 3330 FONTS.AR                 X M.WITTKOSKI  890121   22680     37   9
      Desc: Some fonts for FEdit.Ar
 3329 FEDIT.AR                 X M.WITTKOSKI  890121   10080     48   9
      Desc: A Font Editor for OS9 Level 2
 3328 CPPRINT.AR               X M.WITTKOSKI  890121    3780     18   9
      Desc: Parallel Printer Driver for J&M Ctrl
 3327 SORTDIR.AR               X M.WITTKOSKI  890121   10080     36   9
      Desc: Sorts your Directory Alphabetically
 3325 MULTISTART PATCHES       X JAMSTAR      890121    2520     55   9
      Desc: Steve Trier's Multistart patch
 3322 PASCAL2C.AR              X M.WITTKOSKI  890119   21420     35   9
      Desc: Convert Pascal Programs to C
 3321 DAVIDLET.PLA             X M.WITTKOSKI  890118   37800     38   9
      Desc: Sound of Glass Breaking, uw/Play.Ar
 3320 ROOSTER.PLA              X M.WITTKOSKI  890118   20160     40   9
      Desc: Sound of Rooster, Use with Play.Ar
 3319 SHELL21.AR               X M.WITTKOSKI  890118   28980     63   9
      Desc: Shell Plus Version 2.1
 3318 REVCOPY.AR.REVISED       X J.WOODWARD2  890118   13860     38   9
      Desc: A revised version of file copy util.
 3317 CANTDO.PLA               X M.WITTKOSKI  890117   55440     31   9
      Desc: David From 2001
 3316*SPOCK.PLA                X M.WITTKOSKI  890117   47880     28   9
      Desc: Spock from Star Trek
 3315 DISRUPT.PLA              X M.WITTKOSKI  890117   22680     22   9
      Desc: Another sounds to use with Play.Ar
 3314*GENQTRS.PLA              X M.WITTKOSKI  890117   17640     29   9
      Desc: Star Trek Sound. Use w/Play.Ar
 3310 BACK.PLA                 X M.WITTKOSKI  890116   12600     20   9
      Desc: Digitized Voice for Play.Ar
 3309 PLAY.AR                  X M.WITTKOSKI  890116   13860     64   9
      Desc: Play Mac & Amiga Sounds Files
 3295 HARD DRIVE DATA          X JAMSTAR      890112   27720     89   9
      Desc: Data for 132 different hard drives
 3282 SHELLMATE.PAK            X H.BAELL1     890107   20160     67   9
      Desc: Some utilities for gshell
 3274 RAMDISC UTILITIES        X JAMSTAR      890105    3780     63   9
      Desc: quick load & save utils for ramdisc
 3267 CP.AR                    X J.HICKLE     881231    7560     35   9
      Desc: file copy utility
 3252 PCDOS4.AR                X T.ALTUM      881226   26460     47   9
      Desc: transfer between os9 and ms-dos
 3251 TELSTARDOC.AR            X T.ALTUM      881226   20160     23   9
      Desc: telstar documentation.
 3245 EDPTR.AR                 X HAALAND      881218   37800     44   9
      Desc: Graphics Pointer Editor Multi-Vue
 3244 ATCOCO.AR                X HAALAND      881215    6300     56   9
      Desc: CoCo to AT Clone case transplant
 3243 VEFSHOW.AR               X HAALAND      881215    8820     39   9
      Desc: VEF picture display program in 'C'
 3242 DIGIVU.AR                X HAALAND      881215   25200     34   9
      Desc: DS-69b Picture Display Program
 3205 SUPER.AR                 X B.BRADY      881202   17640     33   9
      Desc: Superboard Package
 3203 MWP SUPER.CCB            X B.BRADY      881202    1260     28   9
      Desc: MWP descriptor for Superboard (Wiz)
 3202 PROACIASB.CCB            X B.BRADY      881202    2520     34   9
      Desc: SuperBoard Version of ProAcia (Wiz)
 3198 COCO3 IN XT CASE PIX     X JAMSTAR      881129   20160     49   9
      Desc: Install yer CoCo3 in a IBM case!!
 3197 FIX.AR                   X JAMSTAR      881129    2520     67   9
      Desc: Modification of #3158, "fixed"
 3193 CTUTFIL17.AR             X K8YUW        881126   20160     40   9
      Desc: Required files for Chapts 1-7
 3192 CTUTFIL813.AR            X K8YUW        881126   23940     38   9
      Desc: Files required for Chapts 8-13
 3191 CTUTFIL14.AR             X K8YUW        881126   28980     39   9
      Desc: Files required for Chapter 14
 3190 CTUTADDL.AR              X K8YUW        881126   30240     36   9
      Desc: Additional files for CTUTOR.AR
 3189 CTUTLAST.AR              X K8YUW        881126   47880     35   9
      Desc: Final required files in CTUTOR.AR
 3188 CTUTFSTAT.DOC            X K8YUW        881126   17640     40   9
      Desc: FSTAT of all files in CTUTOR pkg.
 3170 CSTUFF.AR                X JAMSTAR      881116    6300     53   9
      Desc: Headers & docs for C
 3169 RIBBS2.DOC               X M.WITTKOSKI  881115   37800     50   9
      Desc: Documentation #2 for RiBBS V1.01
 3168 RIBBS1.D                 X M.WITTKOSKI  881115   21420     41   9
      Desc: Documentation #1 for RiBBS V1.01
 3167 RIBBSFIX.AR              X M.WITTKOSKI  881115   15120     41   9
      Desc: Patches for RiBBS V1.01
 3166 RIBBSMN2.AR              X M.WITTKOSKI  881115   32760     58   9
      Desc: BBS for OS9 with XModem.
 3165 RIBBSMN1.AR              X M.WITTKOSKI  881115   35280     57   9
      Desc: Shareware BBS for OS9
 3138 WIZZERO.AR               X K8YUW        881029    5040     50   9
      Desc: Zero buffer AND begin auto-download
 3134 TIC-TAC-TOE IN C         X Z.SESSIONS   881027   12600     28   9
      Desc: 3x3 2 dim TicTacToe in OS9 C
 3133 SOURCE FOR TTT.C         X Z.SESSIONS   881027    8820     21   9
      Desc: C Source for Tic-Tac-Toe program
 3127 STERM.AR                 X B.BRADY      881025   34020     42   9
      Desc: Mark Griffiths Simple Term
 3116 INSTALL_STERM.B09        X B.BRADY      881016    5040     52   9
      Desc: An STerm installer for Wiz Pro
 3113 ANSISHOW.AR              X P.SENIURA    881013   22680     52   9
      Desc: ANSI demo, pgm & samples
 3106 SPLITFILE14.AR           X JAMSTAR      881010    3780     44   9
      Desc: Corrects bugs in #3083.  New ver.
 3104 INSTALL.PAK              X K8YUW        881010    2520     45   9
      Desc: Links a named file to os9boot
 3103 HDIR.PAK                 X K8YUW        881010    3780     41   9
      Desc: Heirarchical DIRectory utility
 3101 HCOPY.PAK                X K8YUW        881010    2520     44   9
      Desc: Copy one directory to another
 3100 DLIST.PAK                X K8YUW        881010    2520     32   9
      Desc: Disk DUMP utility
 3099 BOOTSPLIT.PAK            X K8YUW        881010    2520     47   9
      Desc: Splits modules from os9boot file
 3098 ATTRCHG.PAK.COCOBIN      X K8YUW        881010    2520     41   9
      Desc: Group change all attr's in a dir
 3093 WIZZERO.I.COCOBIN        X B.BRADY      881007    1260     42   9
      Desc: An EXPROC to zero Wizs buffer
 3092 AP.PAK                   X K8YUW        881007    3780     24   9
      Desc: Append files, one to another
 3087 D.PAK                    X K8YUW        881005    8820     34   9
      Desc: D is much like LS dir command
 3086 DELETE.PAK               X K8YUW        881005    7560     38   9
      Desc: Two DELete utilities, enhanced
 3085 EMD.PAK                  X K8YUW        881005    7560     39   9
      Desc: Extended Memory Dump utility.
 3080 WIZPRO.TXT               X B.BRADY      881003   11340     94   9
      Desc: Wiz Pro Shareware Terminal Program
 3072 DDIR.BIN                 X B.BRADY      881002    1260     51   9
      Desc: Display your system device table.
 3068 EMACS8D.AR               X NJC          881002   25200     26   9
      Desc: EMACS source 4 of 4
 3067 EMACS8C.AR               X NJC          881002   23940     26   9
      Desc: EMACS SOURCE PART 3 OF 4
 3066 EMACS8B.AR               X NJC          881002   20160     33   9
      Desc: EMACS SOURCE 2 of 4 For 68k 6809
 3065 EMACS8A.AR               X NJC          881002   25200     30   9
      Desc: EMACS Source 1 of 4 68k or 6809
 3005 CC.AR                    X JAMSTAR      880826   20160     61   9
      Desc: LVL2 front end for Microware C
 3004 ACIAPAK.BIN              X B.BRADY      880825    1260    140   9
      Desc: Replacement AciaPak that works.
 3001 TELSTAR32.AR             X D.KEEFE      880823   60480     54   9
      Desc: comunication program x,ymodem
 2939 TSMON.AR                 X T.WOHLERS    880813    2520     67   9
      Desc: Time sharing monitor Lvl 2 auto-baud
 2938 OWNER.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880812    7560     41   9
      Desc: Change owner number of file/dir
 2937 LSTUSR.AR                X HAMRADIO     880812    3780     29   9
      Desc: List all users on the system
 2935 LOGIN.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880811   23940     54   9
      Desc: Sets up safer user environment
 2922*STARTREK.AR              X HAMRADIO     880807   49140    102   9
      Desc: Jim Lemke's Startrek version
 2921 WINSCRIPTS.AR            X HAMRADIO     880807    7560     36   9
      Desc: Shell scripts change window attribs
 2915 SEPARATE.AR              X HAMRADIO     880806    5040     52   9
      Desc: Separate multi-modules into parts.
 2914 MGE2VEF.AR               X HAMRADIO     880806    2520     46   9
      Desc: MGE to VEF converter
 2912 INSTALL.AR               X HAMRADIO     880806    3780     49   9
      Desc: Make new booter by "linking" file
 2911 LMERGE.AR                X HAMRADIO     880806    3780     33   9
      Desc: Line oriented merge utility
 2910 ID.AR                    X HAMRADIO     880806    5040     25   9
      Desc: User ID and process number
 2909 GFXTER.AR                X HAMRADIO     880806    3780     26   9
      Desc: Run XCOM9 in a graphics window; cloc
 2908 EPS.AR                   X HAMRADIO     880806    2520     27   9
      Desc: Epson printer commands in English
 2907 DIRUTIL.AR               X HAMRADIO     880806   10080     77   9
      Desc: Dir utility/file managament tool
 2906 BAWK.AR                  X HAMRADIO     880806   55440     28   9
      Desc: Text processor based on "AWK"
 2888 YMODEM.C                 X HAMRADIO     880731   22680     44   9
      Desc: C Source for Ymodem protocol
 2883 BINHEX.C                 X NJC          880730    7560     19   9
      Desc: Converts binary to Motorola S1DUMP
 2879 JTERM29.BIN              X D.KEEFE      880727   34020     43   9
      Desc: latest version jterm..ver29
 2878 JTERM.TXT.AR             X D.KEEFE      880727   30240     51   9
      Desc: version 29 docs for jterm.bin29.bin
 2877 DISASSEMBLER.AR          X HAMRADIO     880726   12600     76   9
      Desc: Level 2 disassembler for CoCo, etc
 2868 FSTAT.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880723   10080     42   9
      Desc: Replace FSTAT in MV with a REAL one.
 2867 GENCOP.AR                X HAMRADIO     880723   45360     38   9
      Desc: OS9 kernal copying routine
 2866 EDCON.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880723   12600     41   9
      Desc: ICON editor in C - Toby Farley
 2865 ICONED.AR                X HAMRADIO     880723    6300     34   9
      Desc: BASIC09 editor to use with MV icons
 2860 DIRSORT.AR               X HAMRADIO     880719   10080     51   9
      Desc: Ron Lammardo's DIRSORT
 2855 DEDDSORT.INFO            X HAMRADIO     880717    6300     27   9
      Desc: Instructions on using dEd & DSORT
 2836 FMENU.B09                X B.BRADY      880710   11340     34   9
      Desc: Fmenu as published in Rainbow.
 2830 VTERM.ASM                X NJC          880708   64260     30   9
      Desc: Communication package with xmodem tr
 2827 EDASM.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880706    2520     33   9
      Desc: Edtasm/OS9 asm porting utility
 2826 DISKLOCK.AR              X HAMRADIO     880706    3780     36   9
      Desc: Lock/unlock discs;change passwords
 2825 DIRPAT.AR                X HAMRADIO     880706    2520     46   9
      Desc: Patch DIR and MDIR
 2824 DSETIME.AR               X HAMRADIO     880706    3780     21   9
      Desc: For Disto harware clocks
 2816 DISPLAY.HLP              X HAMRADIO     880704    6300     58   9
      Desc: The codes to use with "DISPLAY"
 2814 TONE.AR                  X HAMRADIO     880703    5040     22   9
      Desc: Uses system call SS.Tone
 2813 DMHELP.AR                X HAMRADIO     880703    5040     58   9
      Desc: Help file for DeskMate3
 2810 WIZACIA.ASM              X B.BRADY      880702   18900     99   9
      Desc: WizAcia Source File
 2809 RUNNER.DOC               X B.BRADY      880701    6300     38   9
      Desc: Runs Runs Runs
 2808 RUNNER.I.BINARY          X B.BRADY      880701    8820     34   9
      Desc: Runs files via fmenu
 2805 DATAMOD.AR               X HAMRADIO     880630   10080     27   9
      Desc: For use w/Shell+ 1.3.
 2804 ADVENTURE.AR             X HAMRADIO     880630   93240     52   9
      Desc: PD version of Colossal Cave (OS9UG)
 2801 CTUTOR.AR                X HAMRADIO     880626  127260     64   9
      Desc: C language tutorial
 2800 COWN09.AR                X HAMRADIO     880626   11340     22   9
      Desc: Change Owner routine in C
 2798 CALL.AR                  X HAMRADIO     880626    8820     34   9
      Desc: Shareware repeating utility
 2797 D.AR                     X HAMRADIO     880626   10080     45   9
      Desc: Wildcard DIR utility
 2796 COPYPATCH.AR             X HAMRADIO     880626    2520     54   9
      Desc: patch for COPY fixes 218 errors
 2795 VEFPRT.AR                X HAMRADIO     880626    7560     33   9
      Desc: VEF pix screen dump for Epson
 2793 VEFSS.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880626   35280     36   9
      Desc: VEF Slide Show grafix utility
 2791 RGB.AR                   X HAMRADIO     880626    7560     38   9
      Desc: schematic for rgba to ttl for CoCo3
 2784 FMENU.I DEMO             X B.BRADY      880625    7560     29   9
      Desc: Wiz Pros file menu in demo form
 2746 BURKEXTRTC.REV           X HAMRADIO     880609    6300     27   9
      Desc: Review of Burke & Burke XT-RTC
 2745 CC3PAK.DOC               X B.BRADY      880608   12600     15   9
      Desc: Level 1 DynaStar under Level 2
 2743 CC3PAK.BIN               X B.BRADY      880608    2520     21   9
      Desc: Ken Scales patch for DynaStar v 3.0
 2740 MVSKEL.AR                X HAMRADIO     880606   12600     24   9
      Desc: C source for Multivue Apps.
 2738 DEADICONS.AR             X HAMRADIO     880606    2520     23   9
      Desc: Grateful Dead icons file
 2737 MMFIX.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880606    1260     15   9
      Desc: Microscopic Mission patches
 2735 ACCESS.AR                X HAMRADIO     880606   12600     31   9
      Desc: Modem database/dialer program
 2734 GSHELLPATCHES.AR         X HAMRADIO     880606   71820    117   9
      Desc: Kent Meyers latest Gshell patches
 2733 EZDIR.DOC                X B.BRADY      880605    8820     37   9
      Desc: Bob Hengstebecks EZ-Dir Doc file
 2732 EZDIR.AR                 X B.BRADY      880605   17640     41   9
      Desc: Bob Hegstebecks EZ-Dir
 2727 WIZICONS.AR              X B.BRADY      880603    3780     42   9
      Desc: 'Offical' Wiz Icon & Aif set
 2722 UEMACS.DOC               X B.BRADY      880601    3780     60   9
      Desc: Text file for MicroEmacs
 2721 UEMACS.BIN               X B.BRADY      880601   26460     73   9
      Desc: The PD Unix/OS-9 Screen Editor
 2710 DYNACALC_TRM.PATCH       X B.BRADY      880529    1260     34   9
      Desc: Hard Disk Users Need This One!
 2709 GAMES.PATCHES            X B.BRADY      880529    3780     55   9
      Desc: Get the games Rolling!
 2708 CARDS.AR                 X B.BRADY      880529   18900     46   9
      Desc: Solitaire Game
 2707 ICONS_BY_KEVIN           X B.BRADY      880529    3780     40   9
      Desc: Some Darling Icons
 2706 MEEP.BIN                 X B.BRADY      880529   27720     24   9
      Desc: Kevins MEEP
 2705 GSHELL.AR                X HAMRADIO     880529    2520     75   9
      Desc: Kent Meyers Multi-Vue Package
 2704 MORE.AR                  X HAMRADIO     880529   18900     42   9
      Desc: File reader/previewer by Pete Lyall
 2669 TREE.CCB                 X B.BRADY      880522    6300     41   9
      Desc: Carl Krieders Tree utility
 2633 CRON.AR                  X HAMRADIO     880509    5040     50   9
      Desc: Pete Lyalls job scheduler
 2631 HDKIT.AR                 X HAMRADIO     880509   47880     62   9
      Desc: Pete Lyall's hard disc utilites
 2618 RAMMER.BIN               X B.BRADY      880506    1260     91   9
      Desc: OS-9 Level 2 CoCo 3 Ramdisk
 2615 HELVETICA.CCB            X B.BRADY      880504    2520     27   9
      Desc: Font This is a CoCoBin file
 2591 DISKEDIT.CCB             X B.BRADY      880427    5040     32   9
      Desc: Diskedit ready to run version
 2590 DISKEDIT.DOC             X B.BRADY      880427    3780     34   9
      Desc: Instructions for Diskedit
 2589 DISKEDIT.B09             X B.BRADY      880427    8820     30   9
      Desc: A disk sector editor for OS-9
 2588 BOOTSPLIT.HELP           X B.BRADY      880427    1260     30   9
      Desc: Help file for UG Bootsplit
 2587 BOOTSPLIT.B09            X B.BRADY      880427    1260     23   9
      Desc: The OS-9 UG utility
 2547 FD502 FIX                X B.BRADY      880405    5040     19   9
      Desc: How to re-wire errant FD502 drive 1
 2540 MULTIVUSTUPH.AR          X HAMRADIO     880401    3780     46   9
      Desc: More icons & aif's
 2531 DIAL.BIN                 X B.BRADY      880326    1260     28   9
      Desc: Makes touch tones on the CoCo
 2530 MIDS.AR                  X HAMRADIO     880325    3780     37   9
 2502 BURKE & BURKE APPL NOTES X B.BRADY      880313   30240     36   9
      Desc: Appl Notes 1,2,3
 2497 HELP.CCB                 X B.BRADY      880313    1260     26   9
      Desc: The Users Group Help utility
 2496 HELPS.AR                 X B.BRADY      880313   52920     40   9
      Desc: An entire help directory contents.
 2490 SLED.AR                  X HAMRADIO     880313   31500     52   9
      Desc: full screen line editor
 2454 MPI232.TXT               X B.BRADY      880306    7560     49   9
      Desc: Tutorial on Multi-Pak Adapter
 2418 QEDDOC.AR                X B.BRADY      880227   16380     37   9
      Desc: QED Documentation files
 2417 QEDSRC.AR                X B.BRADY      880227   25200     28   9
      Desc: C sources for QED
 2416 QED.CCB                  X B.BRADY      880227   15120     46   9
      Desc: Here is the QED editor from OS9UG
 2415 FLINK.AR                 X K.MCMURDO    880227    3780     29   9
      Desc: File directory entry linker
 2393 CALL_MAKE.V2             X K.MCMURDO    880220    1260     24   9
      Desc: call_make from AIFpkg1  version 2
 2392 AIFPKG1.AR.V2            X K.MCMURDO    880220    6300     34   9
      Desc: Package of AIF, Icons for MultiVue
 2379 SCRIPT.AR                X K.MCMURDO    880214    8820     36   9
      Desc: Script (batch) file utilities
 2302 PPRINT.AR                X K.MCMURDO    880210    3780     21   9
      Desc: Parallel Printer Device Driver
 2301 SHOREGS.AR               X K.MCMURDO    880210    6300     20   9
      Desc: RMA assembler debugging routine
 2258 BOOTLINK.AR              X GREGFORSETH  880204    2520     29   9
      Desc: utility to mark bootfile on disk
 2257 REMOVE.AR                X GREGFORSETH  880204    2520     41   9
      Desc: Utility to remove module(s) -> file
 2250 ARC.DOC                  X B.BRADY      880130    1260     78   9
      Desc: Brief Help file for ARC.BIN
 2248 ARC.BIN                  X B.BRADY      880130    7560     83   9
      Desc: The OS9UG ARC utility
 2232 OS9UG LIBRARY            X B.BRADY      880122    8820     34   9
      Desc: Listing as of 12/87
 2231*OS9UG APPLICATION        7 B.BRADY      880122    7560     33   9
      Desc: Application form for joining the UG
 2227 DMODE.BIN                X B.BRADY      880117    2520     45   9
      Desc: Like TMODE but for Disks
 2225 L2UTILS.DOC              X B.BRADY      880116    7560     49   9
      Desc: Clear Text DOC file for KD LII Utils
 2222 L2UTILS.AR               X B.BRADY      880115    7560     76   9
      Desc: Kevin Darlings Basic LII Utility set
 2221 CFONTS.AR                X B.BRADY      880115    5040     62   9
      Desc: Five Fonts for Level 2
 2219 GPMAP.B09                X B.BRADY      880115    3780     46   9
      Desc: Graphics Process Map for L II
 2218 WDIR.B09                 X B.BRADY      880115    5040     53   9
      Desc: Window Directory Utility for L II
 2215 ICOPY.AR                 X B.BRADY      880113   15120     49   9
      Desc: Inter-Dos copy OS9 to RS-DOS
 2213 SCULPTOR PD PAK          X B.BRADY      880111   80640     29   9
      Desc: Public Domain Package for Sculptor
 2201 MACPAINT.AR              X B.BRADY      871231   20160     44   9
      Desc: Display MacPaint Pics under Level 2
 2200 PMODEPIX.BIN             X B.BRADY      871231    7560     23   9
      Desc: Display pmode4 pics under Level 2
 2146 XMAC.B09                 X B.BRADY      871220   13860     32   9
      Desc: Xmodem fileserver for OS9 level 2
 2113 GDEMO                    X B.BRADY      871128   10080     39   9
      Desc: List this File to a Window screen
 2111 PATCH.AR                 X B.BRADY      871128   22680     60   9
      Desc: An OS9 patch utility Ipatch/Makpatch
 2106 CSUM.ASM                 X B.BRADY      871126    2520     22   9
      Desc: Basic09 Callable Checksum Utility
 2105 XMAC.DOC                 X B.BRADY      871126    8820     39   9
      Desc: Xmodem Fileserver for OS9 Docs
 1804 PDCOM.B09                X GOMEZ.RUBIO  870831   15120     67   9
      Desc: Public domain BASIC09 term. pgm.
 1803 XCOM9N                   X GOMEZ.RUBIO  870831    7560     74   9
      Desc: Latest version of XCOM9
 1427 TSM.ASM                  X DARREN-NYE   870511    2520     20   9
      Desc: Modification of TSMON for lv 1 OS9
 1331 TERMINAL.B09             X GOMEZ.RUBIO  870331    2520     62   9
      Desc: A simple BASIC09 terminal program.
 1330 XCOM9.TXT                X GOMEZ.RUBIO  870331   45360     61   9
      Desc: XCOM9.TXT documentation for XCOM9
 1329 XCOM9.LII                X GOMEZ.RUBIO  870331    6300     59   9
      Desc: XCOM9.LII terminal program
 1305 BIGT.I                   X W.BRADY      870323   17640     34   9
      Desc: BigT os9 level 1 terminal program
 1282 BIGT.I.BINARY            X W.BRADY      870321   17640     37   9
      Desc: BigT version 1.5 CoCoBin xmodem
 1206 CO380                    X GREGMILLER   870224    2520     19   9
      Desc: CO380 is a 80x24 device driver
 1205 CO380.DOC                X GREGMILLER   870224    8820     28   9
      Desc: Documentation for CO380
 1204 TERM380                  X GREGMILLER   870224    1260     17   9
      Desc: Device descriptor for CO380
 1179 DMODE.ASM                X W.BRADY      870218    8820     41   9
      Desc: Equv to tmode but for disks lvl 2

End of Directory.