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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-10 - Conflict
It is a game in Basic similar to risk, for 2 players made by SOFT SECTOR MARKETING INC. Available (6250 Middlebelt Road, Garden City, Michigan, 48135 for $14.
In the game say: Autors (C) 1981 M. SHANTO & S. LOY. Distributed by SOFT SECTOR MARKETING INC, P.O. BOX 5340 WILLOWICK, OH, 44094
Errors & Improvements
The computer takes care of all the numbers, but the presentation could have been better, The table of the numbered territories, do not say who they belong to (until you ask for a status, which is an impractical list)
It did not occur to anyone that you could have a graphic map?, In the status list indicates who borders each territory and what else has to do your imagination.
It has some errors like, that when you make a mistake in some option, even if it is not completed, you lose the battalions to distribute.
There is a small error in colony 5 belonging to the first and second territory at the same time, lines 1300-, although in the count of territories it is correctly placed as of the second territory, line 1520-, leaving the first territory with 4 colonies from one to 4.
It does not inform during the distribution of troops, how many remain, what makes one have to keep the account mentally.
You have to use the status a lot and it is quite uncomfortable, this could be solved simply by placing on the first screen the number of troops of each player, distinguishing each one by the green or black background of the letters.
Unlike in risk, troop movements are made before attacks and not afterwards. Just allow a single movement of troops.
Conflict in game
Conflict Battle
Conflict Territory Bestac
Conflict Territory Grandel
Conflict Territory Rankor
Conflict Territory Senti