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CPU speedup (Rainbow 1981-07)

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This page was last updated on 05/2/2019. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.

Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-07 - CPU speedup (Rainbow 1981-07)

Despite the stuff you may believe or have been told about the speed of the COLOR Computer's 6809E CPU, it's really a Pretty swift little device. In fact, if you want to see a Radio Shack store Manager's eyes boggle, just put a COLOR Computer next to a Mod III in his store, write a short for-next loop to count the numbers from 1 to 1,000 on both Machines and then run them at the same time. Can you guess which Computer finishes first? Yep, old COLOR Computer!

But, there's a way to make your COLOR Computer run even faster. Just POKE 63495,0. You'll be able to see this in action right away, because the cursor will start changing colors more quickly. To get back to the "normal" speed, Just POKE 65494,0.

You have to go back to normal for cassette I/O and to transmit to the printer. If you don't, you get all sorts of messy garbage. And in ref-erence to garbage, you probably will get some on the screen (or lose control) if you let your program end while you're still in the fast for— mat. Making your last line read: "POKE 65494,0: END" will handle that problem Just fine. Its a nice feature for all sorts of uses.


See Rainbow Magazine 1981-07 Pag 3, in