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Basketball statskeeper will have them bouncing along
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Home / Publications / Rainbow / Rainbow 1981 / Rainbow 1981-11 - Basketball statskeeper will have them bouncing along
When you gather your friends together for a TV game or two this coming basketball season -- set up a second TV and keep score for them with STATSKEEFER.
STATSKEEPER. in a larger version, was used last season to keep a full set of statistics on some games for the University of Louisville Cardinals. Because all statistics are kept up to date as of the time things occur, the final stats can be done instantly when the game ends. That program keeps track of every possible activity -- including minutes played.
STATSKEEPER is designed to be used at home (unless you want to take your Color Computer to the game). Because of that, and in an effort to get a professional-look box score display, the number of statistics categories are limited to field goals attempted and made and free throws attempted and made. STATSKEEPER keeps up with total points for each player and team and computes free throw and field goal percentages.
You use the "enter" option when a player comes into the game. This controls who is displayed in the box score. Be sure to "enter" the starting five. If you forget, the statistics will still accumulate — they just won't be displayed.
It has been our experience that other statistical categories (such as rebounds. minutes played and so on) are most difficult to determine watching on TV. The field goal attempts might be a little difficult. but if you can concentrate on those, your statistics should come out all right.
Don't worry about length of names in the box score, as they will be chopped off to fit. We have made provision for games in which more than 100 points are scored, however. to satisfy you NBA fans.
All pregame entries (such as players names and numbers) are done through regular input statements. However, in order to speed execution of the program, all statistics are entered via INKEYS. The exception to this is the "Continue?" input when a box is being displayed. This allows you to retain the box on the screen for study while things are slow.
The only restriction in the program is that you can use only 12 players. This is simply in an effort to retain all players on the screen -- and we have left "room" in the DIM statements for 16 if you want more people and less heading information. It you opt for the 12 players, simply use 11 and label the 12th "others."
Two hints: If you hit the wrong letter or number while in the statistics collecting part of the program, just keep hitting the RETURN key until you get back to the "ENTER PLAYER'S TEAM" prompt. Once you have initialized the program, you can get back to that prompt by BREAKing and entering GOTO 210.
This program is written for Extended Color Basic, but the few things it uses from that instruction set are simple to convert. The STRINGS(32,"=") is simply a line of 32 equals marks. LINE INPUT can be replaced by INPUT, but we used it for display purposes.
The listing:
9 '************************** 10 '************************** 11 '** STATSKEEPER PROGRAM ** 12 '** ** 13 '** (c) 1981 ** 14 '** ** 15 '** FALSOFT ** 16 '************************** 17 '************************** 25 DIM HN$(16),HN(16),VN$(16),VN (16),HG(16),HS(16),HF(16),HL(16),KP(16),HT(16),VT(16),VG(16),VS(16),VF(16),VL(16),VE(16) 30 BS$="% % ## -## ##-## ##" 31 BZ$=" PLAYER FGM-FGA FTM -FTA PTS" 32 BT$=" TOTALS ## -## ## -## ###" 33 PC$=" ###.##% ## 35 CLS:PRINT:LINEINPUT"NAME THE HOME TEAM ";H$:LINEINPUT"NAME THE VISITING TEAM ";V$ 40 CLS:PRINTTAB(O)"--- HOME TEAM 41 PRINT 45 INPUT "HOW MANY PLAYERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE FOR THE HONE TEAM";SS 50 FOR X=1 TO SS 55 IL$=STRING$(32,"=");PRINTIL$; 60 PRINTH$" PLAYER'S NAME":PRINTTAB(4);:INPUTHN$(X) 70 PRINTHN$(X)"'S NUMBER";:INPUTHN(X) 80 NEXT X 90 CLS:PRINTTAB(6) "--- VISITING TEAM ---" 95 INPUT "HOW MANY PLAYERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO PLAY FOR THE VISITORS";VV 100 FOR X=1 TO VV 103 PRINTTAB(10) " (E)NTERED GAME 105 PRINTIL$; 110 PRINTV$" PLAYER'S NAME":PRINTTAB(4);:INPUTVN$(X) 120 PRINTVN$(X)"'S NUMBER";:INPUTVN(X) 130 NEXT X 140 CLS:PRINT@163,"STATSKEEPER INITIALIZATIGN":PRINT"COMPLETE" 150 PRINT@389,"PRESS <ENTER> TO BEGIN";:PRINT" SCOREKEEPING";:PRINT@462." ";:LINEINPUTCN$:CLS 210 PRINT"---> ENTER PLAYER'S TEAM <---":PRINT" (H)OME OR (V)ISITOR" 211 T$=INKEY$:IF T$="" THEN 211 212 CLS:IF T$="V" THEN 400ELSE PRINTH$" STATISTIC"Links
See Rainbow Magazine 1981-11 Pag 3, in