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Advanced Star Trench Warfare

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Home / Software - Advanced Star Trench Warfare

Advanced Star Trench Warfare

Advanced Star Trench Warfare Intro
Advanced Star Trench Warfare Intro
Advanced Star Trench Warfare
Advanced Star Trench Warfare

Advanced Star Trench Warfare is a 3D space shooter game based on the Star Wars theme of flying through the trench on the Death Star, shooting down TIE fighters.

It is a bit of a rarity for a commercially-sold game in that it was written completely in BASIC (no machine language at all, not even in subroutines). It was the first CoCo game advertised as providing a true 3D effect via the user wearing blue and red 3D glasses. Advanced Star Trench Warfare has a refueling sequence that was pretty impressive for BASIC at the time, and it used page-flipping techniques for its high speed graphics (I think this in now called double-buffering in current PC/Mac terminology).

Fred Scerbo, the author, wrote a long-running column in The Rainbow, where he used to show things like graphic techniques. His was one of the first to show how artifact colors worked, and how to do them from BASIC easily.

Title: Advanced Star Trench Warfare

Author: Fred B. Scerbo

Publisher: Illustrated Memory Banks

Released: 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM with Extended BASIC, tape or disk, joystick.