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A form of Csave?

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Home / Publications / Rainbow - A form of Csave?

For those who are most concerned that there is no "CSAVE?" command available with the Color Computer, there is a way to almost duplicate this process.

CSAVE? is a Model I/III command which allows you to, after loading a program to tape, rewind the tape and run the program back through to compare what's on the tape byte-for-byte with that which is in memory. It does not erase memory. So, if you have a problem with the tape version, you can just CSAVE again.

Remember, this works for Model I/III, but it is not supported for the Color Computer. That's one of the reasons many of us have to clog up our tapes with multiple saves. For the Color Computer, once you CLOAD, the program in memory is erased.

However, there is the SKIPF command. SKIPF only compares byte-for-byte on the tape leader, not the program itself. On the surface, it seems this doesn't do a whole lot of good for the program itself.

But, as Dick White of Fairfield, Ohio, points out. the errors you get when loading to tape are I/O errors. And SKIPF does react to those! Further, SKIPF, like CLOAD?, does not erase memory. So, try SKIPF to verify saves, although you could still get garble because there is no actual comparison of the program itself. Still, it is better to have to fix the garble than to sit there with a tape that won't load, period!

This really just touches on the programs which have been available in the first four issues, with many more to come. In short, Chromasette is a real treasure chest of fun and help for Color Computer owners and would be an ideal Christmas present to give yourself.


See this article as it appeared in the Rainbow Magazine 1981-12 Pag 9, in