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101 Color Computer Programming Tips and Tricks

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Home / Publications - 101 Color Computer Programming Tips and Tricks

101 Color Computer Programming Tips and Tricks
101 Color Computer Programming Tips and Tricks
Title 101 Color Computer Programming Tips and Tricks
Author Ron Clark
Publisher Arcsoft Pub
Pub Date 1st edition (September 1981)
Pages 128 pages
ISBN 0866680071
ISBN-13 978-0866680073
Language English
Format Paperback; Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches
Notes Shipping Weight: 8 ounces
Info Source Luis Fernández

From Creative Computing Vol. 8 No. 6 - June 1982 book reviews by Stephen Gray [1]

101 Color Computer Programming Tips and Tricks is a much more valuable book for the computernik, with six types of programs, such as: graphics (dancing spot, painting exercises, lettering graphics, erasing numbers, how to graph), music (sound with graphics, music test, R2D2 sound effects), text (custom cursor, letter repeater, last name first, bubble sort, search and order), fun and games (digging a tunnel, striped titles, rainbow billboard), number crunching (commas in numbers, stringy numbers, random sampler, VAL), odds and ends (memory peek, character search, seconds timer, IF/THEN/ELSE). There's a great deal of useful information here, all sorts of "hints. secrets, shortcuts, and color techniques," as the cover puts it. Many of the programs, which range from three to several dozen lines in length, are useful as is, or can be used as subroutines. Many use Basic statements unique to the Color Computer, such as CIRCLE. COLOR, DRAW, PAINT, PLAY, etc., and thus help the user understand them more fully.