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From CoCopedia - The Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer Wiki
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Tandy Color Computers contain a modular interpreter which understands a superset of the Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC) programming language.

There are up to four core modules available in Read-Only Memory (ROM) that detect and link to each other when combinations of these ROMs exist in a Color Computer.


Color BASIC - the core module present in all models of Color Computer

Extended Color BASIC (ECB) - a graphics and sound package which was optional in the Color Computer 1 and 2.

Disk Extended Color BASIC (DECB) - Disk commands present when a disk controller cartridge is plugged in

Super Extended Color BASIC (SECB) - Present in the Color Computer 3 only and includes Color BASIC and Extended Color BASIC in lower memory - links to Disk BASIC ROM if a cartridge is present.


BASIC Keywords (sortable)
Module Keyword Description
CB ABS Get absolute value of a signed number
CB BASIC:+ Addition operator
CB BASIC:AND Boolean / Logical AND operator
CB BASIC:ASC ASCII code of first letter of string
ECB BASIC:ATN Returns arctangent in radians
SECB BASIC:ATTR Set the display attributes of a high-resolution text screen
CB BASIC:AUDIO Control the audio source
DECB BASIC:BACKUP Duplicates the contents of the disk in the source drive on the disk in the destination drive
SECB BASIC:BRK Jump to a line number when the BREAK key is pressed
SECB BASIC:BUTTON Return if a Joystick Button is being pressed or not
CB BASIC:CHR$ Convert number to Control, ASCII, or graphics code string
ECB BASIC:CIRCLE Draws a circle with center at point (x,y) radius r, specified color c and height/width ratio
CB BASIC:CLEAR Clear RAM for string space
CB BASIC:CLOAD Cassette load
CB BASIC:CLOSE Close files
CB BASIC:CLS Clear screen
SECB BASIC:CMP Set palette to composite defaults
ECB BASIC:COLOR Sets foreground and background color
CB BASIC:CONT Continue the program from a stop
DECB BASIC:COPY Copies the contents of filename1 to filename2
ECB BASIC:COS Return cosine of an angle given in radians
CB BASIC:CSAVE Cassette save
DECB BASIC:CVN Convert a 5-byte coded string created by MKN$ back to the number it represents
CB BASIC:DATA Store data within a program
ECB BASIC:DEF Defines numeric function
ECB BASIC:DEL Deletes program lines
CB BASIC:DIM Set aside memory for arrays
DECB BASIC:DIR Displays a directory of the disk in the drive you specify
CB / Division operator
ECB BASIC:DLOAD Loads BASIC program at specified baud
DECB BASIC:DOS With the OS-9 system diskette in drive 0, the DOS command boots the OS-9 operating system
ECB BASIC:DRAW Draws a line beginning at specified starting point of specified length and color
DECB BASIC:DRIVE Changes the default drive to the drive you specify
DECB BASIC:DSKI$ Inputs data from a particular sector with in a particular track on the disk in the drive you specify
DECB BASIC:DSKINI Formats a disk in the drive you specify
DECB BASIC:DSKO$ Writes string data on sector, track, and drive number you specify
ECB BASIC:EDIT Allows editing of program line
CB BASIC:END The end of the program
CB BASIC:EOF End of file
CB BASIC:ELSE Alternate conditional statement
CB = Equality operator
SECB BASIC:ERLIN Returns the BASIC line number where an error has occurred
SECB BASIC:ERR Jump to a line number when an error occurs
SECB BASIC:ERRNO Returns the BASIC error number for the error that has occurred
CB BASIC:EVAL Evaluate a numeric expression
CB BASIC:EXEC EXECute code at address
CB BASIC:EXP Generates ?SN in Color BASIC, implemented in Extended Color BASIC
ECB BASIC:EXP Returns natural exponential of number
DECB BASIC:FIELD Organizes the space within a direct access buffer into fields
DECB BASIC:FILES Tell the computer the number of buffers to reserve in memory
ECB BASIC:FIX Returns truncated (whole number) value
CB BASIC:FOR Start a loop
DECB BASIC:FREE Returns to the number of free granules on the disk in the drive you specify
ECB BASIC:GET Reads the graphic contents of a rectangle into an array for future use by PUT
CB BASIC:GO Jump to line number
CB > Greater Than operator
SECB BASIC:HBUFF Reserves an area in memory for high-resolution graphics
SECB BASIC:HCIRCLE Draws a circle on the high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HCLS Clear the high-resolution graphics screen to a specified color
SECB BASIC:HCOLOR Set foreground and background color on the high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HDRAW Draws on the high-resolution screen from a command string
ECB BASIC:HEX$ Computes hexadecimal value
SECB BASIC:HGET Stores a rectangle from the high-resolution screen into a buffer
SECB BASIC:HLINE Draws a line on the high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HPAINT Paints an area on the high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HPOINT Returns information on point x,y from the high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HPRINT Prints a message on the high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HPUT Copies graphics from a buffer to a rectangle on the high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HRESET Resets a point on the high-resolution graphics screen to the background color
SECB BASIC:HSCREEN Select and clear high-resolution graphics screen
SECB BASIC:HSET Set point x,y on the high-resolution graphics screen to color c
SECB BASIC:HSTAT Returns information regarding the high-resolution text screen cursor
CB BASIC:IF Start a conditional check
CB BASIC:INPUT Read a line of text at a time
ECB BASIC:INSTR Searches for the first occurrence of target string
CB BASIC:INT Convert a number to an integer
CB BASIC:JOYSTK Read and report joysticks
DECB BASIC:KILL Deletes the filename you specify from the disk directory
CB BASIC:LEFT$ Left part of a string
CB BASIC:LEN Length of a string
CB < Less Than operator
CB BASIC:LET Assign a variable
ECB BASIC:LINE Draw a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
CB BASIC:LIST List program to screen
CB BASIC:LLIST List program to printer
DECB BASIC:LOAD Loads the specified program file into memory from disk
SECB BASIC:LOCATE Move the high-resolution text screen cursor to position x,y
DECB BASIC:LOC Returns the current record number of the buffer you specify
DECB BASIC:LOF Returns the highest-numbered record of the buffer you specify
ECB BASIC:LOG Returns natural logarithm
SECB BASIC:LPEEK Return the contents of a virtual memory location $00000 - $7FFFF
SECB BASIC:LPOKE Stores a value in a virtual memory location $00000 - $7FFFF
DECB BASIC:LSET Left-justifies the data within the field you specify
CB BASIC:MEM Free memory
DECB BASIC:MERGE Loads the specified program file from disk and merges it with the program that exists in memory
CB BASIC:MID$ Middle of a string
DECB BASIC:MKN$ Convert a specified number into a 5-byte coded string for storage in a formatted disk file
CB BASIC:MOTOR Tape drive motor control
CB * Multiplication operator
CB BASIC:NEW Initialize the BASIC memory map
CB BASIC:NEXT End of a loop
CB BASIC:NOT Boolean / Logical negation
CB BASIC:OFF AUDIO and MOTOR control token
CB BASIC:ON Start of multi-way branch
CB BASIC:OPEN Open a file
CB BASIC:OR Boolean / Logical OR operator
ECB BASIC:PAINT Paints graphic screen starting at a point (x,y) withh specified color c stopping at border b
SECB BASIC:PALETTE Store a color code into a palette register, or reset palette for CMP or RGB defaults
ECB BASIC:PCLEAR Reserves b number of 1.5K graphics memory pages
ECB BASIC:PCLS Clears screen with specified color c
ECB BASIC:PCOPY Copy graphics from source page to destination page
CB BASIC:PEEK Read a value from a memory address
ECB BASIC:PLAY Plays music of specific note, octave, note-length, tempo, pause
ECB BASIC:PMODE Selections resolution and first memory page
CB BASIC:POINT Check color of a semigraphics pixel
CB BASIC:POKE Write a value to a memory address
ECB BASIC:POS Returns current print position
ECB BASIC:PPOINT Tests whether specified graphics cell is on or off
ECB BASIC:PRESET Reset a point to background color
CB BASIC:PRINT Write to the screen
ECB BASIC:PSET Sets a specified point (x,y) to specified color c
ECB BASIC:PUT Stores graphics from source into start/end rectangle on the screen
CB BASIC:READ Read a piece of data
CB BASIC:REM Comments or remarks - FIXME Else uses this too?
DECB BASIC:RENAME Renames a disk file
ECB BASIC:RENUM Allows program line renumbering
CB BASIC:RESET Clear a semigraphics pixel
CB BASIC:RESTORE Start back at the first DATA item
CB BASIC:RETURN Return from a subroutine
SECB BASIC:RGB Set palette to RGB defaults
CB BASIC:RIGHT$ Right part of a string
CB BASIC:RND Pseudo-random number generator
DECB BASIC:RSET Right-justifies the data within the field you specify
CB BASIC:RUN Start the program running
DECB BASIC:SAVE Saves filename on disk
ECB BASIC:SCREEN Selects either graphics (1) or text (0) screen and color-set (0 or 1)
CB BASIC:SET Draw a semigraphics pixel
CB BASIC:SGN Get the sign of a number positive or negative
CB BASIC:SIN Sine of an angle
CB BASIC:SKIPF Skip tape file
CB BASIC:SOUND Beep the speaker
ECB BASIC:SQR Returns the square root of a number
CB BASIC:STEP FOR loop control
CB BASIC:STOP Stop the program at the current line
CB BASIC:STR$ Convert a number to a string
ECB BASIC:STRING Returns a string of characters of specified length
CB BASIC:SUB Completion token for GOSUB
CB - Subtraction operator
CB BASIC:TAB Tabulation
ECB BASIC:TAN Returns tangent of angle given in radians
CB BASIC:THEN Completion token for IF
ECB BASIC:TIMER Returns contents or allows setting of timer
CB BASIC:TO Token for TO in GO TO
ECB BASIC:TROFF Turns off program tracer
ECB BASIC:TRON Turns on program tracer
DECB BASIC:UNLOAD Close any open files on the disk in the drive you specify
CB BASIC:USR User defined function
CB BASIC:VAL Convert a string to a number
ECB BASIC:VARPTR Returns address of pointer to the specified variable
DECB BASIC:VERIFY Turns the verify function on or off
SECB BASIC:WIDTH Set the text screen to a resolution in character width
DECB BASIC:WRITE Writes the data to the buffer you specify