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Dungeons of Daggorath

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Home / Software - Dungeons of Daggorath

Dungeons of Daggorath
Dungeons of Daggorath
Year 1982
Publisher Dyna Micro
Author Douglas Morgan
Media Program Pak
Requires 16 Kb
Graphic mode 256x192x2

One of the best (and best-selling) games that Radio Shack ever sold for the CoCo. Hugely innovative for its time (The Guinness Book of World Records 2010, Gamer's Edition credits it as the First Action RPG), Dungeons of Daggorath was a real-time dungeon romp, with 5 levels, and sound effects far beyond any other such game of its day. You had a real-time heartbeat that was affected by battle, how fast you ran, when you were attacked, etc., and monsters actually got louder the closer that they got to you. It had such a huge influence that a PC port has been done, and entire webpages have been devoted to it. It was released in cartridge format in 1982, and the entire program was crammed into an 8K ROM.

Douglas Morgan, one of the original authors, has mentioned that a larger, more sophisticated version was originally done, but it had to be compressed to fit on a cartridge. It is too bad that the original version has not survived...
Dungeons of Daggorath FAQ

External links

  • Dungeons of Daggorath PC-Port [1]
  • [2]