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CoCo 3 RGB to CGA/EGA Adapter
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Home / Hardware - CoCo 3 RGB to CGA/EGA Adapter
How to make a CoCo3 to CGA/EGA adapter
List of materials:
1) an old PC serial cable (the one that goes from
the motherboard to the back of the case DB9M)
2) a DB9F socket to replace the DB9M (I used an
EGA card since my CoCo is repacked)
Cut the DB9M connector off of the serial cable and
solder the wires to the DB9F using the following
pinout. Note that both pins 1 and 2 of the CoCo
end go to pin 1 of the DB9F. CoCo Pin 7 should only
be connected to a monitors audio input (if present)
or you may run it to an external amplifier.
|[][][][][]| <--Looking at the bottom of the CoCo3
|[][] [][]|
|||||||||�<--red wire=pin 1 (both ends)
.6 x 5 3 1 <--connect toDB9 pin# (x=no connection)
( 5 4 3 2 1 )
\ 6 7 8 9 / <--DB9F (facing the socket side)