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Home / Publications - 80-U.S.

Cover of July / Aug 81 issue with CoCo graphics
Name 80-U.S.
Date September/October
Year 1978
End Date March
End Year 1984
Location Tacoma, WA
Info Source Archives, Matthew Reed TRS-80 Page
About the Publication Info Box

80-U.S. was a magazine focused on all TRS-80 computers. Starting in September/October 1978, it was published every two months. Then, starting in January 1982, it published monthly until the final issue in March 1984.

Name Changes

The magazine changed its name twice over the course of its existence, and in each iteration had multiple monikers - both simple and more expansive versions.

Issue Year Name
September / October 1978 80-Northwest Journal or 80-NW Journal
January / February 1979 80-U.S. Journal or 80-U.S.
July 1983 Basic Computing: The TRS-80 User Journal

Color Computer Coverage

Right after the Color Computer's September 1980 debut, 80-U.S. informed its readers in its very next (November / December 1980) issue. CoCo coverage began in earnest with the March/April 1981 issue's in-depth CoCo article by William Barden, Jr. Although never a CoCo-exclusive publication, 80-U.S. stuck with the CoCo for the entire rest of its run.

External Links

80-U.S. page on Matthew Reed's
Back issues on Internet Archive
Back issues on Color Computer Archive