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Home / Software - UltiMusE

UltiMusE III By Michael J. Knudsen

Year 1986 - 1994(?)
Publisher 2nd City Software
Author Michael J. Knudsen
Media Disk
Requires Coco 3, 512k OS9 Lv 2, Mouse/Joystick
Graphic mode 640×200×4

This program is one of the best examples I've seen of what OS-9 Level II can really do.

The program is designed to edit and play music scores through a MIDI key board synthesizer. It is the only example of a program of this type running under OS-9 that I have seen.

UltiMusE III uses windows and a mouse for control. There is careful, thorough documentation, and even a tutorial for the novice user to install the program quickly and easily. The documentation carefully explains all terms, and shows how they might be used. The tutorial is excellent, because it takes you from the "in the package" stage to the "up and running" stage, quickly and easily. If you follow the directions, you can't miss.

The music quality is exceptional, and the editing feature provides a means to access all the elements from vocal to violin, and tells the user how to use them to make wonderful music.

This is a must for music lovers!

(From Raibow article (Aug 1989) "OS9 Survival Training" by Jeffrey S. Parker

Technical information

  • Computer: Coco 3
  • Memory: 512k
  • System: OS9 Level II

UltiMusE III

  • 7 Staff types
  • 5 Staves onscreen
  • 16 voices
  • Block copy and paste
  • 32k Song buffer
  • Mouse & Keyboard editing
  • Supports special percussion staff
  • Almost all standard musical notation marks supported