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From CoCopedia - The Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer Wiki
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Unbranded "Black Beauties"?

I had thought that the all Black Beauties carried Radio Shack, TDP, or Tandy branding, but this Worthpoint page shows what looks like unbranded Black Beauties. They're bundled with a TDP-100 at that page; since TDP 100s usually came with a couple of Black Beauties bundled in, maybe these were the joysticks that actually came with that computer, and reflected a phase in production where the joysticks didn't yet have TDP branding. Also of note is that they have the more desirable metal sticks. I've never seen non-Radio Shack branded Black Beauties with metal sticks. Carney (talk) 16:57, 31 January 2025 (UTC)