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GEnie OS-9 Files Browse Listing
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Home / Internet Resources / GEnie - GEnie OS-9 Files Browse Listing
Library: 9 - OS-9 Programs and Utilities ********************************* Number: 7081 Name: LSTFST96.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960509 Approximate # of bytes: 12644 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: The Fifth Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFest was held in April, and here is a report all about it! Keywords: CoCoFest,Report,Text,News,Rumors,OS-9 --------------------------------- File: LSTFST96.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7080 Name: COCOFST6.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960509 Approximate # of bytes: 10968 Number of Accesses: 10 Library: 9 Description: Here's a compressed version of Allen Huffman's annual report of the 6th Annual Atlanta CoCoFest, held this past October in Georgia. Read all about it to see the state of the CoCo/OS-9 community! Keywords: CoCoFest,Report,Text,News,Rumors,Chicago,OS-9 --------------------------------- File: COCOFST6.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7072 Name: SOUNDRV2.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950714 Approximate # of bytes: 5248 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Dump sound files "legally" to the CoCo's 6-bit DAC circuit under OS-9 without shutting off interrupts. "merge file.wav >/snd" does it. Includes full commented source, free to use with any other programs. Keywords: coco,os9,sound,driver --------------------------------- File: SOUNDRV2.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7067 Name: XYDOWN2.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950613 Approximate # of bytes: 31104 Number of Accesses: 11 Library: 9 Description: Updated version of Tim Kientzle's XYDOWN command, which lets you auto- download from a command line. Supports Xmodem checksum, Xmodem CRC, Xmodem 1K (I think), and Ymodem Batch. Full 'C' sources included and is totally public domain. Keywords: download,terminal,xmodem,ymodem,batch,serial,source,telecom --------------------------------- File: XYDOWN2.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7065 Name: OS9FILES.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950521 Approximate # of bytes: 17536 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: This is a condensed listing of all Color Computer OS-9 files available in this library as of 5/21/95. Use CoCo "lha" to extract this file. Keywords: os9,files,list,catalog --------------------------------- File: OS9FILES.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7064 Name: LSTFST95.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950518 Approximate # of bytes: 16640 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: Allen Huffman's LZH compressed report of the 1995 Chicago CoCoFest. Keywords: coco,fest,report,text,news,rumors --------------------------------- File: LSTFST95.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7062 Name: CLIB1990.LZH Address: J.MORRIS68 Date: 950514 Approximate # of bytes: 40704 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: This is the 1990 versions of the Krieder Clibs. Both Clib and Clibt are in this archieve. These are replacements for the 1988 versions. Keywords: C,lib,OS9,Level 2 --------------------------------- File: CLIB1990.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7053 Name: COCOKA9Q.AR Address: J.MORRIS68 Date: 950326 Approximate # of bytes: 229248 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: Beta version of KA9Q ham radio TCP/IP program for OS9. See COCOKA9Q.txt for instructions for error reports and comments. Keywords: terminal,TCP/IP,internet --------------------------------- File: COCOKA9Q.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7052 Name: COCOKA9Q.TXT Address: J.MORRIS68 Date: 950326 Approximate # of bytes: 1024 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: Text file describing Should be read before downloading Keywords: OS9,text,TCP/IP,terminal,internet --------------------------------- File: COCOKA9Q.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7051 Name: ANSIFRONT012.LZH Address: J.MORRIS68 Date: 950326 Approximate # of bytes: 27008 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: Keywords: C,compiler, language --------------------------------- File: ANSIFRONT012.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7042 Name: X10_SRC.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950108 Approximate # of bytes: 43264 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Source code to the X10 software for CoCo OS-9. (Source is in 'C'.) Keywords: coco,os9,source,x10,plug n power --------------------------------- File: X10_SRC.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7041 Name: X10.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950108 Approximate # of bytes: 27264 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Software to use the RS232 version of the Plug 'n Power interface, known as "X10", on the CoCo under OS-9 using a serial port. Keywords: coco,os9,rs232,plug n power,x10,appliance,light,controller,interface,driver --------------------------------- File: X10.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7040 Name: PLAY5.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950103 Approximate # of bytes: 24576 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Latest version. Play Amiga, Mac, PC sound files (for PC, use the Mac option). Supports Orch-90 pak for 8-bit sound. Also uses up to 2megs of CoCo OS9 RAM, if available. Supports sequencing of sound files, and more - includes full ASM source. Keywords: os9,sound,amiga,mac,pc --------------------------------- File: PLAY5.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7037 Name: ETHALIB1294.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941216 Approximate # of bytes: 35072 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Sub-Etha Software's Text User Interface (TUI) which lets you write 'C' programs that run on a high-speed, low memory 80 column text screen with mouse or hot-key control of pull down menus. Includes full source code and conditions of use. Lotsa nifty features found here. To ssee in action, download ethademo.lzh, also available here. Keywords: os9,interface,mouse,library,c,source,tui,gui,menus --------------------------------- File: ETHALIB1294.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6257 Name: SCSI47.AR Address: J.MORRIS68 Date: 941111 Approximate # of bytes: 33792 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: SCSI system driver version 4.7 for OS9 level 2. (For the Disto hard drive interface.) Keywords: SCSI,hd,driver,ar --------------------------------- File: SCSI47.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6255 Name: DRAGON_HST.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941111 Approximate # of bytes: 31616 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: The Dragon was a 6809 computer made in the UK in the early 80s. It had a following similar to that of the CoCo here in the states. This archive contains a text file that goes into great detail on the history of the machine and it's fate. Keywords: history,dragon,text --------------------------------- File: DRAGON_HST.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6254 Name: SWIHACK.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941111 Approximate # of bytes: 2688 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: CoCo OS-9 turns out to have alot of unecessary overhead involving EVERY interrupt and system call. This set of patches explains this and has a one-byte fix to speed things up. This can be applied to 'os9p1' easily. Included are also timer routines to show just how much of an improvement you will see with the patches applied. Check it out. Compliments of Alan DeKok! Keywords: os9,patch,upgrade,fix --------------------------------- File: SWIHACK.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6253 Name: SCSISYS10A.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941110 Approximate # of bytes: 42624 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Drivers for the Disto, etc., SCSI hard drive interface. These drivers do not work with a multipak, though. To get ones that do, as well as other things like cache, etc., contact Northern Xposure in Canada. Keywords: hard drive,scsi,sasi,hd,driver --------------------------------- File: SCSISYS10A.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6252 Name: ONEBYTE.PATCH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941106 Approximate # of bytes: 2176 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: Alan DeKok just came up with a *ONE BYTE* patch to OS9p1 which is said to greatly improve system speed. Check out this message captured from the Internet CoCoList. Keywords: patch,os9p1,hack,update,upgrade,fast --------------------------------- File: ONEBYTE.PATCH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6246 Name: COCOFST5.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941007 Approximate # of bytes: 13696 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: My complete 27K report of the 1994 5th Annual Atlanta CoCoFest. This file is also available in ascii form (cocofst5.txt). Keywords: fest,report,text,cocofest,atlanta --------------------------------- File: COCOFST5.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6245 Name: BLOBSTOP_V10.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940924 Approximate # of bytes: 49664 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Mike Shell has put alot of work in solving the mysterious "Boot List Order Bug" that has plauged CoCo OS9 users for years! Even guru Kevin Darling didn't have more to offer other than "move INIT in your os9boot files if you get BOOT FAILED". Well, this archive contains a wealth of patches, fixes, and tech info files on what causes the blobs and how to fix them. Required reading for any CoCo OS9 user! Stop those "OS9 BOOT FAILED" and other mysterious disk i/o problems! Keywords: patch,blob,cc3disk,update,upgrade,fix --------------------------------- File: BLOBSTOP_V10.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6243 Name: SHELL22A.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940915 Approximate # of bytes: 9600 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Ready to install Shell+ v2.2a. Includes ipc patch for SCF to allow the command line history to work. Keywords: shell,shellplus,patch,upgrade --------------------------------- File: SHELL22A.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6242 Name: TOWELDEMO102.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940915 Approximate # of bytes: 18048 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: Demo of the updated Towel disk utility from Sub-Etha Software. A full featured OS9 disk utility will pull down menus and mouse OR keyboard hot key support. All colors/commands configurable. Runs under the EthaWin interface. Fast! Keywords: demo,utility,disk,sub-etha,ethawin --------------------------------- File: TOWELDEMO102.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6241 Name: MBANDEMO.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940915 Approximate # of bytes: 11392 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: A demo of Sub-Etha Software's MiniBanners program. Prints single or multiple line banners on ANY printer, graphics or otherwise. Keywords: demo,printer,banner,sub-etha --------------------------------- File: MBANDEMO.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6240 Name: AR.DOC Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940911 Approximate # of bytes: 6272 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: ASCII text documentation for the new AR v2.0 compressor. Keywords: ar,archiver,docs,text --------------------------------- File: AR.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6239 Name: AR2 Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940911 Approximate # of bytes: 14080 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: This is version 2.0 of the AR archiver. (If you already have the old AR, download "" instead.) Keywords: ar,archiver,compressor,utility --------------------------------- File: AR2 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6238 Name: AR2.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940911 Approximate # of bytes: 17408 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: The classic AR archiver for OS-9 Level 2 is back and better than ever. Supports better compression (like the bootlegged v1.5 did!) and more! Keywords: archive,ar,compressor,utility --------------------------------- File: AR2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6237 Name: SHELHST3.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940911 Approximate # of bytes: 6144 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Command line history comes to Shell+ 2.1! Works great. Us up/down arrows to scroll through last 20 commands you used. (Like MS-DOS' DOSKEY or AmigaDOS has!) Keywords: patch,shell,editing,shellplus,upgrade --------------------------------- File: SHELHST3.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6236 Name: GSHELL32.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940911 Approximate # of bytes: 16384 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Take the stock, original version of MultiVue's GSHELL and bring it to version 3.2. Better icons, bug fixes, supports fastgrf patch, etc. Very nice! Keywords: multivue,patch,upgrade,gshell --------------------------------- File: GSHELL32.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6235 Name: VDGINT.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940911 Approximate # of bytes: 15616 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Patches for VDGint to remove the old CoCo 1/2 graphics modes. Thus, you can still run CC3 games BUT save 1.5K or 2K of system memory (depending on the version). Comes with 6809 version and two 6309 versions! This archive by Alan DeKok so you know it's good! Keywords: vdg,patches,6309,vdgint,graphics,driver --------------------------------- File: VDGINT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6233 Name: OS9UG.FAQ Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940830 Approximate # of bytes: 3840 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: Frequently Asked Questions about the reformed OS-9 Users Group. Keywords: text,faq,users group,os9ug,support,help,club --------------------------------- File: OS9UG.FAQ is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6232 Name: SOUNDRV.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940829 Approximate # of bytes: 5888 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: This is my first attempt at a device driver. A new "/Snd" device is present and you can even "list sound.wav >/snd" to it. Interrupts are not masked so type-ahead still works, though the sound is choppy. All sources are included and a sample program showing how to use the driver in assembly. Enjoy! Freely distributable! Keywords: driver,sound,device,digitize --------------------------------- File: SOUNDRV.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6231 Name: SEGAME.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940827 Approximate # of bytes: 5760 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Demo of a shoot-em-up space game for OS-9. RMA source is included to show how to map in graphics screens and use them under stock OS9 or NitrOS9. Multiple shots, three levels of colorful stars, and action so fast that I have to put in Sleep calls to slow things down! Not a full game, but really cool to look at. Keywords: game,demo,sub-etha,rma,assembly,graphics,source,space --------------------------------- File: SEGAME.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6214 Name: TOWELUP.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940728 Approximate # of bytes: 24960 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains an ipatch file which will upgrade Sub-Etha Software's TOWEL disk utility from version 1.00 to the new 1.01. Towel is a commercial product of Sub-Etha, but this upgrade is provided free for registered owners. Enjoy! Keywords: towel,sub-etha,upgrade,patch --------------------------------- File: TOWELUP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6179 Name: LSTFST94.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940710 Approximate # of bytes: 19200 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: Updated version of Allen Huffman's report of the 1994 3rd Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFest. Keywords: coco,fest,report,text --------------------------------- File: LSTFST94.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6178 Name: LBLMKR.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 18304 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Prints mailing labels. Keywords: label,printer,utility --------------------------------- File: LBLMKR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6177 Name: LABEL201.PAK Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 7936 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Prints mailing labels. Keywords: label,printer,utility --------------------------------- File: LABEL201.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6176 Name: COPT2_11.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 26624 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Adds additional optimization to code generated by the Microware C compiler. Beta test. Keywords: c,optimize,compiler --------------------------------- File: COPT2_11.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6175 Name: RZSZ_NEW.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 56704 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: Zmodem for OS-9 - later version fixes bugs, improves performance. Keywords: zmodem,telecom,upload,download --------------------------------- File: RZSZ_NEW.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6174 Name: DO_9600_3.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 77440 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: Some patches and information on getting 9600 baud working under OS-9. Keywords: telecom,9600,patches,modem,terminal --------------------------------- File: DO_9600_3.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6173 Name: MAXQWK21.ARC Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 11264 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Download .qwk packets from BBSs, read and reply to them offline. Keywords: qwk,offline,reader,telecom --------------------------------- File: MAXQWK21.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6172 Name: SMALLC.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 34688 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 9 Description: A small and simple 'C' compiler for OS-9. Keywords: c,compiler,programming --------------------------------- File: SMALLC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6171 Name: UU6809.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 12160 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: New version. Turn a binary file into a text file for transmitting over ascii mail (send/receive binaries using GEnie's Internet gateway with friends on other systems!) Keywords: uuencode,uudecode,binary,text,transfer,convert --------------------------------- File: UU6809.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6170 Name: ADQWK32A.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 27136 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Another offline reader for BBSs which use the .qwk message format. Download message packet, read and reply offline, then upload later. Keywords: qwk,offline,reader,telecom --------------------------------- File: ADQWK32A.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6169 Name: SCRIBE40.PAK Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940708 Approximate # of bytes: 77824 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Scribe 4.0 allows you to download .qwk message packets from BBSs that support them. Read and reply offline, then upload your replies later. Keywords: qwk,offline,reader,telecom,terminal --------------------------------- File: SCRIBE40.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6116 Name: UNLZH_7.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940603 Approximate # of bytes: 22656 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: Newer version of the unlzh package which lets you extract LZH files created on other computers on your CoCo. Keywords: os9,archive,lzh --------------------------------- File: UNLZH_7.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6115 Name: VEFIO.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940603 Approximate # of bytes: 19072 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: Use this utility to grab any displayed OS9 graphics screen and save it out to VEF. Take snap shots of games, for instance. Keywords: os9,vef,utility,graphics,screen --------------------------------- File: VEFIO.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6114 Name: VEF2GIF.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940603 Approximate # of bytes: 9344 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: This utility will convert a CoCo VEF format picture file to GIF format, which you can share with other computer platforms! Keywords: os9,vef,gif,converter --------------------------------- File: VEF2GIF.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6103 Name: SEMAZE07.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940420 Approximate # of bytes: 7680 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Walk through a 3D maze under OS-9! Keywords: os9,game,maze,3d --------------------------------- File: SEMAZE07.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6101 Name: HDINT.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940403 Approximate # of bytes: 21888 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: Plans to build an interface to use an IBM-PC/XT type hard drive controller with a CoCo. Keywords: text,hard drive,plans,interface --------------------------------- File: HDINT.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6100 Name: SUPERDIAL.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940403 Approximate # of bytes: 11776 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: An easy-to-use editor/creator for SuperComm dialing directories. Keywords: os9,term,supercomm --------------------------------- File: SUPERDIAL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6099 Name: SEDITOR2.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940403 Approximate # of bytes: 6528 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: This program lets you easily create/modify the auto-dialer files for SuperComm. Keywords: os9,term,supercomm --------------------------------- File: SEDITOR2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6090 Name: ETHALOGO.VEF Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931203 Approximate # of bytes: 32128 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: This is an early version of the "new" Sub-Etha Software logo converted to VEF format. ;) Keywords: logo,sub-etha,vef,picture --------------------------------- File: ETHALOGO.VEF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6088 Name: TANK.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931031 Approximate # of bytes: 32768 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: Another great OS-9 game. Guide a tank through a maze, shooting bad guys and collecting keys. Keywords: os-9,game --------------------------------- File: TANK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6087 Name: SNAKEBYTE.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931031 Approximate # of bytes: 38784 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Move your snake around the screen, eating eggs, avoiding the bugs. Good and fast. Keywords: os-9,game --------------------------------- File: SNAKEBYTE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6086 Name: LANDER.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931031 Approximate # of bytes: 11392 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: A nice little lunar lander game for OS-9. Keywords: os-9,game --------------------------------- File: LANDER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6085 Name: GEMQUEST.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931031 Approximate # of bytes: 36096 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: Great game for OS-9 (including Multi-Vue support) - go through a maze finding the gems. Multi-screens and pretty fast. Keywords: os-9,game --------------------------------- File: GEMQUEST.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6083 Name: CFEST3DEMO.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931010 Approximate # of bytes: 31744 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: Demonstration of a new graphics adventure engine for OS9. The full game includes over 60 images/locations with 16-level digitized pics taken from the 1993 Atlanta CoCoFest. This demo includes the game, map, and a few image files. (NOTE: If you have the 1.00 version of the game, this file contains the updated 1.01 version of "cocofest3"!) Keywords: game,adventure,cocofest,graphics,simulation --------------------------------- File: CFEST3DEMO.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6082 Name: ETHADEMO2.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931009 Approximate # of bytes: 14592 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: This is a new version of the EthaDemo - a demonstration of the text-based EthaWin menu interface which gives you pull down menus, pop-up dialog boxes, and mouse support on a text screen. Check it out and give feedback. Keywords: demo,ethawin,sub-etha --------------------------------- File: ETHADEMO2.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6079 Name: COCOFEST4.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931007 Approximate # of bytes: 19456 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: Allen Huffman's report of the 1993 4th Annual Atlanta CoCoFest in AR format. Keywords: report,text,rumors,fest,atlanta --------------------------------- File: COCOFEST4.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6070 Name: CC250.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930719 Approximate # of bytes: 23168 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: CC 2.5.0 (C compiler executive) by Vaughn Cato for use with his ANSIFRONT program. Uploaded with Vaughn's permission. -- Joel M. Hegberg. Keywords: cc250,ansifront,vaughn,cato,compiler,executive,j.hegberg --------------------------------- File: CC250.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6068 Name: MULTIBOOT.AD Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930716 Approximate # of bytes: 2688 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: This is a text file describing a new utility from Sub-Etha Software which allows up to 16 bootfiles to be placed on one disk. After typing "DOS", a scrolling menu appears allowing the user to choose which bootfile they wish to startup with. Keywords: boot,os9boot,text,press,release,product,news --------------------------------- File: MULTIBOOT.AD is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6056 Name: ANSIFRONT.LZH Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 930628 Approximate # of bytes: 23808 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Vaughn Cato's ANSIFRONT program will let you use the CoCo's C compiler with ANSI standard C source code. Now you can program in standard ANSI C (as opposed to K&R C) and your coco will compile the results. Uploaded with Vaughn's permission. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: ansifront,front,end,c,compiler,source,code,j.hegberg --------------------------------- File: ANSIFRONT.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6049 Name: COCOTAG.AR Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 930613 Approximate # of bytes: 42368 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: The long awaited *incredible* tagline manager for the CoCo-3 & OS9 level 2! Features hot-keyed random-select/send, manual and string search selection (with optional immediate send), prefix and suffix (auto-send messages!) Easy to configure! Easy to use! Easy to download! Easy to send money to the author! * INCLUDES OVER 1,000 TAGLINES!!! Keywords: cocotag,tag,tagline,online,telcom,terminal,spatula --------------------------------- File: COCOTAG.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6041 Name: PONGTEST.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930519 Approximate # of bytes: 7936 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: This ARchive contains a text file describing a new programming contest as well as a small demo "game". Keywords: text,demo,press release,contest,pong --------------------------------- File: PONGTEST.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6036 Name: LSTFST93.LZH Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930511 Approximate # of bytes: 26880 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: For those who don't want to download the uncompressed 55K text file (#6035), here is an LZHed version of this complete report on the 1993 2nd Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFest held May 1-2 in Elgin, Illinois. Lotsa neat stuff!!! Keywords: cocofest,report,text,news,rumors,os9,booster,osk --------------------------------- File: LSTFST93.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6030 Name: OS9FAQ6.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930425 Approximate # of bytes: 18816 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: From the Internet newsgroup COMP.OS.OS9, here is the latest revision to the OS9 FAQ file (Frequently Asked Questions) including information on just what OS9 is, where you can get it, and talk about OS9 for the Atari ST, Macintosh, Amiga, and PCs. Keywords: os9,faq,information,text,questions,news --------------------------------- File: OS9FAQ6.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6028 Name: UBOX3_4.75A Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 930424 Approximate # of bytes: 16512 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: PD player for Ultimuse III files, supports score levels up to 7. Keywords: ultimuse,midi,ubox3,os9 --------------------------------- File: UBOX3_4.75A is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6027 Name: PICALC.B09 Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 930424 Approximate # of bytes: 256 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: This is a very simple pi calculator, based on an early method of pi calculation of addition and subtraction of fractions. Because of the way Basic09 handles real numbers, it always makes an error in the 4th decimal place... I haven't watched the calculation long enough to see if it ever corrects itself. The working value is displayed on the top line of your screen, with the iteration number below. It took several hours under normal basic to get to 6 places, and I haven't yet tried that for the OS9 version, but the OS9 version is MUCH faster! Keywords: pi,os9,picalc,basic09,math,spatula --------------------------------- File: PICALC.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6024 Name: CACHE.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930418 Approximate # of bytes: 7552 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: A disk cache for floppy-based OS9 systems. Uses ram to store frequently accessed disk sectors to speed up disk i/o. Keywords: os9,disk,speed,update,cache,drive,floppy --------------------------------- File: CACHE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6023 Name: CLOCK_UPDATE_ED9.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930418 Approximate # of bytes: 11648 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: These are updated clock drivers for the OS9 software clock, Disto and Burke & Burke hardware clocks, and various others --- using the software method to make things work with serial i/o without needing a hardware "IRQ" hack. In any event, those using OS9 for telecom should get and start using these replacement modules. Keywords: os9,clock,update,irq,patch --------------------------------- File: CLOCK_UPDATE_ED9.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6018 Name: RSDOS7.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930412 Approximate # of bytes: 20736 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: Use this from the OS-9 command line to transfer files (any type) from an RS-DOS disk to an OS-9 disk. Works great... Keywords: transfer,os9,utility,disk,rs-dos,copy,file --------------------------------- File: RSDOS7.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6015 Name: UNZIP45A.ARC Address: K.BAUER Date: 930404 Approximate # of bytes: 50176 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains the programs to unzip those MSDOS files that where zipped up with the newest Pkzip version 2.04 that uses the deflate. Keywords: os9,unzip,utility --------------------------------- File: UNZIP45A.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5993 Name: SELIST.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930219 Approximate # of bytes: 3328 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: A quick routine I wrote to make my StG BBS menus "hot key"-able. This replaces the OS9 "list" command, except when a key is pressed the file STOPS and passes that key back to the system. It may even have some other uses...let me know what you discover! Written in assembly, with source code. Compliments of Sub-Etha Software. Keywords: sub-etha software,os-9,bbs,list,utility,text --------------------------------- File: SELIST.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5992 Name: SEMENUFILT.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930219 Approximate # of bytes: 2944 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: I wrote this to strip the |embedded codes| from StG .mnu files. I place it here for anyone interested. Written in assembly, source code provided, compliments of Sub-Etha Software. Keywords: sub-etha software,os-9,bbs,stg,utility --------------------------------- File: SEMENUFILT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5991 Name: SELISTER1.05.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930219 Approximate # of bytes: 6400 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: This one is neat. It lists one or many text files to standard out, allowing the user to abort the file by pressing A, Q, or S, then it pauses at the end of each screenful and displays a prompt (which is settable) and backspaces over the prompt when any key is pressed and continues. It can also be used as a stand alone prompt command like MS-DOS has. You would use it like 'selister "Press Any Key:"' or 'selister "[PAUSE]" filename' or 'selister "[File1Pause]" file1 "[File2Pause]" file2 "Done...Press any key..."' or, my favorite, 'selister "Strike Any Key to Continue..."'...Yeck! DOS! It's a MUST-HAVE for BBS operators. Compliments of Sub-Etha Software! Keywords: sub-etha software,os-9,bbs,utility,file,text,lister,prompt,pause --------------------------------- File: SELISTER1.05.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5990 Name: SEBBSLIST.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930219 Approximate # of bytes: 15360 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 9 Description: A nifty program that let's you (or BBS users) create a list of BBS systems. Stores Name, Number, System Type, Hours, and Max Baud rate. Lets you [A]dd, [D]elete, [E]dit, or [L]ist the numbers. Very well put together, if I do say so myself. Writtin in 'C' and complete with source code! Compliments, once again, of Sub-Etha Software! Keywords: sub-etha software,os9,bbs,utility --------------------------------- File: SEBBSLIST.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5989 Name: SEFORM.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930219 Approximate # of bytes: 4096 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: This is a handy routine for use on a BBS. It lets you create a file of questions, then saves the user's answers in another file. Written in assembly, with source code and documentation included. Offered to you by Sub-Etha Software. Keywords: sub-etha software,os-9,bbs,utility --------------------------------- File: SEFORM.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5946 Name: DEWIZ.AR Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921121 Approximate # of bytes: 1280 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: This is a basic09 command line utility that strips the extra block from a file so that it can be used. Includes documentation in the archive. Keywords: wiz,cocobin,xmodem,dewiz,block,extra,128,bytes,bin --------------------------------- File: DEWIZ.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5940 Name: TAGLINES Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921114 Approximate # of bytes: 6528 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: This is a file for use with TagMe.B09 (5939). Just copy it to the drive you use with TagMe and select option 2 (select a tagline) from within TagMe. Keywords: tagline,taglines,modem,tag,line,lines --------------------------------- File: TAGLINES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5939 Name: TAGME.B09 Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921114 Approximate # of bytes: 2048 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Merge RUNB and INKEY with TagMe.B09 and it becomes executable from the OS9 prompt. To use, run your terminal software in one window and TagMe in another. Also download "Taglines" which contains 80 sample taglines, or build a file with one record, which contains the number "0", and then create taglines yourself from TagMe. All taglines are sent to device /t2. Keywords: taglines,tagme,modem,tag,line,lines --------------------------------- File: TAGME.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5918 Name: HI_SPEED.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 920920 Approximate # of bytes: 7040 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: Text file talking about making SuperComm 2.2 work with MNP and 9600 baud modems under OS9. Good reading for SACIA users, too. Keywords: text,9600,mnp,modem,terminal, --------------------------------- File: HI_SPEED.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5917 Name: HD6309.ZIP Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 920920 Approximate # of bytes: 25600 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Text files concerning the Hitatchi 6309 chip, a pin for pin replacment to the CoCo's 6809, but supporting extra commands and a "native mode" which allows a CoCo using it and proper software patches to gain substantial speed increases (20% average). Keywords: text,6309,upgrade,patches,hitatchi,motorola --------------------------------- File: HD6309.ZIP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5916 Name: STREAM11.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 920920 Approximate # of bytes: 32512 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: A fast, efficient way to backup OS9 hard drive. Backs up file-by-file (use to backup/restore/unfrag hard drive) to floppies. Efficient and easy! Keywords: os9,hard drive,backup,utility,disk --------------------------------- File: STREAM11.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5915 Name: RZSZ8.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 920920 Approximate # of bytes: 57088 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: Use thse stand-alone Zmodem routines (rz and sz) with OS9 terminal programs. (Any that can fork a shell will work!) Also fully supported automatically by SuperComm V2.2! (Requires SACIA for fast modems...) Keywords: zmodem,terminal,os9,telecom,protocol --------------------------------- File: RZSZ8.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5914 Name: SC22_DOC.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 920920 Approximate # of bytes: 13184 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: Documentation for SuperComm V2.2. Requires "AR" to unARchive. Keywords: supercomm,docs,terminal,os9,text --------------------------------- File: SC22_DOC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5913 Name: SUPERCOMM22.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 920920 Approximate # of bytes: 18048 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: The latest release of SuperComm. Supports hi-speed modems, full Zmodem (with external drivers RZ and SZ) plus much much more. This one is nice! Keywords: os9,terminal,modem,telecom,zmodem --------------------------------- File: SUPERCOMM22.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5865 Name: AUZISND2.AR Address: F.KENIMER Date: 920612 Approximate # of bytes: 297984 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Continuation of Use Play command to hear sounds through your monitor speaker. Keywords: music,play,sounds,os-9,os9 --------------------------------- File: AUZISND2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5864 Name: AUZISND1 Address: F.KENIMER Date: 920612 Approximate # of bytes: 112384 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 9 Description: Play -28 "filename" will work for most of these sounds.*s Keywords: music,play,sounds,os-9,os9 --------------------------------- File: AUZISND1 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5862 Name: OCNN0692.ZIP Address: K.BAUER Date: 920609 Approximate # of bytes: 16384 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: The June 1992 edition. Includes membership list. Keywords: os9,text,ocnn --------------------------------- File: OCNN0692.ZIP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5821 Name: NEW_MAG.AR Address: JEVESTAL Date: 920414 Approximate # of bytes: 1536 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: There's a new magazine coming your way, for all os9 users! Keywords: OS-9 OS-K magazine underground --------------------------------- File: NEW_MAG.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5815 Name: WELCOME_NEW.AR Address: JEVESTAL * HIDDEN * Date: 920408 Approximate # of bytes: 51968 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: This is the welcome/logoff package for StG package... Requires StG (of course) Keywords: StG Welcome bbs package login --------------------------------- File: WELCOME_NEW.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5811 Name: STG_CMDS3.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP * HIDDEN * Date: 920401 Approximate # of bytes: 52480 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: This file contains a working "logins" module, as well as 3.10 of netxfr and a modified BBSed. You MUST HAVE this logins to setup StG. Keywords: stg,network,bbs,upgrade,update,mods --------------------------------- File: STG_CMDS3.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5809 Name: STG_EXAMPLE_MENUS.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP * HIDDEN * Date: 920330 Approximate # of bytes: 21888 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 9 Description: These are some sample menus to be used with the StG Network BBS demo package. Keywords: bbs,stg,network --------------------------------- File: STG_EXAMPLE_MENUS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5808 Name: STG_DOCS.ARC Address: COCO-SYSOP * HIDDEN * Date: 920330 Approximate # of bytes: 38272 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: This is the documentation part of the StG Network BBS demo. Use "DEARC" to extract. Keywords: bbs,stg,network,documentation --------------------------------- File: STG_DOCS.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5807 Name: STG_CMDS2.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP * HIDDEN * Date: 920330 Approximate # of bytes: 82560 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 9 Description: The rest of the commands for the StG BBS demo package. Keywords: bbs,stg,network --------------------------------- File: STG_CMDS2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5806 Name: STG_CMDS1.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP * HIDDEN * Date: 920330 Approximate # of bytes: 169984 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: The StG Network is a phenomenal BBS package for OS9. Based on UNIX-type environments, this package of "commands" allows you to run a complete bulletin board system on the CoCo under OS9. PLUS - once registered you can "link" up with the StG Net International and packet messages (using it's very efficient BI-MODEM protocal) and files (public and private) to all the her systems within the network. VERY powerful, and this fully functional demo version lets you do everything BUT network. For that you must register but StG is offering FREE network encoding to the first system within each area code to request it. Details found in the documentation file. Keywords: bbs,stg,network --------------------------------- File: STG_CMDS1.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5802 Name: GROW.PAK Address: K.BAUER Date: 920321 Approximate # of bytes: 27264 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: This is a sampler file to get a feel for the market. This program will help you with gardening Keywords: grow --------------------------------- File: GROW.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5795 Name: 6309.TXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920313 Approximate # of bytes: 31872 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: This is a text file (with insertions by Kevin Darling) regarding some hidden features in the Hitachi 6309 CPU, which is a pin-for-pin replacement for the Motorola 6809 CPU. It normally runs under 6809 emulation mode, but some OS-9 hackers have recently found an interesting "native" mode which does the same 6809 instructions with fewer clock cycles... Even more interesting are 2 new 8-bit registers, which can be combined to make a new 16-bit register (named W), and W can be combined with the D register to make a 32-bit(!!!) register... And there's even a 32-bit divide operation! Even block-transfers and much more... If OS-9 is re-written to take advantage of the 6309, CoCo OS-9 users could replace their 6809's for really fast OS-9! Keywords: OS-9, 6309, 6809, CPU, Hitachi, OS9, Motorola, hacking --------------------------------- File: 6309.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5778 Name: PACSRC.PAK Address: K.HOUSER Date: 920223 Approximate # of bytes: 61824 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 9 Description: I found the sources on the HAYES BBS in Atlanta, GA. Well, enjoy! This is for the CoCo3 and OS9 LVL2. Keywords: OS-9, OS9, COCO, GAME,PACMAN,SOURCE,ASSEMBLY,,ASM, COLOR COMPUTER --------------------------------- File: PACSRC.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5772 Name: OCNN0292.ARC Address: K.BAUER Date: 920221 Approximate # of bytes: 54912 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: A good issue with some informative info in it. Keywords: ,ocnn --------------------------------- File: OCNN0292.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5694 Name: IMSCAT.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 920125 Approximate # of bytes: 17664 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: Keywords: text,ims --------------------------------- File: IMSCAT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5693 Name: OCNN_JAN.ARC Address: K.BAUER Date: 920125 Approximate # of bytes: 32640 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 9 Description: Keywords: os9,ocnn,text --------------------------------- File: OCNN_JAN.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5664 Name: RBAD.TXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920111 Approximate # of bytes: 4352 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: This is a text file from FARNA Systems which is arranging low-cost advertising in the Rainbow, which will go to a tabloid-size newsprint form beginning in March. The new size of the newszine (about 30-40 pages) will be about the same as 70 pages of space in a current Rainbow (due to the larger size of the pages) which means more editorial content for its readers. Francis Swygert of FARNA Systems is a personal friend of mine and I've obtained his permission to upload this text file for him on GEnie. -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: FARNA Systems, Rainbow, advertising, Francis Swygert, Frank Swygert, text --------------------------------- File: RBAD.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5642 Name: VEFPRT2.AR Address: M.ORTLOFF Date: 920107 Approximate # of bytes: 30976 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: This is a COMPLETE set of screen dumps for DMPs, C.ITOH, Star, Gemini IBM and DMPs in IBM mode. Includes C sourcecode and detailed dox on reconfiguring the utility for YOUR specific printer. Works excellently with the DMP-130, unlike so many others I've tried! the vefprt.dmp is the one you use, just load it and "vefprt < file.vef >/p", no muss no fuss! Keywords: screen dump,vef,dmp,gemini,star,configurable --------------------------------- File: VEFPRT2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5638 Name: R3SYS.AR Address: M.ORTLOFF Date: 920102 Approximate # of bytes: 35968 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: This is a collection of utilities from the R3 group, file handling and management, real nice,small, code. Was recently released to the public shareware arena... GREAT for hardirve owners. kill 3 Keywords: r3sys,disk,file,utilities --------------------------------- File: R3SYS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5637 Name: PACMAN2.AR Address: M.ORTLOFF Date: 920102 Approximate # of bytes: 21888 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: The most recent release of PacMan for OS/9, quite a tasty implementation creates its' own screen, I even used it while the HiRes mouse was running in another window (uses joysticks, left port is cool) Keywords: pacman,newest,game --------------------------------- File: PACMAN2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5622 Name: OCNN1.ARC Address: SECOM Date: 911209 Approximate # of bytes: 26624 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: First edition of the new OS9 Community Network Newsletter. Good info on the new Users Group. Modempak hacks and more! Keywords: OS9, OCN, Newsletter, modem --------------------------------- File: OCNN1.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5621 Name: MEMBERS.ARC Address: SECOM Date: 911209 Approximate # of bytes: 7296 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: Membership list as of December 7, 1991 for OS9 Community Network Lots of familiar people to the COCO community. Keywords: OS9, OCN, Network, Members --------------------------------- File: MEMBERS.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5620 Name: OS9NET.ARC Address: SECOM Date: 911209 Approximate # of bytes: 15488 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: A new OS9 users group has formed to support OS9, OSK and OS9000 across all platforms. This is a description of the group and its bylaws. Download MEMBERS.ARC and OCNN1.ARC also. Uncrunch with DEARC. Keywords: OS9, OSK, OS9000, Users, New users group --------------------------------- File: OS9NET.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5608 Name: POPV44.AR Address: M.ORTLOFF Date: 911207 Approximate # of bytes: 24704 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: This utility, written by Chris Swinefurth, opens new windows, forking a program or shell in them, without DISPLAY, WCREATE etc and the archive has within it the PConfig utility, which allows for customized windows also pops VDG screens and does other neat stuff... Keywords: pop,window,utility --------------------------------- File: POPV44.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5607 Name: OCN9112.ZIP Address: K.BAUER Date: 911206 Approximate # of bytes: 18944 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: the first issue of the OS-9 Community Networks newsletter. This is a new OS9 users group that is forming on the FIDO network. Keywords: text,ocn --------------------------------- File: OCN9112.ZIP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5599 Name: MVCHECK22A.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 911128 Approximate # of bytes: 26368 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 9 Description: This upload includes the bug fix that was needed for version 2.2. This file has everything you need. You must have Windint in your boot and you will need to merge Runb,the new GFX2,gfx,inkey, and syscall into on file. Keywords: os9,check,basic09 --------------------------------- File: MVCHECK22A.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5598 Name: AR15B_SRC.AR Address: K.BAUER * HIDDEN * Date: 911128 Approximate # of bytes: 16896 Number of Accesses: 8 Library: 9 Description: This is the complete source code for AR with the 1.5b updates. Works on 6809 & 68xxx systems. Keywords: source,ar,c --------------------------------- File: AR15B_SRC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5595 Name: STERM15.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 911127 Approximate # of bytes: 94464 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 9 Description: This is version 1.5 of Sterm. It includes the source, termcap file and docs. Keywords: telcom,coco,sterm --------------------------------- File: STERM15.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5569 Name: XLED22.ARC Address: M.ORTLOFF Date: 911116 Approximate # of bytes: 19712 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: Brad Bobaks' full screen text editor, has a lot of nice features, C programmers will like this one, also is the only editor that works well with Scribe 3.1 Keywords: Xled,Scribe,editor --------------------------------- File: XLED22.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5544 Name: CHECKBOOKMANUAL.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 911019 Approximate # of bytes: 12416 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: This is the manual telling how to use the CheckBook+/OS-9 demo program available here. Use AR to unarc this file. When you purchase CheckBook+/OS-9 from Sub-Etha software for $24.95 plus $2.50 S&H, you get a laser-printed version of the documentation in which the layout and design were done by DNM Enterprises by Dave Myers (who, may I add, did a SUPERB job!). -- Joel Mathew Hegberg. Keywords: checkbook,manual,graphing,demo,OS-9,j.hegberg,joel,hegberg,Sub-Etha --------------------------------- File: CHECKBOOKMANUAL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5543 Name: CHECKBOOKDEMO.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 911019 Approximate # of bytes: 53504 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Fully functional (except SAVE) CheckBook+/OS-9 demo, including 5 sample graphs! CheckBook+ is the most full-featured checkbook management program available for the Color Computer. It allows graphing your account in circle-, line-, & bar-graphs with color or cross-hatching and circle-radius and bar-width can be altered; sorts by check number, date, to/for, amount; easy pull-down menu user-interface with optional mouse support; Search; Figure Total to rapidly balance your checkbook; graphs saved in VEF or native OS-9 code formats. CheckBook+ is available through Sub-Etha Software for $24.95 plus $2.50 S&H. Contact COCO-SYSOP for more information. Ordering information included in this archive. Use AR to unarc. Also download -- Joel. Keywords: checkbook,OS-9,demo,Sub-Etha,j.hegberg,joel,hegberg,graphing,menus --------------------------------- File: CHECKBOOKDEMO.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5542 Name: BALLSPIN09.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 911018 Approximate # of bytes: 77568 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: This is an OS9 "conversion" of the "BALLSPIN" demo for RS-DOS. It requires Tim Kintzle's VIEW utility ("VIEW44.AR" here on GEnie) to run. You will also need extra window descriptors and plenty-o-free memory. It runs very fast - too fast, actually - but the VIEW program allows you to manually control the "animation". What does it do? Displays several ray-traced balls rotating around each other over a moving grid (chess board) surface. Looks VERY impressive, even on a composite (TV) monitor. Keywords: demo,ray-traced,graphics,vef,animation --------------------------------- File: BALLSPIN09.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5541 Name: GSHELLALL.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 911015 Approximate # of bytes: 88448 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: For convienience only! This ARchive contains all of the GShell+ patches I could locate. All are available on GEnie in stand-alone archives, but this will keep your running around down to a minimum. Included are general patches, then patches to that, then patches to that. It takes some effort to go through all of the steps but it is well worth it. You will also want to get FASTGRF.AR (available here). This speeds up OS9 graphics and is a MUST-HAVE file. In fact, many of the patches to Multi- Vue will require FastGrf patches...! Keywords: multivue,patches,patch,gshell,mv --------------------------------- File: GSHELLALL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5532 Name: VIEW44.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 911010 Approximate # of bytes: 33536 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 9 Description: VIEW has been updated. It is used under OS9 to view just about any grapahics format... Atari ST, Macintosh, Pmode 4, Hscreens, DS69 digitized pic files, GIF, Color/CoCo Max, etc, etc. Comes complete with MultiVu icons and AIF files. Works w/o MultiVu just great, too! Keywords: graphics,view,utility,gif,pictures,multivue --------------------------------- File: VIEW44.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5526 Name: ULTRACIA.AR Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 911009 Approximate # of bytes: 19968 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains several patches to ACIAPAK to increase it's buffer size (work better at higher baud rates), as well as files talking about changing the address of a 232 pak (dual serial ports) and adding extra ports to existing paks...among other things. These patches should be considered by anyone using OS9 for telecom. Keywords: aciapak,patch,modem,terminal,rs232,buffer,telecom --------------------------------- File: ULTRACIA.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5517 Name: AC.AR Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 910926 Approximate # of bytes: 9600 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: This file ( is archived in .ar format. AC will give you the state from an areacode. Usually it's just the general area since area codes generally cover more than one city, but sometimes (as is the case for Chicago [312]) the city can be determined. Created by Joel Mathew Hegberg. Written in Basic09. Source code included. 2 data files included. file included. Keywords: area codes,phone,BASIC09,source code,JOELHEGBERG,J.HEGBERG,search --------------------------------- File: AC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5373 Name: CDINEWS.TXT Address: K.BAUER Date: 910729 Approximate # of bytes: 6272 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: These are some press releases from IMS and other sources about some of the upcoming CDI releases. Keywords: cdi,text,mm1 --------------------------------- File: CDINEWS.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5348 Name: ZOGSCAVE_VEF.AR Address: A.SHELTRA Date: 910710 Approximate # of bytes: 17024 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: VEF picture of ZOG the Monster, SysOp of Zog's Cavern BBS (Part of the StG Network) [Note: Requires a VEF viewer program to display.] Keywords: VEF,PICTURE,BBS,MONSTER,ZOG,SYSOP --------------------------------- File: ZOGSCAVE_VEF.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5347 Name: CCCCTOOLS.PAK Address: A.SHELTRA Date: 910710 Approximate # of bytes: 54784 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 9 Description: PCTools for the Coco OS9/L2... This is definately Shareware and the authors make that clear... but the program is well worth the frustrating "advertisments" that pop-up..<grin> [Note: Requires ShellPlus, also available in this library.] Keywords: PCTOOL,UTILITY,TOOLS --------------------------------- File: CCCCTOOLS.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5346 Name: SACIA.ARC Address: A.SHELTRA Date: 910709 Approximate # of bytes: 20864 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: This is the SACIA from Bruce Isted's archive... It contains the SACIA driver, T2 descriptors and the new Xmode (That allows setting recv buffer Page size)... Makes moding VERY SMOOTH! Keywords: ACIAPAK,ISTED,REPLACEMENT,T2 --------------------------------- File: SACIA.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5335 Name: WP31.AR Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910612 Approximate # of bytes: 33792 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 9 Description: Recent release of WP word processor for OS9. Keywords: OS9,APPLICATION,UTILITY,WORD,TEXT,PROCESSOR,EDITOR --------------------------------- File: WP31.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5289 Name: V2UPDATE.AR Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910515 Approximate # of bytes: 252800 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: The RiBBS OS9 Level 2 BBS package. Needs 512K, RS232 pak, and prefers the space of multiple drives or a hard drive. Fido Net capable! Keywords: OS9,L2,BBS,TELECOM --------------------------------- File: V2UPDATE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5243 Name: MFP9C9.AR Address: P.SENIURA Date: 910313 Approximate # of bytes: 60480 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: We're updating MFConv and MFPlay. Docs for both are up-to-date and somewhat rewritten. MFConv will support MIDI Channel-moving options. See its ReadMe for more info. MFConv will also flush its note buffer if an "unexpected" error occurs. MFPlay has been hand-tweeked some more and an "oops" fixed where it wouldn't report an error if the input filename couldn't be found. Its note buffer matches the possible size of MFConv's. -- Paul Seniura. Keywords: mfconv,mfplay,smf,cmf,mff,standard,midifiles,converter,music,synth,update --------------------------------- File: MFP9C9.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5237 Name: MFCONVERTER.AR Address: P.SENIURA Date: 910309 Approximate # of bytes: 40320 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: Please read the documentation, especially the RULES section -- we have special rules when using this program (please note these rules, Mr.Sysop!). MFConv is the program I've been using to convert Std MIDI Files to the CMF format used by the MFPlay program (elsewhere in this database). A two-step process is used to provide a way to efficiently and accurately play a SMF file: MFConv to convert it (this archive)and MFPlay to play it. The MIDI SIGs should have plenty of Format-0 SMFs we can play! -- Thx, Paul Seniura. Keywords: music,mff,smf,cmf,standard,midifile,converter,program,docs,mftext,mfplay,mfconv --------------------------------- File: MFCONVERTER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5235 Name: IMPTUS.AR Address: P.SENIURA Date: 910309 Approximate # of bytes: 89460 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: I found these four Impromptu pieces on the IEMUG network I do believe. The original .MFF archive didn't have a piece of documentation with it, nor do I know the person who created these files. They are quite well-done indeed! The composer's name is on the tip of my tongue, also, so if you know, let me know! In CMF format for our MFPlay command found elsewhere in this database. -- Paul Seniura. Keywords: music,mff,cmf,smf,converted,standard,midifile,mfplay,piano,generic,synth --------------------------------- File: IMPTUS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5234 Name: MT32CMF.AR Address: P.SENIURA Date: 910309 Approximate # of bytes: 66780 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: The Song files included in this particular archive were originally developed by PolySoft, Portland OR. They are intended to be played on Roland MT-32s or 100% workalikes "as-is". They sound mostly GREAT on mine! :-) The sample batch proc included will play the converted SMF files from PolySoft in the correct manner. The docs are "in" this batch file. It discusses SysEx data also. Requires the MFPlay command found elsewhere in this database. -- Thx, Paul Seniura. Keywords: music,mff,smf,cmf,standard,midifile,roland,mt-32,mt32,polysoft,demos,sysex --------------------------------- File: MT32CMF.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5221 Name: MFPLAYER.AR Address: P.SENIURA Date: 910303 Approximate # of bytes: 57960 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: Thursday February 21 1991 - Entire contents (C) 1991 by Paul Seniura. Hopefully very very soon the OS-9/6809 community will finally have a way to play Standard MIDI Files (SMFs). I still need to get permission from the original author of the "midifile parser" we're using before turning out the entire package of utilities. But I *can* share the CMF/SMF Player portion of our package in order to get your mouth waterin'! This archive should get your feet wet and show you what's in store for us! For personal/demo use only. We ARE working very hard to get proper permission for the rest of our package! -- Thx, Paul Seniura. Keywords: music,smf,cmf,standard,midifile,mfplay,mt-32,synth,others,keyboard,mff --------------------------------- File: MFPLAYER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4918 Name: TSHELL_DEMO.AR Address: A.SHELTRA Date: 901223 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: TShell_Demo a demo program of the Soon to be released MV like program works much faster cause it uses a hardware type 1 or 2 (40 or 80) column text screen. Have fun... Keywords: TSHELL,DEMO,MV,AIF,ENVIRONMENT --------------------------------- File: TSHELL_DEMO.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4897 Name: RAYBOUNCE.AR Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 901213 Approximate # of bytes: 66780 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: This file was introduced informally at the Atlanta CoCoFest. It is an incredibly ray traced bouncing ball demo for OS9...and even if you HATE bouncing ball demos, this one will make you think "AMIGA!". Requires 512K (and most of that free!). Can be run from MultiVue with a click. If you don't have this, you need it! Impress your friends! Amaze your enemies! (end of plug) Keywords: OS9,DEMO,GRAPHICS,GREAT,BALL,RAYTRACE --------------------------------- File: RAYBOUNCE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4896 Name: UUCP.AR Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 901212 Approximate # of bytes: 264600 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: This is something major, but I'm not quite sure what to do with it. It allows the CoCo to netlink with other systems (usually running UNIX) to packet mail and files through the Usenet system. Keywords: OS9,TERMINAL,UTILITY,UNIX,BBS,NETWORK --------------------------------- File: UUCP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4895 Name: TETRIS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 901212 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 9 Description: The classic game in a version that multitasks comforatble even while downloading... Keywords: OS9,GAME,GOOD --------------------------------- File: TETRIS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4894 Name: BONK.AR Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 901212 Approximate # of bytes: 57960 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: This is a newly released "breakout" type game for OS9. It requires the GFX2 from Kevin Darling and the VIEW utility. It has several levels with nice background screens. VERY nice game. Keywords: OS9,GAME,BREAKOUT,BONK,GREAT --------------------------------- File: BONK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4882 Name: APPEND2.AR Address: D.PENZIEN1 Date: 901203 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: A Fast, Compact, version of Zack Sessions' Append. Only 237 bytes in length. Works on Level 1 or Level 2. Keywords: append,L1,L2,utility,file management --------------------------------- File: APPEND2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4834 Name: CGFX7SRC.AR Address: A.SHELTRA Date: 901111 Approximate # of bytes: 47880 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: This is the SRC for Mike Sweet's CGFX LIB Keywords: C,cgfx,compiler,graphics,src --------------------------------- File: CGFX7SRC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4833 Name: CGFX7DOCS.AR Address: A.SHELTRA Date: 901111 Approximate # of bytes: 44100 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: This is the doc file for Version 7 of Mike Sweet's CGFX LIB Keywords: C,cgfx,graphics,level 2,doc --------------------------------- File: CGFX7DOCS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4832 Name: CGFX7LIB.AR Address: A.SHELTRA Date: 901111 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: Version 7 of Mike Sweet's replacement CGFX LIB for the MW C compiler Keywords: C,cgfx,graphics,compiler,level 2 --------------------------------- File: CGFX7LIB.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4821 Name: FONT.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 901108 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: Allows you to enable fonts in a graphic window by specifying a filename appearing on /dd/SYS/FONTS, rather than "merge"-ing the file and then "display"-ing 1b 3a xx xx to enable it. Also allows buffer-kill by the same method. ARchive includes asm source, and a small BASIC09 procedure to split stdfonts into its 3 separate buffers. Keywords: font,graphic,window,asm,level 2 --------------------------------- File: FONT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4811 Name: NFLSCHD.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 901030 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: Print out the NFL schedule and keep track of the scores. Keywords: nfl --------------------------------- File: NFLSCHD.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4797 Name: ED30PAT.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 901019 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: This fixes a few bugs in version 3.0 of this nice text editor. Keywords: text,editor,windint,ipatch --------------------------------- File: ED30PAT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4796 Name: CARD17A.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 901019 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: A nice update to v1.6. Includes a listing of all your cards and a few window changes. Keywords: multivue --------------------------------- File: CARD17A.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4776 Name: ED30.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 901006 Approximate # of bytes: 32760 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 9 Description: This is the long awaited update to Ed 1.6. You will need Windint in your Boot file. It is mouse driven. Very Nice Keywords: text editor,ed,mike sweet --------------------------------- File: ED30.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4761 Name: CARDKEEPER.AR Address: K.BAUER Date: 901001 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: This program will keep track of your collectable baseball and football cards. You will need the new GFX2 from K. Darling and you must have Windint in your bootfile. It is mouse driven with pull down menus and ppopup windows. Let me know what you think of it. Note that you need AR.BIN to dearchive. Windint comes with Multi-Vue and replaces Grfint in your OS9Boot file. Keywords: Multivue,level2,new gfx2,baseball cards, --------------------------------- File: CARDKEEPER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4721 Name: DASM.PAK Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900831 Approximate # of bytes: 35280 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 9 Description: This is a VERY versatile, multi-feature OS-9 disassembler. Author unknown It supports both the original ASM and the newer RMA formats! It comes with good documentation (you may have to strip embedded Hex C's) Found on a BBS in Oklahoma, I've been looking for a package like this for a while. I just found it, thought it would make a nice addition here. Hope we can all get some use out of it ........................ Rex Keywords: assembly,disassembly,asm,rma,disasm,OS9 --------------------------------- File: DASM.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4720 Name: MROFF.PAK Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900830 Approximate # of bytes: 36540 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: a very versatile text formatter using imbedded dot commands in the text Keywords: Text,formatting,wordprocessing,printer --------------------------------- File: MROFF.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4712 Name: COCOS9ER.TX4 Address: K.BAUER Date: 900826 Approximate # of bytes: 40320 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 9 Description: The is a list of BBSs that support the Color Computer. It is put together by Wayne Laird and includes two software reviews and the phone numbers of 240+ boards that carry the national Coo and/or OS-9 echos and have software databases. Keywords: text --------------------------------- File: COCOS9ER.TX4 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4710 Name: SDIR.AR Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 34020 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: nice addition/replacement to/for the standard original DIR command allows a set of options that can be very handy. Sysop note: written by Zack Sessions, who released a newer version last winter; this one is a golden oldie. If you have the newer one, don't overwrite it. I don't know where the new one disappeared to. Keywords: DIR,commands,cmds --------------------------------- File: SDIR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4709 Name: WMODE.AR Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: same basic idea as Dmode but for use on Window descriptors. Very Handy! Keywords: Windows,descriptors --------------------------------- File: WMODE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4708 Name: AD9.I Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: a simple but effective windowed address database sorry no docs available, found on a BBS, pretty self-explanatory though nice displays and fairly quick ... try it! Keywords: Basic09,Icode,address,database,windows --------------------------------- File: AD9.I is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4707 Name: TYPE.AR Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: easy to use command to call the next available window in the type you request and forks a process into that window. Required for use with SMENU.AR elsewhere in this database. Syntax: type (window type number) (process name to fork) I bet we all get some use out of this one! Sysop note: similar to Ken Heist files WSET.SCR #4257 and WMAKER.SCR #4256. Use care in moving TYPE into CMDS dir; you may already have a "type" command -- a file formatter of long ago. Keywords: SMENU,windows,commands,cmds --------------------------------- File: TYPE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4706 Name: SMENU.AR Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 39060 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 9 Description: a MultiVue-like alternative that does not use icons it's menu structure is easily modified and simple you will need the TYPE command found elsewhere in this database try it ... you'll like it! Keywords: MultiVue,MV,menu --------------------------------- File: SMENU.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4705 Name: SCRIPTS3.AR Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: yet another set of shellscripts for Shell+ users see SCRIPTS1.AR for more info Keywords: Shell+,Shellplus,Shell,scripts,shellscripts,AR --------------------------------- File: SCRIPTS3.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4704 Name: SCRIPTS2.AR Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: another set of shellscripts for use with Shell+ see SCRIPTS1.AR for more info Keywords: Shell+,Shellplus,scripts,shellscripts,Shell,AR --------------------------------- File: SCRIPTS2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4703 Name: SCRIPTS1.AR Address: R.HEBERT3 Date: 900825 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: several useful shellscripts for use with Shell+ users will need modification to use on your system but offers a good example of how to structure shellscripts. Use Datamod to convert them to loadable memory modules. Keywords: Shell+,Shellplus,scripts,shellscripts,Shell,AR --------------------------------- File: SCRIPTS1.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4656 Name: COCOFEST.TXT Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 900714 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: A brief text file that Dave Parks from CoCoPro asked me to place online concerning Atlanta CoCoFest '90. Keywords: CoCoFest, Atlanta, CoCoPro, OS9, CoCo, MM1 --------------------------------- File: COCOFEST.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4644 Name: TOMCAT VS MM1 TEXT Address: B.BRADY Date: 900704 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 57 Library: 9 Description: The Tomcat is a replacement for the CoCo 3, and the same claim is made for the MM/1. Read this file remembering that Frank makes the Tomcat. Keywords: OS-9,OSK,OS-9000,CoCo 4,6809,68000,68070 --------------------------------- File: TOMCAT VS MM1 TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4643 Name: TOMCAT Q&A TEXT Address: B.BRADY Date: 900704 Approximate # of bytes: 21420 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 9 Description: The Tomcat is a replacement for the CoCo 3. All OS-9ers should read this file. Keywords: CoCo,Tomcat,OS-9,OSK,OS-9000,6809,68000 --------------------------------- File: TOMCAT Q&A TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4640 Name: MAN4.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 900701 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: Manual support similar to that found in UNIX. Requires "more" and "help" for full use. Hard disk recommended. Keywords: help,manual,asm --------------------------------- File: MAN4.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4639 Name: NLQ130.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 900701 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: Software filter to print a darker nlq font on a DMP130A printer, possibly could be altered for other Tandy printers. w/ source. Keywords: nlq,printer,asm --------------------------------- File: NLQ130.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4634 Name: GFX2.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 900628 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: From Kevin Darling & Kent Meyers. New GFX2 module & Docs. Now Level 2 will *really* dazzle you! Keywords: basic09,graphics,system,interface, module --------------------------------- File: GFX2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4630 Name: TSUTILS.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900626 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: A new TSMON program. Autobaud sense to 9600 baud. Includes source code & Docs. Use AR.BIN to de-arc. Keywords: tsmon,autobaud,9600,os9,com,telecomunications --------------------------------- File: TSUTILS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4608 Name: JTDICT14.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900616 Approximate # of bytes: 40320 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: Spelling correction for text files (OS-9). Reads in oldfile, writes a newfile which includes all corrections. Dictionary is a text file that can be personalized. Menu driven. Keywords: text,dictionary,correcting,OS-9,spelling,utility --------------------------------- File: JTDICT14.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4601 Name: CC3DISK.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 900609 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: Ipatch files for PC-DOS. Used to modify CC3Disk for "direct access" system call needed to allow PC-DOS to read non-standard disk formats. Keywords: ipatch,DOS,Atari ST,68000 --------------------------------- File: CC3DISK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4574 Name: WIZ AUTO HELP Address: B.BRADY Date: 900526 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: This is actually an update from the table on page 24 of the Wiz Manual. It gives ALL the codes. Keywords: wiz,auto,term,telcom,text,doc --------------------------------- File: WIZ AUTO HELP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4569 Name: LIST8.PAK Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 900523 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: optionally allows numbering of listed output, and detection of rbf locks Keywords: list --------------------------------- File: LIST8.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4564 Name: TOMCAT ANNOUNCEMENT Address: B.BRADY Date: 900520 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: The Tomcat is an Up to Date CoCo from Frank Hogg Labs. It is the machine that Tandy could have made. (Yes, Tandy has discontinued the CoCo). Keywords: CoCo,New,CoCo 4 --------------------------------- File: TOMCAT ANNOUNCEMENT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4533 Name: TOOLSHED.B09 Address: I.SCANLON-CA Date: 900428 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: Gives you a menu for run-time access to utilities like deldir, copy, etc. Written by Bill Knight , this has some rough edges but is a nice alternative to buying something like DMTree. Sysop note: be sure to strip trailing bits from file before packing. You might also consider changing the call to OS9Boot from "/d0" to "/dd", especially if you use a hard drive, before you pack it. Runb must be present in your system, as must all the utilities mentioned in the menu. Any call to a non-existent cmd will naturally error out. Keywords: Utility, Basic09,menuing --------------------------------- File: TOOLSHED.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4442 Name: MULTIEDIT20.AR Address: F.RESLER Date: 900421 Approximate # of bytes: 42840 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 9 Description: This is a new version of MultiEdit found in this library. It is an enhanced AIF/Icon editor for Multi-Vue. It is very user-friendly and features ten tools to aid you in creating and edit icons (fill, erase, shifts, rotates, etc.). When creating AIFs you don't have to look anything up in the OS9 manaul. You are prompted for everything. Keywords: multiedit,mv,multi-vue,editor,AIF,icon --------------------------------- File: MULTIEDIT20.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4376 Name: TOMCAT.TXT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900331 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: This is a file describing the new CoCo4, officially called the TC9 Tomcat, from Frank Hogg. Very interesting and exciting! Keywords: coco4,tomcat,hogg,computer,announcement --------------------------------- File: TOMCAT.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4375 Name: GFX3.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900327 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 9 Description: a new and enhanced version of gfx2, for basic09 source code included. Keywords: basic09,gfx,gfx2,gfx3,enhanced --------------------------------- File: GFX3.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4367 Name: MAX9.PAK Address: R.SEITZ1 Date: 900317 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: I found this program on a BBS in New Jersey. It is a simple but nice VEF graphics editor by K.Darling. The Docs said there was an aif and icon files for MV but this Pak that Ii downloaded didn't contain them. You will need a Tandy Hi-res adapter to use Keywords: VEF,graphics,OS9 level2 --------------------------------- File: MAX9.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4360 Name: MVDEFINE.B09 Address: F.RESLER Date: 900313 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: This program sets up TYPE structures for Multi-Vue windows and mouse handling. Most of the hard work is done so you can concentrate on that program you've wanted to write under Multi-Vue! Keywords: MV,definitions,Multi-Vue,BASIC09 --------------------------------- File: MVDEFINE.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4359 Name: REAPER.PAK Address: F.RESLER Date: 900313 Approximate # of bytes: 30240 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: This one will knock your socks off! It is a picture of the Grim Reaper on horseback. You MUST have VIEWVEF found in the VIEWGIF archive. Keywords: picture,VEF,fantasy,reaper,graphics --------------------------------- File: REAPER.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4358 Name: MIXUP.AR Address: R.SEITZ1 Date: 900312 Approximate # of bytes: 31500 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: A nice graphic game of memory for OS-9 Level 2. You will need the program AR to burst this, and a hi-res mouse or joystick & interface to play it. Keywords: Game,Graphics,Level2,OS9 --------------------------------- File: MIXUP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4356 Name: BLAST.PAK Address: F.RESLER Date: 900311 Approximate # of bytes: 35280 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: This is a VEF picture of the space shuttle blasting off. You will __need__ viewvef found the the viewgif archive, VIEWGIF2.AR, file #3636. This demonstrates the "flicker" feature at it's best! Sysop's choice, for graphics. If you don't already have viewvef, get it before you leave; it is required to display this one. Keywords: vef,shuttle,graphics,blast,pak,flicker,viewvef,pix,picture --------------------------------- File: BLAST.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4349 Name: GRFDRV2.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900304 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: a patch for keven darlings i code patch to grfdrv. It will give you a screen of (80*25). works great. Keywords: grfdrv,os9,patch --------------------------------- File: GRFDRV2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4342 Name: FASTGRF.AR Address: R.SEITZ1 Date: 900218 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: This is Kevin Darling's Ipatch for the GRFDRV. You need ar to burst and Ipatch to install. Both found in this library Keywords: Ipatch,grfdrv,lvl2,patch,Christmas1989 --------------------------------- File: FASTGRF.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4328 Name: IMGSHOW.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900213 Approximate # of bytes: 74340 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: show rascan pictures on os9. one picture included. see rs basic lib. for more. works great! Keywords: rascan,color,pictures,os9 --------------------------------- File: IMGSHOW.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4310 Name: CALBUMP.AR Address: J.WAINWRIGHT Date: 900211 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: Copies COCO DESKMATE CALENDAR files to new file with years changed. Handy for Birthdays and anniversaries. Keywords: DESKMATE,COCO,COCO3,BASIC09,"C" --------------------------------- File: CALBUMP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4292 Name: KBCOM.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900204 Approximate # of bytes: 74340 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 9 Description: Another Com Program for OS-9. Keywords: com,os9,term --------------------------------- File: KBCOM.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4291 Name: CC3GO.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900204 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 9 Description: password your boot disk. Keywords: password,boot,os9 --------------------------------- File: CC3GO.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4290 Name: WFNC.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900204 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: c stuff for windows. Keywords: c,os9,windows --------------------------------- File: WFNC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4289 Name: PLAY4.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900204 Approximate # of bytes: 26460 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: play mac and amiga music files to top of mem or 2 meg ram if ya got it. read the docs first. Keywords: music,mac,amiga,os9 --------------------------------- File: PLAY4.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4288 Name: PLAYMUSICA.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900204 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: Play Musica files under OS-9. One file included. Be sure & read the Doc file first. Keywords: music,musica,os9 --------------------------------- File: PLAYMUSICA.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4287 Name: SMARTWATCH.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900204 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: Software & documentation for the Smartwatch chip. Keywords: smartwatch,os9,clock --------------------------------- File: SMARTWATCH.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4258 Name: WSET.WMAKER.HLP Address: K8YUW Date: 900126 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: The next two files in the library tell you in the description some of the things you need to have in your system, but not how to go about getting them into your system. This is a help file I created to accompany each/both of them: WSET and WMAKER. WindowSET and WindowMAKER. While here in lib 9, if you don't already have and datamod, get them. And if you don't have ar, you'll need it to deARc This file you're looking at is a simple text file, and can be downloaded or listed to your buffer or disk. The same principles herein will apply in general to other shell scripts. Jerry Murphy, K8YUW Keywords: shell,window,wset,wmaker,script,help --------------------------------- File: WSET.WMAKER.HLP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4257 Name: WSET.SCR Address: K.HEIST Date: 900125 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: Wset is a companion to Wmaker. It requires shellplus,prompt,display, and iniz to run.I merged all the commands and others I work with and loaded them into memory on bootup.Set the ATTR to E PE and place in CMDS dir. Keywords: windows,shellplus,shellscripts --------------------------------- File: WSET.SCR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4256 Name: WMAKER.SCR Address: K.HEIST Date: 900125 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: I couldn't stand the old straight forward way of generating a window and having to lookup how to set the type and it's attributes. You must have shellplus and the prompt command that comes with it along with display echo and iniz commands.I have them merged with other commands and loaded on bootup.Makes things much nicer.REMEMBER..don't use to start a window thats already open(you'll feel real stupid). Keywords: windows,shellplus,shellscript --------------------------------- File: WMAKER.SCR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4254 Name: UPLOAD2.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 900123 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Allows ascii upload of text to slow bbs systems, and substitutes ".<cr>" for and blank line encountered in input, avoiding "end of message" blank lines most systems watch for. Keywords: comm,text,upload,ascii,asm,source --------------------------------- File: UPLOAD2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4253 Name: CC3GO.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900121 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 72 Library: 9 Description: a enhancement for shell+ users. Keywords: os9, shell+, shellpluss,enhancement --------------------------------- File: CC3GO.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4252 Name: COCO4.TXT Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900121 Approximate # of bytes: 79380 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: a collection of files of stuff collected from others about the coco 4. use vu.bin found here in this lib to view, as it is a very long file. Keywords: coco4, os9, new --------------------------------- File: COCO4.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4251 Name: BITBANG.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900121 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 9 Description: new drivers for the serial port. with source code. for multitasking through t1. Keywords: serial, port,os9,multitasking --------------------------------- File: BITBANG.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4250 Name: DISKEDIT.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900121 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: read the docs on what files to edit before you pack* them. This is a very old file. However, it will let you make partial saves of a file so that you can recover flaws in a bin file or a bad ar file. Works through a serial port best. sysop note: make a copy of the B09 files before you pack* them in every case, so you can always follow along with what it is or should do AFTER you pack*. Keywords: disk editor,os9 --------------------------------- File: DISKEDIT.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4249 Name: LOF.B09 Address: F.RESLER Date: 900120 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: This is a replacement for the LOF subroutined found in B09UTILS.AR in this library. The older version had a bug and would not return a correct value for large files. This new version does. Keywords: basic09, utility, lof, os9 --------------------------------- File: LOF.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4245 Name: VU.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900116 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 76 Library: 9 Description: a great text file viewer. online functions. go foward or backward in a file till you want to quit. the best that ive seen. Keywords: text files, os9,review, best --------------------------------- File: VU.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4222 Name: QTIP.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900106 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: Editor for os9 disks. no docs but has on line help. Keywords: editor, os9, patch --------------------------------- File: QTIP.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4220 Name: PACMAN.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 900106 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 9 Description: play a game of packpDman on OS9. two versions included with icons. no source code found to date. Keywords: GAME, PACKMAN, OS9, 80columns --------------------------------- File: PACMAN.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4216 Name: B09UTILS.AR Address: F.RESLER Date: 891231 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains three BASIC09 utilities. LOF finds the length of a file SEARCH searches a string for the string you specify from the position you specify (similiar to BASIC's INSTR command) REPLACE searches for a string within a string and replaces it with the specified new string. (Sysop note: File 4249 replaces LOF.B09; you need it also) Keywords: utility, basic09, programming, os9, level, 2 --------------------------------- File: B09UTILS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4215 Name: XEQ5.PAK Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 891231 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: Similar in function to StG's "call" my own "exec" and D.P. Johnson's "rep" but with several enhancements, including concurrent execution of forked processes, option use of StdOut and StdErr. Xeq [-ceox] command_string <substitutes stitutes a line from StdIn for every "$" found in and_string" and forks a shell to run the result. un forked shells concurrently Keywords: --------------------------------- File: XEQ5.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4209 Name: RMA FUNCTION LIBRARY.AR Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 891230 Approximate # of bytes: 23940 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: This is the latest version of Bob van der Poel's assembler library, uploaded with his permission. Requires RMA and RLINK. Includes "C" like string functions, numeric conversions, integer math, random numbers, and more! Sources available. Uploaded by Zack Sessions. Keywords: rma,rlink,6809,ml library,subroutine --------------------------------- File: RMA FUNCTION LIBRARY.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4206 Name: REBOOT.PAK Address: D.KEEFE Date: 891229 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: Two types of reboot for OS9. One is a warm reboot like pushing the reset button. The second is to reboot trsdos from os9. found on remote data in canada. S Keywords: REBOOT,EXIT,OS) L2 --------------------------------- File: REBOOT.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4203 Name: TIME.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 891229 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: This file just displays (The Time Is (the curent time)) and some other stuff see docs. downloaded from canada from remote data Keywords: TIME,FILES,UNARCING,CROSCHECK TIME --------------------------------- File: TIME.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4144 Name: STRIP.AR Address: JEVESTAL Date: 891215 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 9 Description: This utility (C source included) does essentually the same thing as AFIL2 but is a lot faster! Strip filters out all control codes (non-ascii text) for use in a pipe or redirect file as input. It can be used to remove LF's and screen control codes from files so that they can be edited with an editor. Released into Public Domain... Jim Vestal JEVESTAL Keywords: FILTER,STRIP,C,CONTROL,CODES --------------------------------- File: STRIP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4124 Name: FINANCE.AR Address: R.SEITZ1 Date: 891210 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 9 Description: A financial planner for OS9 level 2 and basic09. Designed to give a quick way of making those standard financial calculations. Concept from Murray Zanger's financial planner in the march 1987 rainbow. But program is totally rewritten for OS9 level 2 and windows. This is my first program so let me know how you like it. Keywords: OS9,lvl 2,Utility,BASIC09,finance --------------------------------- File: FINANCE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4084 Name: OS-9 UPGRADE TEXT Address: B.BRADY Date: 891205 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 9 Description: Someone sent me this file describing the 'phantom' OS-9 LII upgrade. Read file 4017..... get excited, it's O.K. <grin> Keywords: OS-9,Level II,Upgrade --------------------------------- File: OS-9 UPGRADE TEXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4083 Name: WPXMOD VER 1.9C Address: B.BRADY Date: 891205 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: Just a maintenance update, it is significantly faster than the pervious version, & some tiny bugs have been squashed. (handles flaky hosts better). Keywords: wiz,pro,xmodem,terminal,rs-232,acia,300-19.2k baud --------------------------------- File: WPXMOD VER 1.9C is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4082 Name: PROACIA.NOSLOT Address: B.BRADY Date: 891205 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: A version of proacia for those who, for example have a Disto SCII but use a MPI anyway. This driver leaves the interrupt in slot 4. Keywords: wiz,pro,driver,level ii --------------------------------- File: PROACIA.NOSLOT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4017 Name: FESTNEWS.TXT Address: LCIOCCIO Date: 891029 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 9 Description: One of club members (CUE,Erie,Pa.) Dennis Skala has reported on his observation at the `fest in New Jersey. s Keywords: festnews,os9upgade --------------------------------- File: FESTNEWS.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4005 Name: FPARK3.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 891028 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: fpark will park a floppy drive on track zero, avoiding the "head banging" syndrome at next power-up. edition #3 adds the "-s" option to force the floppy drive motors to stop, making this an enhanced replacement for the usual d0off utility hard disk users must run at boot. Replaces FPARK.AR, file #3915 Keywords: OS-9,utility,hard drive,park --------------------------------- File: FPARK3.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3985 Name: WEATHER_RADAR.AR Address: P.SENIURA Date: 891025 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: Here's our experimental Oklahoma Weather Radar program. It's been archived with the 'AR' program. A packed Basic09 module with a number of sample real-live radar data files of actual storms passing through our state. The archive contains a detailed instruction text file to help you install the program and files for viewing. The instructions state emphatically that this is for your own PRIVATE USE ONLY and not to post it elsewhere "period". But do have fun with it and let us know how we might improve it. -- Thx, Paul Seniura. 10/24/89. Keywords: weather,radar,graphics,color,map,vip,nws,sample,basic09,storms,vef,oklahoma --------------------------------- File: WEATHER_RADAR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3984 Name: GRFDRV_PATCHES.TXT Address: P.SENIURA Date: 891025 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 9 Description: I've compared the GrfDrv patches as provided in the SuperComm.AR v1.12 and found that it was not complete. This is a long discussion of what we can do to provide maximum CoCo-3 graphics resolution, and some experimental patches for GrfDrv for you to test. This also discusses a couple of bugs in the GIME/ACVC chip itself when in these modes. I need your input so that we can get Tandy to fix these bugs. I also need to know how we can legally and properly do the things in the section titled "A Better Graphics System". -- Thx, Paul Seniura. 10/24/89. Keywords: grfdrv,grfint,windint,patches,modpatch,graphics,text,discussion,video --------------------------------- File: GRFDRV_PATCHES.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3959 Name: UPLOAD.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 891015 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: Includes source and a short "readme." Allows ascii uploads to slow systems by sending at 10 char/sec, and allowing 1/2 sec at end of line. Keywords: upload,ascii,source,asm,comm --------------------------------- File: UPLOAD.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3916 Name: TRANSFER.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 891007 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: check data transfer rate of a hard or floppy disk drive. source includes figures for my system (DSDD 40 and B&B 20 meg). Keywords: disk,speed,asm,source,level 1,level 2 --------------------------------- File: TRANSFER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3914 Name: SPOOL6.PAK Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 891007 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: allows use of disk directory as queue area, freeing memory faster and reducing contention for printer access. edition #6 of spool and edition #3 of q - includes source (asm), executable binary, and a short "readme" Keywords: spool,printer,asm,source,level 2,level 1,queue --------------------------------- File: SPOOL6.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3861 Name: RESTORE.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890902 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: Contains BASIC09 and assembler versions of program, similar to Vaughn Cato's but coded in assembler or B09 for smaller size. Includes asm source. Keywords: comm,disk,xfer,basic09,asm,source --------------------------------- File: RESTORE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3856 Name: MULTIEDIT.AR Address: F.RESLER Date: 890826 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 47 Library: 9 Description: This is an AIF/Icon editor for Multi-Vue. Very easy to use. Use AR to un-arc it. I think something like this should have been included with MV! Keywords: icon,aif,multi,vue,coco3,os9,level 2,mv --------------------------------- File: MULTIEDIT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3853 Name: MASTER THE CUBE! Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890822 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: Here's one for the kids! It's a two dimensional Rubik's Cube. Sorry, but 512K and MultiVue (WindInt) are required! Uploaded 8/22/89 by Zack Sessions. Archived with ar. Keywords: puzzle,coco3,c3,multivue,512K,c --------------------------------- File: MASTER THE CUBE! is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3836 Name: DIRDUMP.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890804 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: Use DirDump to get a hex-dump of a directory file - invoked as dirdump (path) ! dump includes asm source Keywords: dump,directory,filter,asm,source --------------------------------- File: DIRDUMP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3835 Name: FUDGE3.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890804 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: Use Fudge to periodically bump your clock ahead or back. Amount andYm interval are specified on command line. fudge 3 1 & would bump the clock ahead 1 second every third minute, while fudge 5 -1 & would knock it backwards a second every fifth minute. interval = 1 - 18 minutes, amount = 1 - 59 seconds, plus or minus. Keywords: time,clock,adjust,asm,source,demon --------------------------------- File: FUDGE3.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3834 Name: AFIL2.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890804 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: Use AFil to clean up a text file imported from another system. It removes control characters, graphics characters, extra linefeeds, and converts tabs to spaces, leaving you with a straight ascii file. Works as a file ccommand or as a filter. Keywords: text,filter,ascii,asm,source --------------------------------- File: AFIL2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3829 Name: LABEL.AR Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890730 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: This is a utility to display and/or change the labeol name of a RBF type device. Written in small, fast assembler. Archived with ar. Keywords: label,utility,rma,volumes --------------------------------- File: LABEL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3819 Name: GRAPHICS.DEMO.SYS.AR Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890729 Approximate # of bytes: 54180 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: This is a system for setting up a "Graphics Demonstration System". Requires CoCo 3 and OS9 Level 2. 128K and 512K versions included. Displays VEF format pictures only (squashed format supported). Both versions have palette switching variations. Uploaded 7/29/89 by Zack Sessions. Keywords: coco3,128k,512k,graphics,vef,squashed,rma --------------------------------- File: GRAPHICS.DEMO.SYS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3781 Name: PDIR2.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890722 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: pdir edition #2 allows you to list an individual directory entry from /dd/SYS/PHONE/Numbers by specifying it on the command line. Keywords: xcom9,phone,communications,dialer --------------------------------- File: PDIR2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3776 Name: PDIR.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890718 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: PDir gives a "directory" of the SYS/PHONE/Numbers file by reading it and sending any line befinning with "\:" to StdOut. It may be merged with Phone and XCom9 and still fit in a single CoCo 3 MMU block of 8k. Keywords: XCom9,Phone,Dialer,Communications --------------------------------- File: PDIR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3746 Name: WIZPRO V1.0B PT1 AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 890708 Approximate # of bytes: 51660 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 9 Description: WizPro Abridged V1.0b. Fixes two bugs: (ALT-D), and ET reset after XProg. The ALT-D bug crept in to version 1.0a, and caused sudden exit, and empty download files. Also fixed minor bug in Wpxmod. (now v1.9a) where progress indicator stopped after 255 blocks on upload. There are 3 parts: and WizPro.txt. If you are updating from an earlier version, you do not need txt. Files are about 47k Version numbers are at the top of the individual menus. Use AR utility to De-Arc. Clear text (WIZPRO.TXT) is file 3080. Compressed version is WIZDOC.AR, file 3572. Shareware. Keywords: OS-9,Level 2,Terminal,Program,RS-232,Xmodem,Ymodem,300-19.2k --------------------------------- File: WIZPRO V1.0B PT1 AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3745 Name: WIZPRO V1.0B PT2 AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 890708 Approximate # of bytes: 50400 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 9 Description: WizPro Abridged V1.0b. Fixes two bugs: (ALT-D), and ET reset after XProg. The ALT-D bug crept in to version 1.0a, and caused sudden exit, and empty download files. Also fixed minor bug in Wpxmod. (now v1.9a) where progress indicator stopped after 255 blocks on upload. There are 3 parts: and WizPro.txt. If you are updating from an earlier version, you do not need txt. Files are about 47k Version numbers are at the top of the individual menus. Keywords: OS-9,Level 2,Terminal,Program,RS-232,Log,download,300-19.2k,xmodem,ymodem --------------------------------- File: WIZPRO V1.0B PT2 AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3741 Name: OSTERM208.PAK Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890704 Approximate # of bytes: 60480 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 9 Description: This is an upgrade to OSTerm207 file #3669 (which I have deleted). Vaughn has corrected 2 bugs-- the open file error which limited the number of file transfers and/or echoes to path is now fixed ; and (2) the Alt (L)earn mode bug is fixed. Documentation is included, and the file should be unPAKed with the PAK utility found elsewhere in this database. This shareware ($10--cheap) was uploaded with Vaugn Cato's permission. Keywords: OSTERM, TERMINAL, COMM, COMMUNICATIONS, TELECOMM, DOCS, VAUGHN, CATO --------------------------------- File: OSTERM208.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3738 Name: SSPAK.AR Address: P.BARONE1 Date: 890702 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: Device drivers & descriptors for the tandy speech/sound cartridge (ss/c) for OS-9 level 2. From CIS. See April '89 Rainbow pp.150-1. Documentation for necessary (simple) cartridge included. Keywords: OS-9 L2, Speech/sound cartridge (SS/C), minor hardware modification for cartridg --------------------------------- File: SSPAK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3737 Name: SSMGPB.AR Address: HAALAND Date: 890702 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Patches to fix the CGFX.L that was part of the Development system (DEV-PAK). ssmgpb.ipc will fix the _gs_mgpb function and will ename it to the proper _ss_mgpb call. The corected docss for _ss_mgpb are included. Also a patch to the _ss_scsz funtion. Keywords: AR,IPATCH,PATCH,CGFX.L,C,LIB,SS.MGPB,SS.SCSZ,FIXES,DEV-PAK --------------------------------- File: SSMGPB.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3736 Name: VEFSQSH.AR Address: HAALAND Date: 890702 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: VEFSqsh and UnSqshVEF ar VEF 320 x 200 x 16 (Type 8) utilities converting standard VEF pictures to/from the NEW Squash format. he 'C' source code, modules and Man Pages are included in this AR. Also included are encode/decode routines useful for all repetative data types. By Mike Haaland RELATED FILES: VEFSHOW20.AR Keywords: AR,C,SOURCE,SQUASH,VEF,GRAPHICS,PICTURE,COMPRESS,LEVEL II --------------------------------- File: VEFSQSH.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3735 Name: VEFSHOW20.AR Address: HAALAND Date: 890702 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: VEFShow 2.0 will display 320x200x16 (type 8) VEF pictures. This version allows palette switching while viewing, and will also display the new Squash format VEF pictures. Uploaded by the author. RELATED FILES: VEFSQSH.AR SSMGPB.AR From Mike Haaland of Hyper-Tech Software. Keywords: VEF DISPLAY C SOURCE MULTI-VUE MV AR --------------------------------- File: VEFSHOW20.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3721 Name: SPOOL09.PAK Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890628 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: PAK archive contains two modules: SPOOL and Q. They respectively dispatch and submit spool queue jobs. Freeware, posted by the author. You need PAK, available elsewhere in this lib, to de-archive this one. Keywords: spool,pak,queue,os-9,level 1,level 2 --------------------------------- File: SPOOL09.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3716 Name: EXEC.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890620 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: exec takes filenames from stdin and runs a command string repeatedly, taking information from stdin and replacing a wildcard character with it. The resulting command is then piped to a shell for execution, or redirected to a disk file for editting as a shell script. Keywords: repeat,call,exec,wildcard --------------------------------- File: EXEC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3709 Name: ALTLINK.BIN Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890616 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: This file is a hacked version of the object code in File #2258. I did it so that I could use my XT-ROM (Burke & Burke) to access various different altboots. Created using DISASM (File #2877), TSED, and Level 1 assembler. Keywords: utility,hard drive,B&B,burke & burke,os9,altboot --------------------------------- File: ALTLINK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3708 Name: SPANNER.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890616 Approximate # of bytes: 30240 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 9 Description: Keywords: hard drive,backup,os9,utility,level 2 --------------------------------- File: SPANNER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3707 Name: DSSORT.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890616 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains sourcte, executable object, and documentation for a DSAVE listing. To use, just do a normal dsave to a file, then type: dssort <oldlisting >newlisting (cr) Usefull if you're making a new directory on another disc and you don't have dirsort handy anywhere. Keywords: utility,os9,coco,dsave --------------------------------- File: DSSORT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3700 Name: VDG.AR Address: R.SCRANTON Date: 890613 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: Extra device descriptors that allow you to have as many as 12 display devices active without using MultiView - term_win, w1 - w7, and vdg0 - vdg3. Keywords: vdg,level 2,descriptor --------------------------------- File: VDG.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3692 Name: JUN.AR Address: R.MAYEUX Date: 890611 Approximate # of bytes: 52920 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: This is the data file for use with for the month of June. The other months data files will be uploaded separately. Enjoy. Keywords: today, june --------------------------------- File: JUN.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3691 Name: TODAY.AR Address: R.MAYEUX Date: 890611 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: TODAY.AR is a program that will read data files containing important dates and events from history. You can also create a personal file for it to read of your important dates/events. With no prompts it will read the data file for today or you can specify a special file or date. Included in the archive is the source and a complete doc file. The 12 data files for the months of the year will be uploaded separately. Enjoy. Keywords: today, history, events, birthdays, reminders, basic09 --------------------------------- File: TODAY.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3688 Name: PHRASES.AR Address: R.MAYEUX Date: 890611 Approximate # of bytes: 27720 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: PHRASES.AR contains the source for 2 Basic09 programs, 1 is a quote-of- the-day program and 1 is oxymoron-of-the-day program. Also included is the data files that each program reads and a utility that will read and print line numbers on text files. This is used when modifying the data files so you can change the source code to reflect the length. The data files are read at random. A doc file is included. Enjoy. Keywords: quote, oxymoron, basic09 --------------------------------- File: PHRASES.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3687 Name: EXAM.AR Address: R.MAYEUX Date: 890611 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: EXAM.AR is a B09 program that will read text files of multiple-choice questions that you create and provide you with a score of your answers. This way it is possible to have many data files, (exam prompts you for what file you wish to study), without having the questions and answers as data statements in your program. It is possible to start with any question number you desire and even skip questions you dont want to answer. The source, and executable copy, and a doc file are included in the archive. Enjoy. Keywords: test, education, basic09, quiz, study --------------------------------- File: EXAM.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3686 Name: SOKOBAN.BIN Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890611 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: This is the executable version of Sokoban fixed to work with the arrow keys as well as the l,k,j,&h keys. You still need the previous upload to play. Keywords: sokoban,coco 3,os9,level 2,game,addictive --------------------------------- File: SOKOBAN.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3670 Name: SOME VEF PICS Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890601 Approximate # of bytes: 32760 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 9 Description: This ia an archive file archived with ar. It contains 7 VEF format pictures. All originally were PMODE4 B&W pics which I first converted to MGE, then to VEF and then colorized with MAX9. The last, "skindive.vef" contains partial nudity, please do not downloioad it that offends you. Keywords: vef,pmode4 conversions,colorized,ar --------------------------------- File: SOME VEF PICS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3646 Name: SOKOBAN.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890523 Approximate # of bytes: 45360 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 9 Description: Sokoban is an amusing and extremely addictive game, ported from sourcecode posted on USENET by Tom Napolitano of CI$. It is written in C, and possibly could be made to run under Level 1, if you have the C package. You'll need AR to burst this file. Includes C source. Keywords: game,usenet,coco 3,os9,level 1,addictive,ar --------------------------------- File: SOKOBAN.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3644 Name: GALACTIC CONFLICT SRC Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890520 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: This is the archive containing the source code (Basic09) for the OS9 port of Galactic Conflict, written by Mel Gaskins and John Sebella. This file is public domain. With the information in these files, you should be able to port this game over to PBBS, APBBS, RIBBS, etc. without too much problems. The source wasn't included in the upload of the executable files because I didn't have it at the time. You'll need AR to burst it, of course. Keywords: source,basic09,coco 3,level 2,game,login,ar,bbs --------------------------------- File: GALACTIC CONFLICT SRC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3640 Name: GALACTIC CONFLICT OOS9 Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890517 Approximate # of bytes: 45360 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: This is a public domain OS9 port of Galactic Conflict, as seen in the November '87 Rainbow. This archive is the end result of a solid year's work by the authors of this version. This copy came to me via Dave Jenkin's Disk Bank BBS (812) 422-4821. Contains dox and executable code, but no source. Will *not* run under PBBS, APBBS, RIBBS, or *any* OS9 BBS system that breaks the rules, but *will* run with the Alpha Technologies BBS system and the forth-coming TestDrive(TM) BBS system, along with Griepentrog's LOGIN.AR. AR needed to burst. :s Keywords: os9,level 2,login,game,basic09,public domain,tsmon --------------------------------- File: GALACTIC CONFLICT OOS9 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3638 Name: C COMP ON HARD DISK.AR Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890513 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 9 Description: This document tells how to move the C Compiler to a single disk system. Need a hard disk or large (720K floppy). Also covered is the Development Pack and the patches required for it. Also discussed are alternates to the cc1 program. NOTE: I needed to use FIX to remove the first 128 bits before I could successfully de-AR this file. You might try Y modem if you have it; I'm not sure if that will strip the CCB-like feature from the front-end of this file. Without the FIX, it will *NOT* de-AR. Jerry Murphy, K8YUW, OS9 Sysop. Keywords: development pack,c compiler, patches --------------------------------- File: C COMP ON HARD DISK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3636 Name: VIEWGIF2.AR Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890509 Approximate # of bytes: 51660 Number of Accesses: 107 Library: 9 Description: New Version (2.0) of V. Cato's ViewGIF. Keywords: ViewGIF,GIF,Viewer,Graphics,Vaughn,Cato --------------------------------- File: VIEWGIF2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3632 Name: BOO.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 890506 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: Look at your serial ports, find out why nogozina or nogozouta. For STD RS-232 Ports on the CoCo 3. Basic09 Source. Keywords: basic09,rs-232,serial,parity,error,peek,a,boo --------------------------------- File: BOO.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3623 Name: LARRY UNDER MULTIVUE Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890427 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: This is one way to run Liesure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards as an application under MultiVue. 512K required. Enjoy! NOTE: This file was uploaded with CCB apparently. I needed FIX.AR (File #3197) in order to repair it. It is an ARchive, and you'll need to save it with a NAME.AR; you can do that easily when you FIX it. Jerry, K8YUW Keywords: game,multivue,512k,coco3 --------------------------------- File: LARRY UNDER MULTIVUE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3616 Name: INSTALL_WIZZERO.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 890423 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: This is the ready to run version of Install_WizZero. Uploaded in CoCoBin so just download and run. Source is in file 3615. Let me know what else you'd like for Wiz Pro. -Bill Brady Keywords: wiz,pro,installer,zero --------------------------------- File: INSTALL_WIZZERO.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3615 Name: INSTALL_WIZZERO Address: B.BRADY Date: 890423 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 9 Description: A proc to install WizZero. This is source. For ready to run version see file 3616. Installers are an alternative to using ProInstall. -Bill Brady Keywords: wiz,pro,buffer,zero,install --------------------------------- File: INSTALL_WIZZERO is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3614 Name: FEST CHICAGO '89 Address: B.BRADY Date: 890423 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: Kev's impressions of the Chicago Rainbowfest. XMODEMED up so you can xmodem or ymodem down or just 'list' on line. But you may want to save this one. OS-9 has now dominated the last two 'fests! Keywords: chicago,89,rainbowfest,fest --------------------------------- File: FEST CHICAGO '89 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3613 Name: OS9GIFV21.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 890423 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 9 Description: Converts GIF files on CoCo 3. Keywords: gif,convert,os-9,level 2,LII --------------------------------- File: OS9GIFV21.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3612 Name: MSPUB.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 890423 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: Source code, assembled version, and installation utility for an improved memory sense routine. This routine will handle 128K, 256K, or 512K memory options in the CoCo 3. It will also handle 1Meg and 2Meg options if other changes are made to OS9. PUBLIC DOMAIN. To install, boot your system and type: patch OS9P1 <memsense.pat Then cobbler out your system and reboot. Keywords: memory,sense,burke,patch --------------------------------- File: MSPUB.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3611 Name: WHERES.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 890423 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: Finds those misplaced files.. great for hard disk. Via Bruce Isted. Keywords: find,hard,disk,files --------------------------------- File: WHERES.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3610 Name: STEST.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 890423 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: Writes then reads every sector on a newly formatted disk. Very handy if you have a bad sector on a hard disk that gets by the format utils verify. Keywords: hard,disk,sector,test,lockout --------------------------------- File: STEST.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3599 Name: CB.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 890417 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 9 Description: Reformats C programs along the lines of K&R standards. Useful for public domain programs. Keywords: C,utility,format,K&R,programming --------------------------------- File: CB.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3598 Name: ASC.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 890417 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: Converts a file from upper to lower case, or vice versa, in ASCII. Includes docs and src, as well as the bin file. Use asc -? for help. Keywords: file,text,utility,ascii,upper,lower --------------------------------- File: ASC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3597 Name: HAMLOG.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 890417 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: Also sometimes known as HAMRADIO.AR, this is a log-keeping DBM-type program specifically for amateur radio operators and short-wave listeners. Provides for standard log-sheet headings and printouts of logs for contesters. Just in time for Field Day! Using any of several fine editors, the source code could be personalized or adapted to other uses and applications. Keywords: amateur,ham,radio,log,dbm,utility --------------------------------- File: HAMLOG.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3596 Name: REPLACE.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 890417 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: Replace oldfile newfile "oldstring" "newstring"; that says it all. Keywords: text,search,string,utility --------------------------------- File: REPLACE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3595 Name: SPINT.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 890417 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: Scaled down version of GREP. Includes single-character wildcarding. Searches standard input for a given pattern of characters and prints lines containing those characters to standard output. Read the .doc for more. Keywords: grep,unix,utility,string search --------------------------------- File: SPINT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3581 Name: CGRAB.AR Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890414 Approximate # of bytes: 18900 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: This is a tutorial written in OS9 C which is virtually identical in functionality to Kevin Darling's BASIC09 program, GRAB. It loads in a VEF pix and lets you grab part of to disk. It then will display the grabbed buffers anywhere on the screen. Illustrates GPLoad. Keywords: grab,vef,OS9 c,cgfx.l,gpload --------------------------------- File: CGRAB.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3579 Name: CRYPT.PAK Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890410 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: This is an encryption/decryption program written by Vaughn Cato and uploaded with his permission.Included is executable, C source and documentation. Use the PAK utility to unPAK this file. The program will encrypt and decrypt all files based upon the user's specified password. Keywords: Encrypt,Decrypt,Encryption,Decryption,Code,Data,File,Utility,Vaughn,Cato --------------------------------- File: CRYPT.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3572 Name: WIZDOCS.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 890408 Approximate # of bytes: 57960 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 9 Description: This is not an update, but the Doc file in fewer bytes. Use AR to de-arc. Wiz Professional is a shareware windowing full featured terminal package for OS-9 LII on the Color Computer. Keywords: wiz,pro,os-9,level 2,terminal,xmodem,ymodem,download,rs-232 --------------------------------- File: WIZDOCS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3563 Name: LPRINT.AR Address: D.PENZIEN1 Date: 890403 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: Archive file contains device driver/descriptor and related documentation for parallel printer interface for the CoCo under OS-9. Tested on Level 1, may work on Level 2 also. Keywords: Parallel Communications,Printer,Level 1,Device driver, Device descriptor --------------------------------- File: LPRINT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3494 Name: PLAYCOMP.PAK Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890318 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 9 Description: Written by Vaugh Cato, and uploaded with his permission. This utility will compress any play file to any degree. Since the Coco PLA utility will only play the first 53K of a play file, you can compress a larger PLA file to hear the whole thing. Other special effects can be the docs. PLAYCOMP.PAK is an addition to PLAYUTIL.PAK found elsewhere in this database. Unpak with the PAK utility found elsewhere in this database. Keywords: PLA,PLAY,PLAYUTIL,PLAYCOMP,SOUND,AMIGA,MAC,UTILITY,VAUGH CATO --------------------------------- File: PLAYCOMP.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3469 Name: SURVLIB.DOC Address: K8YUW Date: 890310 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 9 Description: With numerous examples, this is a tutorial for navigating in the OS-9 Library here on GEnie. The same procedures apply elsewhere, of course, but specific examples come from this OS-9 section. Learn what all the menu choices do, off-line, on your own time, using this lesson. Then come back primed for action! This was prepared just before the new libs were added for DeskMate and ORC-90, but nothing has changed in the OS-9 examples. Keywords: OS-9,tutorial,examples,menus,navigate --------------------------------- File: SURVLIB.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3441 Name: WIZGEN.I\BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 890304 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: This program opens a bootfile, ie:/dx/OS9Boot, and merges it into a file on the same disk along with the ProAcia and MWP driver/descriptors. The new file... "WizProBoot" is then linked as the new bootfile. The program is written in Basic09, and is designed to be very easy to use. Use a backup of any bootable disk, but one with plenty of room on it. Feedback wanted. Keywords: wiz,pro,boot,os9gen --------------------------------- File: WIZGEN.I\BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3437 Name: INVENTORY.B09 Address: D.KEEFE Date: 890228 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 9 Description: a small business program to herlp with inventory control and sales. s Keywords: business,b09,os9,inventory,sales --------------------------------- File: INVENTORY.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3436 Name: DOOR.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 890228 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 79 Library: 9 Description: a menu operating system for oOS)9. or to help those hwho don t know os9 system. Keywords: menu,os9,help,bbs --------------------------------- File: DOOR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3388 Name: GRFORMAT.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890220 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains the needed files to set up a mouse driven front end for the OS9 FORMAT utility under Multivue. It is written in C by our own Mike Haaland. Found this one on a PBBS system in town, they got it from CIS. Hey, Mike, I like it!!!! :s Keywords: haaland,format,utility,multivue,level 2,mouse --------------------------------- File: GRFORMAT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3387 Name: OS9P4.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890220 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 9 Description: This is Ron Lammardo's OS9P4, a system module that adds the F$RegDmp system call to OS9 Level 2. While mainly of use to assembly language programmers, this module can conceivably be called via SYSCALL from Basic09, or from C. Mainly, this module is instructive on how to add new system calls to OS9. F$RegDmp when called, dumps all registers of the 6809 to Stdout, allowing a programmer to check and see what's going on inside the machine. There ve beenn many times I've needed this module. Now we have it. Thanx, Ron. Keywords: system call,assembler,os9,level 2,tutorial --------------------------------- File: OS9P4.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3386 Name: PHONE.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890220 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains the source, object, and docs (such that they are) for Bob Vander Poole's PHONE program, an RMA assembled dialer and logon program. It has a scripting language that allows you to dial a BBS, log on, and *then* fire up a terminal proog, or call it from the terminal prog's shell option. You must have Bob's ALIB.L library file to reassemble this sourcecode after modifications are made. This program is shareware. Keywords: dialer,rma,assembler,phone,utility,vander poole --------------------------------- File: PHONE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3385 Name: BREAK.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890220 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: This file conttains an AIF file and an icon for use with the WAIT.AR program in this library to let it be called from Multivue. I got this one the same place as I did WAIT.AR, from a local BBS. I think this one's off CIS, but the dox don't mention who did this one. Keywords: wait,ar,multivue,level 2 --------------------------------- File: BREAK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3384 Name: WAIT.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890220 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains binary object code, ASM source code, and docs for Bruce Isted's WAIT command. What this program does is blank your monitor screen and save the phosphors. This program works *only* on a CoCo 3 running OS9 Level 2. You'll need AR to burst it, of course. Keywords: os9,level 2,assembler,utility,monitor --------------------------------- File: WAIT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3380 Name: REWRITE.PAK Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890216 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 78 Library: 9 Description: This is a small utility to aid in archiving and de-archiving whole disks. This can save space on storage media and save time with modem transfers. De-arc this file with PAK or PAK22 to get 2 files..REWRITE and REWRITE.DOC. Written by Vaughn Cato and uploaded with his permission. Keywords: PAK,PAK22,AR,WHOLE DISK TRANSFER,ARCHIVE,UTILITY,OS9 --------------------------------- File: REWRITE.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3371 Name: FF.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 890212 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: A short, simple command to send FF quickly. I keep this one in memory all the time as part of the SHELL file load. Usage: 'FF' sends form feed (Clears the screen), to the screen. 'FF /p sends a FF to the printer. (note '>' not required.) Keywords: Clear,FF,Eject,Page,Utility,Command,OS-9 --------------------------------- File: FF.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3369 Name: PLAYUTIL.PAK Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890211 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 9 Description: This is an upgrade of #3352.UnPAK this file and you will find files to add echo, reverse, add, and convert PLAY files from MAC to AMIGA formats(and vice versa).C source is included.Written by Vaughn Cato and uploaded with his permission. UnPak with Pak2.2.bin, file #2843. Keywords: UTILITY, PLAY, PLAY.AR, SOUND, MAC, AMIGA, ECHO --------------------------------- File: PLAYUTIL.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3367 Name: HORDES.AR Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890211 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: This is a simple little game. Use AR to burst open. This file does not have the 128 byte cocobin header. Keywords: HORDES, GAME --------------------------------- File: HORDES.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3359 Name: SUB BATTLE FROM MV Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890204 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 57 Library: 9 Description: Here is one way to run Epyx's Sub Battle Simulator as a MultiVue Application. Includes Source, AIF, Icon and Docs. This file is an Archive, use AR to burst. Keywords: sub,subbattle,coco3,mv,multivue --------------------------------- File: SUB BATTLE FROM MV is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3358 Name: MM AS MV APP Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890204 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: Here is one solution to run Activision's Microscopic Mission as an application from MultiVue. Includes source, aif, and icon. Includes Docs. Use AR to burst into individual files. Keywords: MM,microscopic mission,coco3,mv,multivue --------------------------------- File: MM AS MV APP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3357 Name: KQ3 FROM MV Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890204 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 47 Library: 9 Description: Here is one solution to run Sierra On-Line's King's Quest 3 for the CoCo 3 s a MultiVue application. Includes source, aif, and icon. 512K required!!! Use AR to burst, also includes Docs. Sysops note, this game has been reported to allocate memory & not return to the system. You may find a re-boot necessary after running KQ. ugh! Keywords: kq3,king's quest 3,mv,multivue,coco3,512K --------------------------------- File: KQ3 FROM MV is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3356 Name: FLIGHTSIM II FROM MV Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 890204 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 9 Description: Here is one solution to running SubLogic's Flight Simulator II for the CoCo 3 as a MultiVue application. Also includes Docs. Note that AR isrequired to burst this file. Also, if you run FSim w/o booting from the FSim disk, you must have the FT and FTDD pseudo driver and descriptor in your boot file. (use of the INIT module from the FSim disk is also reccommended. - Bill Brady Thanks Zack for the great uploads! Keywords: fs2 --------------------------------- File: FLIGHTSIM II FROM MV is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3350 Name: ULTIMUSE VER2 DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 890129 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 48 Library: 9 Description: See #3349. Ultimuse is a MIDI Player/Composer for OS-9 LII. Works with just a cable... & with MIDI Pak. See Ultimuse.AR for complete package. Keywords: midi,muse,player,composer,music --------------------------------- File: ULTIMUSE VER2 DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3349 Name: ULTIMUSE VER2 BINARY Address: B.BRADY Date: 890129 Approximate # of bytes: 40320 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 9 Description: See the file Ultimuse.Doc Ver2 for changes from Version 1. Super fine MIDI composer/player for OS-9 LII. If you have a MIDI, you need UltiMuse! Keywords: music,midi, sharware,composer,player --------------------------------- File: ULTIMUSE VER2 BINARY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3346 Name: SLED23.AR Address: N.WHITE1 Date: 890128 Approximate # of bytes: 46620 Number of Accesses: 96 Library: 9 Description: This is version 2.3 of SLED, a text editor for OS9.Several bugs have been fixed over version 2.0.Contains 2.0 docs and upgrade info as well as C source.Use AR to burst into 7 files.This is NOT a cocobin format. Keywords: SLED,TEXT EDITOR,UPGRADE,OS9 --------------------------------- File: SLED23.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3330 Name: FONTS.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890121 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: A good number of fonts to use with FEdit.Ar Keywords: FEdit.Ar, Fonts, Level 2 --------------------------------- File: FONTS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3329 Name: FEDIT.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890121 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 9 Description: A Font Editor written in Basic09 for OS9 Level 2, Allow you to change your fonts really easy. Keywords: Font Editor, Level 2, Basic09 --------------------------------- File: FEDIT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3328 Name: CPPRINT.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890121 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 9 Description: A Parallel Printer Driver for the J&M JFD-CP Disk Controller. Adds /p1 to your system. These are Level 2 Drivers. Keywords: JFD-CP, Parallel Port, Level 2 --------------------------------- File: CPPRINT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3327 Name: SORTDIR.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890121 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: An OS9 Sort program. Source Code Included Keywords: sort,dir,source --------------------------------- File: SORTDIR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3325 Name: MULTISTART PATCHES Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890121 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains documentation and Ipatch format patch file to fix a "feature" of Multistart that kills off the original shell in order to save memory. While this is fine for 128K machines, it kills the calling shell, which is not necessary on 512K machines. This is Steve's first PD offering. Permission is granted to upload to any and all telecommunications services provided that the documenttation file is kept with the patch, and no commercial use of the patch is made. Questions or comments concerning this file are to be directed to me. Keven R. Pittsinger (JAMSTAR). Uploaded by permission of the author. Keywords: multivue,multistart,shell, patch, ipatch, level 2 --------------------------------- File: MULTISTART PATCHES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3322 Name: PASCAL2C.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890119 Approximate # of bytes: 21420 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: Archive includes Source code. Converts Simple Pascal Programs to 'C'. Keywords: C, Pascal, Convert, Simple --------------------------------- File: PASCAL2C.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3321 Name: DAVIDLET.PLA Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890118 Approximate # of bytes: 37800 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: Sound of Some Glass Breaking. Please read the Docs, Every Mac sound files doesn't have the same format! Can Make it sound BAD! READ THE DOCS Keywords: Glass, Pla.Ar, OS9 --------------------------------- File: DAVIDLET.PLA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3320 Name: ROOSTER.PLA Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890118 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: Use with Play.Ar. Make sure you read the Docs before Playing. There are a couple of different ways of playing the File. It can make a difference. Keywords: Rooster, Play.Ar --------------------------------- File: ROOSTER.PLA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3319 Name: SHELL21.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890118 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 9 Description: Shell Plus V2.1, you can change the Prompt, Shut off the Block, Add time to the prompt, Have Wildcards, Include PWD & PXD in you Prompt, Etc. It is a must for OS9 Level 2. Also Fixes bugs in the original Shell that came with OS9. Keywords: Shell+, OS9 LII, A Must --------------------------------- File: SHELL21.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3318 Name: REVCOPY.AR.REVISED Address: J.WOODWARD2 Date: 890118 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: This is a revised version of a previously uploaded file copy routine. It will copy a list of files from one directory to anotyheher directory. Keywords: cC,File,COPopy,INKEY, --------------------------------- File: REVCOPY.AR.REVISED is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3317 Name: CANTDO.PLA Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890117 Approximate # of bytes: 55440 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: David says, "Sorry, But I can't do that" Keywords: Digitized Voice, Play.Ar --------------------------------- File: CANTDO.PLA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3316 Name: SPOCK.PLA Address: M.WITTKOSKI * HIDDEN * Date: 890117 Approximate # of bytes: 47880 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: Spock Says, Its the Logical thing to do. Use with Play.Ar Keywords: Play.Ar, Spock Speaks! --------------------------------- File: SPOCK.PLA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3315 Name: DISRUPT.PLA Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890117 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: Its Just another sounds! Play it! Keywords: Play.Ar, Mac Sound --------------------------------- File: DISRUPT.PLA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3314 Name: GENQTRS.PLA Address: M.WITTKOSKI * HIDDEN * Date: 890117 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: A Sound from Star Trek. Syntax: Play -28 Genqtrs.Pla Keywords: Play.Ar, Sound from Star Trek --------------------------------- File: GENQTRS.PLA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3310 Name: BACK.PLA Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890116 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: Use Back.Pla with Play.Ar. Voice says "I'll Be Back" Keywords: Play.Ar, Digitized Voice --------------------------------- File: BACK.PLA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3309 Name: PLAY.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 890116 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 9 Description: Now you can play Macintosh & Amiga Voice & Sound files under OS9. A great Music Player and sound is CLEAR! Sysops note: This is a CoCoBin file, use CoCoBin xmodem to download. Keywords: Mac, Amiga, Music, Voice, Play --------------------------------- File: PLAY.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3295 Name: HARD DRIVE DATA Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890112 Approximate # of bytes: 27720 Number of Accesses: 87 Library: 9 Description: This file was taken off a private IBM board here in Cleveland, it was posted there for my benefit by the sysop. The file, compiled by the Sparta PCBoard Hard Disc Conference in 1986, gives basic data for 132 different models of hard drives, including cylinder count, number of heads, reduced current write compensation, and write pre- compensate. Enjoy. Keywords: data, general,ibm,msdos,os9,mod4,text,hard drive --------------------------------- File: HARD DRIVE DATA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3282 Name: SHELLMATE.PAK Address: H.BAELL1 Date: 890107 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 9 Description: A set of utilities for making interfacing gshell more user friendly Keywords: OS9,LVL2,Multi-Vue,GSHELL,SHELLMATE,PAK --------------------------------- File: SHELLMATE.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3274 Name: RAMDISC UTILITIES Address: JAMSTAR Date: 890105 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains source, executable binary, and documentation for a pair of ramdisc utilities that are faster than the normal OS9 copy. They are small enough to fit in your shell file for Level 2. Tested with Level 2, but I make no guarantees that they'll work with Level 1. From Delphi. Keywords: utility,ramdisc,ramdisk,level 2,os9,copy,load --------------------------------- File: RAMDISC UTILITIES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3267 Name: CP.AR Address: J.HICKLE Date: 881231 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: Takes filenames from stdin, copys file to specified directory. Keywords: copy,hickle --------------------------------- File: CP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3252 Name: PCDOS4.AR Address: T.ALTUM Date: 881226 Approximate # of bytes: 26460 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 9 Description: PCdos is a file transfer utility to move files between os9 and ms-dos formatted disks. This version requires a modified CC3disk module (#11) and will work with pre-formatted ms-dos disks which have a bios track. So far I haven't found an os9 utility to format ms-dos disks.. maybe someone will come up with something? Keywords: ms-dos,transfer,pc-dos,port --------------------------------- File: PCDOS4.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3251 Name: TELSTARDOC.AR Address: T.ALTUM Date: 881226 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: This is the complete documentation for Telstar, a terminal package found elsewhere in this library. Keywords: telstar,terminal,documentation,docs --------------------------------- File: TELSTARDOC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3245 Name: EDPTR.AR Address: HAALAND Date: 881218 Approximate # of bytes: 37800 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains EdPoint, a graphics pointer editor for Level II. The file contains the module, docs, 'C' source, AIF and ICONS for Multi-Vue, readme text and an installation script file. Also includes a procedure file that will make some pointers that you can edit or use in your stdptrs file. Uploaded by Mike Haaland Keywords: Graphics,Pointer,Editor,MV,Multi-Vue,Hyper-Tech --------------------------------- File: EDPTR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3244 Name: ATCOCO.AR Address: HAALAND Date: 881215 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 9 Description: This Archive contains an article I wrote describing how to put your CoCo, Multi-Pak, Disk drives, and rompaks into an IBM AT Clone case. Also included is text on how to use the Clone power supply to power the whole thing. Written by Mike Haaland Keywords: COCO,IBM,AT,CLONE,CASE,TRANSPLANT,POWER,SUPPLY --------------------------------- File: ATCOCO.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3243 Name: VEFSHOW.AR Address: HAALAND Date: 881215 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: Display 16 color VEF format pictures to a type 8 window. The archive contains the module, 'C' source, docs, AIF and icon (for Multi-Vue), and a readme file. This program will only display type 8 (16 color) VEF pictures. Keywords: VEF,PICTURE,DISPLAY,C,SOURCE,Level II,Multi-Vue,MV,graphics --------------------------------- File: VEFSHOW.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3242 Name: DIGIVU.AR Address: HAALAND Date: 881215 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: Display DS-69b 256x256 or 128x128 pictures in 16 colors or 4 shades of grey. This archive contains the module, 'C' source, AIF and icon for Multi-Vue, Docs, a 256x256 PIX file, and a readme file. File is in AR format. Keywords: DS-69b,picture, display, Multi-Vue, MV, graphics, Level II --------------------------------- File: DIGIVU.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3205 Name: SUPER.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 881202 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: Here is ProInstall ver 1.4, ProAcia.Super and MWP.super arched into one file. This is of interest to those with superboards. See files 3202,3203,3204. This package will allow you to install and use Wiz Pro with the SuperBoard. Keywords: wiz,pro,rs-232,terminal,telcom,os-9,Level II --------------------------------- File: SUPER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3203 Name: MWP SUPER.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 881202 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: Device descriptor. Use with ProAcia.super for Wiz Pro & Superboard. See file 3202. Download with xmodem. (CoCoBin). Keywords: wiz,pro,rs-232,superboard,os-9,level II --------------------------------- File: MWP SUPER.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3202 Name: PROACIASB.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 881202 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: Here is a tested version of ProAcia for the superboard. Install in boot in place of standard ProAcia and use MWP.Super. Install superboard in Pro using ProInstall ver 1.4 or higher. Use xmodem to download. (CoCoBin) Keywords: wiz,pro,terminal,driver,rs-232,superboard,OS-9 Level II --------------------------------- File: PROACIASB.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3198 Name: COCO3 IN XT CASE PIX Address: JAMSTAR Date: 881129 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 47 Library: 9 Description: This file is an AR format of 4 VEF pictures and documentation, found on the Graphics Pub, showing some ideas on how to modify a CoCo 3 and Multipak interface so that they may be installed in a surplus XT case. Use AR to burst, & VEFSS to look at them. Original artwork by Larry Olson Keywords: hardware,coco,coco3,pc case,vef,mpi,multipak,modification,experimental --------------------------------- File: COCO3 IN XT CASE PIX is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3197 Name: FIX.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 881129 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 9 Description: This archive is a few minor fixes to the FIX.B09 program, GEnie file #3158. I've sped it up, and added some dox, included are the source code & executable files. Also "fixed" is the filename, so now you can give it a complete pathlist as a name spec, and write the new file ANYWHERE you have room for it. Keven Keywords: fix,cocobin,file,utility,public domain,os9,all versions --------------------------------- File: FIX.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3193 Name: CTUTFIL17.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 881126 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: This file and the following five are required to make #2801 CTUTOR.AR, from Coronado Enterprises, Albuquerque, NM usable. At the time of this posting, some two dozen folks have downloaded the original tutorial, and this is the first time we have had access to the complete package; our humble thanks to Jim Woodward for locating and providing the disks. Be sure to get file #3188, which provides the complete listing, file sizes, etc. in FSTAT format. Also included in these archives are the original IBM-type files. They are not required for the OS-9 user, but they can be given to your less-fortunate friends. This is freeware, but a ten spot is suggested as adequate donation. Keywords: CTUTORIAL,Coronado --------------------------------- File: CTUTFIL17.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3192 Name: CTUTFIL813.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 881126 Approximate # of bytes: 23940 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: Companion to file #2801 CTUTOR.AR. Along with other files nearby in the menu, these make CTUTOR usable. These specifically accompany chapters 8 thru 13. See also file #3188. Keywords: CTUTORIAL --------------------------------- File: CTUTFIL813.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3191 Name: CTUTFIL14.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 881126 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: Compnaion to file #2801 CTUTOR.AR. Along with other files nearby in the menu, these several files comprise those required forthe entire package.. See also file #3188. Keywords: CTUTORIAL --------------------------------- File: CTUTFIL14.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3190 Name: CTUTADDL.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 881126 Approximate # of bytes: 30240 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: Another companion file to #2801 CTUTOR.AR. Along with the other related files nearby in the menu, these are required to make CTUTOR usable. See also file #3188. Keywords: CTUTORIAL --------------------------------- File: CTUTADDL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3189 Name: CTUTLAST.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 881126 Approximate # of bytes: 47880 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 9 Description: Companion to file #2801 CTUTOR.AR. Along with the several other files nearby in the menu, this is the final required files to make them usable. See also file #3188. Keywords: CTUTORIAL --------------------------------- File: CTUTLAST.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3188 Name: CTUTFSTAT.DOC Address: K8YUW Date: 881126 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: The complete package in the CTUTOR several files is spread over five other files closeby this one in the menu, as well as #2801, CTUTOR.AR. If you got good downloads, they should add up to this listing, a simple text file resulting from an FSTAT of the original transfer disk. Includes ALL files required, including those not needed, such as the IBM-type files. CRC's included for checking. Load into your favorite word processor or LIST >/P this one. The IBM-type files included in case you want to share with those less fortunates who haven't yet upgraded to OS-9. Thanks to Jim Woodward for sending the disks to me. Jerry Murphy, K8YUW Keywords: CTUTORIAL --------------------------------- File: CTUTFSTAT.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3170 Name: CSTUFF.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 881116 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 9 Description: The archive includes PREC.H, a header file to be included in your C programs that will allow you to write easily understood coding. The file is simular to one published in BYTE magazine. LOCAL.H is a collection of macros by Mark Griffith, and includes local definitions not provided for by Microware. HEADERS.DOC is the documentation written by Mark Griffith for his PREC.H file. These files came to me off The Graphics Pub, originally on CIS. Enjoy. Keywords: c, preprocessor,headers,documentation,os9,level 1,level 2,microware c --------------------------------- File: CSTUFF.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3169 Name: RIBBS2.DOC Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 881115 Approximate # of bytes: 37800 Number of Accesses: 48 Library: 9 Description: Docs for RiBBS V1.01. See RiBBSmn1 & RiBBSmn2 & RiBBS1.Doc Keywords: Docs, RiBBS --------------------------------- File: RIBBS2.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3168 Name: RIBBS1.D Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 881115 Approximate # of bytes: 21420 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Documentation for RiBBS V1.01. See files iBBSmn1.Ar, RiBBSmn2.Ar RiBBSfix.Ar Keywords: RiBBS, Docs --------------------------------- File: RIBBS1.D is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3167 Name: RIBBSFIX.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 881115 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Patches for RiBBS V1.01, To be used with RiBBSmn1.Ar & RiBBSmn2.Ar. Keywords: RiBBS, Patches --------------------------------- File: RIBBSFIX.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3166 Name: RIBBSMN2.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 881115 Approximate # of bytes: 32760 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 9 Description: Part 2 of RiBBS system. Keywords: XModem, BBS, RiBBSmn1.Ar, Versitile --------------------------------- File: RIBBSMN2.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3165 Name: RIBBSMN1.AR Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 881115 Approximate # of bytes: 35280 Number of Accesses: 55 Library: 9 Description: A Shareware BBS for OS9 that supports XModem, 300/1200/2400 Baud. Menu Editors This BBS is very versitile. BEST PD BBS Keywords: BBS, XModem, Versitile, 300-2400 BPS. --------------------------------- File: RIBBSMN1.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3138 Name: WIZZERO.AR Address: K8YUW Date: 881029 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 48 Library: 9 Description: WizZero for WizPro will indeed zero the buffer for clipper and downloads. But it requires a separate command to name the file about to be saved. Here's a combination of alt-z & alt-d to automate the process. It will zero the buffer and take you right to the menu porthole where you assign a filename to the new file you are about to receive. You'll still have to close that file later with an alt-d. Includes the Basic09 source for WizZero, amended, as well as documentation on how to install in your doesn't say so, but you'll be using ProInstall to put the procedure in slot 26, <Z>ero buffer. Once there, this procedure will call it with alt-z or menu choice Z. Keywords: Wiz,eproc,automation,download --------------------------------- File: WIZZERO.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3134 Name: TIC-TAC-TOE IN C Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 881027 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: This archive file (archived with ar), contains three files. A doc file, and executable module, and the C source for a Tic Tac Toe program. Plays 3 by 3 2 dimension. Not such a fancy game but excellent study material for it uses a vector of pointers to index into a two dimensional array of integers. Keywords: tictactoe,game,c,ar,zacksessions --------------------------------- File: TIC-TAC-TOE IN C is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3133 Name: SOURCE FOR TTT.C Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 881027 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: This is the source file which is also contained in an archive file here. The archive has documentation and executable, but if you just want to download the program, here it is. Excellent study in using pointers pointers (see docs if interested) Keywords: game,c,source,zacksessions --------------------------------- File: SOURCE FOR TTT.C is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3127 Name: STERM.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 881025 Approximate # of bytes: 34020 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: Sterm here uploaded by request. Sterm is developed/supported by Mark Griffith. Its main advantage is that it does CIS B protocol xfers. (only with CIS, of course). Use of Bill Dickhaus' modified ACIAPAK is reccommended Keywords: rs-232,terminal,cis b --------------------------------- File: STERM.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3116 Name: INSTALL_STERM.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 881016 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 9 Description: An example of writing an installer for Wiz Pro. Installs STerm in slot 20, shows s<T>erm in the menu and calls sterm with "/t2" as a parameter. Source file so you can use it to make your own. Keywords: wiz,pro,terminal,os-9,Level II,rs-232,STerm --------------------------------- File: INSTALL_STERM.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3113 Name: ANSISHOW.AR Address: P.SENIURA Date: 881013 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 9 Description: I slightly modified my ANSIFILx filter/pipe (usually used with XCOM9) to have it wait for a keystroke when the input goes EOF. This way it can read ANSI files from BBSes which share them (they are really text files but with ANSI codes in them, on a PC). The module is now called ANSISHOW but can still be used as a filter with XCOM9 and other "non-filtering" t.p.s. Used thus: XCOM9 /T2 <>>/Wx !ANSISHOW >/Wx (bugs in window code, you usually must force the redirection in this manner). ANSISHOW is part of this AR and needs RunB and SysCall to be loaded/merged (Basic09 I-code packed already). The AR process will also create an ANSI dir with lots of said sample files already ARC'd from IBM boards. Read included docs for more! Keywords: ansi,filter,pipe,colors,bbs,ibm,basic09,i-code,samples,animation,os9,level2 --------------------------------- File: ANSISHOW.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3106 Name: SPLITFILE14.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 881010 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 9 Description: This is Version 1.3 of the JAMStar Software SPLITFILE utility. This is SHAREWARE, and a $5 donation is appreciated. Complete documentation is included, along with executable Basic09 I-code. This utility is meant to break up large text files into something that your word processor can handle. All known quirks have been fixed, including the tendency to ignore the rest of a line if a comma is encountered. Have at it, gang. Keywords: utility,jamstar,text,os9,level 1,level 2 --------------------------------- File: SPLITFILE14.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3104 Name: INSTALL.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881010 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 9 Description: This is a part of the OS-9 UG library. This utility makes a bootable disk by linking a named file. Picks up a device from the command line and sets the boot linkage to point to a file called "OS9Boot". This permits a simple copy of the boot file rather than running OS9Gen. Keywords: Level 1,Level 2,boot,link,gen,utility --------------------------------- File: INSTALL.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3103 Name: HDIR.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881010 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: This is part of the OS-9 UG library. Executes a heirarchical directory listing for an entire directory. Self-prompting. Keywords: Level 1,Level 2,dir utility --------------------------------- File: HDIR.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3101 Name: HCOPY.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881010 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 9 Description: This is part of the OS-9 UG library. Allows Heirarchical copies of a complete directory to another. Requests source directory and memory allocation for copy (e.g. #32K). Copy is done with a separate prompt for each file. You can change destination paths for the files! Keywords: Level 1,Level 2,copy,utility,dir --------------------------------- File: HCOPY.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3100 Name: DLIST.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881010 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: This is part of the OS-9 UG library. This utility works similar to "DUMP /D0@", but allows you to start anywhere on the disk. It is self-prompting. Keywords: Level 1,Level 2,utility,dump,list --------------------------------- File: DLIST.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3099 Name: BOOTSPLIT.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881010 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 9 Description: Part of the OS-9 UG library. This utility separates the modules from merged object files, usually "os9boot", into their separate parts. Others can then be added, some can be removed, the order can be changed, etc. Then re-merge into a new os9boot file. Keywords: Level 1,Level 2,utility,module,os9boot,splitter --------------------------------- File: BOOTSPLIT.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3098 Name: ATTRCHG.PAK.COCOBIN Address: K8YUW Date: 881010 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Part of the OS-9 UG library, this utility will change every attribute in a given directory, on command, as a group. Self-prompting. Should work on Level 1 & 2. Keywords: Level 1,Level 2,utility,attr --------------------------------- File: ATTRCHG.PAK.COCOBIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3093 Name: WIZZERO.I.COCOBIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 881007 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: I left out a buffer zero when I wrote Pro. Zeroing the buffer is nice if you like to perform exact text downloads. Do an alt-z before alt-d. Use ProInstall, Zero is an XPROC. Keywords: wizpro,xproc,os-9 --------------------------------- File: WIZZERO.I.COCOBIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3092 Name: AP.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881007 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: Great for making one long file from several smaller ones. Stock paragraphs, such as headings or footers, can be appended to unique files. Pieces just large enough for your favorite word processor can be appended into one file that would have been much too large to fit in the same processor. Made for Level 1, it works fine in L II. From the OS-9 User Group library. You need PAK.BIN to burst it. Keywords: append,file,utility,Level 1, Level 2,word --------------------------------- File: AP.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3087 Name: D.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881005 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: The d utility is a directory command similar to the ls in UNIX, which prints files in the current data directory to stdout. The files are listed one per line instead of several per line as in the usual dir command. This feature allows the output of d to be used by other utilities, like dl and wc. D also includes a wildcard option so you can output only files with certain patterns. See also delete.pak. Keywords: d,directory,utility,ls,Level2 --------------------------------- File: D.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3086 Name: DELETE.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881005 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: DEL: Identical to MW's del except it returns its own error messages, (Ideal for Level II), and does NOT stop deleting files on errors! DL: A delete utility similar to the delete command found in OS-9/68K. It can work just like the standard command, or it can be used with the d utility. DL contains options to allow a list of pathnames to be used from the standard input, thus making the facility for piping into dl via d. Keywords: Level1,Level2,delete,utility,d,dl,del,error handling --------------------------------- File: DELETE.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3085 Name: EMD.PAK Address: K8YUW Date: 881005 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: EMD is an extended memory dump utility for Level II. It will dump any part of the 1 meg address space of LII in 256 byte pages. Keywords: Level 2,utility,memory,dump --------------------------------- File: EMD.PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3080 Name: WIZPRO.TXT Address: B.BRADY Date: 881003 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 92 Library: 9 Description: Here is Wiz Professional..... text file. Please read this before downloading files 3745 & 3746. Wiz Pro is shareware. Keywords: OS-9,Level II,Terminal,xmodem,ymodem,rs-232,upload,session log,time clock,300-19 --------------------------------- File: WIZPRO.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3072 Name: DDIR.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 881002 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: DDIR is one of the Darling utilities. It is useful when you are running a 'tight' system space to see what devices you may be able to de-iniz to get rid of error 237's. (DDIR shows which devices are actually using system static memory, ie: are iniz'd.) Keywords: os-9,level II,utility, system,darling --------------------------------- File: DDIR.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3068 Name: EMACS8D.AR Address: NJC Date: 881002 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: This is the 4th of 4 parts to the Emacs source series. Keywords: EMACS, editor, C, source --------------------------------- File: EMACS8D.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3067 Name: EMACS8C.AR Address: NJC Date: 881002 Approximate # of bytes: 23940 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: This is the 3rd part of a 4 part series. It is meant for use with either the 6809 or 68k os9. Keywords: EMACS, editor, C, source --------------------------------- File: EMACS8C.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3066 Name: EMACS8B.AR Address: NJC Date: 881002 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: This is the second of 4 files in the emacs source series. Keywords: EMACS, editor, C, source --------------------------------- File: EMACS8B.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3065 Name: EMACS8A.AR Address: NJC Date: 881002 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: This is part 1 of 4 parts of the source file. The entire file (all 4) do not contain any executables. Just C source. Keywords: EMACS, editor, C, source --------------------------------- File: EMACS8A.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3005 Name: CC.AR Address: JAMSTAR Date: 880826 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 9 Description: This is Bill Dickhaus' adaptation of Carl Kreider's CC, a Level 2 Cc compiler front end. Use this in place of CC1. Archive includes source and object, and an assembly listing of CCDEVICE, which tells the compiler where the default drives are. Although CC is set up to use the RMA and RLINK from the DevoPak disc, some minor editing of the sourcecode and recompiling it will allow you to use the stock C.ASM and C.LINK modules. SOME dox included. Keywords: cc,c,compiler,microware,utility,coco --------------------------------- File: CC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3004 Name: ACIAPAK.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880825 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 138 Library: 9 Description: Based on Bill Dickhaus's driver and WizAcia, this driver works without lockups at up to 19.2k baud even with byte contigious data. Who needs it? Those who use 'back door' terminal programs such as xcom9, sterm and telstar that use T2. Feedback should be sent to me, B.Brady, as I am working with Bill on the development of this driver. Keywords: os9 LII, driver,rs-232,aciapak --------------------------------- File: ACIAPAK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3001 Name: TELSTAR32.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 880823 Approximate # of bytes: 60480 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 9 Description: A communications program for OS-9 Level 2, 512K. Has xmodem, ymodem. Uses colorful windows. sysops note* Uses AciaPak, if you use Std Aciapak it will exhibit the problems of other PD Terminal Packages. I suggest you use either an Aciapak that has been patched for a larger buffer or Bill Dickhaus's version. Keywords: xmodem,ymodem,modem,comunication --------------------------------- File: TELSTAR32.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2939 Name: TSMON.AR Address: T.WOHLERS Date: 880813 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 9 Description: Time sharing monitor using TSGO and TSMON, level 2. Keywords: TSGO,TSMON,Lvl2,auto-baud,RS-232,T2 --------------------------------- File: TSMON.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2938 Name: OWNER.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880812 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Changes owner number of the file or directory to that of user "name" or to the number given. Anyone can change their own file to someone elses, but only superuser can change another users file owner. Keywords: owner,user,superuser,file,manager,directory,coco 3,level 2 --------------------------------- File: OWNER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2937 Name: LSTUSR.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880812 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: BASIC09 utility for all users to list all users on a system. Prompts include hardcopy option. Docs include instruction on making merged "basutil" file, and setup for terminals. Keywords: BASIC09,utility,terminal,management,user,coco 3, level 2 --------------------------------- File: LSTUSR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2935 Name: LOGIN.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880811 Approximate # of bytes: 23940 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 9 Description: Includes Login and Password. Password stores CRC of password, not the password itself. Tells last time user checked in and what device they are logged into. Advises user if he/she has mail pending. Recognizes automatically which level OS9 is being used. Keywords: login,password,level 1,level 2,utility,user,mail --------------------------------- File: LOGIN.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2922 Name: STARTREK.AR Address: HAMRADIO * HIDDEN * Date: 880807 Approximate # of bytes: 49140 Number of Accesses: 100 Library: 9 Description: Star Trek game for Coco3; one of several versions. Keywords: startrek,game,coco3 --------------------------------- File: STARTREK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2921 Name: WINSCRIPTS.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880807 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: These shell scripts are intended to be used on a current window device to change the current window attributes. Keywords: window,attributes,shell,script,level 2,utility --------------------------------- File: WINSCRIPTS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2915 Name: SEPARATE.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 9 Description: Utility to break a multi-module file (like os9boot) into its component modules and store them as separate files in a specified or default directory. Modules are stored in destination directory under their module names. Keywords: utility,module,os9boot,files,level 2 --------------------------------- File: SEPARATE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2914 Name: MGE2VEF.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 9 Description: This converter works on all types of MGE pix, including compressed format. It is BASIC09 I Code, so you need RunB in your CMDS directory. From Mark Smith. Keywords: MGE,VEF,pix,converter,utility,BASIC09 --------------------------------- File: MGE2VEF.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2912 Name: INSTALL.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 47 Library: 9 Description: Makes bootable disk by "linking" a named file. Update of earlier version. Picks up a device from the command line and sets the boot linkage to point to a file called "os9boot". This permits a simple copy of the boot file rather than running "os9gen". Keywords: link,boot,utility,level 2,os9boot,os9gen,file --------------------------------- File: INSTALL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2911 Name: LMERGE.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: Lmerge is a utility that was intended to assist in hacking bootfiles. Has general utility as well. Accepts a file from standard input which is a *list* of modules or filenames which it then merges to standard output. Or will merge from the list to the file specified for output. Useful for creating new bootfiles from scripts when used in conjunction with Kreider's 'install'. By Pete Lyall. Keywords: merge,lmerge,utility,list,modules,filenames,level 2,bootfile --------------------------------- File: LMERGE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2910 Name: ID.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: Outputs current (parent) user ID and process number Keywords: ID,process,user,utility,Level 2 --------------------------------- File: ID.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2909 Name: GFXTER.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: Includes GTerm, a shell script to run Xcom9 in a graphics window with an analog clock in the upper corner. You must have the new Shell+ to use this script. Written by Mark Griffith. Keywords: xcom9,gterm,term,shell+,clock,Level 2 --------------------------------- File: GFXTER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2908 Name: EPS.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: C source for plain English Epson printer commands. From T. Napolitano Keywords: C,Epson,commands,printer --------------------------------- File: EPS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2907 Name: DIRUTIL.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 75 Library: 9 Description: Directory Utility is a file management utility and OS9 L2 windowing program modeled after a very fine program written for the Amiga by Greg Cunningham. Uses single keystrokes, permits archive/unarchive. copy, delete, edit, list, print, rename and transferring selected files. Also provides for stripping LF from files, making new dir, or calling a new shell, all with single keystrokes. Written by Ron Cliborne. Keywords: dir,utility,file,manage,copy,delete,edit,list,print,Level 2 --------------------------------- File: DIRUTIL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2906 Name: BAWK.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880806 Approximate # of bytes: 55440 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: Bawk is a text processing program that searches files for specific patterns and performs "actions" for every occurence of these patterns. Patterns can be "regular expressions" as used in the UNIX "ed" editor. Should be compilable with any standard C compiler. Taken from "awk", written by, and named after, Aho, Weinberger and Kernighan. Includes 6809 obj code. Keywords: bawk,awk,C,text,utility,ex,editor --------------------------------- File: BAWK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2888 Name: YMODEM.C Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880731 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 9 Description: Here is the C Source for YMODEM, described most recently in the June 1988 documentation, listed just below this file in the library. Keywords: C,YMODEM,SOURCE --------------------------------- File: YMODEM.C is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2883 Name: BINHEX.C Address: NJC Date: 880730 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: This file replaces 2858. I incorrectly assigned the address so the initial starting adress was at Hex 20 instead of at 0. Also will not handle files larger than $FFFF. Does work though. NJC Keywords: S1DUMP, Motorola Format, Binary Conversion --------------------------------- File: BINHEX.C is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2879 Name: JTERM29.BIN Address: D.KEEFE Date: 880727 Approximate # of bytes: 34020 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 9 Description: latest version of jterm...ver29 with docs. Keywords: communications,xmodem,ymodem,modem --------------------------------- File: JTERM29.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2878 Name: JTERM.TXT.AR Address: D.KEEFE Date: 880727 Approximate # of bytes: 30240 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: text file for jterm29.bin..communication progeram,xmpodem,ymodem.. Keywords: communication,xmodem,ymodem,modem --------------------------------- File: JTERM.TXT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2877 Name: DISASSEMBLER.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880726 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 74 Library: 9 Description: This is Ron Lammardo's latest disassembler. It understands what device descriptors, device drivers, and system modules are. Included with the program is the documentation which tells how to modify the program to be used with Level 1 OS9 (i.e. changing the "/dd" to "/d0"). Downloaded off the Graphics Pub BBS, (215) 227-6951. Keywords: disassembler,level 1,level 2,coco,utility,machine language,ar --------------------------------- File: DISASSEMBLER.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2868 Name: FSTAT.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880723 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: This new FSTAT routine from Ron Lammardo replaces the one in MV. Original is nearly 7K long; this new one is just over 1K. Can be used as a stand-alone program; does not require MV. Provides detailed information on any file, any directory. Corrects bug that was in the original. Keywords: fstat,multivue,utility,level 2,coco3 --------------------------------- File: FSTAT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2867 Name: GENCOP.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880723 Approximate # of bytes: 45360 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: OS9 boot kernal copying routine for Level 1 or 2. Install a kernal to track 34 of a boot disk, with input from another boot disk or a file containing a previously extracted kernal; write bootfile information to LSN0 of the boot disk. From Ron Lammardo, this is a MUST HAVE utility. Keywords: kernal,utility,boot,level 1,level2,coco 3 --------------------------------- File: GENCOP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2866 Name: EDCON.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880723 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Edcon 2.0 is an icon editor in C. Requires use of 40 character screen. Make your own icons or edit existing ones. Keywords: icon,editor,multivue,level 2,C --------------------------------- File: EDCON.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2865 Name: ICONED.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880723 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: Iconedit is a BASIC09 program to create or edit icons for use with MultiVue. Several sample icons included as examples. Keywords: icon,edit,multivue,basic09,utility,level 2 --------------------------------- File: ICONED.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2860 Name: DIRSORT.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880719 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: This file contains executable binary, RMA assembler source code, and documentation for DIRSORT, Ron Lammardo's latest utility. This sorter works even better than the one published in Rainbow in that it keeps track of how many deleted files are in the directory and trims the length of the directory to reflect it. A must-have for HD users, REAL nice for everyone else. Keywords: dirsort,utility,level 1,level 2,rma,assembler,coco,lammardo --------------------------------- File: DIRSORT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2855 Name: DEDDSORT.INFO Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880717 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: If you have and use DSORT, especially on active directories with numerous adds and deletes, you've noticed the duplications in your directories afterwards. Here's a quick and painless, (and CHEAP) way to correct that problem, clean up your directories, and speed up your operation. Also acts as training method for the squeemish who need the courage to use dEd for an uncommon but useful tool. You'll have to have both dEd and DSORT in your CMDS directory. And, it takes about 1 or 2 minutes per directory that needs the fix at first, but only a few seconds after you are trained. This is straight text file, uploaded with xmodem. Keywords: ded,dsort,utility,directory,help,level 2 --------------------------------- File: DEDDSORT.INFO is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2836 Name: FMENU.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 880710 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: This is Dale Pucketts version of Fmenu. See Sept Rainbow 'Kissable OS-9'. I will soon put up the source for Runner, which is based on Fmenu. Keywords: Wiz,Pro,File,menu,finder,basic09,Rainbow,Article,Dale,Puckett --------------------------------- File: FMENU.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2830 Name: VTERM.ASM Address: NJC Date: 880708 Approximate # of bytes: 64260 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: This is the assembly source to the program, I don't have the actual executable. Also I hope to later add a few features of my own. For OS9 Level I may work with Level II and the original code was setup for 6850 ACIA Keywords: VTERM, Assembly Source, Communications, modem, OS9 --------------------------------- File: VTERM.ASM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2827 Name: EDASM.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880706 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: A utility to convert EDTASM+ files to standard text format by changing the right arrow characters to spaces and deleting the line numbers. If no parameters are given, standard paths are used, so EDTASM can be used with pipes. Keywords: EDTASM+,utility,level 2,pipes,porting --------------------------------- File: EDASM.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2826 Name: DISKLOCK.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880706 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: John Schira's utility to lock/unlock disks; change master passwords. This is a Basic09 file. Keywords: lock,unlock,password,Basic09,level 2,utility --------------------------------- File: DISKLOCK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2825 Name: DIRPAT.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880706 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 9 Description: The changes allow you to alter the number of characters in a filename slot, and the number of slots per line. Keywords: Patch,level 2,dir,mdir,pathname --------------------------------- File: DIRPAT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2824 Name: DSETIME.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880706 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: This routine was written as a stop-gap measure until proper CLOCK modules for Level II are available from Disto. Meanwhile, can be used as a replacement for SETIME. Every time DSETIME is called, system time is reset to values in hardware clock. From Bob van der Poel. Keywords: Disto,level 2,clock,setime,dsetime,hardware --------------------------------- File: DSETIME.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2816 Name: DISPLAY.HLP Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880704 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 9 Description: Almost everyone knows that display c will clear your screen, and display 1b 24 will kill the window. But what are the several other codes, and what do they do. The manual tells you, but on several different pages. Here's the list on one page. Keywords: coco3,os9,level2,display,command,help --------------------------------- File: DISPLAY.HLP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2814 Name: TONE.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880703 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: This program by Fred Sawtelle is a Level 2 program module, executed from a shell, which makes use of the SetStt System Call "SS.Tone". Informatioon on this call is found in the Level 2 manual on page 8-150 Keywords: tone,level 2,module,system call --------------------------------- File: TONE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2813 Name: DMHELP.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880703 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 9 Description: This review of DeskMate 3 compares changes from DeskMate 2, and provides useful patches. Keywords: DM,DeskMate,Level 2,patches,review --------------------------------- File: DMHELP.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2810 Name: WIZACIA.ASM Address: B.BRADY Date: 880702 Approximate # of bytes: 18900 Number of Accesses: 97 Library: 9 Description: WizAcia is the driver used by Wiz, the OS-9 Level 2 terminal program. *** It is hereby placed in the Public Domain *** This is the 'standard' RS-232 Pak - s6551 version. (Deluxe RS-232 Pak & similar devives such as the Disto and 2-SP Pak.) There are also versions for the SuperBoard and the Hemphill Diskmaster. Keywords: rs-232,S6551,serial,port,driver,source,Wiz,Telcom --------------------------------- File: WIZACIA.ASM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2809 Name: RUNNER.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 880701 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: Runner v0.1 Doc file. Keywords: basic09,file,finder,runner --------------------------------- File: RUNNER.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2808 Name: RUNNER.I.BINARY Address: B.BRADY Date: 880701 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: Runner version 0.1. Try it youl'll like it. Keywords: basic09,fmenu,file,finder,runner --------------------------------- File: RUNNER.I.BINARY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2805 Name: DATAMOD.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880630 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: This program will convert shell scripts into loadable data modules for use with Shell+ Version 1.3, when released. The modules will be loadable into memory and executed just like a shell script. By Ron Lammardo, all rights reserved. Keywords: shell+,os9,level 2,script,shell script,data,ar --------------------------------- File: DATAMOD.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2804 Name: ADVENTURE.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880630 Approximate # of bytes: 93240 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 9 Description: The source and object files (including data files) for the OS9 port of the famous Crother & Woods Adventure game. This one is the granddaddy of them all. Compiles with Microware C. Keywords: os9,game,adventure,coco,level 1,level 2 --------------------------------- File: ADVENTURE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2801 Name: CTUTOR.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 127260 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 9 Description: This is an ARed version of a C tutorial. there are 14 lessons, table of contents, and an introduction. This file is over 120K long, so go fix yourself a cuppa while you're waiting. Keywords: c,tutorial,ar --------------------------------- File: CTUTOR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2800 Name: COWN09.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: C source & executable binary for a change owner utility for OS9. Can probably be ported to OSK. Keywords: chown09,utility,c,level 1,level 2 --------------------------------- File: COWN09.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2798 Name: CALL.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: This is Scott Griepentrog's CALL, a filter to repeatedly call another OS9 utility. We use this one a LOT. This one is SHAREWARE. Keywords: shareware,os9,utility,call,filter,pipe,level 1,level 2 --------------------------------- File: CALL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2797 Name: D.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 9 Description: This is a command similar to the UNIX "LS" command, which prints the current directory to stdout one line at a time, which allows it to be input for a filter like DL (a delete utility) or WC (word count). It also contains a wildcard feature to find certain patterns in your directory, like all files that end with ".asm" (d *.asm). Keywords: d,dir,utility,os9,all,level 1,level 2,wildcard,pipe,filter --------------------------------- File: D.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2796 Name: COPYPATCH.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 9 Description: This file contains an Ipatch patch file to fix Copy so that it will prompt for an overwrite instead of erring out. You'll need AR to burst it and IPATCH to use it. Keywords: copy,utility,ipatch,patch,CoCo3,Level 2,upgrade --------------------------------- File: COPYPATCH.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2795 Name: VEFPRT.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: This AR file contains a VEF format picture. You don't have to be in a VDG window. It reads the file from stdin. You'll need AR to burst it, of course. Keywords: vef,printer,Epson,Coco 3,Level 2,grafix,graphics --------------------------------- File: VEFPRT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2793 Name: VEFSS.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 35280 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: This utility shows a series of VEF format pictures on your CoCo 3's VDG screen. It will work with Term_Win IF you include VDGInt in your bootfile and XMODE a window to a VDG screen: xmode /w11 type=1 pag=16 shell i=/w11& This utility reads a list of pictures from a file. It is in AR form, and needs AR to burst. Includes dox and a pair of VEF pix. Keywords: VDG,CoCo 3,graphics,Level 2,VEF,vefss --------------------------------- File: VEFSS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2791 Name: RGB.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880626 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 9 Description: These are a pair of VEF format pictures that have been archived using AR. You must first burst them, then generate a list of them for VEFSS to call them up. These pictures detail an outboard circuit and CoCo 3 modifications to allow the use of a TTL monitor (IBM compatible) to be accessed via the CoCo 3 RGB port. Taken from a legit local BBS's "Hardware Hacking" SIG. You MUST be using a VDG screen to use VEFSS (XMODE /w type=1), and have VDGInt either in mem, your bootfile, or your CMDS directory. Keywords: VDG,CoCo 3,ar,pix,hardware,modification,level 2,vefss --------------------------------- File: RGB.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2784 Name: FMENU.I DEMO Address: B.BRADY Date: 880625 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: Here is the Wiz Pro fmenu subroutine. Just xmodem it down and run. It is basic09 packed I-Code. Let me know what you think of it. I am considering placing the source in the Public Domain. Fmenu is a sort of text Multi-Vue. Keywords: Wiz,Pro,fmenu,basic09,runb,file,selector --------------------------------- File: FMENU.I DEMO is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2746 Name: BURKEXTRTC.REV Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880609 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: This is the MOTD article we prepared on the Burke & Burke XT-RTC Hard Drive interface for the CoCo and OS9. This is the same as "Murphy's Law" in the March/April '88 issue, pg 20. Keywords: burke,hard drive,interface,coco, coco 3,review,text --------------------------------- File: BURKEXTRTC.REV is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2745 Name: CC3PAK.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 880608 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 9 Description: CC3Pak creates a patched version of CC3IO which permits DynaStar Version 3.0 (the old Level 1 Colour Computer version) to run under Level 2. This version of DynaStar provides the following special capabilities: - it's small enough to run on a 128K machine (!) - it pays attention to window sizes. You can have two edit sessions on the same screen, one above the other. - maximum line length can be defined up to 250 characters using the ^KR<col> command Keywords: os-9,level 2,dynastar,patch,cc3io,o-pak --------------------------------- File: CC3PAK.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2743 Name: CC3PAK.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880608 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: CC3Pak creates a patched version of CC3IO which permits DynaStar Version 3.0 (the old Level 1 Colour Computer version) to run under Level 2. This version of DynaStar provides the following special capabilities: - it's small enough to run on a 128K machine (!) - it pays attention to window sizes. You can have two edit sessions on the same screen, one above the other. - maximum line length can be defined up to 250 characters using the ^KR<col> command Keywords: dynastar,level 1,level 2,OS-9,coco,version,patch --------------------------------- File: CC3PAK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2740 Name: MVSKEL.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880606 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: This file contains a bunch of C source files that should come in handy when YOU start writing Multivue applications. Included is the CORRECTED source for the Tandy menu. Required software is the CGFX.L and SYS.L libraries from the Level 2 developer's pak, and, of course, AR to burst it and Multivue to run it. Keywords: multivue,mvskel,c,source,level 2,coco 3,ar,developer pak --------------------------------- File: MVSKEL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2738 Name: DEADICONS.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880606 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: These are a collection of Grateful Dead icons we got in the mail. Keywords: icons,multivue,ar,wierd stuph --------------------------------- File: DEADICONS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2737 Name: MMFIX.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880606 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 9 Description: This archive is a patch for Microscopic Mission. It requires Ipatch, and fixes this game so that it will run on a hard drive. If you've EVER thought of becoming a surgeon, or studying medicine, or just want to learn more of the human body AND own a hard drive, GET THIS ONE!!!!!!! Keywords: game,patch,ipatch,level2,coco,microscopic mission,hard drive --------------------------------- File: MMFIX.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2735 Name: ACCESS.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880606 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: This is a Basic09 "demon dialer" program with Xcom9 imbedded in it. You will need AR to dearc it, it works on a CoCo 3 under Level 2, and MIGHT work under Level 1. Enjoy. Keywords: xcom9,coco,modem,dialer,demondialer,database,ar --------------------------------- File: ACCESS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2734 Name: GSHELLPATCHES.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880606 Approximate # of bytes: 71820 Number of Accesses: 115 Library: 9 Description: Included are the Ipatch files to fix a STOCK Gshell from Multivue to the Version 1.24 that was demo'ed at the Chicago Rainbowfest. Also included are the necessary patches to make the new version come up in 80 column mode, patches to both the Tandy AND Kevin Darling SCF modules, and patches to CC3IO, along with COMPLETE dox, and new versions of FREE and COPY, WITH SOURCE!! You MUST have Bob Santy's Ipatch routine to patch these files, and AR to burst it. Keywords: Multivue,CoCo3,Level 2,Gshell,AR,patch,Ipatch,free,copy --------------------------------- File: GSHELLPATCHES.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2733 Name: EZDIR.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 880605 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: Good for breaking in a 'new user'. This file is also in the .AR following. Bob's more powerful 'hdo' is commercial, but this is a freebie. Keywords: os-9,level 2,directory,utilities --------------------------------- File: EZDIR.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2732 Name: EZDIR.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880605 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: See Ezdir.Doc. This is a .AR file. Use AR to de-archive. Keywords: os9,level 2,directory,utilities --------------------------------- File: EZDIR.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2727 Name: WIZICONS.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880603 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: Here they are, complete with docs. Now you can just use Multi-Vue & "click" on GEnie and you are here!. CoCoBin of course. Set includes both generic Wiz and autolog file aifs and icons. Keywords: wiz,basic09,multivue,icons,aif,autolog,graphics --------------------------------- File: WIZICONS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2722 Name: UEMACS.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 880601 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 9 Description: See file # 2721. This is a short text file listing the control keys for MicroEmacs, a Public Domain Text Editor for Unix/OS-9. This version is one of several for the CoCo and works. Keywords: text,word,processing,screen,editor,OS-9,level 2 --------------------------------- File: UEMACS.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2721 Name: UEMACS.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880601 Approximate # of bytes: 26460 Number of Accesses: 71 Library: 9 Description: This is the Color Computer version of Micro Emacs, a very popular public domain screen editor, buffer oriented. Keywords: word,processing,text,screen,editor --------------------------------- File: UEMACS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2710 Name: DYNACALC_TRM.PATCH Address: B.BRADY Date: 880529 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: A patch to allow Dynacalc.trm to be located in the cmds dir. So you can run Dynacalc from any directory. Keywords: dynacalc,spreadsheet,level 2 --------------------------------- File: DYNACALC_TRM.PATCH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2709 Name: GAMES.PATCHES Address: B.BRADY Date: 880529 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 9 Description: How to & patches for Koronis Rift Flight Sim 2 and Sub-Battle Keywords: games,patch,hard,disk --------------------------------- File: GAMES.PATCHES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2708 Name: CARDS.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880529 Approximate # of bytes: 18900 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 9 Description: Keywords: basic09,game,cards,solitaire --------------------------------- File: CARDS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2707 Name: ICONS_BY_KEVIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880529 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: Icons with AIFs. Calendar Rolodex Phantomgraph Paint Midi Globe Vefio CAD Keywords: multi,vue,icons,graphics --------------------------------- File: ICONS_BY_KEVIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2706 Name: MEEP.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880529 Approximate # of bytes: 27720 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: Turn the volume up on this one! Thanks Kevin...(Darling)! Keywords: sound,coco 3,os9,level 2 --------------------------------- File: MEEP.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2705 Name: GSHELL.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880529 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 73 Library: 9 Description: Kent and others took Multi-Vue and made it better. This is another Must Have file for MV users. You need IPatch (file #2111) to install some of the patches. Keywords: GSHELL,SHELL,MULTIVUE,MV,COCO3 --------------------------------- File: GSHELL.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2704 Name: MORE.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880529 Approximate # of bytes: 18900 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 9 Description: Here is a 'MUST HAVE' file that is a UNIX-like file reader or previewer, used to pause a file so the reader can catch up. You can move forward OR backwards a page at a time, move to a specific line or a specific percentage point in a file. Includes documentation and help screen, as well as C source. Keywords: FILE UTILITY,OS-9,READ,PREVIEW,LEVEL2 --------------------------------- File: MORE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2669 Name: TREE.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 880522 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Tree is a quick way to see the "tree" of a disk. It will show the entire structure as a list with subdirectories indented. This is a CoCoBin file. To get help when using type tree -? Keywords: OS-9,CoCoBin,disk,directory,tree,utility --------------------------------- File: TREE.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2633 Name: CRON.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880509 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 48 Library: 9 Description: This package contains CRON, a Unix-like job scheduler. You set up the file, and cron looks it over to see what needs to be done. Example: Have it tell you when your next hard drive backup is due. We'll be using it on the ham rig to switch frequencies for RTTY dumps as soon as Kenwood ships us the interface. Keywords: utility,os9,level1,level2,timeclock,clock,scheduler,unix --------------------------------- File: CRON.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2631 Name: HDKIT.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880509 Approximate # of bytes: 47880 Number of Accesses: 60 Library: 9 Description: This file and RESTORE.AR are Pete Lyall's hard disc backup/ restore utilities. We use them here, & they are another "must have" set if you're using a hard drive. These came in the mail, but the originals were on CI$. Keywords: hard drive,os9,Level 1,Level 2,backup,restore,epoch,archive --------------------------------- File: HDKIT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2618 Name: RAMMER.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880506 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 89 Library: 9 Description: Here is Kevin Darlings RAMMER. Included is R0 descriptor. Just install in your bootfile as you would any other Device, Dmode, Iniz, Format and use as any other disk. Remember RamDisks are volatile, all data on a RamDisk is lost if you loose power or re-boot. Keywords: Ram,Disk,rammer,r0,os-9,level 2,coco 3 --------------------------------- File: RAMMER.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2615 Name: HELVETICA.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 880504 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 9 Description: Font based on Helvetica. Very readable on CM-8 and Magnavox Monitor 40. The buffer # is 200 and group 4. This can be changed with a disk file editor. Keywords: font,helvetica,os9,level 2 --------------------------------- File: HELVETICA.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2591 Name: DISKEDIT.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 880427 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 9 Description: This is a ready to run version of Diskedit, already set up for CoCo screen codes. This is a CoCoBin file. See diskedit.b09 and diskedit.doc Keywords: basic09,disk,edit,OS9 Users Group --------------------------------- File: DISKEDIT.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2590 Name: DISKEDIT.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 880427 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: This is the Doc file for diskedit.b09. See diskedit.ccb for ready to run version of this program. An oldie but a goodie. Keywords: Disk,edit,basic09,os9ug,utility --------------------------------- File: DISKEDIT.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2589 Name: DISKEDIT.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 880427 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: See DiskEdit.doc Keywords: B09,OS-9 Users Group,utility,disk,sector,edit --------------------------------- File: DISKEDIT.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2588 Name: BOOTSPLIT.HELP Address: B.BRADY Date: 880427 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: See Bootsplit.b09 Keywords: basci09,utility,OS-9 Users Group --------------------------------- File: BOOTSPLIT.HELP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2587 Name: BOOTSPLIT.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 880427 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 9 Description: Extracts modules from merged files such as OS9Boot. See Keywords: utility,boot,basic09,UG --------------------------------- File: BOOTSPLIT.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2547 Name: FD502 FIX Address: B.BRADY Date: 880405 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: There is a wire soldered in the wrong place in the drive 1 component drives as supplied by Tandy in the FD502 dual floppy drive systems. The problem usually surfaces when copying from D0 to D1. This file tells you how to move a jumper which was installed incorrectly by the drive maker. This fix is a must for OS9 users, especially if you have a no-halt controller such as the Disto. Keywords: floppy,jumper,defect,wire,drive 1,d1,fd502 --------------------------------- File: FD502 FIX is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2540 Name: MULTIVUSTUPH.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880401 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 9 Description: JAMStar Software's first entry into publishing software. Included are a few ideas on what WE think a Wiz icon looks like, along with some truly BAD puns. We think you'll like them. This is all PD stuph, so change it, beat on it, post it where you please!!!!!!! Keywords: MULTIVUE,ICONS,WIZ,SLED,DED,AR,PROFILE,LEVEL2,LEVEL 2,JAMSTAR --------------------------------- File: MULTIVUSTUPH.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2531 Name: DIAL.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880326 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: Generates touch tones on the Color Computer 2 under os9 L1. Works under Level 2 on coco 3 but tones are off because of the clock, and it messes up the PIA, & so Level 2 does strange things after. Keywords: dial,touch,tone,phone,sound,generation,level 1 --------------------------------- File: DIAL.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2530 Name: MIDS.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880325 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: Program duplicates MID$ function of RSDOS (left out of Basic09). Source by Dan Evans, dox by Keven R. Pittsinger. Use AR to burst. XMODEM download only!!!!!!!!!! Keywords: BASIC09,SUBROUTINE,UTILITY,ASM,OS9 --------------------------------- File: MIDS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2502 Name: BURKE & BURKE APPL NOTES Address: B.BRADY Date: 880313 Approximate # of bytes: 30240 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: Applications notes from Chris Burke on his CoCo-XT, an interface that allows you to put any IBM-XT compatible Hard Disk on the Color Computer. This is a text file. You can xmodem or list it. Keywords: hard disk,notes,text,information,OS-9 --------------------------------- File: BURKE & BURKE APPL NOTES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2497 Name: HELP.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 880313 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 9 Description: Just download and put in your cmds dir. This is a CoCoBin file. See HELPS.AR Keywords: help --------------------------------- File: HELP.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2496 Name: HELPS.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880313 Approximate # of bytes: 52920 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 9 Description: Here are all of my help files. They cover just about everything in OS-9, including the Darling Utilities. I am especially proud of codes and keys. These are plain text files for use with the Users Group help utility. DE-Arc them into a HELP directory. The UG help utility can be found as HELP.CCB (CoCoBin). This package is useful if you have a hard disk. Keywords: help --------------------------------- File: HELPS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2490 Name: SLED.AR Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880313 Approximate # of bytes: 31500 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 9 Description: Full screen line editor for the Coco3 with OS-9. Can be adapted for the other machines with OS-9 Allows simple to global editing. Keywords: Coco3,editor,OS-9 --------------------------------- File: SLED.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2454 Name: MPI232.TXT Address: B.BRADY Date: 880306 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 47 Library: 9 Description: Here is a short but VERY informative tutorial by Kevin Darling on the Multi-Pak Adapter. Tells about interrupts, how to use two rs-232 Paks & More! Level 1 and 2 covered. Keywords: MPI,RS-232,pak,interrupts,h/w,hardware,Level 1, Level 2,tutorial --------------------------------- File: MPI232.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2418 Name: QEDDOC.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880227 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 9 Description: QED is a public domain text editor popular with programmers. This version is from the OS9 Users Group Library, and was developed on a Color Computer. This is a complete package, the C source is in QEDSRC.AR and Executable in QED.CoCoBin. Let me know if you would like to see more UG programs. Keywords: edit,text,docs,OS9,Users Group,C --------------------------------- File: QEDDOC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2417 Name: QEDSRC.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880227 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 9 Description: QED is a line oriented text editor. See QED.CoCoBin & QEDDOC.AR. From the OS9 Users Group Library. Keywords: text,edit,C,source,OS9,Users Group --------------------------------- File: QEDSRC.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2416 Name: QED.CCB Address: B.BRADY Date: 880227 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 9 Description: This is the executable QED line oriented text editor from the OS9 Users Group library. See also QEDDOC.AR and QEDSRC.AR. QED is an excellent program source editor, used by many C programmers. Keywords: edit,text,OS9,Users Group,Library --------------------------------- File: QED.CCB is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2415 Name: FLINK.AR Address: K.MCMURDO Date: 880227 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: contains a utility to link more than one directory entry on a disk to a single file, allowing you to have a file in every directory on a disk but only take up the space needed for the file once. I have found this VERY usefull with Multi-Vue, for puting AIF files in all my directories. K.McMurdo Keywords: FLINK,LN,Directory,entry,link,file descriptor,multi-vue,MV --------------------------------- File: FLINK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2393 Name: CALL_MAKE.V2 Address: K.MCMURDO Date: 880220 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains the new version of call_make found in this is the only change between one and two, and this corrects the problem of properly passing all the parameters in an AIF file to MAKE along with the makefiles name. This is explained in the archive and there is an example makefile as well. Karl McMurdo Keywords: AIFpkg,call_make,make,parameters,Multi-Vue --------------------------------- File: CALL_MAKE.V2 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2392 Name: AIFPKG1.AR.V2 Address: K.MCMURDO Date: 880220 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: This is version two of AIFpkg1, which has a new version of call_make, it includes files for UEMACS, SHELL, BDRAW, MAKE. Includes an AIF, and icon file for each, as well as related support files. With instructions on installing them. Package number two is waiting for me to write the docs at the moment, but is coming... Karl McMurdo Keywords: AIF,icons,icon,Multi-Vue,bdraw,shell,make,emacs,uemacs,call --------------------------------- File: AIFPKG1.AR.V2 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2379 Name: SCRIPT.AR Address: K.MCMURDO Date: 880214 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains three public domain script file utilities or use in developing 'smart' script files. They are: MENU gives a case type statement to script files IF gives IF THEN ELSE abilities to script files GOTO allows non sequential execution in a script file I've had these around a while, and put them in one file with an example useing all three tools. Karl McMurdo Keywords: menu,if,goto,shell,script,batch --------------------------------- File: SCRIPT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2302 Name: PPRINT.AR Address: K.MCMURDO Date: 880210 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: This AR contains Source (ASM), and binary files of a device descriptor and device driver for the parallel printer port described in the Nov, and Dec '87 Rainbow Mag, Works well for me, but you may want to change the busy sleep delay if you've a faster printer. Karl McMurdo Keywords: Printer,Parallel,PP,source,Device Driver,Driver --------------------------------- File: PPRINT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2301 Name: SHOREGS.AR Address: K.MCMURDO Date: 880210 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 9 Description: This archive contians the RMA source code for a register printer that can be linked to a program in the debugging stages, and called from that program to print out the contents of the registers, with affecting any of the isters, great when a program is doing wi weird things, and you need to know the registers just before or after a system call... The source code is well documented, and instructions are in the source. Hope it helps Karl McMurdo Keywords: debug,RMA,Level II,assembly,source,shoregs --------------------------------- File: SHOREGS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2258 Name: BOOTLINK.AR Address: GREGFORSETH Date: 880204 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains docs and a utility to mark a file as the bootfile for that disk. It can be used with REMOVE.AR or alone to have several bootfiles on a disk. Greg Forseth Keywords: bootlink, remove, utility, system, os9boot, forseth --------------------------------- File: BOOTLINK.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2257 Name: REMOVE.AR Address: GREGFORSETH Date: 880204 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: This archive contains docs and a utility to remove specified module(s) from a module file. It's original purpose was to simplify remaking bootfiles. Also see companion file BOOTLINK.AR. Greg Forseth. Keywords: remove, bootlink, modules, system, os9boot, separate, forseth --------------------------------- File: REMOVE.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2250 Name: ARC.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 880130 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 76 Library: 9 Description: See ARC.BIN. Keywords: os9,level2,utility,file,backup,copy,disk --------------------------------- File: ARC.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2248 Name: ARC.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880130 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 81 Library: 9 Description: ARC does a file by file and directory by directory copy between two disks of any type. If the file is already there, it will check dates & update the older file. I use this program daily to "ARC" my Hard Disk. This is another of the great programs from Carl Krieder. See ARC.DOC for the help file. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH AR.BIN, which is a different program. Keywords: archive,copy,dir,wildcard,os9,level1,level2,asm,utility --------------------------------- File: ARC.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2232 Name: OS9UG LIBRARY Address: B.BRADY Date: 880122 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: List of the OS9 Users Group library in numerical order. I will put up alpha later. Keywords: os9ug,library,s/w --------------------------------- File: OS9UG LIBRARY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2231 Name: OS9UG APPLICATION Address: B.BRADY * HIDDEN * Date: 880122 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 9 Description: This is a blank form that you can fill out and mail to join the OS9 Users Group. The UG offers many benfits for the OS9 User, including the vast Member supported library. Many are not aware that the UG is the only place that much of this s/w is "maintained", and so is the only source for urrent versions. Keywords: os9,level 1,level 2,osk,users,microware,group,motd,newsletter,library --------------------------------- File: OS9UG APPLICATION File Ready. 7 Bit Text. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2227 Name: DMODE.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 880117 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 9 Description: See DMODE.ASM which is the source file but also contains the documentation. Dmode allows you to change disk device descriptors on the fly. Keywords: os9,disk,descriptor,tmode,step rate,sides,dd,ds,/d0 --------------------------------- File: DMODE.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2225 Name: L2UTILS.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 880116 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: This file is also contained in the AR (archive) file..L2UTILS.AR. Here it is presented in clear text. Keywords: os9,level 2,coco 3,windows,shell,pmap,dirm,dmem,smap,proc --------------------------------- File: L2UTILS.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2222 Name: L2UTILS.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880115 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 76 Library: 9 Description: Here is pmap smap proc dirM Dmem Mmap. These are the basic Kevin Darling utilities for Level 2 OS9. DirM & Pmap are especially useful. This is n AR file, use AR to de-arc. See L2Utils.DOC for clear text version of the DOCS. (DOCS are also in this file). Keywords: os9,utils,pmap,smap,dirm,mmap,dmem,proc --------------------------------- File: L2UTILS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2221 Name: CFONTS.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880115 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 9 Description: Contains IBM, the font I prefer to use with Wiz. This is an archive, use AR to de-arc. Put these in your SYS dir and then type merge sys/cfonts. Use Wiz or GPmap to find the group.buffer numbers. Keywords: os9,fonts,IBM,graphics --------------------------------- File: CFONTS.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2219 Name: GPMAP.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 880115 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 9 Description: Another Kevin Darling Utility for Level 2. This one shows you what fonts and buffers are in memory & where. There is no other way to see this info. Basic09 Source, self commenting, this is a text file. Keywords: basic09,os9,level 2,utility,windows,graphics,buffers,map --------------------------------- File: GPMAP.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2218 Name: WDIR.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 880115 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 9 Description: This is the Basic09 Source for Kevin Darlings Wdir.B09, a very handy utility indeed. It will show you the status of all of your windows, sizes, type, location in memory etc. The source is self documenting. This is a text file. Keywords: basic09,os9,level 2,utility,windows --------------------------------- File: WDIR.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2215 Name: ICOPY.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 880113 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 9 Description: Another copy utility, this one runs under OS9. This is an archive, docs included, use AR to de-archive. Keywords: OS9,RS-DOS,InterDOS,copy,utility,CoCo --------------------------------- File: ICOPY.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2213 Name: SCULPTOR PD PAK Address: B.BRADY Date: 880111 Approximate # of bytes: 80640 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 9 Description: Here is a gift from our OS9 friends "Down Under". It came to me via Gerome Slappy in Sydney. Not having used Sculptor myself, I am not sure of what all is here, except that it is considered a "must" for Sculptor Developers. I do know that ways to make custom menus are included, as well as various demos & utility files. File is in AR format, numerous files are included, in fact a floppy disk full. I will put the read_me.doc file up as Sculptor Pak Doc in clear text, suggest you read that before downloading this Package. Keywords: sculptor,menus,utilities,4gl,database,os9,ms-dos,vms,osk --------------------------------- File: SCULPTOR PD PAK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2201 Name: MACPAINT.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 871231 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 9 Description: Another Goodie from Steve Clark. This one allows you to display the many MacPaint Pictures found in the GEnie Library, on your CoCo under OS9 L2! This file is in the .AR format. This is a "must have" program! Includes a printer dump. (Includes "MacShow", "MacPrint", source, and one pix.) Keywords: macpaint,level2,macshow,macprint,"C",graphics,dump,pictures,pix --------------------------------- File: MACPAINT.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2200 Name: PMODEPIX.BIN Address: B.BRADY Date: 871231 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 9 Description: See PMODEPIX.DOC. Allows you to display a RS-DOS PMODE4 Pix under Level 2. Courtesy of Steven Clark! Keywords: graphics,pmode4,object,program,os9,level 2 --------------------------------- File: PMODEPIX.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2146 Name: XMAC.B09 Address: B.BRADY Date: 871220 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 9 Description: Xmodem Filersever. XMac is the missing ingredient that you need to make OS9 a BBS in it's own right. XMac allows a user logged on to your system to up and down load files in the xmodem protocol. See XMac.DOC, XMac.I/binary, XMODEM.HLP, & CSUM.ASM. This is the source file XMac.B09, download XMac.I for a "ready to run" version. Version 2.0 uses CSUM for speed... fast! Version 2.2 adds some new goodies, & hopefully fixes the last upload bug. Keywords: xmodem,remote,terminal,filesever,basic09,bbs,cocobin,macbinary,asm --------------------------------- File: XMAC.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2113 Name: GDEMO Address: B.BRADY Date: 871128 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: An interesting Demo of the capability of LII windows to do "on-line" graphics without any special protocol. Put Wiz in the Graphics mode, <ALT-G> then type "L" to list, NOT download this file. (Other terminal programs will work if run in a graphics window..xcom9). After the fun, hit ALT-G again to get back to your normal screen. Note, you should be set up for 8 bits and have installed Kevin Darlings cc3io patch, (file 2112), before listing this file. (cc3io patch fixes the multi-byte escape sequence bug) Note, that with Wiz, you can have download ON the whole time, but you will have to DUMP the file to see what's in it. (to redisplay try: MERGE DEMO). Keywords: graphics.level 2,windows,demo,future,wave --------------------------------- File: GDEMO is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2111 Name: PATCH.AR Address: B.BRADY Date: 871128 Approximate # of bytes: 22680 Number of Accesses: 60 Library: 9 Description: Here is an OS9 patch utility. You will need this to do ipatches. MakPatch is a program that is run against the old and new, (or patched), versions of a object program. The resultant file is then run against the original, (by another user), and the results are a patched executable file. Nice because it gives authors a way to distribute patches, but the user must have the original to use. Keywords: ipatch,install,makepatch,os9 --------------------------------- File: PATCH.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2106 Name: CSUM.ASM Address: B.BRADY Date: 871126 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 9 Description: Xmodem Filersever. XMac is the missing ingredient that you need to make OS9 a BBS in it's own right. XMac allows a user logged on to your system to up and down load files in the xmodem protocol. See XMac.DOC, XMac.I/binary, XMODEM.HLP, & CSUM.ASM. This is the source file CSUM, download XMac.I for a "ready to run" version. Version 2.0 uses CSUM for speed... fast! CSUM is a simple Basic09 callable asm utility to compute the chaecksum on a block in memory. Keywords: xmodem,remote,terminal,filesever,basic09,bbs,cocobin,macbinary,asm --------------------------------- File: CSUM.ASM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2105 Name: XMAC.DOC Address: B.BRADY Date: 871126 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 9 Description: Xmodem Filersever. XMac is the missing ingredient that you need to make OS9 a BBS in it's own right. XMac allows a user logged on to your system to up and down load files in the xmodem protocol. See XMac.DOC, XMac.I/binary, XMODEM.HLP, & CSUM.ASM. This is the source file XMac.B09, download XMac.I for a "ready to run" version. Version 2.0 uses CSUM for speed... fast! Keywords: xmodem,remote,terminal,filesever,basic09,bbs,cocobin,macbinary,asm --------------------------------- File: XMAC.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1804 Name: PDCOM.B09 Address: GOMEZ.RUBIO Date: 870831 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 67 Library: 9 Description: Public domain BASIC09 terminal program. You need first to load BASIC09 with 32K. Then load pdcom, then pack it. It's ready to go! Keywords: pdcom, term, comm --------------------------------- File: PDCOM.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1803 Name: XCOM9N Address: GOMEZ.RUBIO Date: 870831 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 74 Library: 9 Description: Download to your CMDS directory. Then do a attr xcom9n e pe Then just type xcom9n /t2 Keywords: xcom9, os9, os-9, comm, terminal program, term --------------------------------- File: XCOM9N is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1427 Name: TSM.ASM Address: DARREN-NYE Date: 870511 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 9 Description: This is a modification to the Level 1 TSMON. It will cause DTR to be dropped for 3 seconds upon receiving the EOF character, or loss of carrier signal. After that, TSM returns to monitor for DCD. This can be used in conjunction with M2.ASM. Keywords: TSM,TSMON,T2,M2,RS232,LOGIN,ACIA,PAK --------------------------------- File: TSM.ASM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1331 Name: TERMINAL.B09 Address: GOMEZ.RUBIO Date: 870331 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 9 Description: A simple BASIC09 terminal program. Use under OS-9 Level I or II and BASIC09. Use the program with the RS-232 Pak in slot 1 of the Multi-Pak Interface. Runs at 300 baud reliably albeit slowly. A good introduction in program- ming a terminal program and communicating with the RS-232 Pak. Keywords: --------------------------------- File: TERMINAL.B09 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1330 Name: XCOM9.TXT Address: GOMEZ.RUBIO Date: 870331 Approximate # of bytes: 45360 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 9 Description: XCOM9.TXT is the documentation for XCOM9.LII. Keywords: --------------------------------- File: XCOM9.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1329 Name: XCOM9.LII Address: GOMEZ.RUBIO Date: 870331 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 9 Description: XCOM9.LII is the public domain version of XCOM9 terminal program for OS-9 Level II. Keywords: --------------------------------- File: XCOM9.LII is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1305 Name: BIGT.I Address: W.BRADY Date: 870323 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 9 Description: BigT version 1.5 executable I-Code. Use xmodem to download. Version 1.5 now also uses "legal" i/o. If you have a serial port at a different pak), just change the descriptor. See Keywords: basic09,os9 level 1,terminal, xmodem,uploads,downloads,autolog,timekeeping --------------------------------- File: BIGT.I is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1282 Name: BIGT.I.BINARY Address: W.BRADY Date: 870321 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 9 Description: BigT version 1.5 executable I-Code. Use xmodem to download. Version 1.5 implements the CoCoBin xmodem format. See BigTnu.txt for details. BigT now also uses "legal" i/o. If you have a serial port at a different ss than FF68, (rs232pak), just change the descriptor. See s1dist.asm. s Keywords: basic09,terminal,program,300-19.2k,upload,download,xmodem,cocobin,sio --------------------------------- File: BIGT.I.BINARY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1206 Name: CO380 Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870224 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 9 Description: This is the device driver, that when used with the correct device descriptor, will provide an 80x24 display whenusing OS-9 Level I, V02.00.00 with the CoCo 3. See also CO380.DOC, and TERM380. Keywords: CO380, COCO, COCO 3, DEVICE DRIVER, OS-9, DRIVER, 80X24 --------------------------------- File: CO380 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1205 Name: CO380.DOC Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870224 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 9 Description: This is the doc file for CO380, a device driver that provides an 80x24 screen display on OS-9 Level I, V02.00.00 on the CoCo 3. Keywords: COCO, COCO 3, 80X24, DEVICE DESCRIPTOR, CO380 --------------------------------- File: CO380.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1204 Name: TERM380 Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870224 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 9 Description: This is the device descriptor for CO380, a 80x24 device driver for OS-9 Level I. See CO380, CO380.DOC also. Keywords: COCO, COCO 3, 3, 80, 80X24, SCREEN, DESCRIPTOR --------------------------------- File: TERM380 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1179 Name: DMODE.ASM Address: W.BRADY Date: 870218 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 9 Description: Kevin Darlings Dmode. This is source. For level 2. Works just like tmode but for disk drivers. Keywords: hh --------------------------------- File: DMODE.ASM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... == End of Browse. ??