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GEnie CoCo Files Browse Listing
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Home / Internet Resources / GEnie - GEnie CoCo Files Browse Listing
Library: 2 - Color Computer ********************************* Number: 7101 Name: COCO5.GIF Address: COCO-SYSOP * HIDDEN * Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 15292 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) A great hi-rez picture of a CoCo 3 :) Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,GIF,Picture --------------------------------- File: COCO5.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7100 Name: RS232MOD.GIF Address: COCO-SYSOP * HIDDEN * Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 18460 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) This is a GIF of the circuit described in RS232MOD.TXT. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,GIF,circuit,hardware,hack --------------------------------- File: RS232MOD.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7099 Name: RS232MOD.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 6020 Number of Accesses: 4 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) Text file describing hack to CoCo RS232 pak for better hardware flow control. (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!) Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,hardware,hack,modem,upgrade --------------------------------- File: RS232MOD.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7098 Name: J-CHAIN3.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 1040 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) Another groovy little CoCo 3 demo from SockMaster. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,DEMO --------------------------------- File: J-CHAIN3.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7097 Name: 4MHZCOCO.GIF Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 10780 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) High resolution GIF of how to build a CoCo 3 4mhz accelerator. (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!) Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,upgrade,hack --------------------------------- File: 4MHZCOCO.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7096 Name: 4MHZC.GIF Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 6236 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) low-res GIF (viewable on a CoCo) of a circuit to accelerate a CoCo 3 to 4mhz. (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!) Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,hardware,hack --------------------------------- File: 4MHZC.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7095 Name: DEMO.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 26292 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) Old CoCo 3 demo by SockMaster. Just watch what the CoCo can really do! Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,DEMO --------------------------------- File: DEMO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7094 Name: BOINK.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 20724 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) A cool boincing ball demo for the CoCo 3. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,DEMO --------------------------------- File: BOINK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7093 Name: TWI-INST.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 14780 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) Slightly out of date documentation for Twilight Term. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,Terminal Program,Docs --------------------------------- File: TWI-INST.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7092 Name: TWI-TERM.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 19788 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) The most awesome terminal program for CoCo 3 (512K required). FULL ANSI colors and smooth scrolling using some very clever GIME tricks. Even your PC buddies won't believe how good the terminal portion is, including 8-bit PC extented graphics characters. This is the latest version. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,Terminal --------------------------------- File: TWI-TERM.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7091 Name: CUTS.BAS Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 11412 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) Similar in concept to the Unix style "uuencode", this utility lets you encode or decode binary CoCo files into ASCII text so they can be sent via e-mail. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,encode,decode --------------------------------- File: CUTS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7090 Name: MOD6809.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 100 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) This is the documentation file for the beta MOD file player for the CoCo 3. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,6809,MOD,Player,Music --------------------------------- File: MOD6809.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7089 Name: MOD6809.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 4556 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) This is the binary portion of the beta MOD file player for the 6809. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,6809,MOD,Player,Music --------------------------------- File: MOD6809.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7088 Name: MOD6809.BAS Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 1980 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) ASCII BASIC pre-loader for the beta version of the MOD music file player for the CoCo 3. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,6809,MOD,Player,Music --------------------------------- File: MOD6809.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7087 Name: MOD13.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 4308 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) This is an ASCII documentation file for version 1.3 of SockMaster's INCREDIBLE CoCo 3 MOD file player. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,6309,MOD,Player,Music --------------------------------- File: MOD13.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7086 Name: MOD13.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 4352 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) This is the executable portion of the 6309 MOD file player (version 1.3). Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,6309,MOD,Player,Music --------------------------------- File: MOD13.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7085 Name: MOD13.BAS Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960609 Approximate # of bytes: 2132 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: (From the internet home page of SockMaster) This is the BASIC loader portion of the 6309 CoCo3 MOD file player (version 1.3). It is in ASCII format. Keywords: CC3,CoCo 3,SockMaster,6309,MOD,Player,Music --------------------------------- File: MOD13.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7084 Name: MOD.BAS Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960514 Approximate # of bytes: 1404 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: The BASIC loader for the MOD player. (Must have this and MOD.BIN to play MOD music files) Keywords: MOD,Player,Music,6309 --------------------------------- File: MOD.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7083 Name: MOD.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960514 Approximate # of bytes: 3884 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: Binary for MOD player for CoCo 3. Grab MOD.TXT and MOD.BAS to complete the set. Requires a CoCo 3 with 6309 processor, then lets you play REALTIME multivoice sampled MOD music files. AMAZING! From SockMaster, our Canadian CoCo hacker who has done what has never been done on an 8-bit computer. And it works and they sound very good! (Better than my 386 DX4 75mhz laptop can do through it's speaker!) Keywords: MOD,Player,Music,6309 --------------------------------- File: MOD.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7082 Name: MOD.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 960514 Approximate # of bytes: 3320 Number of Accesses: 3 Library: 2 Description: This is the text file describing the most amazing CoCo 3 music program ever! A MOD file player! It requires a CoCo 3 with a 6309 processor, then it lets you play Amiga style MOD (synth) sound files on the CoCo...and it WORKS! I am blown away by this. This is from SockMaser, our Canadian CoCo pal who still likes to do the impossible with the CoCo. MOD files themselves are found in abundance at the Amiga RoundTable here on Genie. Keywords: MOD,Player,Music,6309,SockMaster --------------------------------- File: MOD.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7079 Name: COCOSYSOP.GIF Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 951123 Approximate # of bytes: 54472 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 2 Description: This is a GIF (low-rez, color, converted from photo-CD) of Allen at the 1994 Chicago CoCoFest. Keywords: gif,picture,allen,coco-sysop --------------------------------- File: COCOSYSOP.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7073 Name: ALLENH.GIF Address: LAMP.MM Date: 950825 Approximate # of bytes: 58200 Number of Accesses: 7 Library: 2 Description: Here is Allen Huffman at a CoCo Fest. Keywords: Allen Huffman,COCO,Fest --------------------------------- File: ALLENH.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 7063 Name: LSTFST95.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 950518 Approximate # of bytes: 33536 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: Allen Huffman's almost "traditional" report of the goings-ons at the 4th Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFest in 1995. See who was there, find out what was new, and best of all, find out where they had lunch! Great information inside. (.LZH version also available in the OS-9 library.) Keywords: coco,fest,report,cocofest,rumors,news,products --------------------------------- File: LSTFST95.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6256 Name: DRAGON.HISTORY Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941111 Approximate # of bytes: 72192 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: An .lzh version of this is available in the OS9 library, but here it is in ASCII for those who want it this way. This file discusses the Dragon computer - a UK CoCo clone made in the early 80s with support still continuing much like the CoCo her in the states. Keywords: dragon,history,text --------------------------------- File: DRAGON.HISTORY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6251 Name: TWTERM21.BIN Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941011 Approximate # of bytes: 14848 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: From the Canadian SockMaster (the guy who did the cool CoCoDemo program) here is a terminal that requires the RS232 pak, but runs at 19.2 kbaud without losing a character. TOTAL smooth scrolling and a full color screen (*32* colors!) that has the complete extended IBM ANSI character set! Check this out! This is only a beta release and much is still to be added but you just won't believe how great this is! Grab it today!!! (Yes, even if you just use OS9 - you will want to see this in action!) Keywords: coco3,term,telecom,terminal,ansi,modem,awesome --------------------------------- File: TWTERM21.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6250 Name: CAMBUSH.ARC Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941011 Approximate # of bytes: 20608 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: An EXCELLENT CoCo 3 shooting game - commercial quality but, for some reason, released to shareware. The Australian author, Nick Marentez (sp?) also brought us great games like Space Intruders and Rupert Rhythm... Keywords: game,coco3,shooter --------------------------------- File: CAMBUSH.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6249 Name: COLINFEST94.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941009 Approximate # of bytes: 5504 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: Colin McKay of Northern Xposure provided this quick summary of the 1994 Atlanta Fest. Enjoy! Keywords: fest,atlanta,text,report,colin,mckay,canada --------------------------------- File: COLINFEST94.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6247 Name: COCOFST5.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 941007 Approximate # of bytes: 27776 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: Full report of the 1994 5th Annual Atlanta CoCoFest in ASCII. Also available as cocofst5.lzh. Keywords: fest,report,text,cocofest --------------------------------- File: COCOFST5.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6244 Name: COCOWIN.ZIP Address: DELTA.T Date: 940921 Approximate # of bytes: 2560 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 2 Description: These are .PIF and .ICO files that allow you to use the COCO2-13.ZIP CoCo emulator in Windows 3.1. Read the README.TXT file before you use these. Keywords: CoCo2,emulator,Windows,PC,Icons,PIF --------------------------------- File: COCOWIN.ZIP is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6234 Name: WARGIRL.GIF Address: DELTA.T Date: 940906 Approximate # of bytes: 5120 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: Here is a screan capture of WARGIRL.BIN, done on a PC Compatible running the COCO2-13.ZIP emulator. Keywords: COCO 1,COCO 2,COCO 3, GIF, PC, Emulator, WARGIRL --------------------------------- File: WARGIRL.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6180 Name: LSTFST94.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 940710 Approximate # of bytes: 33536 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: Updated report of the 1994 3rd Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFest. Keywords: coco,fest,report,text --------------------------------- File: LSTFST94.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6091 Name: ETHALOGO.GIF Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931203 Approximate # of bytes: 2688 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: A GIF (which displays fine on the CoCo) of the "new" Sub-Etha Software logo. This picture is in 2-color monochrome format for now. Keywords: logo,gif,sub-etha,picture --------------------------------- File: ETHALOGO.GIF is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6078 Name: COCOFEST4.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 931007 Approximate # of bytes: 33024 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: Allen Huffman's report of the 1993 4th Annual Atlanta CoCoFest. ASCII version. .AR compressed version available in the OS9 library. Keywords: report,text,rumor,fest,os9,coco,atlanta --------------------------------- File: COCOFEST4.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6040 Name: PONGTEST.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930519 Approximate # of bytes: 11008 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: This text-file describes a new programaming contest being sponsored by numerous CoCo support companies. Prizes! Download and read... [This is Revision 1.1 of the announcement, with Trade Mark(tm) information in place] Keywords: text,news,press release,contest,pong --------------------------------- File: PONGTEST.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6035 Name: LSTFST93.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930511 Approximate # of bytes: 54528 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: A more-than-complete report of all the happenings at the 1993 2nd Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFest held May 1-2 in Elgin, Illinois. Find out who was there, what was new, and where the CoCo/OS9 community is headed. Complete details on the OS9 Consortium meeting of international users groups, as well as information on the 6309 Booster and 68000 accelerator for the CoCo and the new 232 pak capable of 5300+ CPS under CoCo MUCH MORE! (.LZH file available in the OS9 library.) Keywords: cocofest,fest,report,text,rumors,news,information,os9,booster,chicago --------------------------------- File: LSTFST93.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 6009 Name: IOWAFEST.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930401 Approximate # of bytes: 17792 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: This is my personal review of all that happened at the Middle America Fest held March 27-28th in Des Moines, Iowa and sponsored by the Mid Iowa & Country CoCo Club. Read on for the scoop... Keywords: text,report,fest,cocofest,iowa,microware,os9,news,rumors --------------------------------- File: IOWAFEST.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5976 Name: COCOFILES2.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930124 Approximate # of bytes: 18688 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: This is the second part of ALL available RS-DOS files available in this library. (see COCOFILES1.TXT for the rest) Keywords: CoCo,Text,Directory --------------------------------- File: COCOFILES2.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5975 Name: COCOFILES1.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 930124 Approximate # of bytes: 32128 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: This is an ASCII text file listing ALL available RS-DOS files. The file is split into two parts since many text editors cannot handle the larger files. (see COCOFILES2.TXT for the rest) Keywords: CoCo,Text,Directory --------------------------------- File: COCOFILES1.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5973 Name: RUNTIME.BAS Address: N.JOHNSON1 * HIDDEN * Date: 930103 Approximate # of bytes: 4480 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 2 Description: Just RUN it. Use to load and play EthaSamples. Req. Orchestra-90cc pak. Keywords: etha,sample,stereo,orc,runtime --------------------------------- File: RUNTIME.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5972 Name: GEORGE.ES Address: N.JOHNSON1 * HIDDEN * Date: 930103 Approximate # of bytes: 65664 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 2 Description: Democrats download this one. Also download RUNTIME.BAsS to load/pla Keywords: runtime,stereo,sample,etha,deemo --------------------------------- File: GEORGE.ES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5971 Name: GIFT.ES Address: N.JOHNSON1 * HIDDEN * Date: 930103 Approximate # of bytes: 41216 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: "And what better way to say `I love you' than with the gift of a spatula?" Has some nice strings in the background. Requires an Orchestra-90cc pak. Also download "RUNTIME.BAS" to load/play. Keywords: sample,stereo,demo,etha,runtime,orc --------------------------------- File: GIFT.ES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5970 Name: MOMMY.ES Address: N.JOHNSON1 * HIDDEN * Date: 930102 Approximate # of bytes: 65664 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 2 Description: "Mommy, when are we going home?" Download RUNTIME.BAS to load/play. Requires an Orchestra-90cc pak. Sounds good- footsteps cross from left to right. Keywords: demo,stereo,etha,sample,runtime --------------------------------- File: MOMMY.ES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5968 Name: SPATULA.ES Address: N.JOHNSON1 * HIDDEN * Date: 930102 Approximate # of bytes: 32896 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: "My! Where did you get that Lovely Spatula?!" Download "Runtime.Bas" also to make it work. From the upcoming program "EthaSample" by Nick Johnson. Keywords: sample,etha,stereo,spatula,demo --------------------------------- File: SPATULA.ES is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5952 Name: TOOLS.SET Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921128 Approximate # of bytes: 2816 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: This file is required for CoCoTools demo to work. Keywords: cocotools,utility,dtools.set,disk --------------------------------- File: TOOLS.SET is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5951 Name: CCTOOLS-DEMO.BIN Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921128 Approximate # of bytes: 37632 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: Demo of CoCoTools. Requires the file DTOOLS.SET, so download that also. Some features aren't supported in this demo. Keywords: cocotools,ark,demo,utility,disk --------------------------------- File: CCTOOLS-DEMO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5950 Name: LOADER.BAS Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921128 Approximate # of bytes: 256 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 2 Description: I forgot to ARK this in with STEREO.DEMO.ARK. Just add it to the disk you deARKed the demo on and run it. Enjoy! Keywords: loader,stereo,demo,audio,sound,music,sample,orchestra-90 --------------------------------- File: LOADER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5949 Name: STEREO DEMO.ARK Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921128 Approximate # of bytes: 132096 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 2 Description: This is a )}>Stereo<{( sample made with the new Spasm Eyeball Software 2x4 bit stereo audio sampler. Requires a CoCo-3 w/512k. ARKed with CoCo Tools, and takes about 12 minutes to deARK. Also download "LOADER.BAS" (I forgot to include it in the ARKive) and then RUN"LOADER". It will take up an entire 35 track disk when deARKed. Make sure LOADER.BAS is on the same disk as the deARKed files. It will load in 16 8k blocks and then play them _THROUGH THE ORCHESTRA-90 PAK_. You must have the pak connected! The sampler is still under development, but we thought you might like a sneak peek! Keywords: sample,stereo,orch,orchestra-90,audio,demo,sound,music --------------------------------- File: STEREO DEMO.ARK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5942 Name: COCO2PC.ARC Address: P.OLMSTEAD2 Date: 921119 Approximate # of bytes: 42880 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: Use this great utility to transfer your COCO ascii program and data files to your IBM compatible. Your PC can read & transfer files from COCO format disks! Excellent utility if you have both computers. Keywords: file transfer, data transfer, utilities --------------------------------- File: COCO2PC.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5935 Name: TYPEWRIT.BAS Address: J.GERRIE Date: 921103 Approximate # of bytes: 1920 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: This program is in compiled basic with REM statements at the end explaining how it works, and how it can be modified for specific printers. It has a help menu to explain its various features. I wrote it to allow me to position the prinhead exactly, so that I could use it to type information on forms. It basically turn you Coco into an Keywords: electronic,typewriter,Coco2,Coco3,printer --------------------------------- File: TYPEWRIT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5934 Name: TREK2.DOC Address: J.GERRIE * HIDDEN * Date: 921101 Approximate # of bytes: 4608 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: This is the doc file for the TREK3.BAS program. It contains the help file of the original program, which I deleted to make more room for new graphics routines etc. ASCII text, but you might have to insert nline feeds. Keywords: docs,trek3,game,coco2,coco3 --------------------------------- File: TREK2.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5933 Name: TREK3.BAS Address: J.GERRIE * HIDDEN * Date: 921101 Approximate # of bytes: 16384 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: This is a version of the StarTrek program that appears elseware in the file base. It has some new features and modifactions that I have added just for the fun of it. See the file trek2.doc for more iinformation on this program. This program has been uploaded in tokenized basic format. Keywords: coco2,coco3,trek,newtrek,game --------------------------------- File: TREK3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5931 Name: PAC2DEMO.BIN Address: EVERSOFT Date: 921025 Approximate # of bytes: 74368 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: This is a demo version of PacDude 3-D, written by Brian O'Neill (the same author of the shareware PacDude). PacDude 3-D is a three dimensional pacman. It uses hardware scrolling for exceptionally smooth graphics. With music. Requires 512K and joystick. This is a binary file. Simply LOADM and let it autoexecute. The object is to eat the dots, avoid the ghosts (unless you've eaten a power dot and turned them transparent). Use button #1 (red) to jump, button#2 or spacebar to pause. Please feel free to upload and/or pass around this demo. Keywords: game,pacman,O'Neill,512K,coco3,arcade,graphics,RSdos --------------------------------- File: PAC2DEMO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5929 Name: COCOFEST `92 REPORT.TXT Address: N.JOHNSON1 Date: 921019 Approximate # of bytes: 5632 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: This is a humorous report on the 1992 Atlanta CoCoFest, written by Nick Johnson. Please take all comments in the manner in which they were intended; don't get all mad if your name appears in here with a reference to nude adventure games, etc... In straight ASCII text, formatted 80 columns. Enjoy, ////\/ick Keywords: coco,cocofest,atlanta,report --------------------------------- File: COCOFEST `92 REPORT.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5927 Name: COCOFEST3.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 921011 Approximate # of bytes: 19968 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 2 Description: My annual semi-complete and semi-accurate report of the events and goings- ons at the previous CoCoFest in Atlanta, Georgia, on October 3rd and 4th, 1992. Find out who was there - what they had - what was new - and what is planned for the future of the CoCo and OS9. Good reading, especially if you couldn't attend in person. Check it out today! Keywords: cocofest,news,rumors,gossip,text,report --------------------------------- File: COCOFEST3.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5921 Name: CHEEPSKATE.BAS Address: J.LABECK2 Date: 921002 Approximate # of bytes: 9216 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: A BASIC program to help you keep track of your bills, track expenses and income, and balance your checkbook. Written for the COCO 3... Keywords: COCO 3,BASIC,shareware,utility,finance --------------------------------- File: CHEEPSKATE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5908 Name: STORM.TXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920908 Approximate # of bytes: 20608 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: Art Flexser's personal account of surviving hurricane Andrew, and the devastation it caused in his area! Keywords: art,flexser,hurricane,andrew,true,story,storm,disaster,florida --------------------------------- File: STORM.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5889 Name: CHEEPRITE Address: J.LABECK2 Date: 920715 Approximate # of bytes: 5632 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: Only 101 lines long, CheepRite includes features found in much more expensive programs; true word wrap, full line editing, insertion and deletion of lines, and an auto-save feature to allow you to keep on typing instead fo worrying about how much of the 13000 character text space you've used. Keywords: COCO,BASIC,word processor,utility --------------------------------- File: CHEEPRITE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5887 Name: CHEEP-RITE Address: J.LABECK2 Date: 920713 Approximate # of bytes: 5504 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: Only 99 lines long Cheep-Rite has true word-wrap, line editing , line insert & delete, an auto-save feature, and 13000 characters of text space, enough for most home use. Written for the 80-column COCO 3, it can be adapted to run on earlier machines, as well. Documentation is in the text file "Cheep.doc" Keywords: COCO,basic,word processor,Color Computer --------------------------------- File: CHEEP-RITE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5882 Name: WORD Address: J.LABECK2 Date: 920622 Approximate # of bytes: 11520 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 2 Description: This is a copy of a PD program from David Ahl's book "BASIC COMPUTER GAMES". It's adapted for the COCO, and I've gone to the trouble to enter over 1000 words from my desk dictionary. Some barrassing words have been edited out. The game is easy to play, and fun. If you've ever played "mastermind" or "codebreaker", you'll have no trouble. Keywords: game,COCO,basic --------------------------------- File: WORD is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5863 Name: LASTFEST92REPORT.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 920610 Approximate # of bytes: 23424 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 2 Description: This is my semi-complete report of all the goings-ons at the "First Annual Last CoCoFest" May 30-31, Chicago. Good reading... Keywords: cocofest,report,text,press,products,os9 --------------------------------- File: LASTFEST92REPORT.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5794 Name: RTTY.AR Address: J.HEGBERG * HIDDEN * Date: 920308 Approximate # of bytes: 22016 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: RTTY... Program for COCO-SYSOP Keywords: to_cocosysop --------------------------------- File: RTTY.AR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5777 Name: OREGON.BAS Address: R.NEWHART Date: 920222 Approximate # of bytes: 13056 Number of Accesses: 10 Library: 2 Description: This game simulates a trip to Oregon in 1847 along the Oregon Trail. I wrote this as a shareware program. Color Computer 3 only. Keywords: oregon, oregon trail,simulation, 1847 --------------------------------- File: OREGON.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5776 Name: CALC.BAS Address: R.NEWHART Date: 920222 Approximate # of bytes: 5888 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: Calculator written in basic for Coco 2 or 3. with some extra features such as interest rates,m ham radio antennas, etc. Keywords: calculator,interest rates,antennas,metric convert --------------------------------- File: CALC.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5740 Name: CHIFEST1.TXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 920210 Approximate # of bytes: 2688 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 2 Description: This is a letter from Dave Myers telling about the "1st Annual Last CoCoFest" which is going to be a huge party/festival held at the end of May. For more details about the festival, please keep reading the posts in the RUMOR topic (#9) in the CoCo area (#3). DON'T MISS OUT ON POSSIBLY THE GRAND FINALE OF ALL COCO EVENTS! There is even a special event planned called, "Party with Marty." <grin>... This should really be fun! -- Joel Mathew Hegberg Keywords: CoCoFEST, last, annual, Dave Myers, Glenside Color Computer Club, CoCoPRO! --------------------------------- File: CHIFEST1.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5537 Name: COCOFESTSUBETHABOOTH Address: EVERSOFT Date: 911012 Approximate # of bytes: 32768 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: This is a DB69 picture of two of the Sub Etha fellows. The guy on the right is Allen Huffman (Coco-Sysop!), and the guy on the left is Mark Page. Keywords: DB69,PIX,Cocofest --------------------------------- File: COCOFESTSUBETHABOOTH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5536 Name: COCOFESTEVERSOFTBOOTH Address: EVERSOFT Date: 911012 Approximate # of bytes: 32768 Number of Accesses: 9 Library: 2 Description: This is a DB69 shot of the Eversoft booth at the Atlanta 91 CocoFest. (Ed. Note: The short person is Judy! <grin>...) Keywords: PIX,DB69,Cocofest --------------------------------- File: COCOFESTEVERSOFTBOOTH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5535 Name: COCOFESTATLANTA91 Address: EVERSOFT Date: 911012 Approximate # of bytes: 32768 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: This is a DB-69 view of the Atlanta 91 CocoFest. The picture was taken on and 8mm camcorder and is a random shot of some of the show-goers. Keywords: DB69,PIX,CocoFest --------------------------------- File: COCOFESTATLANTA91 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5525 Name: COCOFEST91REPORT.TXT Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 911008 Approximate # of bytes: 24960 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 2 Description: Straight from Allen Huffman of Sub-Etha Software, typed only hours after get got back to Texas from Atlanta. This file talks extensively about what all happened at the 1991 Atlanta CoCoFest sponsored by CoCoPro. Who was there, a map of the booths, vendor descriptions, new product announcements, plus much more! Almost complete! Almost accurate! Read about some neat new stuff for OS9 and RS-DOS - hardware and software. The latest! Keywords: cocofest,report,text,new,information,press,announcments,new --------------------------------- File: COCOFEST91REPORT.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5372 Name: BLOCDEMO.BIN Address: EVERSOFT Date: 910728 Approximate # of bytes: 5504 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: Type LOADM"BlocDemo":EXEC to start this demo. When the main screen appears, press any key or the joystick button to start, and before the first block appears on the screen, press any key or button again. The left/right/down arrow keys control movement, uparrow rotates. The joystick controls movement, button rotates. This program was written by John Strong, and is available exclusively through Eversoft Games, Ltd; P.O. Box 3354; Arlington, WA 98223 (206)653-5263 for $19.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling. Keywords: coco3,game,demo --------------------------------- File: BLOCDEMO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5360 Name: NEWTON.ARC Address: COCO-SYSOP Date: 910715 Approximate # of bytes: 142848 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: Loads in multiple ray-traced pictures an animates them. Really neat effect, though takes a bit of time to load. Requires 512K CoCo 3. [Use TC3, TC31, or UNARC512 to unpak.] Keywords: coco3,graphics,demo,512K,disk --------------------------------- File: NEWTON.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5317 Name: RFESTRPT.TXT Address: J.HEGBERG Date: 910526 Approximate # of bytes: 13952 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 2 Description: A 12k report of the Chicago RainbowFest 1991 written up by Marty Goodman and posted on Delphi. Uploaded here by Joel Mathew Hegberg with Marty's permission. Keywords: rainbowfest, marty, goodman, joel, hegberg, j.hegberg, report, text --------------------------------- File: RFESTRPT.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5316 Name: PEACE.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 896 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: CoCo 3, composite monitor/TV set requires. Draws a brick wall then slowly paints a peace sign on it...big deal, eh? Keywords: COCO3,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: PEACE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5315 Name: PONK.BIN Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 9216 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: Oh arcade classic for the CoCo 3...requires joysticks and two players. Keywords: COCO3,GAME --------------------------------- File: PONK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5314 Name: DISK3D.ARC Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 11008 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: Use TC2/3 to unarc. Lets you set points in the X,Y,Z plane then connect them to create a 3-dimensional line drawing. You can then rotate by any angle real-time, zoom in/out, etc. Really fast. Comes with some demo plot files, too. Keywords: COCO,GRAPHICS,3D,PLOT --------------------------------- File: DISK3D.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5313 Name: TELETAPE.BIN Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 6016 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: The first terminal program by Greg Miller, author of Greg-E-Term and other greats. This one worked on a CoCo 1 or 2 from TAPE and supported Xmodem downloading. This is an EXCELLENT program for those using a tape based CoCo as it will download and RUN what you get without needing to "convert" anything. Keywords: COCO,TERMINAL,TAPE,MODEM --------------------------------- File: TELETAPE.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5312 Name: MSCAN11.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 2176 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 2 Description: Wargames returneth? A "modem scanner" that works with a Hayes compatible modem hooked to the serial (printer) port. Note: While this program is functional use of it's dialer may constitute ILLEGAL PRANK CALLS. It is, however, a nice example of how an auto-dialer might be written by changing the PRINT#-2 commands so they can echo (and not lock up) to the modem. Keywords: COCO,MODEM,DIALER,WARGAMES --------------------------------- File: MSCAN11.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5311 Name: MAPLERAG.BIN Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 10880 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: Stand-alone music file of the Maple Leaf Rag...whew! Sounds pretty good, too. Keywords: COCO,MUSIC --------------------------------- File: MAPLERAG.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5310 Name: ONERROR.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 256 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: Simply and short way to error trap for CoCo 1/2. Keywords: COCO,COMMAND,ERROR,UTILITY,BASIC --------------------------------- File: ONERROR.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5309 Name: PAPER+.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 8192 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: Store paper route information w/collection due dates, etc. Pop-up help built write in. I wrote this for someone, who never used it. This is a "test version" but actually does work. Saves data to tape or similarly to my Pen-Pal program. Keywords: COCO,DATABASE,ROUTE --------------------------------- File: PAPER+.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5308 Name: EDITOR.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 4352 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: System editor for the *All Ram* BBS system. Keywords: COCO,BBS,TAPE,EDITOR --------------------------------- File: EDITOR.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5307 Name: ALLRAM.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 4736 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: A tape based BBS system that really worked. Handles up to 100 users and a small message base WITHOUT CRASHING - even at max. storage. See also the EDITOR.BAS, and the ARDOCS.DAT instructions. Will need some form of remote terminal driver, like REMOTE2 or REMOTE232 from Rainbow, to work online. Keywords: COCO,TAPE,BBS --------------------------------- File: ALLRAM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5306 Name: ARDOCS.DAT Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 9472 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 2 Description: Docs for the tape-based *All Ram* BBS. Keywords: COCO,BBS,DOCS,TEXT --------------------------------- File: ARDOCS.DAT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5305 Name: PEN-PAL.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 2944 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: Track those pen-pals! Store name, address, phone number, computer system information, etc. EASY to use. Save/load to/from tape/disk...(!) Keywords: COCO,DATABASE --------------------------------- File: PEN-PAL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5304 Name: CC3DEMO.BIN Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 26240 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: Bounces a ball, plays music, scrolls a message...neat program. Keywords: COCO3,DEMO --------------------------------- File: CC3DEMO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5303 Name: STORY10.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 5248 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: Creates random, dirty/suggestive sentences to screen, printer, and/or speech/sound pak. There is a version 1.1 somewhere that is a little nicer, but I cannot seem to find it... Keywords: COCO,SPEECH,SOUND --------------------------------- File: STORY10.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5302 Name: TIDY12.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 2048 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: Wipe out unused disk areas - makes full disk transfers faster by not making them transmit old, unused data. Also good for protecting your disk - keeps others from getting in to old data still on the disk! Keywords: COCO,DISK,UTILITY --------------------------------- File: TIDY12.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5301 Name: PAKTODSK.BIN Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 1536 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 2 Description: Requires a multipak. Transfers ROM paks to disk - even some "protected" ones like Rad Warrior. Keywords: COCO,iOM,DISK,UTILITY,TRANSFER --------------------------------- File: PAKTODSK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5300 Name: DSHRINK.BIN Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910524 Approximate # of bytes: 3072 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: This will shrink an entire disk into smaller files which can be uploaded then reconstructed by the donwloaded. Keywords: COCO,DISK,ARC --------------------------------- File: DSHRINK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5278 Name: CHEKDEMO.COM Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910505 Approximate # of bytes: 65792 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: A complete demonstration version of Joel Hegberg's CheckBook+ program. This is an AWESOME point and click mouse/joystick driven checkbook management program available from Sub-Etha Software. This file requires DECOMP.BAS to make it into a full disk, and the demo requires a Tandy hi-res joystick interface and a mouse or joystick. This demo is fully functional except for disk access...GET IT! It even includes graphing functions! Keywords: COCO3,RSDOS,UTILITY,FINANCE,DEMO --------------------------------- File: CHEKDEMO.COM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5277 Name: DECOMP.BAS Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910505 Approximate # of bytes: 896 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 2 Description: This file is used to decompress the CHEKBOOK.COM file onto a full disk. Keywords: COCO3,RSDOS,DEMO,UTILITY,FINANCE --------------------------------- File: DECOMP.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5275 Name: COCOFILE.TXT Address: A.HUFFMAN1 * HIDDEN * Date: 910505 Approximate # of bytes: 46720 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: Complete listing of all Color Computer RS-Dos files available. Download this and browse offline to save time! Keywords: COCO,RSDOS,TEXT,LIST --------------------------------- File: COCOFILE.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5273 Name: PROJECTOR_V1.LZH Address: J.MCCAFFREY1 Date: 910501 Approximate # of bytes: 40704 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 2 Description: The Projector V1.0 by Roger Taylor. Allows you to view graphics files from other systems and varying formats. Keywords: COCO 3, Projector, Viewer, Formats, Graphics --------------------------------- File: PROJECTOR_V1.LZH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5210 Name: MICRO.BIN Address: R.SEITZ1 Date: 910224 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: A COCO3 view program that allows you to view CM3 and MGE pictures it also allowsLP} for exploded viewing of pictures Keywords: Graphics,COCO3,{CM3,MGE,VUMASTER --------------------------------- File: MICRO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5207 Name: MERCHANT.ARC Address: R.SEITZ1 Date: 910224 Approximate # of bytes: 34020 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: A{ COCO 3 graphics games written in basic xDt. You will need tc3 or tc512 ~ bust inot i]file{s Keywords: Game{,COCO3,space --------------------------------- File: MERCHANT.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5179 Name: COCOBANNER Address: J.LABECK2 Date: 910217 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: This program will print a banner on any ASCII printer. it will work on any Color Computer, and, by modifying some of the commands, can be made to work in ANY basic. The program splits each letter into columns, and a subroutine is run to print each column. Feel free to play with it. Enjoy! Keywords: Color Computer,basic,banner,sign --------------------------------- File: COCOBANNER is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5175 Name: PACDUDE.ARC Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910217 Approximate # of bytes: 27720 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 2 Description: Very good clone of Pac-Man for the CoCo 3. Use UNARC512 or TC3 or UNARC or any of the other .ARC unarcers to get this into working files... Keywords: COCO3,GAME,RSDOS --------------------------------- File: PACDUDE.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5174 Name: TETRA.BIN Address: A.HUFFMAN1 Date: 910217 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 2 Description: A new game for the CoCo 3. Keywords: COCO3,GAME,TETRIS --------------------------------- File: TETRA.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5134 Name: SCUD ATTACK Address: L.HOWELL1 Date: 910203 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 2 Description: You are in charge of a Patriot missile base, protecting a friendly Mideast city from SCUD missiles. No sound, and simple graphics, but fun. CoCo 3 only. Keywords: GAME,SCUD,MISSILE,MIDEAST --------------------------------- File: SCUD ATTACK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 5062 Name: DISKOPT.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 910119 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 2 Description: This program works something like MS-DOS's DISKOPT command. It takes all the fragmented files and regroups them to make disk I/O faster in most cases. NOTE: to see if this program will work on your system, make a backup of the first disk you try to optimize. If all the files on the disk that are optimized are intact and readable, DISKOPT will work for your drive setup. I have tested this program many times and have encountered no problems at all. Keywords: utility,disk,optimize,optimizer --------------------------------- File: DISKOPT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4922 Name: BOMBRAID.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901230 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 48 Library: 2 Description: This is a PMODE 4 animated bomber demo. (A tad slow because it's in BASIC.) The animation is very good... The airplane's window can even be seen through! Each plane comes by(4 at a time can be animated) and drops as many bombs as it wishes. each bomb falls to the ground and explodes! It runs all by itself. Note: After watched BOMBRAID, press the RESET button on the back of your computer to get the CPU into the slow mode!!!! Keywords: animation,graphics,graphic,pmode4,pmode,airplane,game,arcade,demo,simulation --------------------------------- File: BOMBRAID.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4902 Name: MLSUBS.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901215 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: This is a ASCII basic program that contains a group of M/L subroutines that can allow you to have 5 PMODE 4 screens in memory at one time or allow you to scroll the PMODE 4 screen in any direction! Must have 64k. Don't forget to read the instructions at the beginning of the program. A Small example program is included at the beginning of the program(enter LIST -9 to read them) Keywords: GRAPHIC,GRAPHICS,UTILITY,BASIC,MACHINELANGUAGE,MACHINE LANGUAGE,ML,PMODE4,EXAMPL --------------------------------- File: MLSUBS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4889 Name: FDOS.BIN Address: F.SWYGERT Date: 901209 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: RS-DOS enhancement. See FDOS.DOC for more info. Keywords: FDOS, ADOS, RS-DOS, PRINT@ --------------------------------- File: FDOS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4888 Name: FCONFIG.BAS Address: F.SWYGERT Date: 901209 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 47 Library: 2 Description: Configuration program for FDOS.BIN. See FDOS.DOC file for more info. Keywords: FDOS, ADOS, RSDOS, CC3, COCO 3, PRINT@ --------------------------------- File: FCONFIG.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4887 Name: FDOS.DOC Address: F.SWYGERT Date: 901209 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 2 Description: This is the documentation for FDOS.BIN, a RS-DOS enhancement file that adds support for double sided drives and a 40/64/80 column PRINT@ command. Many other commands are improved. It is EPROMmable, and similar (but not as powerful as) to ADOS. FCONFIG.BAS is the configuration program, and is required. Will run from disk also. Keywords: DOS, ADOS, RS-DOS, RSDOS, ENHANCEMENT, PRINT@, DOUBLE SIDED, DISK, CC3, COCO 3 --------------------------------- File: FDOS.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4886 Name: STRIPLF.BAS Address: F.SWYGERT Date: 901209 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: This program strips line feeds from ASCII files for use on a CoCo, which doesn't require linefeeds after each carriage return (IBM files do). Keywords: STRIPLF,LINE FEEDS, ASCII, FILES --------------------------------- File: STRIPLF.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4885 Name: STARSCRO.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901208 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 2 Description: This program uses a small M/L routine I made with an assembler to move the PMODE 4 screen to the left one pixel. It is fast(as fast as I could get it). It creates a moving star field, which looks so real that you may think your on a spaceship... ASCII basic. Keywords: GRAPHICS,ANIMATION,GRAPHIC,PMODE4,SPACE --------------------------------- File: STARSCRO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4877 Name: DIRLABEL.BAS Address: M.ASHE1 Date: 901201 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: DIRLABEL prints directory labels on standard 3 1/2" X 15/16" mailing labels It also prints a disk name, the number of free granules and a date, which is user selected. Due to the size limitation of the labels, the program only prints the first 28 filenames it encounters. HARDWARE REQUIREMEBNTS: COCO III, RS-DOS, 1 drive, and a Tandy compatible printer. (I used a DMP-105) If you have another printer, that you would like to see supported, please contact me at one of the addresses located in the beginning of the listing. I will be adding printers, and multiple labels in subsequent revisions. Keywords: COCO III, Directory, Label, disk, printer --------------------------------- File: DIRLABEL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4843 Name: SETIME.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901117 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: This is a basic program that sets the internal clock that ITC/BIN inserts into the operating system. It just shows how to set and retrieve the time with POKE's and PEEK's. ASCII BASIC Keywords: clock,time,itc,itc/bin,settime,setime --------------------------------- File: SETIME.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4838 Name: ITC.BIN Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901115 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: This is a machine language program that was EXEC'd, will install a 24-hour clock in memory. The program will run as a background task, and BASIC will run completely normal. Here is the information needed to use the clock(all addresses are in HEXIDECIMAL!!!): 7E6D: MILLISECONDS 7E6E: SECONDS 7E6F: MINUTES 7E70: HOURS To set the clock, just poke thost locations with the time. Note: the hours are 0-23! Before loading this program, type in clear 200,32000 (The program starts at $7E00. ONLY EXEC THE PROGRAM ONE TIME!!!) I HAVEN'T TESTED THIS PROGRAM ON A COCO 3(IT SHOULD WORK). Keywords: TIME,CLOCK,RTC,INTERRUPTS,INTERUPT,BACKGROUNDTASK,BACKGROUNG TASK,BACKGROUNDJOB, --------------------------------- File: ITC.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4837 Name: DISKCLEAR.BIN Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901115 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 2 Description: Have you ever just made a one in a lifetime program and can't find an emty disk to store it on? If you try to reformat a disk, Basic clears all of its memory, including whatever program it has. This utility probably won't be used much, but it can be usefull in those times of need. It does the same thing as the FORMAT command, exemp it just erases the disk. Note: type in CLEAR 200,32600 before running! Keywords: utility,format,disk,binary,machine language,machinelanguage --------------------------------- File: DISKCLEAR.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4836 Name: FILL.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901112 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: This program contains the M/L subroutine I made that does the same exact job basic's "PAINT" command does. It is a little slower, but I think it looks neater. It? will also l5 also work on cassette systems. ASCII basic. Keywords: graphics,animation,pmode4,pmode 4,graphic,fill,paint --------------------------------- File: FILL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4828 Name: SRC+RPL.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901110 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 2 Description: This program will take any ascll file and perform a global search and replace on it. It is then saved back to disk under a different filename. (this program is usefull for changing a series of program lines to something else. For instance: typing "screen 1,1" for the search string and "screen 1,0" for the replacement will change all the screen 1,1 to screen 1,0's. ASCII basic. Keywords: search,replace,scan,edit,disk,ASCII --------------------------------- File: SRC+RPL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4827 Name: GUESS.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901110 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: You pick a number between 1 and 1000. any number. Answer 11 questions, and the computer will have found that number! Uses the binary search algorithm. In ASCII basic. Keywords: game,search,binary,algorithm,number,guess --------------------------------- File: GUESS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4826 Name: NMSTATES.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 901110 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: The program first starts and draws a complete United States map with the 48 states. It then asks the user to input the name of a state. It will then go to the map and flash that state for you. Don't worry about spelling- it does attempt to find the best match if you spell the state wrong. In ASCII basic. Keywords: graphics,USA,U.S.A.,America,spelling --------------------------------- File: NMSTATES.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4818 Name: VIEWGIF.BIN Address: M.ASHE1 Date: 901103 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 2 Description: This program allows you to view .GIF graphics files on your COCOIII. Works well. It includes a windowing option, and the ability to translate the .GIF file to 1 of 3 COCO formats. Keywords: GIF,graphics,COCOIII,IBM,translate --------------------------------- File: VIEWGIF.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4718 Name: AUTOEXEC.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900829 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: This program will convert most /bin files so they will exec themselves after a LOADM command. ASCII basic. Keywords: binary,coco2,coco3,utility,autoexec --------------------------------- File: AUTOEXEC.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4717 Name: BUILDING.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900829 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 2 Description: This is a small animation program. Just load and run. Keywords: animation,explosion,bomb,graphics --------------------------------- File: BUILDING.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4716 Name: WILDCARD.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900826 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 2 Description: This program shows how wildcards work and also includes subroutines that may be used in something else. ASCII basic. Keywords: wildcard,ascii,example --------------------------------- File: WILDCARD.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4715 Name: TIMER.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900826 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: This program asks for the amount of hours, minutes, and seconds you wish the alarm to count. In ASCII basic. Keywords: clock,timer,time,alarm --------------------------------- File: TIMER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4714 Name: HEART.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900826 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 2 Description: This program generates a heart and a slash going through it(more like a half orbit). It uses SINE and COSINE functions. Keywords: heart,graphics,math,SIN,COS --------------------------------- File: HEART.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4713 Name: 3DROTATE.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900826 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: This program is made to rotate a 3-d crystal like picture around its axis. It isn't that fast, but it does look very real. ASCII basic. Keywords: 3D,GRAPHICS,ROTATE,ANIMATION --------------------------------- File: 3DROTATE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4702 Name: HINTS1.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900823 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: This file contains about 25 usefull basic subroutines and hints. Just list or print out the program. Keywords: hints,help,subroutines --------------------------------- File: HINTS1.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4700 Name: SPACEWAR.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900822 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: This is a simple shoot em up space war game in ASCLL basic. It does play well. Keywords: game,arcade,challenge --------------------------------- File: SPACEWAR.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4697 Name: SUPER.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900821 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: This program provides much more information than a regular "DIR". It also can list any file, no matter what is in it. Very usefull and easy to use!! Keywords: utility,info,information,disk,diskdrive,help --------------------------------- File: SUPER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4694 Name: RSTYPE.TXT Address: K8YUW Date: 900819 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: Here is an Amateur Radio packet message which contains the hex dump of a program that will allow you to "TYPE FILENAME.DOC" to your screen, for easy viewing. Edit out the non-hex-dump stuff, and have fun. The other text is included for your information. Keywords: rsdos,coco2,coco3,type,list,utility --------------------------------- File: RSTYPE.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4684 Name: FACES.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900810 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM MAKES FUNNY LOOKING FACES FROM THHE FEATURES YOU SELECT AT THHE VARIOUS MENUS. A PRINTER DRIVER IS ALSO IN THE PROGRAM FOR TANDY PRINTERS. VERY FUN! Keywords: GRAPHICS,GAME,DESIGNER,FUN, --------------------------------- File: FACES.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4681 Name: CREATE!.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900807 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A GRAPHICS EDITOR THAT WILL SAVE THE PICTURE AS AN ASCII BASIC PROGRAM. CREATE A PMODE 4 PICTURE USING AN EASY TO USE EDITOR. NEEDS 32K REQUIRES "SAVER.BAS" AND "INFO1.BAS" TO RUN. MUST BE ON SAME DISK. INFO1 IS INSTRUCTIONS. Keywords: ASCII,BASIC,EDITOR,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: CREATE!.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4680 Name: INFO1.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900806 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PROGRAM CREATE!.BAS "LIST" THE PROGRAM AND READ. Keywords: INSTRUCTIONS,CREATE!,SAVER,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: INFO1.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4679 Name: SAVER.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900806 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE SAVING PORTION FOR THE FILE CALLED "CREATE!.BAS". MUST BE ON THE SAME DISK. DON'T FORGET TO GET THE FILE "INFO1.BAS", WHICH IS THE INSTRUCTIONS(THEY ARE IN REM LINES). Keywords: GRAPHICS,CREATE! --------------------------------- File: SAVER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4675 Name: PLOT.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900803 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: DO I GOT A 3-D PLOT FOR YOU! THIS PROGRAM MAKES A PLOT OF NUMBERS IN 3-D. WHEN FINISHED, IT LOOKS LIKE A 3-D "FIELD"(I GUESS?). Keywords: PLOT,3-D,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: PLOT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4674 Name: FOURIER.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900803 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM PLOTS THE FOURIER SERIES, A TRIG FUNCTION USED FOR HARMONIC ANALYSIS. LOOKS NEAT. Keywords: FOURIER,SERIES,PLOT,DEMO --------------------------------- File: FOURIER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4661 Name: CCALNDER.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900720 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM CAN MAKE CALANDERS FOR ANY CENTURY. NOT VERY MUCH TO SAY, IT'S JUST A SIMPLE PROGRAM THAT PUTS THE CALANDER ON THE 32 LETTER SCREEN. Keywords: CALENDER,CALANDER,DATE,UTILITY --------------------------------- File: CCALNDER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4646 Name: ENCODER.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900706 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM CAN ENCODE THE DIRECTORY, GAT TABLE, OR A FILE WITH A VERY HARD TO BREAK CODING SYSTEM. ASCLL BASIC. Keywords: UTILITY,ENCODE,ENCODER,DECODE,DECODER,PROTECTION --------------------------------- File: ENCODER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4645 Name: DOTS.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900706 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM ANIMATES 1000 DIFFERENT DOTS ON A PMODE 4 SCREEN. JUST LOAD AND RUN. Keywords: GRAPHICS,ANIMATION --------------------------------- File: DOTS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4629 Name: SINEWAVE.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900625 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM IS A MIX OF MACHINE LANGUAGE AND BASIC THAT WILL MOVE A PMODE 4 SCREEN IN .008 SECONDS.(IT MOVES IT TO THE LEFT 8 PIXELS.) Keywords: BASIC,ASCLL,SCROLL,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: SINEWAVE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4627 Name: BIGBOUNC.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900623 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 2 Description: C*L MAKES A BIG ANIMATED BOUNCING BOULDER IN BASIC. IT'S VERY FAST. Keywords: ANIMATION,GRAPHICS,ASCLL,BASIC --------------------------------- File: BIGBOUNC.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4626 Name: BOUNCE.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900623 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM ANIMATES A BOUNCING CUBE. VERY SMALL. THE OTHER FILE WHICH IS MORE STUNNING IS CALLED BIGBOUNCE.BAS. ASCLL Keywords: ASCLL,ANIMATION,GRAPHICS,ASCLL,BASIC,MOVEMENT --------------------------------- File: BOUNCE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4625 Name: CHANGE.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900623 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM LETS YOU CHANGE PARTS OF A DISK BYTE BY BYTE. EASY TO USE WITH INSTRUCTIONS AS "REM" LINES AT THE BEGINNINNG OF THE PROGRAM. Keywords: CHANGER,EDITOR,UTILITY,DISK --------------------------------- File: CHANGE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4624 Name: AIRPLANE.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900623 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL ASK FOR YOU TO INPUT ANY SENTENCE AND IT WILL MOVE IT LIKE AN AIRPLANE CARRIES A MESSAGE BEHIND IT. ALSO REQUIRES THE FILE "TESTER.BIN" TO WORK. Keywords: ANIMATION,GRAPHICS,BASIC,ASCLL,MESSAGE --------------------------------- File: AIRPLANE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4623 Name: TESTER.BIN Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900623 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A BINARY FILE MADE FOR THE PROGRAM CALLED "AIRPLANE.BAS". MAKE SHURE BOTH OF THESE PROGRAMS ARE ON THE SAME DISK. Keywords: AIRPLANE,GRAPHICS,LETTER,DATA,BINARY --------------------------------- File: TESTER.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4622 Name: AUDIORC2.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900623 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL RECORDER AND PLAYBACK SOUND THROUGH THE JOYSTICK PORT. REFER TO THE PROGRAM "AUDIOREC.BAS" FOR COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS. THIS PROGRAM IS MADE FOR COCO 3 WHICH HAS BETTER SOUND QUALITY Keywords: COCO3,COCO2,64K,AUDIO,RECORDER,SOUND --------------------------------- File: AUDIORC2.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4621 Name: PACCNVRT.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900623 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM CONVERTS ANY BINARY PROGRAM ON DISK TO CASSETTE. IT THEN CAN BE LOADED INTO THE DIRECT CONNECT MODEM PAC'S INTERNAL SOFTWARE'S BUFFER AND UPLOADED LIKE ANY ASCLL FILE(IT'S STILL BINARY). Keywords: MODEMPAC,UTILITY,COMMUNICATIONS,DCMODEMPAC,PAC,CONVERT --------------------------------- File: PACCNVRT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4619 Name: COCOT.BIN Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900622 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: A small machine language program that will create a moving border and await a keyboard input. Make sure it is named "cocotour.bin" on disk. This M/L program is to be used with VOID.BAS, and should be renamed COCOTOUR.BIN on your disk. Run"VOID to run the game; you must have VOID.BAS, HELP1.BIN and HELP3.BIN on the same disk. Keywords: VOID,THEVOID,THE VOID,BINARY --------------------------------- File: COCOT.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4618 Name: HELP3.BIN Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900622 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: PMODE 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE "THE VOID.BAS" ASCII GAME. MUST BE NAMED "HELP3.BIN" TO WORK! You also need HELP1.BIN and COCOT.BIN. Keywords: THEVOID,VOID,THE VOID,GRAPHICS,BINARY --------------------------------- File: HELP3.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4617 Name: HELP1.BIN Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900622 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A PMODE 4 PICTURE THAT IS THE INTRODUCTION FOR THE VOID GAME Use it with VOID.BAS. You also need HELP3.BIN and COCOT.BIN Keywords: VOID,THE VOID,THEVOID,BINARY,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: HELP1.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4616 Name: VOID.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900622 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 2 Description: THE VOID is a 3-D graphics game in BASIC and machine language. It also requires HELP1.BIN, HELP3.BIN and COCOT.BIN. Don't forget to read the instruction on how to make the file work(all the programs are binary). Keywords: VOID,THEVOID,THE VOID,ANIMATION,GRAPHICS,BINARY,BASIC,MINDGAME,GAME --------------------------------- File: VOID.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4598 Name: 3DMOVE3.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900609 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: ANOTHER PROGRAM THAT WILL ROTATE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE CUBES. . . SHORT, BUT CAN BE LEARNED FROM. . . Keywords: 3D,ANIMATION,GRAPHICS,MOVE,CUBE --------------------------------- File: 3DMOVE3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4597 Name: 3DMOVE2.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900609 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: ALMOST LIKE 3DMOVE.BAS, BUT SAVES EACH ON DISK AND LOOKS A LITTLE BETTER(I THINK?). GOOD EXAMPLE OF HOW TO PULL OFF 3D GRAPHICS. VERY SMALL FILE. Keywords: 3D,ANIMATION,MOVE,CUBE,DISK,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: 3DMOVE2.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4596 Name: 3DMOVE.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900609 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF HOW SIMPLE 3D GRAPHICS CAN BE DONE. THIS IS ONLY THE FIRST PROGRAM(THERE'S MORE OF EM) Keywords: 3D,GRAPHICS,GRAPH,EXAMPLE,CUBE,ANIMATION,ROTATE --------------------------------- File: 3DMOVE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4595 Name: ZOOM.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900609 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL ZOOM PMODE 4 PICTURES BY ANY DEGREE. USES RIGHT JOYSTICK. Keywords: ZOOM,PMODE 4,PMODE4,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: ZOOM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4594 Name: MODEMPAC.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900609 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL TAKE A PROGRAM DOWNLOADED WITH THE DIRECT CONNECT MODEM PAC(THE INCLUDED SOFTWARE) AND COPY IT FROM TAPE FORMAT TO DISK. (EVEN IF THE PROGRAM WAS MADE FOR A DISK DRIVE, IT STILL WORKS) Keywords: MODEMPAC,MODEMPACK,DCMODEMPAC,MODEM,CONVERT,CONVERTER,TAPE,DISK,UTILITY --------------------------------- File: MODEMPAC.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4570 Name: AUDIOREC.BAS Address: R.GELDREICH1 Date: 900524 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM CAN TAKE ANY SOUND THROUGH THE JOYSTICK PORT ANDD DIGITIZE IT. THE SOUND CAN BE SAVED TO DISK, RELOADED BACK. FOR COCO 2 ONLY, BUT IT CAN BE EASILY UPGRADED FOR COCO 3(COCO 3 IS FASTER TOO). Keywords: ASCLL,64K,BASIC --------------------------------- File: AUDIOREC.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4556 Name: ZDEMO.BAS Address: EVERSOFT Date: 900513 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 2 Description: This file contains a short description of the features of Zenix.Bin together with ordering information. Type RUN"ZDEMO.BAS" to execute. You must have file #4555 (Zenix.Bin) in order to see the actual demo of the game. Keywords: arcade,demo,CoCo3,game --------------------------------- File: ZDEMO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4555 Name: ZENIX.BIN Address: EVERSOFT Date: 900513 Approximate # of bytes: 69300 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 2 Description: This is a demo of the commercial game, Zenix, written by Jeremy Spiller and Mike Newell, distributed by Eversoft Games, Ltd (P.O. Box 3354; Arlington, Wa 98223). Zenix is a fast-paced arcade game, utilizing 320 x 225 16color graphics. It will display on RGB or composite/tv. There are 32 levels of play. Sound. Joystick required. Plays on any 128K Coco3 with one disk drive. Really smooth graphics. Keywords: arcade,CoCo3,game --------------------------------- File: ZENIX.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4551 Name: BKISH590.ASC Address: CLIPBOARD Date: 900509 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: This is a revised and updated list of all the article, programs and reviews that have appeare todate in CoCo Clipboard Magazine. In addition to print out instructions for your printer the list also contains ordering information for the back issues. This is an ASCII file - it was designed to be printed out not viewed on your screen. You should set your printer and or word processor to margins of 0 - 133 with a minimum characters per inch of 15 or 17. Also line spacing of 1/8 inch works better than standard 1/6 inch. Keywords: CoCo Clipboard Magazine, Clipboard Back Issues, CoCo Magazine Info --------------------------------- File: BKISH590.ASC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4428 Name: ROGUE.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: ROGUE.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4427 Name: TRAFFIC.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: TRAFFIC.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4426 Name: STOP.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: STOP.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4425 Name: START.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: START.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4424 Name: SMALL.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: SMALL.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4423 Name: SLANT.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: SLANT.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4422 Name: RUSSOUT.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: RUSSOUT.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4421 Name: RUSSBOLD.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: RUSSBOLD.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4420 Name: ROMAN.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: ROMAN.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4419 Name: ROCO.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: ROCO.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4418 Name: RELIEF.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: RELIEF.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4417 Name: PUDGY.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: PUDGY.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4416 Name: PINOCCHI.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: PINOCCHI.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4415 Name: OVERHEAD.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: OVERHEAD.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4414 Name: OUTLINE.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: OUTLINE.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4413 Name: MIRROR.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: MIRROR.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4412 Name: KATAKANA.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: KATAKANA.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4411 Name: IBM.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: IBM.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4410 Name: HONDA.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: HONDA.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4409 Name: HOME.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: HOME.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4408 Name: GREEK.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: GREEK.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4407 Name: GRAPHIC.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: GRAPHIC.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4406 Name: GOTHIC.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: GOTHIC.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4405 Name: FUTURA.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: FUTURA.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4404 Name: DATA70.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: DATA70.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4403 Name: CYRILLIC.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 14 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: CYRILLIC.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4402 Name: COUNTDOW.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: COUNTDOW.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4401 Name: COLASSAL.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: COLASSAL.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4400 Name: CAST.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: CAST.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4399 Name: BYTE.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: BYTE.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4398 Name: BROADWAY.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: BROADWAY.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4397 Name: BROADENG.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: BROADENG.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4396 Name: BLIPPO.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 2 Description: An alternate font set for the graphics screen on the CoCo3. To use LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: COCO3,FONTS,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: BLIPPO.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4395 Name: BAYTEETH.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 2 Description: Alternate font set for the graphics screen of the CoCo3. To use, LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. This font was converted from OS9. Keywords: FONTS,GRAPHICS,COCO3 --------------------------------- File: BAYTEETH.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4394 Name: ASCII.FNT Address: F.RESLER Date: 900409 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 2 Description: Alternate font set for the graphics screen of the CoCo3. To use, LOADM the file but DO NOT EXEC it. Keywords: FONTS,GRAPHICS,COCO3 --------------------------------- File: ASCII.FNT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4378 Name: DSOUND.SWA Address: F.RESLER Date: 900402 Approximate # of bytes: 162540 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: This is the sound file for Dungeon/ARC. This file WILL take up the entire disk (35 tracks). Also, this program requires 512k to operate. Keywords: sound,dungeon,digitize,512k,coco3 --------------------------------- File: DSOUND.SWA is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4377 Name: DUNGEON.ARC Address: F.RESLER Date: 900402 Approximate # of bytes: 55440 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 2 Description: Brave the Dungeon Depths in this challenging maze game. It features digitized sound and it is the first BASIC program I've seen that does so. Be sure to also get DSOUND/SWA, the sound file for The Dungeon Depths. Keywords: dungeon,arc,digitize,sound,game,basic,graphics --------------------------------- File: DUNGEON.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4357 Name: COCODEMO.BIN Address: VILLARREAL Date: 900311 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 2 Description: Outstanding CoCo 3 graphic demonstration using the capabilities of the GIME chip. Never have seen something like this! Keywords: CoCo 3,Demo,Graphic,Graphics,Gime chip --------------------------------- File: COCODEMO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4350 Name: MTERM40.DOC Address: K8YUW Date: 900304 Approximate # of bytes: 55440 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: Not long ago, someone uploaded file 1203, the addendum to documentation for Mikeyterm 4.3. It never dawned on me that we didn't have even the original documentation for Mikeyterm until another user asked about it. I can't find any other docs except this one; you'll want to see the addenda in 1203, of course, if you are using that version. MTERM43.BIN is file 1265, and we no longer have, apparently, v. 4.0. I've fixed the original docs by removing the index, page headers/footers, and about a jillion line feeds between pages. Keywords: mikeyterm,mikey,mterm,term,docs,coco,rsdos,comm,rs232 --------------------------------- File: MTERM40.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4239 Name: CAT3TOP.01 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 52920 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is the opening TOPic from the Color Computing section, going back to the opening of the BB. Besides members introducing themselves, you will find other members welcoming them, asking questions, getting answers, and making general comments. Keywords: BB,general --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.01 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4238 Name: CAT3TOP.02 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 19 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is a discussion on ORCH-90 on the Coco 3. Keywords: BB,ORCH,90 --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.02 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4237 Name: CAT3TOP.03 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is a question related to use of X-pad with the Coco3. There has never been a reply. Please send replies via e-mail to the proposer, with copy to TANDY$. Keywords: BB,xpad --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.03 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4236 Name: CAT3TOP.05 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is a question on whether you can read a Color Computer disk in a PC. Includes the replies it generated. Keywords: BB,PC,disk --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.05 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4235 Name: CAT3TOP.08 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is this request for information on how to download, and the replies it generated. Keywords: BB,downloading --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.08 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4234 Name: CAT3TOP.13 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is one of the several discussions on telecommunicating with the Color Computer. Keywords: BB,telecom,communications --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.13 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4233 Name: CAT3TOP.15 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is a request for information, and the replies received, on the Autoterm program. Keywords: BB,autoterm,terminal --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.15 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4232 Name: CAT3TOP.16 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 13 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is a short conversation related to which terminal programs support which screen size. Keywords: BB,terminal,screen --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.16 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4231 Name: CATA3TOP.37 Address: K8YUW Date: 900112 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is a short discussion on different books to help understand Assembly Language. Keywords: BB,assembly,book --------------------------------- File: CATA3TOP.37 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4229 Name: CAT3TOP.24 Address: K8YUW Date: 900108 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 16 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is this discussion on how to locate files in the libs to be used for arc'ing/dearc'ing. The example shows how to find those files, but the same procedure applies to other filename searches. Keywords: bb,libs,search,arc,TC --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.24 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4228 Name: CAT3TOP.25 Address: K8YUW Date: 900108 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board, this was a discussion seeking the pinouts of a cable between a thermal printer and a Coco. Includes pinouts of DB25 serial and parallel cables. Keywords: BB,hardware,cable,DB25,pinout --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.25 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4227 Name: CAT3TOP.29 Address: K8YUW Date: 900108 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board, this topic sought a BBS for a system run on a Coco, with many MS-DOS users, with many large files. If you can help them, send them e-mail. Keywords: BB,help,BBS --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.29 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4226 Name: CAT3TOP.36 Address: K8YUW Date: 900108 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is this discussion on com ports, with respect to programming. Keywords: hardware,BB,com ports,programming --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.36 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4225 Name: CAT3TOP.51 Address: K8YUW Date: 900108 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the bulletin board is this discussion on the MC-10 computer. Keywords: mc-10,BB --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.51 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4224 Name: CAT3TOP.57 Address: K8YUW Date: 900108 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is this discussion on MAX10 and Mac Clip Art. Keywords: max,mac,clip,art,BB --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.57 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4223 Name: CAT3TOP.58 Address: K8YUW Date: 900108 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: Moved here from the Bulletin Board is a discussion on mounting a Coco3 in an AT case. Keywords: BB,hardware,AT --------------------------------- File: CAT3TOP.58 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4150 Name: P-3.ARC Address: L.HOWELL1 Date: 891217 Approximate # of bytes: 30240 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: This ARCed file contains the main program, docs, and support files. De-ARC with TC31. You will also need Steve Bjork's DFIX/BIN for double sided disks, and will access 2 ramdisks for 512K users. Enjoy! Keywords: CC3,C3,HSCREEN 2,PAINT,BASIC,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: P-3.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4125 Name: BKISUESA.DAASC Address: SPECTROGRAM Date: 891210 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 12 Library: 2 Description: This is an ASCII file of all the articles and product reviews that have appeared in CoCo Clipboard Magazine. The article in meant to be printed out on YOUR printer NOT your screen. Set your printer for 132/133 col. mode and 17 characters per inch. If you can set line spacing at 1/8 inch you'll save on the paper. Keywords: Coco magazine,Coco Clipboard, DON'T LIST to download! --------------------------------- File: BKISUESA.DAASC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4057 Name: GETERM25.BIN Address: F.SWYGERT Date: 891120 Approximate # of bytes: 27720 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 2 Description: GETERM version 2.5 supports CRC Xmodem, Ymodem, and 2400 baud on CoCo 3, longer (64 character) macros, and several other refinements. This is supposed to be the last version of GGreg-E-Term. Keywords: GETERM, COMM, TERM, COCO3, YMODEM --------------------------------- File: GETERM25.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4056 Name: GETERM.TXT Address: F.SWYGERT Date: 891120 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: This is an addenda to the GETERM manual for version 2.5 Keywords: TERM, COMM, COCO3, GREG, YMODEM --------------------------------- File: GETERM.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4042 Name: GRID.BAS Address: F.RESLER Date: 891112 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: This is a game based on The Black Box, a game of hide and seek. By using imaginary light rays, you try to find all the hidden locations in the box in as few of moves as possible. Keywords: game, box, grid, coco3 --------------------------------- File: GRID.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4026 Name: BOWLING.BAS Address: A.BELL5 Date: 891104 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 2 Description: A nice game for the CoCo, downloaded from a local BBS. Keywords: CoCo, game,bowling --------------------------------- File: BOWLING.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4025 Name: PEEKS.TXT Address: A.BELL5 Date: 891104 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 79 Library: 2 Description: A short text file on some common and not so common pokes and peeks that you can use for your COCO. Keywords: CoCo,TXT,Peeks,Pokes,Information --------------------------------- File: PEEKS.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 4024 Name: DISK DIR.BAS Address: A.BELL5 Date: 891104 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: This is a file for getting a hard copy of your disk directories, line 1 sets your printer baud rate, it currently is set for 2400 baud. Keywords: Utility,Disk,Printer,CoCo --------------------------------- File: DISK DIR.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3868 Name: UHF.CM3 Address: B2514 * HIDDEN * Date: 890904 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 15 Library: 2 Description: This picture is the cover to the new movie that We"Weird Al" Yankovic stared in , UHF! This picture is the symbol used on the new album for the soundtrack of the movie. Keywords: CM3, CoCo 3, CoCo Max III, Album Cover --------------------------------- File: UHF.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3831 Name: DISKREAD Address: E.CLARK3 Date: 890731 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: THIS WILL READ DAT OR LOOK INTO A PROGRAM WITHOUT LOADING IT . YOU CAN PRINT IT TO THE SCREEN OR TO THE PRINTER VERY HANDY WHEN YOU NEED LOOK AT A LOT OF DISK FULL OF INFORMATION Keywords: DISK,EXAMINE --------------------------------- File: DISKREAD is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3774 Name: VWBUG.CM3 Address: B2514 Date: 890717 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 2 Description: A DIDGITIZED PICTURE OF A VWBUG MADE WITH THE RASCAN DIGITIZER. Keywords: COCO 3, COCO MAX 3, PICTURE, RASCAN, DIGITIZED --------------------------------- File: VWBUG.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3748 Name: CITY.CM3 Address: B2514 Date: 890708 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: COCO MAX 3 PICTURE OF A CITY BY DANNY JOHNSON Keywords: COCO MAX 2, COCO 3, PICTURE --------------------------------- File: CITY.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3710 Name: VAN.CM3 Address: B2514 Date: 890616 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: Coco Max III animated picture of a 1989 Ford Aerostar van s Keywords: Coco 3, Coco max III, Animated, Viewmaster --------------------------------- File: VAN.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3699 Name: UTILITY.TXT Address: ANNIE-JO Date: 890612 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 73 Library: 2 Description: UTILITY FILES AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AS OF 6/12/89 Keywords: UTILITIES --------------------------------- File: UTILITY.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3698 Name: MUS-SND.TXT Address: ANNIE-JO Date: 890612 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 2 Description: MUSIC AND SOUND FILES AVAILAB LE FOR DOWNLOAD AS OF 6/12/89. Keywords: MUSIC,SOUND,SONGS --------------------------------- File: MUS-SND.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3697 Name: GRAPHICS.TXT Address: ANNIE-JO Date: 890612 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 2 Description: LIST OF GRAPHIC FILES AS OF 6/12/89 AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOADING. Keywords: GRAPHICS,PICTURES,CM3,ETC. --------------------------------- File: GRAPHICS.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3696 Name: COMMUNICATIONS.TXT Address: ANNIE-JO Date: 890612 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 2 Description: LIST OF COMMUNICATION FILES AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD Keywords: COMMUNICATIONS,BBS --------------------------------- File: COMMUNICATIONS.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3695 Name: GAME1.TXT Address: ANNIE-JO Date: 890612 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 71 Library: 2 Description: LIST OF GAMES FILES AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOADING FROM GENIE AS OF 6/12/89 Keywords: GAMES --------------------------------- File: GAME1.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3693 Name: FISH.BAS Address: B2514 Date: 890612 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: This is a CoCo 3 picture of a Humu-humu-nuku-nuku-a-pu-a-a. ( Hawaii's State Fish ) Keywords: CoCo 3, fish, BASIC --------------------------------- File: FISH.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3630 Name: FLIPPY.BIN Address: T.DYKEMA1 Date: 890501 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: This ML gThis ML graphic game is a sample of T&D's 800 programs. Please download COCO-800.BAS to see more. The instructions are as follows: Use the right joystick to move Flippy right or left to catch the balls. Press the fire button to flip the balls with his tail. Press 'P' to pause in this 32K game. Keywords: T&D, Game, Machine Language, Graphics --------------------------------- File: FLIPPY.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3629 Name: COCO-800.BAS Address: T.DYKEMA1 Date: 890501 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: This program will view/print out T&D Subscription Software's 800 progra. You can search for programs, view each of the 80 issues, plus more. Each month T&D produces a new set of ten programs for the Coco. You can purchase good quality software for less than 50 cents a program. Keywords: Catalog, Games, Business, Machine Language --------------------------------- File: COCO-800.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3575 Name: LAZER.DOC Address: T.ALTUM Date: 890409 Approximate # of bytes: 18900 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 2 Description: The documentation file that goes with LAZER.ARC Keywords: LAZER,BBS,DOCUMENTATION,DOCS --------------------------------- File: LAZER.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3574 Name: LAZER.ARC Address: T.ALTUM Date: 890409 Approximate # of bytes: 52920 Number of Accesses: 68 Library: 2 Description: This is LAZER BBS V1.0, a bulletin board software system written by Eric Kerl to operate on a coco3 128k. Requires rs232 pak, supports xmodem up/downloads, message bases, etc. Uploaded with his permission, get the doc file as well as this one. Released as Shareware.. if you use the board send him a few bucks, okay? Keywords: LAZER,BBS,BULLETIN,BOARD --------------------------------- File: LAZER.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3552 Name: JESUS & THE CHILDREN Address: C.HULEN3 Date: 890324 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 2 Description: SHOW A CLOSED BIBLE. PRESS ANY KEY AND BIBLE OPENS AND DRAWS A 16-COLOR GRAPHIC OF JESUS AND 3 CHILDREN WITH AN ACCOMPANYING BIBICAL QUOTE. PRESS ANY KEY AGAIN TO CLOSE BIBLE. PRESS AGAIN TO RE-OPEN. GRAPHIC CONVERTED FROM A CROSS-STITCH NEEDLEPOINT PATTERN. Keywords: COCO3,HI-RES,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: JESUS & THE CHILDREN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3472 Name: ZIPCODE.BAS Address: T.ALTUM Date: 890311 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 2 Description: Zipcode is a disk compression utility to aid in the transfer or storage of complete disks. Supporting a variety of disk defaults, including ramdisks and fast 6ms speed, it also allows formatting from within the program. Great for BBS transfer purposes of whole disks, as well as an AE environment Written by George Shearer, one of my system users, this is uploaded with his permission. For more good programs concerning the Coco, OS9, and now Model I/III/IV, give Omega a call at (513)671-2049 - 24hrs/7days - 45megs Keywords: ZIPCODE,DISK,COMPRESS,ARCH,UTILITY --------------------------------- File: ZIPCODE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3397 Name: STEREO.BAS Address: M.SHEPHERD Date: 890226 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: this is mt first upload it is a simple drawing of a stereo system done in pmode4 hope you will enjoy . Keywords: pmode4 stereo --------------------------------- File: STEREO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3366 Name: DSKLBL.BAS Address: K.HEIST Date: 890210 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: DISK LABELMAKER FOR THE SG-10 AND NX-10(MY OWN).MAKE SURE THAT THE PRINTER IS TURNED ON FIRST. PUT LABELS IN PRINTER. NOW RUN DSKLBL.BAS FOLLOW THE PROMPTS.WRITTEN IN BASIC SO SHOULD BE EASY TO CHANGE FOR YOUR SETUP. Keywords: DISK,LABELMAKER,SG-10,NX-10,PRINETR,LABELS --------------------------------- File: DSKLBL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3312 Name: NEW BBS Address: G.LUTZ Date: 890116 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 2 Description: This is a file describing a exciting new BBS in Staten Island, NY. Keywords: BBS --------------------------------- File: NEW BBS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3268 Name: TYPE.BIN Address: J.KALKHOF Date: 890101 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 33 Library: 2 Description: Program will print long ASCII files to printer at any BAUD rate selected. TYPE.BIN assumes that the printer does NOT require line feeds. This program will work on a CoCo 1, CoCo 2, or a CoCo 3. It uses the default 32 character screen. Keywords: CoCo 3, CC3, CC2, CC1, Printer, Print, List, ASCII --------------------------------- File: TYPE.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3201 Name: TAMMY.MGE Address: R.ROSEBROCK Date: 881201 Approximate # of bytes: 34020 Number of Accesses: 71 Library: 2 Description: Here's another one of those NICE MGE photo's!! Excellant Graphics. Keywords: MGE, CoCo III, Vumaster --------------------------------- File: TAMMY.MGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3199 Name: BEAUTY.MGE Address: VILLARREAL Date: 881129 Approximate # of bytes: 46620 Number of Accesses: 55 Library: 2 Description: Digitized picture of a beautiful woman. Keywords: CoCo 3,Color Max III,Gallery,Vumaster --------------------------------- File: BEAUTY.MGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3196 Name: RESISTORTCAL.BAS Address: WIZARD Date: 881128 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: This program gives resistor values for given color codes and color codes for values. values.ogram gives resistor values for given color codes and color codes fortTn This is my first upload, so let me know how you like it. Keywords: coco3,utility,resistor,graphics --------------------------------- File: RESISTORTCAL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3162 Name: XANTH.MGE Address: R.ROSEBROCK Date: 881114 Approximate # of bytes: 32760 Number of Accesses: 47 Library: 2 Description: This is a picture of a woman warrior riding a horse. This is a MUST SEE. Keywords: CoCo III, Gallery, Vumaster --------------------------------- File: XANTH.MGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3154 Name: BIORYTHM CHARTING Address: J.C.HOIT Date: 881102 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 2 Description: This just isn't another goofy Biorythm program. Using the capabilities of the Coco 3 gives this one some class. It will print out a hardcopy for you, also. Keywords: Coco 3,Biorythm --------------------------------- File: BIORYTHM CHARTING is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3151 Name: VIDEO LIBRARY Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 881031 Approximate # of bytes: 41580 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: This archive file was archived with TC31, use any of the TC programs to unsquash. Runs only on CoCo 3 with at least one disk drive. Operation is enhanced with 512k(ramdisk) and multiple drives. User configurable to specify up to three different drives to hold the system. Manages a databse of titles in your video library with nine fields being indexed. User command input via "mouse", either a "Deluxe Color Mouse" or the "keyboard mouse". Optional equipment is a Tandy DMP-106 compatible printer, system provides three different types of printed output. Keywords: video library,file management,tc3,tokenized,coco3,DECB,utility,Zack sessions --------------------------------- File: VIDEO LIBRARY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3119 Name: DRAGON.MGE Address: R.ROSEBROCK Date: 881020 Approximate # of bytes: 34020 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: This Photo contains a veery good picture of a dragon. More good MGE Hi-Res graphics! Keywords: MGE,GALLERY,VUMASTER --------------------------------- File: DRAGON.MGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3064 Name: SCENE.CM3 Address: B.GLASS Date: 881002 Approximate # of bytes: 42840 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: A Nice! freehand drawing of a mountain scene. From the Silmarilian. A 2 page picture. Keywords: cm3, cocomax3, coco3, picture --------------------------------- File: SCENE.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3056 Name: MACDUMP132.ARC Address: J.HICKLE Date: 880925 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: DMP 132 DRIVER FOR ERIK GAVRILUK'S MACINTOSH PIX CONVERTER. AFTER LOADM'ING MAC2CC.BIN, LOADM MAC132.BIN. FILE ARC'D WITH TC12. Keywords: DMP,DMP132,MACINTOSH,SCREEN DUMP,DUMP,SCREEN,HICKLE,COCO2 --------------------------------- File: MACDUMP132.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3029 Name: VUMASTER.BIN Address: B.MCELROY Date: 880914 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 170 Library: 2 Description: This EXCELLENT graphic view utility allows one to view the following: MGE, CM3, GIF, ST, TNY, MAC, and Pmode4 graphics types. No docs are needed s the self-executing utility has a small (all that's needed)on-line Help feature. Just press CTRL after the menu screen appears. Have fun! Keywords: MGE, CMCM3,MAC,GIF,GRAPHICS,UTILITY,COCO3 --------------------------------- File: VUMASTER.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 3000 Name: SPYHEAT.CM3 Address: M.BENTKOFSKY * HIDDEN * Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 2 Description: Picture for use with CoCo Max III. Keywords: PICTURE,COCOMAX3,CM3,SPYHEAT,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: SPYHEAT.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2998 Name: DINO.CM3 Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: Picture for use with CoCo Max III. Keywords: DINO,PICTURE,GRAPHICS,CM3,COCOMAX3 --------------------------------- File: DINO.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2996 Name: ZZTOP.CM3 Address: M.BENTKOFSKY * HIDDEN * Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 2 Description: For use with CoCo Max III. Keywords: CM3,picture,Cocomax3,graphics,ZZTop --------------------------------- File: ZZTOP.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2994 Name: MOON.CM3 Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 2 Description: For use with CoCo Max 3. Keywords: CM3,picture,graphics,cocomax3 --------------------------------- File: MOON.CM3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2993 Name: CM3VIEW.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: Requires CoCo 3. Keywords: COCO3,COCOMAX3,CM3,PICTURE,VIEWER --------------------------------- File: CM3VIEW.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2992 Name: RTERM.ARC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 36540 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 2 Description: ARCed with TC. Rickyterm is a CoCo 3 terminal program. Documentation is included as one of the files. Keywords: RTERM,RICKEYTERM,TERMINAL,MODEM --------------------------------- File: RTERM.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2991 Name: HAYESAE.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 60 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: HAYESAE,BBS,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: HAYESAE.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2990 Name: HAYESAE.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 57 Library: 2 Description: See HAYESAE.DOC for more. Keywords: HAYESAE,BBS,BULLETIN,BOARD,SERV-9ICE --------------------------------- File: HAYESAE.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2989 Name: GAME.ARC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 26460 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 2 Description: ARCed with TC. Written for CoCo3. Keywords: GAME,COCO3 --------------------------------- File: GAME.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2988 Name: CIRCUS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: song,music,circus --------------------------------- File: CIRCUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2987 Name: PUFF.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: Song,music,puff,dragon --------------------------------- File: PUFF.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2986 Name: DUST.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: SONG,MUSIC,DUST --------------------------------- File: DUST.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2985 Name: CLASSGAS.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: MUSIC,SONG,CLASSGAS,CLASSICAL GAS --------------------------------- File: CLASSGAS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2984 Name: ARENA.ARC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 90 Library: 2 Description: ARCed with TC. Comes with the game, 5 levels of monsters, a monster generator and documentation. Keywords: GAME,ARENA,FANTASY,ADVENTURE --------------------------------- File: ARENA.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2983 Name: GREENSLV.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 2 Description: Music. Keywords: Song,Greensleaves,music --------------------------------- File: GREENSLV.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2982 Name: DISKUTL.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 57 Library: 2 Description: Contains all the necessary disk functions. Keywords: DISK,UTILITY,DISKUTL --------------------------------- File: DISKUTL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2981 Name: MTERM.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 45360 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: MTERM,MIKEYTERM,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: MTERM.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2980 Name: VULCAN.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY * HIDDEN * Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 87 Library: 2 Description: Your goal is to save Spock, your first officer. Your only hope is to rush him to Vulcan. S^eUKosfortunately, a Klingon battle cruiser is in your way... Keywords: STARTREK,GAME,SIMULATION --------------------------------- File: VULCAN.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2979 Name: CRYPT.ARC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: Used TC to ARC. Keywords: CRYPT,ENCRYPTION,DISK,PROTECTION,PIRATE,COPY,COPYRIGHT --------------------------------- File: CRYPT.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2978 Name: GARGOYLE.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: This game is in a tokenized format, so it requires an xmodem download. Keywords: TEXT,ADVENTURE,GAME --------------------------------- File: GARGOYLE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2977 Name: CURSE.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 28 Library: 2 Description: This program is tokenized, so it requires an xmodem download. Keywords: CURSE,ADVENTURE,GAME --------------------------------- File: CURSE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2976 Name: NORAD.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 53 Library: 2 Description: Saved in tokenized format, so requires xmodem download. Keywords: ; --------------------------------- File: NORAD.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2975 Name: MEMORY.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 20 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: MEMORY,TEST --------------------------------- File: MEMORY.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2974 Name: SQUASH.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: Requires 2 players and joysticks. Keywords: SQUASH,GAME,ARCADE --------------------------------- File: SQUASH.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2972 Name: SNAP.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: Excellant coco3 disk repair utility. Keywords: coco3,disk,zapper,repair --------------------------------- File: SNAP.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2971 Name: C64PIX.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: C64,Commodore,picture,graphics,coco3 --------------------------------- File: C64PIX.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2970 Name: C64PIX.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: C64,Commodore,picture,graphics,coco3 --------------------------------- File: C64PIX.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2969 Name: TINY.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: TINY,DOCUMENTATION,GRAPHICS,ATARI,520ST --------------------------------- File: TINY.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2968 Name: TINY.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: Se TINY.DOC for more. Keywords: TINY,ATARI,GRAOH --------------------------------- File: TINY.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2967 Name: 128KCOPY.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 2 Description: Backs up a disk for a single drive system on the CoCo 3. Keywords: COCO3,BACKUP,COPY,128K --------------------------------- File: 128KCOPY.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2966 Name: ILLBEB.SND Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: PLAYMAC,MACINTOSH,SOUND,VOICE,SPEECH --------------------------------- File: ILLBEB.SND is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2965 Name: RLEBIN.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 35 Library: 2 Description: This program will convert run-legnth-encoded files to binary pictures. Keywords: RLE,PICTURES,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: RLEBIN.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2964 Name: PIRASS.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: PIRATE'S ASSASSIN is a disk copy-protection program. When executed, you will have 3 files: the documentation, the formatter, and the source code. Read the documentation to use. PIRASS is for the CoCo 3. Keywords: PIRATE,PIRASS,COPY,PROTECTION,COPYRIGHT --------------------------------- File: PIRASS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2963 Name: PLAYMAC.ARC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880821 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 2 Description: Contains 2 files, PLAYMACS.BIN and PLAYMACS.BAS which will play Macintosh sound files. RUN the basic program to use. ARCed with TC. Keywords: PLAYMAC,MACINTOSH,SOUND,MUSIC --------------------------------- File: PLAYMAC.ARC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2853 Name: PM42MGE.BAS Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 880716 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 2 Description: This program (in ASCII format) is a conversion program I wrote to convert PMODE4 picture to an MGE formatted file which can then be loaded in any program or utility which accepts this format. You must have a BIN file of the picture on disk. When the program asks for "DRIVE #" enter the drive number of the default drive (the drive which the MGE file is written). Keywords: conversion utility,mge,cm3,pmode4 --------------------------------- File: PM42MGE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2852 Name: OPUS & THE BANANA JR. Address: Z.SESSIONS * HIDDEN * Date: 880716 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: This was a PMODE4 graphics picture which I converted to MGE format with a program I wrote. I then touched it up and colorized it with Color Max Deluxe. I like this one! Keywords: mge,bsctool,gallery,cm3 --------------------------------- File: OPUS & THE BANANA JR. is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2850 Name: SOFTWARE PIRATE Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 880716 Approximate # of bytes: 18900 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: This was a PMODE4 graphics picture which I converted using a program I wrote to an MGE file, then touched up and colorized with Color Max Deluxe. This is a really neat picture! I think the original was a logo for a BBS. Keywords: mge,bsctool,gallery,cm3 --------------------------------- File: SOFTWARE PIRATE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2844 Name: MENUSTRT.BAS COC30O3 Address: T.SHERRY Date: 880713 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 48 Library: 2 Description: THIS FILE WILL LOAD THE DIRECTORY.LET YOU HAVE CONTROL OF RUNNING APROGRAM KILLING,COPYING TO OTHER DRIVES,JUST LOADING PROGRAM ECT. GREAT FOR THE NOVICE. USE IT TO CLEAN UP YOUR DISKS. Keywords: UTILITY,DIR,DISK,COPY --------------------------------- File: MENUSTRT.BAS COC30O3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2840 Name: MAC2CC3.BIN Address: R.ROSEBROCK Date: 880711 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 2 Description: This is aa new program by Erik Gavriluk that allows the Macpaint files to be veiwed in 640x192 resoultion on the CoCo III. NOTE:I have found that this program works with only Binary pictures , and not those in ASCII format! Keywords: Macpaint, CoCo III --------------------------------- File: MAC2CC3.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2823 Name: MACPIX.BIN Address: R.ROSEBROCK Date: 880706 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 2 Description: This program is used to view Macintosh created MacPaint picture files. Files can be found in the High Resolution section (Library #12). To my knowledge, this program will work on all Color Computers but problems occure when using double sided media. This program works on my CoCo 3 so I assume it will work on yours as well. Have fun. Keywords: MacPaint, Loader, Viewer, Picture --------------------------------- File: MACPIX.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2725 Name: OTHELLO DOCS Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 880602 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: This is a text file containing instructions on how to play my game program of Othello, which follows this file in the database. Keywords: othello,documentation --------------------------------- File: OTHELLO DOCS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2724 Name: OTHELLO GAME Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 880602 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 76 Library: 2 Description: This is the board game Othello for the CoCo 3. It uses hires color graphics. Two levels of play. Play either color. Go first or let the CoCo go first. Play multiple games. This version replaces a previous version of this game I recently uploaded which had upload problems. Keywords: board,othello,coco3 --------------------------------- File: OTHELLO GAME is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2700 Name: HAMMURABI DOCUMENTATION Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 880528 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 31 Library: 2 Description: This file is useful for playing the game, Hammurabi. It tells you how much food it takes to feed the people and how many people it takes to tend the fields. Keywords: simulation,instructions --------------------------------- File: HAMMURABI DOCUMENTATION is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2699 Name: HAMMURABI Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 880528 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 2 Description: Power! You experiance it with Hammurabi. You must decide how many people lives and how many starves. Decide how much land to buy or sell or mow many acres to plant. Each year you see the results of your last set of decisions. Works on any CoCo! Keywords: simulation --------------------------------- File: HAMMURABI is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2698 Name: BLACKJACK Address: Z.SESSIONS Date: 880528 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 2 Description: Las Vegas style Blackjack for the CoCo. Any CoCo with ECB and at least 16K will run this program. Up to 3 players against the computer. Doubling down and splitting supported. Have fun! (there are online instructions when you run the game) Keywords: cards,las vegas --------------------------------- File: BLACKJACK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2676 Name: ARCADIA.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880522 Approximate # of bytes: 18900 Number of Accesses: 135 Library: 2 Description: Arcadia is a collection of 5 favorite arcade games. Requires a joystick to play. Keywords: ARCADE,GAME,ARCADIA --------------------------------- File: ARCADIA.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2675 Name: LAZER.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880522 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 2 Description: Your Job is to save the cities from destruction by the oncoming missles! Uses Right Joystick. Keywords: ARCADE,GAME,LAZER,ATTACK,MISSILE --------------------------------- File: LAZER.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2674 Name: HAWKS.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880522 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 66 Library: 2 Description: Quick machine language program. Space Hawks is similar to space invaders. Keywords: ARCADE,GAME,SPACE,HAWKS,INVADERS --------------------------------- File: HAWKS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2673 Name: ORGAN.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880522 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 2 Description: Listen to the CoCo play in 5 voices. Rendition of Bach's organ music. Enjoy! Keywords: MUSIC,ORGAN,BACH,5,VOICE --------------------------------- File: ORGAN.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2672 Name: DZAP3.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880522 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 2 Description: This is a CoCo 3 disk zap utility. Requires an RGB monitor. Keywords: DISK,ZAP,UTILITY,COCO3 --------------------------------- File: DZAP3.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2649 Name: KDISK25.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 74 Library: 2 Description: Documentation for KDISK25.BIN. Keywords: KDISK,DISK,UTILITY,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: KDISK25.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2648 Name: KDISK25.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 26460 Number of Accesses: 75 Library: 2 Description: See KDISK25.DOC for more. Allows user to manage disks functions easily. Keywords: KDISK,DISK,UTILITY --------------------------------- File: KDISK25.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2647 Name: ROMPACK.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 100 Library: 2 Description: Rompack requires a multipak. It will turn the rompak in slot 1 into a binary file. Keywords: ROMPACK,ROMPAK,PAK,MULTIPAK --------------------------------- File: ROMPACK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2646 Name: DISKLOCK.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: Documentation for DISKLOCK.BIN. Keywords: DISKLOCK,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: DISKLOCK.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2645 Name: DISKLOCK.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 63 Library: 2 Description: See DISKLOCK.DOC for more. Will let you lock a disk with a password. Keywords: DISKLOCK --------------------------------- File: DISKLOCK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2644 Name: ALPHADIR.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: Will alphabetize a directory. Very fast! Keywords: DIRECTORY,ALPHABETIZER --------------------------------- File: ALPHADIR.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2643 Name: GUADAL.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 2 Description: This is the documentation file for GUADAL CANAL. To play GUADAL CANAL, you need GUADAL.BAS and CANAL.BIN. Keywords: GUADAL,CANAL,ARK,ROYAL,GAMES,SIMULATION,WWII,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: GUADAL.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2642 Name: CANAL.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 2 Description: This is the map for GUADAL CANAL. To play the game, both GUADAL.BAS and CANAL.BIN are required. See GUADAL.DOC for documentation. Keywords: GUADAL,CANAL,ARK,ROYAL,GAMES,SHAREWARE,SIMULATION,WWII,MAP --------------------------------- File: CANAL.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2641 Name: GUADAL.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 2 Description: This program is one of two files required. See also CANAL.BIN and GUADAL.DOC for more. GUADAL CANAL is a shareware world war II simulatioon game. It has an extensive playing map and allows 9 games to be save. It has 5 levels of play, and alot of action. CANAL.BIN is *required*/ GUADAL.DOC is optional, but recommended. GUADAL.BAS is in tokenized BASIC. Keywords: GUADAL,CANAL,ARK,ROYAL,GAMES,SHAREWARE,SIMULATION,WWII --------------------------------- File: GUADAL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2640 Name: TICTACTO.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: Play tic-tac-toe vs. the computer. Keywords: TIC, TAC, TOE, GAME --------------------------------- File: TICTACTO.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2639 Name: GRID.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 72 Library: 2 Description: Basically, this is a space shoot-em-up. It gives the illusion of being three dimensional because it moves over a grid. Keywords: GRID,SPACE,ARCADE,GAME --------------------------------- File: GRID.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2638 Name: 3DTICTAC.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 2 Description: Three dimensional TIC TAC TOE. You vs. the CoCo! Keywords: TIC,TAC,TOE,3D,GAME --------------------------------- File: 3DTICTAC.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2637 Name: ZEROG.BIN Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880514 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 2 Description: This is a machine language game in which you are a space ship which must fly around in zer- zero-gravity. Keywords: ARCADE, GAME, ZERO, GRAVITY --------------------------------- File: ZEROG.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2619 Name: HALLEY!.MGE Address: S.POATES1 Date: 880506 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 26 Library: 2 Description: "Halley!" was done using Color Max Deluxe. Concept is original and was done by me(yes, me!!). Use Gallery to look at it. Cartoon-type quality! Keywords: COCO 3,GRAPHICS,.MGE,PICTURE --------------------------------- File: HALLEY!.MGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2616 Name: ULTCLOCK.BIN Address: RSSMALLEY Date: 880504 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 84 Library: 2 Description: This is the software clock for ultimaterm that I inadvertantly left out when I uploaded the rest of the files. I took the liberty of renaming it to ultclock.bin so there would be no confusion as to what to name it. This file must be on your Ultimaterm disk. Keywords: ultimaterm, software, clock --------------------------------- File: ULTCLOCK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2575 Name: ULT40FIX.BAS Address: RSSMALLEY Date: 880417 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 113 Library: 2 Description: These are some patches the author, Ken Johnston, gave us to patch some minor bugs in version 4.0 of ultimaterm. Keywords: ult, fix, patch --------------------------------- File: ULT40FIX.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2571 Name: MUSBIN.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880416 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: Will convert a program in MUSICA or MUSICBOX format to a binary format which can be LOADM'd and EXEC'd. Keywords: MUSICA,MUSICBOX,MUSBOX,MUSBIN --------------------------------- File: MUSBIN.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2570 Name: FLY.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880416 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: This game requires a joystick. The object is simple. Swat as many flies as possible in 2 min 30 secs. CoCo 3 users may want to use speed up poke. Also be on the lookout for spiders and mosquitos. They are worth more points. Have fun! Keywords: FLIES,FLY,ARCADE,GAME --------------------------------- File: FLY.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2569 Name: PEGJUMP.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880416 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: 1-Player peg jump game. Try to leave as few pegs as possible. To play, press the letter of the peg to jump, then the whole to jump to. Press the spacebar to take back the present move. Press X when no moves left. Keywords: BRAIN,GAME,PEG,JUMP --------------------------------- File: PEGJUMP.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2568 Name: MLDATA2.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880416 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 2 Description: This program will convert a machine language program to BASIC DATA statements along with a loader. Nice program for sysops who have users which can't download binary programs. Keywords: MLDATA, MACHINE, LANGUAGE,TO,BASIC,DATA --------------------------------- File: MLDATA2.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2567 Name: CUSTOMIZ.DOC Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880416 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 2 Description: The documentation for CUSTOMIZE.BAS, a directory customizer. Keywords: DOCUMENTATION,CUSTOMIZE,CUSTOMIZ,DIRECTORY,ALPHABETIZER --------------------------------- File: CUSTOMIZ.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2566 Name: CUSTOMIZ.BAS Address: M.BENTKOFSKY Date: 880416 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 2 Description: This is a directory customizer. You can alphabetize files, insert file separators, and move directory entries around in any way and rewrite your disk's directory. See CUSTOMIZ.DOC for documentation. Keywords: CUSTOMIZ,CUSTOMIZE,DIRECTORY,ALPHABETIZER --------------------------------- File: CUSTOMIZ.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2538 Name: ULT40.DOC Address: RSSMALLEY Date: 880329 Approximate # of bytes: 94500 Number of Accesses: 106 Library: 2 Description: DOCUMENTATION FOR VERSION 4.0 OF ULTIMATERM Keywords: COCO3,ULTIMATERM,DOCS --------------------------------- File: ULT40.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2533 Name: STATES.BAS Address: G.MERILLAT Date: 880326 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 70 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A GAME THAT WILL TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF STATES, CAPITALS AND NICKNAMES. S Keywords: GAMES,STATES,EDUCATIONAL --------------------------------- File: STATES.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2521 Name: ULTIMATERM4.0 Address: RSSMALLEY Date: 880321 Approximate # of bytes: 28980 Number of Accesses: 149 Library: 2 Description: New, improved version of Ultimaterm. Now supports auto-dial diectory, plus other new features. Ultimaterm is shareware, and supports VT100,VT52, and Vidtex emulation. Also: xmodem and ymodem. See Ultimaterm Manual, file #2300. Keywords: CoCo3,Term,VT52,VT100,AUTODIAL,RS-DOS,VERSION 4.0 --------------------------------- File: ULTIMATERM4.0 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2431 Name: CCHUTCH_DESIGN Address: HAMRADIO Date: 880302 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 2 Description: I got tired of the Coco parts scattered all over the desktop. Here's the design I settled on to build my own wooden shelves. The monitor and disk drives are supported above the Coco-MPI assembly. Everything is within reach, and the monitor is observed with less eyestrain now. All materials in your local hardware store or lumber yard. Common handtools needed. Draw a sketch from this design, make your own measurements, build it, and enjoy! Keywords: Coco,desk,hutch,design,MPI --------------------------------- File: CCHUTCH_DESIGN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2345 Name: ERRDRV.BIN Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 880213 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 40 Library: 2 Description: Full length error driver for Color Basic Keywords: --------------------------------- File: ERRDRV.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2343 Name: PATCHES.BAS Address: M.WITTKOSKI Date: 880213 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 2 Description: Patches CoCo 3's basic with lower/uppercase/28 lines per page Keywords: CoCo 3,Lowercase, 28 Lines, Full length Error messages --------------------------------- File: PATCHES.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2095 Name: HALLCHOR.LYR Address: D.MCCRAY Date: 871122 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 29 Library: 2 Description: HANDEL'S HALLELUJA CHORUS FROM THE MESSIAH MUST USE THE LYRA PROGRAM I PLAY IT THROUGH THE SYMPHONY 12 PACK IT SHOULD SOUND GOOD THROUGH ORCH 90 NO MIDI PACHES ARE IN THE SONG SO YOU COULD PUT YOUR FAVORITE ONES IN IT USES ALL 8 VOICES Keywords: LYRA, CLASSACLE, HANDLE --------------------------------- File: HALLCHOR.LYR is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2073 Name: BACH.MUS Address: B.GLASS Date: 871110 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: DONE USING MUSIC BOX. EXCELLENT MUSIC FILE - DON'T MISS IT. REQUIRES MUSIC BOX OR MUSICA TO PLAY. Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,MUSIC BOX,BACH --------------------------------- File: BACH.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2028 Name: MUSBOX.BIN Address: L.HANDS Date: 871026 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 2 Description: Music box is an easy to use music composition tool for the Color Computer. It allows you to compose music directly on a music staff using the arrow keys to move around. When you're done, press a key and hear your work! Or, it will easily play any Musica file (lots of them are around). Shareware. Author requests $15 which registers you for an update and a manual. Keywords: music compose play musica --------------------------------- File: MUSBOX.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 2024 Name: BOO.BAS Address: RDHALL Date: 871025 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 22 Library: 2 Description: HALLOWEEN GREETING WITH WITCH OLD X-PAD PIX OF MINE UPDATED WITH COCOMAX, ETC Keywords: WITCH, HALLOWEEN, COMMA --------------------------------- File: BOO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1920 Name: TICTAC3.BAS Address: D.REUS Date: 870909 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 72 Library: 2 Description: This program utlizes hi-res screens to implement a game of 3-in a row. Can be played with joysticks or the keyboard. If you use it with the keyboard, make sure you are in upper-case! Keywords: GAME,COCO3,TIC,TAC,TOE,ASCII,BASIC,COCO --------------------------------- File: TICTAC3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1791 Name: SAUCER.BAS Address: JIM-HOWARTH Date: 870827 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 2 Description: FIRST COMES THE INTRODUCTION THEN ENTER WHICH LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY YOU WANT.THEN PICK UP YOUR JOYSTICK AND GET READY TO SHOOT ENEMY SAUCERS. GREAT HI-RES GRAPHICS Keywords: 1JOYSTIK,HI-RES --------------------------------- File: SAUCER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1785 Name: RTERM.DOC Address: JBELTRAMO Date: 870825 Approximate # of bytes: 21420 Number of Accesses: 43 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE DOCUMENTION FOR RICKEYTERM. Keywords: RICKEYTERM, COCO 3, COMM --------------------------------- File: RTERM.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1784 Name: RTERM.BAS Address: JBELTRAMO Date: 870825 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 63 Library: 2 Description: RUN THIS PROGRAM FIRST. CHECK THE REM LINES FOR INSTRUCTIONS. Keywords: RICKEYTERM, COCO 3, COMM. --------------------------------- File: RTERM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1783 Name: RICKEYTERM.BIN Address: JBELTRAMO Date: 870825 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE BINARY FILE. DOWNLOAD "RTERM/BAS","RTERM/DOC", AND "RTERM/MAC" ALSO Keywords: RICKEYTERM, COCO 3, COMMUNICATION --------------------------------- File: RICKEYTERM.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1628 Name: IL7PRO.BAS Address: R.MEADE Date: 870725 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 41 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A PROGRAM TO GENERATE A LOTTO NUMBER LIST . THE DAILY PICK FOUR , 6 # LOTTO AND SUPER 7 LOTTO . THIS PROGRAM IS SET FOR THE C ITHO PRO-WRITER 8510 BUT WITH A FEW MINOR CHANGES MAY BE SET FOR DIFFE PRINTERS Keywords: DAILY,PICKFOUR,LOTTO,SUPERLOTTO --------------------------------- File: IL7PRO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1621 Name: SHOCKING.TXT Address: R.MEADE Date: 870719 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 25 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A TXT FILE TAKEN FROM THE TUCSON COLOR COMPUTER CLUB Keywords: --------------------------------- File: SHOCKING.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1591 Name: ERRORS.BIN Address: RDUNDERWOOD Date: 870711 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 34 Library: 2 Description: THIS BINARY PROGRAM WILL CAPTURE YOUR ERRORS, AND GIVE YOU A COMPLETE DISCRIPTION OF THE ERROR WORDING, ALLOWING YOU TO EXAMINE THE PROBLEM MUCH EASIER. AND IN SOME CASES IT MAY GIVE YOU A HINT AS TO WHAT TO LOOK FOR... Keywords: UTILITY,BINARY,ERRORS,PROGRAM --------------------------------- File: ERRORS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1582 Name: CC23FIX.BIN Address: LWBINENFELD Date: 870705 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 2 Description: CONVERT MACHINE LANGUAGE PROGRAMS WHICH RUN ON THE COCO II TO THE COCO III WHICH WOULDN'T OTHERWISE RUN. WORKS ON FASTDUP2.BIN, DISK UTILITY 2.1-A, AND ANY OTHER PROGRAM WHICH MODIFIES THE PIA AT $FF00 TO TEST FOR 64K MEMORY. ALWAYS USE ON A BACKUP DISK, NEVER AN ORIGINAL COPY PLEASE ADVISE VIA EMAIL IF ANY PROGRAM CANNOT BE MODIFIED VIA CC23FIX.BAS OR OF ANY CHANGES TO ORIGINAL CC23FIX.BAS PROGRAM. Keywords: UTILITY, M/L PROGRAMS, .BIN, BINARY --------------------------------- File: CC23FIX.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1581 Name: SPECIAL.DAY Address: RDUNDERWOOD Date: 870705 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 64 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE SUPPORTING DATA FILE FOR CALENDAR.ORG IT MUST BE SAVED AS ** SPECIAL.DAY ** TO BE USED ALONG WITH CALENDAR.ORG, THIS CONTAINS THE DATA FOR THE HOLIDAY'S AND MEMORIAL DAYS BUT CAN BE EDIT TO SUIT YOU NEEDS. GOOD LUCK.... LET ME KNOW HOW YOU LIKE THE PROGRAM... Keywords: CALENDAR.ORG,SPECIAL.DAY,DATA FILE,GRAPIC,DMP-105 --------------------------------- File: SPECIAL.DAY is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1580 Name: CALENDAR.ORG Address: RDUNDERWOOD Date: 870705 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 76 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM ALLOWS THE USE OF THE SINGLE LINE BLOCK CHARACTER SETS FOR THE DMP-105 IF YOU ARE FIMILAR WITH BASIC YOU WILL BE ABLE TO MODIFY IT FOR OTHER PRINTERS AS WELL. IF YOU MAKE ANY MODIFICATIONS TO THE PROGRAM, PLEASE PASS THEM BACK TO ME AS I WOULD BE INTERRESTED IN SEEING WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE PROGRAM. THERE IS A DATA FILE WHICH GOES WITH THIS PROGRAM IT IS CALLED *** SPECIAL.DAY *** MAKE SURE YOU GET IT. GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY...RDUNDERWOOD Keywords: UTILITY,BASIC,DMP,DMP105,DMP-105,GRAPHIC,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: CALENDAR.ORG is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1579 Name: DICTIONARY PROGRAM Address: B2514 Date: 870704 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 96 Library: 2 Description: you type the word in and then you will see the def. supports the s/sp cart. made by myself. benjamin johnson Keywords: dictionary,definition,sound/speech --------------------------------- File: DICTIONARY PROGRAM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1521 Name: PUBINDEX.BAS Address: A.G.JOHNSON Date: 870626 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 2 Description: This program will help you find what magazine that article was in that your trying to find. After you've input the data, you can use a "search" to find a particular topic or look through each article, go back to previous articles or get a hard copy. Each article is imput by category then magazine name, date, page no., article name and theme. A little knowledge of BASIC and you can change the categories/sub-categories to suit your needs. You can also remove some of the flags to change the performance. ENJOY Keywords: DATABASE, MAGAZINE, INDEX --------------------------------- File: PUBINDEX.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1508 Name: UPGRADE.TXT Address: JBELTRAMO Date: 870623 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 79 Library: 2 Description: CoCo 3 memory expansion instructions. PLEASE read entire file before attempting this! Keywords: UPGRADE,512K,COCO 3 --------------------------------- File: UPGRADE.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1470 Name: STARWARS.BIN Address: KMORABETO * HIDDEN * Date: 870531 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 48 Library: 2 Description: A picture of most of the Starwar people. As with most binary pictures..... LOADM"PICTURE" then.... type... 1 SCREEN1,1:PMODE4,1:GOTO1 THEN TPYE -> RUN Keywords: PICTURE,BINARY --------------------------------- File: STARWARS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1462 Name: ELSEWHER.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870529 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 68 Library: 2 Description: This is a LOADM - EXECable file, that will play the theme song of St. Elsewhere. Keywords: music, song, play --------------------------------- File: ELSEWHER.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1461 Name: REDBARON.MGE Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870529 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 71 Library: 2 Description: THis is a great new picture from the CoCo 3, created by Bob Montowski with Color Max 3. If you don't have Color Max 3, download GALLERY.BIN from here, to view the picture. Keywords: --------------------------------- File: REDBARON.MGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1460 Name: MASH.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870528 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 2 Description: This is a music file of the theme from MASH. Just LOADM and EXEC it. Keywords: music --------------------------------- File: MASH.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1449 Name: DIDDLES3.BAS Address: R.E.P.ENTRPR Date: 870523 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM IS NOT DESCRIABLE JUST HAPPENED TO FIND IT KNEW SOMEONE WOULD LIKE IT TRY IT! /EX Keywords: UNDEFINED,BASIC PROGRAM --------------------------------- File: DIDDLES3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1442 Name: ATEAM.BIN Address: D.REUS Date: 870521 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: This is a stand-alone Binary program which plays the A-Team theme. Keywords: COCO,MUSIC,BIN,A-TEAM,BINARY --------------------------------- File: ATEAM.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1439 Name: WARGIRL.BIN Address: D.REUS Date: 870518 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 86 Library: 2 Description: This is a BIN pic of a girl ready to do some war. To view LOADM it and select PMODE 4,1 and SCREEN 1,1 and then just loop somewhere, so the screen does not flicker. Can also be used with COCO MAX. Keywords: MAX,COCO,PIC,HI-RES,BIN,WARGIRL,WOMAN,BINARY ML IMAGE --------------------------------- File: WARGIRL.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1438 Name: ENTERTNR.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870517 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: This is the well-known "Entertainer" theme from the classic movie "The Sting". To use, just LOADM and EXEC. Keywords: MUSIC, COCO --------------------------------- File: ENTERTNR.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1432 Name: PEANUTS.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870511 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 2 Description: This is an EXEC'able music file, of the well-known theme from the Peanut's cartoons. Keywords: MUSIC, PEANUTS --------------------------------- File: PEANUTS.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1431 Name: GALLERY.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870511 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 2 Description: This file allows a point-and-pick environment for viewing the CoCo 3 .MGE 16 color picture files. Keywords: --------------------------------- File: GALLERY.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1430 Name: WATRFALL.BAS Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870511 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 82 Library: 2 Description: This is a picture of a waterfall, with water flowing down, and off of the mountain cliff. It's "neat"! If you're using a composite monitor, be sure to modify the specific line in the BASIC program to reflect that. (CoCo 3 file) Keywords: --------------------------------- File: WATRFALL.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1429 Name: WATRFALL.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870511 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 66 Library: 2 Description: (see WATRFALL.BAS) Keywords: COCO 3, GRAPHICS, COLOR, MGE, ANIMATION --------------------------------- File: WATRFALL.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1428 Name: WATRFALL.MGE Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870511 Approximate # of bytes: 34020 Number of Accesses: 74 Library: 2 Description: (see WATRFALL.BAS) Keywords: --------------------------------- File: WATRFALL.MGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1396 Name: GREMLIN.BIN Address: KMORABETO Date: 870426 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 154 Library: 2 Description: Joysticks or Keyboard. Very clean running. Keywords: Arcade,Game,Joysticks --------------------------------- File: GREMLIN.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1395 Name: BUNKER.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870426 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 77 Library: 2 Description: Shoot saucers flying over.Limited missles and of course ZAPPERS!!! Sorry CoCo3 only. Keywords: ARCADE,COCO3,HI-RES --------------------------------- File: BUNKER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1394 Name: MOUSMAZE.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870426 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 92 Library: 2 Description: Find your way to the cheese with your joystik. Keywords: ARCADE,GAME,JOYSTICKS --------------------------------- File: MOUSMAZE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1393 Name: MAZE.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870426 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 97 Library: 2 Description: Load and run. Instructions will follow. Keywords: Arcade,Game --------------------------------- File: MAZE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1392 Name: HOPBOP.BIN Address: KMORABETO Date: 870426 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 2 Description: Simple arcade game. Load and run. Good for the young ones. Keywords: ARCADE,JOYSTICKS,EASY --------------------------------- File: HOPBOP.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1391 Name: MAZELAND.BIN Address: KMORABETO Date: 870426 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 102 Library: 2 Description: Arcade type game using joysticks to avoid being killed while you try to catch moving objects thought the maze. Multi-level play and boards Keywords: Arcade,Joysticks,Game,Graphics --------------------------------- File: MAZELAND.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1381 Name: AMORTIZE.BAS Address: JBELTRAMO Date: 870425 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 2 Description: This program will calculate the interest and the payments for a loan. It is written with Hi-res graphics for the RGB monitor and cann be setup for CMP monitors. Have Fun! Keywords: Mortgage,amortize,CoCo 3 --------------------------------- File: AMORTIZE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1380 Name: DMP105.BAS Address: JBELTRAMO Date: 870425 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 76 Library: 2 Description: Get to know your RADIO SHACK DMP105 Printer, it is capable of many different functions! This file is for text only, I probably will get to graphics later. Have fun! Keywords: DMP105,COCO 3,TEXT,RGB,CMP --------------------------------- File: DMP105.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1372 Name: MCP20FIX.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870421 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: FIX MCPAINT VER 2.00 TO WORK ON COCO3. Keywords: COCO3,MCPAINT --------------------------------- File: MCP20FIX.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1371 Name: COCO3MAX.DOC Address: KMORABETO Date: 870421 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 75 Library: 2 Description: Simply download and read. Very simple pokes to accomplish upgrade. Keywords: COCOMAX,COCO3 --------------------------------- File: COCO3MAX.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1370 Name: SNOOPY.BAS Address: KMORABETO * HIDDEN * Date: 870421 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: Simply Type: RUN"SNOOPY" and watch. Keywords: PICTURE,COCO2/3 --------------------------------- File: SNOOPY.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1369 Name: SHUTTLE.BIN Address: KMORABETO Date: 870421 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 60 Library: 2 Description: See NUDE1 for instructions. Keywords: PICTURE,COCO2/3 --------------------------------- File: SHUTTLE.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1364 Name: SENDDISK.BIN Address: KMORABETO Date: 870421 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 64 Library: 2 Description: You can send an entire disk or any part of it to anyone who also has a copy of SENDDISK. Works at 300 or 1200 baud. Works through the RS232 or serial port. Words with CoCo 2 or CoCo 3. Keywords: TERMINAL,RS232,DISK --------------------------------- File: SENDDISK.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1363 Name: DFIX.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870421 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 70 Library: 2 Description: Will increase speed for CoCo3 and ad some hi-res comands to BASIC. Thanks to Steve Bjork for this public domain addition. Keywords: DISK,COCO3,HI-RES --------------------------------- File: DFIX.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1362 Name: COPY.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870421 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 60 Library: 2 Description: Will copy all or part of a disk by prompt one at a time. If you enter a '*' at any promt it will copy the rest of the directory. Simply answer with y/n/ or * Keywords: UTILITY/COPY/COCO2/3 --------------------------------- File: COPY.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1360 Name: ROCKFST3.BAS Address: KMORABETO * HIDDEN * Date: 870419 Approximate # of bytes: 21420 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: For RGB Monitors Simply Load and Run. ZZ TOP is extremely nice. Keywords: GRAPHICS,COCO3,HI-RES,ROCKFEST --------------------------------- File: ROCKFST3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1346 Name: YAHTZCC3.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870407 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 70 Library: 2 Description: For CoCo3 only - will not work with 1 or 2. See YAHTZEE.BAS(#1177). Flashing lines indicate lines for score.Otherwise it is a zero. Type: LIST-10 for Info Type:LIST-20 for some rules Read remarks to set up Scoreboard {{r "Hall of Fame" 10 Highest All remarks will be anwsered at E-Mail (KMORABETO) > Good or Bad Disk Only . . . . . . . . B e t o . . . . . . . .> Keywords: COCO3,Yahtzee,Graphic Game,Dice --------------------------------- File: YAHTZCC3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1341 Name: 105DT.BAS Address: R.MCCALEB Date: 870404 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 2 Description: A LOADER FOR A M/L SCREEN DUMP PROGRAM FOR THE DMP-105 PRINTER AND COCO II. Keywords: COCO,DMP105,SCREENDUMP --------------------------------- File: 105DT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1334 Name: PDIR.BAS Address: HWMEEKER Date: 870401 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 81 Library: 2 Description: Prints a copy of your disk directory which is usefull for cataloging your disks. Information also included is disk name, date, and an area for remarks. It is possible to do a large number of disks in a short amount of time. Keywords: print,directory,disk utility, --------------------------------- File: PDIR.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1301 Name: BJORKGAM.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870323 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 66 Library: 2 Description: List program for instructions. Fixes Gwanna Bawanna to run. Fixes colors for RGB on all games. Keywords: Arcade, Fixes, Bjork, CoCO3 --------------------------------- File: BJORKGAM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1297 Name: VARMAP3.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870322 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: Displays the locations of the different variables used in a basic program. The program must first be saved in ASCII on disk. Will work on most files less than about 10k or so. I haven't done complete testing, so I don't know the limitations. Good Luck. Keywords: Map,Variable,CoCo 3,3 --------------------------------- File: VARMAP3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1265 Name: MTERM43.BIN Address: KMORABETO Date: 870316 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 134 Library: 2 Description: A fine, new update of the well-known MikeyTerm for CoCo's! Keywords: MIKEYTERM, TERMINAL, COCO 3, COCO --------------------------------- File: MTERM43.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1207 Name: CHR-ED.BAS Address: R.E.P.ENTRPR Date: 870226 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: Edit the character set of your CoCo III'S hires graphics screens. Then, save them for use with any program that uses the GRAPHICS (HPRINT) text during the program. Keywords: GRAPHICS,EDITOR,FONT,CHARACTER --------------------------------- File: CHR-ED.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1203 Name: MTADD.TXT Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870223 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 80 Library: 2 Description: The documentation addendum for MikeyTerm 4.3. This is an addition to MikeyTerm 4.0's docs. Keywords: MTERM,COCO 3,COCO,TERMINAL --------------------------------- File: MTADD.TXT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1201 Name: CNFG43.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870222 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 71 Library: 2 Description: There are no new docs for MTERM 4.3 - Use the 4.0 documentation. Keywords: MIKEYTERM,COCO3,80 COL,TERM --------------------------------- File: CNFG43.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1193 Name: BLCKJACK.BAS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870220 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 92 Library: 2 Description: CASINO STYLE BLACKJACK. Keywords: GAME --------------------------------- File: BLCKJACK.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1190 Name: MINIDOS.BAS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870220 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 75 Library: 2 Description: THIS UTIL ALLOWS YOU TO LOAD IN 2 SMALL BASIC FILES AT ONCE AND SWITCH BETWEEN THEM. Keywords: UTILITY --------------------------------- File: MINIDOS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1189 Name: CALENDER.BAS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870220 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 2 Description: PRINTS A CALENDER FOR ANY YEAR UP TILL THE YEAR 2100 Keywords: UTILITY --------------------------------- File: CALENDER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1188 Name: TOWERS.BAS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870220 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 83 Library: 2 Description: TOWERS OF HANOI GAME...HARD!!! Keywords: GAME --------------------------------- File: TOWERS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1187 Name: RAINDROP.BAS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870220 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 84 Library: 2 Description: RAINDROP ON WATER EFFECTS. DELETE LINE 110 FOR A GREAT EFFECT. Keywords: GRAPHIC,ANIMATION --------------------------------- File: RAINDROP.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1185 Name: RAMSCRN.BAS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870220 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 68 Library: 2 Description: THIS UTIL LETS YOU LOOK AT ALL YOUR 65,535 PAGES OF RAM. PAGE 1 AND 2 ARE INTERESTING. TRY IT...YOU'LL LIKE IT. Keywords: UTILITY,VIDEO --------------------------------- File: RAMSCRN.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1177 Name: YATZEE.BAS Address: KMORABETO Date: 870217 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 74 Library: 2 Description: A Yahtzee game! Keywords: GAME,YAHTZEE,DICE --------------------------------- File: YATZEE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1146 Name: CAVEHNT.BAS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870212 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS AN OK ADVENTURE GAME FOR YOUR COCO. TRY IT... I THINK YOU'LL LIKE IT. Note: This file should be saved as a COMPRESSED BASIC FILE, not ASCII. Keywords: ADVENTURE,GAME,ADVENTURE GAME --------------------------------- File: CAVEHNT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1144 Name: TOCATTA.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 74 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A SUPER GREAT MUSICA FILE... IT SOUNDS FANTASTIC THROUGH A STEREO PAK!!! THIS FILE IS A MUST!!!!!! TRY IT!...YES, IT WILL WORK WITHOUT MUSICA. Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA --------------------------------- File: TOCATTA.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1143 Name: AXELF.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 90 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE THEME SONG TO BEVERLY HILLS COP. A GREAT FILE, AND WILL STAND ALONE(OF COURSE) Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,MOVIE --------------------------------- File: AXELF.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1142 Name: STARWARS.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 70 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS AN EXCELLENT FILE! 4 PART MUSIC, AND CAN STAND ALONE. YOU'LL LOVE THIS ONE. Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,STAR,STAR WARS --------------------------------- File: STARWARS.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1141 Name: GRENGRAS.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 18 Library: 2 Description: GREEN GRASS OF HOME. VERY GOOD FILE. Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA --------------------------------- File: GRENGRAS.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1140 Name: FANTASY2.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 38 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A SECOND FANTASY FILE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN THE FIRST. IT CAN STAND ALONE ALSO. TRY IT! Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,FANTASY --------------------------------- File: FANTASY2.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1139 Name: FANTASY1.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: THIS FILE IS AN EXCELLENT MUSICA FILE. ITS TOTALLY DIFFERENT. IT CAN BE EXECUTED FROM BASIC. Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,FANTASY --------------------------------- File: FANTASY1.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1138 Name: DOWNROAD.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS AN OK MUSICA FILE. IT CAN STAND ALONE ALSO, AS IN ALL MY MUSIC UPLOADS. Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA --------------------------------- File: DOWNROAD.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1137 Name: DIAMOND.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 32 Library: 2 Description: THIS MUSICA FILE IS DIAMONDS ARE A GIRLS BEST FRIEND. IT CAN BE EXECUTED WITHOUT MUSICA JUST TYPE LOADM"DIAMOND/MUS":EXEC Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,MOVIE --------------------------------- File: DIAMOND.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1136 Name: CHACONNE.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 17 Library: 2 Description: CHACONNE IS A VERY GOOD MUSIC FILE. TO USE, JUST TYPE LOADM"CHACONNE/MUS":EXEC ENJOY Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA --------------------------------- File: CHACONNE.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1135 Name: CAMELOT.MUS Address: B.MARTIN Date: 870211 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 27 Library: 2 Description: THIS FILE CAN BE USED AS A STAND ALONE FILE, OR IN MUSICA. ITS THE THEME SONG TO CAMELOT... ITS IN 4 PART MUSIC. TO USE IT WITHOUT MUSICA, LOADM"CAMELOT/MUS":EXEC ENJOY Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,MOVIE,TUNES --------------------------------- File: CAMELOT.MUS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1106 Name: MEMORY.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870201 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 2 Description: Claims to be a scientifically proved way to increase your memory's capacity. At any rate, it is an interesting program worth trying out. Keywords: Memory,Schmidt --------------------------------- File: MEMORY.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1105 Name: CLOCK.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870201 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 49 Library: 2 Description: Leanring to tell time on an analog clock may be just a little more enjoyable for a youngster with this program from a friend back home in CA. Keywords: Clock,Bodwell,Time --------------------------------- File: CLOCK.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1104 Name: WORDHUNT.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870201 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: Generates a word search puzzle with your dimensions and your words. Puzzle and Key are printed out. This may be fun for people who like these kinds of puzzles. Try experimenting with different printer fonts. I like it best when set to 8.35 or 5 CPI at 6 lines per inch. 10 and 12 CPI are just too small. Keywords: Word search,word hunt,word game --------------------------------- File: WORDHUNT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1102 Name: INTRODUC.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870201 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 74 Library: 2 Description: J.W. Hurley's introduction to his three programs. STARS.BAS, CHARTS.BAS, ans PLANETS.BAS These will draw charts of the major stars, constallations, and planets respectivly. Keywords: Stars,Charts,Planets,Zodiac,Hurley --------------------------------- File: INTRODUC.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1101 Name: PLANETS.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870201 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 117 Library: 2 Description: Displays the locations of the sun and the planets for any date on a hi-res screen. Keywords: Planets,Solar System,Sun,Hurley --------------------------------- File: PLANETS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1098 Name: CHARTS.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870201 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 2 Description: Displays the signs of the Zodiac on a hi-res screen. I don't use this one much, but it does the job. Keywords: Zodiac,Stars,Hurley,Signs --------------------------------- File: CHARTS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1095 Name: STAR.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870201 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 85 Library: 2 Description: J.W. Hurley's Star chart program. This has been a fun one for me. Displays a chart of the locations of the stars for any date on a hi-res CoCo 1,2, or 3 screen. Accurate except for the edges of the screen where it can't bend like the horizon. Keywords: Star Chart,Hurley,Star,Stars --------------------------------- File: STAR.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1080 Name: DISKAID.BAS Address: D.MCKAY Date: 870125 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 102 Library: 2 Description: Here's the latest version of a good disk management utility. I know it lacks in a few places, but it's written in BASIC and is easily modified to suit. DISKAID features multiple copying and killing. It also ill sort the new directory and is most useful to those who have two disk drives. The program will, with the help of DFIX.BAS (also found here) support DS drives. It keeps a date on each file and updates it each time you run the utility on the files. Hopefully someone will get some use out of this, as I had fun modifying an older version for the CoCo 2. Keywords: CoCo 3,disk,diskaid,disk management,manager,utility,copy,sort,directory --------------------------------- File: DISKAID.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1071 Name: CC2-CC3.BIN Address: B.JAMES Date: 870125 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 97 Library: 2 Description: This program will set the CoCo 3 into CoCo 2 mode, and should help you run some programs that normally will not run on the CoCo 3. Keywords: COCO 3,COCO2 --------------------------------- File: CC2-CC3.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1068 Name: SPECTRUM.BAS Address: B.JAMES Date: 870125 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: THIS DRAWS A PRISM OF LIGHT FOR COCO 3 USERS. Keywords: COCO 3,PICTURE --------------------------------- File: SPECTRUM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1067 Name: UNICORN FANTCY.BAS Address: B.JAMES Date: 870125 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM DRAWS A HIRES 2 PICTURE OF A CASTLE WITH UNICORNS. PRETTY GOOD. Keywords: COCO III,PICTURE,HIRES 2 --------------------------------- File: UNICORN FANTCY.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1053 Name: COMPUTE1.MAX Address: R.ROSEBROCK Date: 870121 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A PICTURE OF A COCO 3 FROM COCO MAX. IF YOU HAVE ANY CHANGES, PLEASE DO. I'D LIKE TO SEE THEM. (Greg's note: If you do not have CoCo Max, you can still view this picture by LOADM'ing it, and typing in: PCLEAR 8 10 PMODE 4,1 20 SCREEN 1,1 30 GOTO 30 ) Keywords: COCOMAX II,MACHINE LANG,MAYBE COCOMAX I --------------------------------- File: COMPUTE1.MAX is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 1020 Name: RLETRM.DOC Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870109 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 50 Library: 2 Description: This is the documentation for RLETERM, written by Mike Ward. It's a small ASCII file, and can be dumped to a printer by reading it into a word processor. Keywords: WARD,TERMINAL,TERM,RLETERM,RLE --------------------------------- File: RLETRM.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 995 Name: BLKHLE.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870103 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 65 Library: 2 Description: Eric White shows us his depiction of a small ship struggling to escape the pulling force of an immense black hole. Keywords: ARTWORK,PICTURE,WHITE,ERIC WHITE --------------------------------- File: BLKHLE.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 994 Name: SHUTTLE2.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870103 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 2 Description: <another> Eric White creation, and this time, a great picture of the space shuttle! Guaranteed to be a winner! Keywords: artwork,picture,white,eric white --------------------------------- File: SHUTTLE2.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 993 Name: INDIAN.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870103 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: This is a VERY good CoCo 1/2/3 picture of an indian, with headress and all! This is a must have! Keywords: artwork,picture,white,eric white --------------------------------- File: INDIAN.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 992 Name: PENCL1.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870103 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 30 Library: 2 Description: Another of Eric White's artistic creations! This show his "interesting" view of a pencil. Keywords: artwork,picture,white,eric white --------------------------------- File: PENCL1.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 991 Name: WATERDRP.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870103 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 23 Library: 2 Description: Eric White's depiction of a water droplet, still-frame style. CoCo 1/2/3 graphic artwork. Keywords: ARTWORK,PICTURE,WHITE,ERIC WHITE --------------------------------- File: WATERDRP.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 987 Name: GEHELP.DAT Address: GREGMILLER Date: 870102 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 89 Library: 2 Description: This is an online-help file for Greg-E-Term. It is called up from disk by selecting "0" on the GETERM main menu. It must be on the current diskette being used, or GETERM will say "File not found", and obviously, you won't be able to read it. Keywords: Greg,HELP,GETERM,GEHELP,help file,greg-e-term --------------------------------- File: GEHELP.DAT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 948 Name: CRAPS.BAS Address: TIM-J Date: 861225 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 101 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A BASIC CRAPS GAME FOR THE COCO. THE SPEECH/SOUND CARTRIDGE IS SUPPORTED, BUT NOT REQUIRED. NOT INTENDED FOR GAMBLING, AND SEVERAL SLIGHTLY ABUSIVE STATEMENTS ARE USED WITH THE S/SC. TIM-J Keywords: GAME,COCO,COLOR COMPUTER,GAMES,CRAPS,SPEECH,S/SC --------------------------------- File: CRAPS.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 943 Name: MACCONV3.BIN Address: GREGMILLER Date: 861224 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 52 Library: 2 Description: This program, written by Erik Gavriluk, will convert pictures that have been created on a MacIntosh for viewing on a CoCo 3. Keywords: CoCo 3,pictures,artwork,converter,mac,erik gavriluk --------------------------------- File: MACCONV3.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 893 Name: GETERM1.1 REV Address: WVCOX Date: 861217 Approximate # of bytes: 23940 Number of Accesses: 180 Library: 2 Description: Very fine terminal program for the Coco (S))....that's I/II/III! Yes....all of them...XMODEM, Ascii Prompted, and more goodies! Keywords: terminal, CoCo III, CoCo I/II, XMODEM --------------------------------- File: GETERM1.1 REV is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 887 Name: LOGO.BAS Address: MUSICA Date: 861213 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 45 Library: 2 Description: DISPLAYS THE LOGO OF TANDY'S NEWEST HOME COMPUTER. Keywords: COCO 3,GRAPHICS --------------------------------- File: LOGO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 886 Name: RGBDEMO.BAS Address: MUSICA Date: 861213 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL ALLOW RGB MONITOR OWNERS TO EXPLORE THE WAY THE RGB COLORS ARE CREATED. YOU MAY MANIPULATE THE REGISTER BITS, OR ENTER THE COLOR CODE TO SEE THE COLOR DISPLAYED. ALSO WORKS WITH TV OR COMPOSITE MONITOR BUT THE COLORS WON'T MAKE A WHOLE LOTTA SENSE! HELP FILE INCLUDED IN PROGRAM. Keywords: COCO 3,RGB,MONITOR,DEMO --------------------------------- File: RGBDEMO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 884 Name: ANTHEM.BAS Address: MUSICA Date: 861213 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 55 Library: 2 Description: A GRAPHICS/SOUND PROGRAM FOR THE COCO 3. COLORS SET FOR RGB MONITOR. SUITABLE FOR USE AROUND THE 4TH OF JULY OR BEFORE A SPORTING EVENT. Keywords: ANTHEM,SOUND,MUSIC,COCO 3 --------------------------------- File: ANTHEM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 877 Name: GETUM2.DOC Address: WVCOX Date: 861213 Approximate # of bytes: 27720 Number of Accesses: 90 Library: 2 Description: Part 2 of the GETERM Documentation....use GEPRT.BAS to print. Keywords: GETERM, TErminal, Documentation --------------------------------- File: GETUM2.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 876 Name: ADOS.PCH Address: B.JAMES Date: 861212 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 61 Library: 2 Description: ALL INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN THE PROGRAM Keywords: COCO 3,ADOS,DISK,128K --------------------------------- File: ADOS.PCH is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 868 Name: SIMPLE.DAT Address: LWBINENFELD Date: 861207 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 21 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS AN ARTICLE WITH PROGRAMS ENCLOSED WHICH WILL LIST ALL SIMPLE VARIABLES IN A BASIC PROGRAM. IT HELPS A LOT WHEN THE USER IS WORKING ON A LARGE OR COMPLEX PROGRAM. Keywords: UTILITY,BIN,ASM,ARTICLE,VARIABLES,TUTORIAL --------------------------------- File: SIMPLE.DAT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 867 Name: PRECOMPILER Address: LWBINENFELD Date: 861207 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 42 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM ALLOWS THE USER TO USE LABELS INSTEAD OF LINE NUMBERS IN A BASIC PROGRAM FOR EASE OF WRITING AND AFTER IT IS COMPLETED, RUNNING THIS PROGRAM WILL CONVERT ALL REFERENCES TO A LABEL TO THE APPROPRIATE LINE NUMBER SO THAT THE PROGRAM WILL NOW RUN. THE LABEL LISTER PROGRAM ALLOWS THE USER TO SEE WHAT LABELS ARE ALREADY IN USE AND AVOIDS DUPLICATIONS. Keywords: UTILITY,CONVERTER,PRECOMPILER --------------------------------- File: PRECOMPILER is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 859 Name: GETUM1.DOC Address: WVCOX Date: 861207 Approximate # of bytes: 26460 Number of Accesses: 91 Library: 2 Description: Documentation file for GETERM Keywords: GETERM, Documentation --------------------------------- File: GETUM1.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 858 Name: GEPRT.BAS Address: WVCOX Date: 861207 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 60 Library: 2 Description: The Basic program to print documentation...especially for GETUM1.DOC and GETUM2.DOC.... Keywords: GETERM, Documentation --------------------------------- File: GEPRT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 856 Name: GETC10.BIN Address: WVCOX Date: 861207 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 83 Library: 2 Description: Set up Logon Macros, custom screen displays, specific terminal parameters AT TIME OF EXECUTIO\N by using this program to customize your copy of GETERM.BIN! Check the documentation for details of all programs in this series... Keywords: GETERM, TERMINAL, CoCo III, Coco II, CoCo I, Transfer, XMODEM, ASCII, Customizer --------------------------------- File: GETC10.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 845 Name: DLM.BAS Address: LWBINENFELD Date: 861130 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 70 Library: 2 Description: SEE REM STATEMENTS IN PGM. Keywords: DISK,UTILITY,PRINTER --------------------------------- File: DLM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 828 Name: DEDUCTION.BAS Address: J.BORG Date: 861123 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 67 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A REVISED MASTERMIND GAME YOU PLAY AGENST THE COMPUTER. Keywords: COCO,I,II,III --------------------------------- File: DEDUCTION.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 826 Name: MTCC3.BAS Address: B.JAMES Date: 861123 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 36 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: COCO III,DISK,MTERM --------------------------------- File: MTCC3.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 825 Name: NEWDFIX.BAS Address: B.JAMES Date: 861123 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 83 Library: 2 Description: ALL INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN THE PROGRAM. Keywords: COCO III,DISK --------------------------------- File: NEWDFIX.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 814 Name: MTRMCC3.BIN Address: JCORCORAN Date: 861119 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: Mickey Term Term program for the CoCo III. It uses true lower case in the 32 col mode!!! Keywords: CoCo 3 Terminal Mterm --------------------------------- File: MTRMCC3.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 809 Name: TITLER.BAS Address: B.JAMES Date: 861116 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 81 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: COCO 2,VIDEO,DISK,TAPE --------------------------------- File: TITLER.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 808 Name: HORSES.BAS Address: B.JAMES Date: 861116 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 64 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: GAME,COCO, --------------------------------- File: HORSES.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 798 Name: CONVERT Address: B.JAMES Date: 861113 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 168 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL TAKE A MACHINE LANGUAGE FILE AND CONVERT IT TO BASIC DATA STATMENTS. INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN THE REM STATMENTS. Keywords: COCO,DISK,TAPE --------------------------------- File: CONVERT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 793 Name: CRLF.ASC Address: D.REUS Date: 861109 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 24 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM IS RIGHT HANDY WHEN YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE STUPID OLD PRINTERS THAT JUST SEEMS TO PRINT OVER ITSELF WHEN PRINTING, IT SENDS A LF AFTER EACH CR. THIS IS VERY HELPFULL IF USING SAY FOR EXAMPLE, AN OLD TTY PRINTER OR SILENT700 FOR YOUR PRINTER DEVICE ON YOUR COCO. Keywords: COCO,CR,LF,PRINTER,ASCII-BASIC --------------------------------- File: CRLF.ASC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 792 Name: HAMCODE.ASC Address: D.REUS Date: 861109 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 46 Library: 2 Description: HAMCODE IS AN AMATEUR CODE TUTOR FOR THE COLOR COMPUTER. IT WILL DISPLAY THE LETTER, THE DITS AND DAHS AND SEND THE SOUND FROM THE TV SPEAKER. Keywords: HAM,AMETEUR,CW,CODE,TUTOR,EDUCATION,COCO,ASCII-BASIC --------------------------------- File: HAMCODE.ASC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 769 Name: ENVELOPE.BAS Address: JBELTRAMO Date: 861102 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 2 Description: Just put your envelope into the printer type your corresponding addresses and the printer will do the rest! Keywords: CoCo III, CoCo II, Envelope, Printer --------------------------------- File: ENVELOPE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 665 Name: MATCH.BAS Address: RJPLANCELL Date: 861004 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 83 Library: 2 Description: This is an old game of Memory Match but with a real face lift. It has been tested with children from 5 to 16 and held their interest very well. This I believe is due part to the very attractive graphics and to the smoothness of the programing. Play it through to see colorful scoring screen. This C software is being released as PUBLIC DOMAIN with the understanding that it is to remain FREE and that all author credit lines remain in tack on all copies, modifications, ect. ........ENJOY! s Keywords: GAME,MEMORY,MATCH,BASIC,HIGH RES --------------------------------- File: MATCH.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 664 Name: DEMONSQR.BAS Address: RJPLANCELL Date: 861004 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 2 Description: This is a two player capture game based on the ols game of squares but with some unique differences. The object is to enclose (capture) as many squares as possible while keeping your opponent from same. BEWARE of the Demons. If you enclose one he will steal points and give them, your turn and the square to your opponent. The game is fully prompted and turns, scoring ect. are automatic. This release to PUBLIC DOMAIN is with theunderstanding that it is to remain FREE and that all copies, modifications, ect. must retain the authors credit lines. ........ENJOY! s S Keywords: GAME,DEMON,SQUARES,CAPTURE,BASIC, --------------------------------- File: DEMONSQR.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 663 Name: ROBODICE.BAS Address: RJPLANCELL Date: 861003 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 66 Library: 2 Description: This is a one to four player dice game. One player plays against the computer. To ROLL the dice - hit the 'space bar'. To PASS - hit 'P'. All turn keeping, scoring ect. is automatic. This game requires 16K regular basic and needs no joysticks. ENJOY! s Keywords: GAME,DICE,ROBOTIC,BASIC,MULTI PLAYER --------------------------------- File: ROBODICE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 636 Name: ODYSEY.BAS Address: D.REUS Date: 860918 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 95 Library: 2 Description: THIS TEXT ADVENTURE FOR THE COCO IS PRETTY NEAT. THE OBJECT IS TO ESCAPE THIS SHIP AND TO JETTISON OFF TO SAFETY. NO FAIR PEEKING AT THE PROGRAM, JUST RUN IT. THIS HAS A SAVE AND LOAD FEATURE LIKE KING-TUT DOES SO WHEN YOU HAVE TO RUN, YOU CAN JUST TYPE SAVE AND IT WILL SAVE TO DISK, (EASY MOD FOR TAPE) Keywords: WCOCO,GAME,ADVENTURE,ODYSEY,ASCII BASIC --------------------------------- File: ODYSEY.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 568 Name: ICONS.SYS Address: T.SMITH Date: 860817 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 37 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE ICONS FOR THE MCPAINT V2.00 Keywords: MCPAINT,GRAPHICS,DRAWING --------------------------------- File: ICONS.SYS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 536 Name: TTHELP.DAT Address: D.REUS Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 128 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE DATA FILE FOR TELETERM! IT MUST BE ON THE SAME DISK AS THE TELETERM.BIN FILE. (#535) Keywords: DATA,TELETERM,COCO,MODEM,ASCII-TEXT --------------------------------- File: TTHELP.DAT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 535 Name: TELETERM.BIN Address: D.REUS Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 170 Library: 2 Description: THIS BINARY MACHINE LANGUAGE FILE ALONG WITH TTHELP.DAT, WHICH MUST BE ON THE SAME DISK, WILL ALLOW YOU TO SEND AND RECIEVE FILES IN XMODEM FORMAT, AND OTHER NEAT GOODIES. BE SURE TO HAVE THIS FILE AND THE OTHER FILE 'TTHELP.DAT' ON THE SAME DISK!! Keywords: COCO,TELECOMMUNICATION,MODEM,TERMINAL,BINARY ML PROGRAM --------------------------------- File: TELETERM.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 534 Name: LIFE.BAS Address: D.REUS Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 117 Library: 2 Description: THIS ASCII BASIC PROGRAM WILL DRAW A CONCLUSION DUE TO ALL KINDS OF DATA THAT IT GATHERS FROM YOU TO DETERMINE HOW LONG YOU ARE EXPECTED TO LIVE. CAN BE EASILY ADAPTED TO OTHER COMPUTERS. Keywords: COCO,GAME,HEALTH,ASCIIBASIC --------------------------------- File: LIFE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 532 Name: GSTBSTER.PIX Address: D.REUS * HIDDEN * Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 73 Library: 2 Description: THIS COCO ASCII-BASIC PROGRAM CREATES THE HI-RES IMMAGE OF GHOST BUSTERS, REALY NICE AND RICH IN COLOR AND THE HOLE 9-YARDS! Keywords: COCO,GRAPHICS,PICTURE,ASCII-BASIC --------------------------------- File: GSTBSTER.PIX is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 531 Name: POPEYE.PIX Address: D.REUS * HIDDEN * Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 58 Library: 2 Description: THIS COCO GRAPHICS PROGRAM IN (ASCII BASIC) WILL ALLOW YOU TO RE-CREATE OLE' POPEYE HIMSELF. Keywords: GRAPHICS,COCO,ASCII BASIC --------------------------------- File: POPEYE.PIX is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 529 Name: TAPECAT.BAS Address: D.REUS Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 1260 Number of Accesses: 64 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL EITHER PRINT TO SCREEN, OR A PRINTER THE NAMES OF ALL THE PROGRAMS/FILES ON ANY GIVEN TAPE. JUST RUN THE PROGRAM AND PRESS PLAY ON YOUR TAPE DECK. Keywords: APPLICATION,TAPE,COMPRESSEDBASIC --------------------------------- File: TAPECAT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 528 Name: CAVEHUNT.BAS Address: D.REUS Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 10080 Number of Accesses: 99 Library: 2 Description: THIS BASIC TEXT ADVENTURE WILL LET YOU EXPLORE THE DEEP OF A CAVE. IT HAS PROVIDED SEVERAL HOURS OF ENJOYMENT FOR ME. Keywords: GAME,ADVENTURE,ASCII BASIC --------------------------------- File: CAVEHUNT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 525 Name: HORSE.BAS Address: D.REUS Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 62 Library: 2 Description: THIS HORSE RACE PROGRAM USES THE LOW-RES GRAPHICS CAPABILITY OF COCO TO SHOW A HORSE RACE IN PROGRESS. GREAT FUN... COMPRESSED BASIC Keywords: COCO,GAME,HORSE,COMPRESSEDBASIC --------------------------------- File: HORSE.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 524 Name: SNOOPY.PIC Address: D.REUS * HIDDEN * Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 51 Library: 2 Description: THIS NEAT PROGRAM FOR COCO CREATES THE CHARACTER SNOOPY RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES. LOOKS LIKE HE IS GETTING READY TO GO FISHING!! A NEAT GRAPHIC TO PRINT OUT! Keywords: COCO,SNOOPY,PICTURE,GRAPHIC,ASCIIBASIC --------------------------------- File: SNOOPY.PIC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 523 Name: UFO.BAS Address: D.REUS Date: 860730 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 73 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A GRAPHICS PROGRAM FOR COCO WHICH WILL CREATE A PICTURE OF THE SPACE-SHUTTLE, BE CAREFULL TO REMOVE THE HIGH-SPEED POKES IF YOU HAVE A DISK SYSTEM OR ONE OF THE VERSIONS OF COCO WHICH CANT HANDLE THE POKE65495,0 SPEED-UP AND 65494,0 SLOW-DOWN POKES. Keywords: COCO,GRAPHICS,PICTURE,HI-RES,SPACE-SHUTTLE,SPACE --------------------------------- File: UFO.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 471 Name: PINK PANTHER Address: MUSICA Date: 860712 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 95 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE PINK PANTHER THEME BY HENRY MANCINI. TRANSCRIBED ON MUSICA 2. YOU *DO NOT* NEED MUSICA 2 TO ENJOY! SIMPLY LOADM (CLOADM FOR TAPE) AND EXEC. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS TO: DAVE JENKINS (MUSICA) Keywords: MUSICA,PINK PANTHER,MOVIES,CARTOONS,THEMES,MUSIC --------------------------------- File: PINK PANTHER is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 410 Name: KERMITCC.DOC Address: JCORCORAN Date: 860607 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 97 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE DOCUMENT FILE FOR THE COCO KERMIT TERMINAL PROGRAM. Keywords: COCO, KERMIT, DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: KERMITCC.DOC is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 409 Name: KERMITCC.BIN Address: JCORCORAN Date: 860607 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 91 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A 300 BAUD TERMINAL FOR THE COCO WITH THE KERMIT PROTOCOL. SEE THE KERMITCC/DOC FILE FOR MORE INFO. Keywords: COCO, KERMIT --------------------------------- File: KERMITCC.BIN is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 359 Name: STARTREK.BAS Address: DREUS * HIDDEN * Date: 860508 Approximate # of bytes: 23940 Number of Accesses: 311 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS THE STARTREK GAME YOU HAVE SEEN FOR THE 'OTHER' GUYS COMPUTER, WELL I HAVE MANAGED TO GET A HOLD OF THIS PUB DOM. FILE FOR YOU ALL. 22656 BYTES LONG!! BASIC ASCII FORMAT. Keywords: COCO,STARTREK,GAME,COLOR COMPUTER --------------------------------- File: STARTREK.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 358 Name: MONKEES THEME Address: MUSICA Date: 860505 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 75 Library: 2 Description: THEME FROM THE 60'S TV SHOW THE MONKEES. TRANSCRIBED ON MUSICA. YOU DO NOT NEED MUSICA TO ENJOY. THIS IS A STAND-ALONE MACHINE LANGUAGE PROGRAM. DAVE JENKINS (MUSICA) Keywords: MUSICA,TV,THEME,MONKEES,MUSIC --------------------------------- File: MONKEES THEME is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 357 Name: HILL STREET BLUES THEME Address: MUSICA Date: 860505 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 60 Library: 2 Description: THE THEME TO HILL STREET BLUES TRANSCRIBED ON MUSICA. YOU DO NOT NEED MUSICA. THIS IS A STAND-ALONG MACHINE LANGUAGE PROGRAM. (THAT SHOULD READ "STAND-ALONE"!) DAVE JENKINS (MUSICA) Keywords: MUSICA,HILL STREET BLUES,TV,THEME,MUSIC --------------------------------- File: HILL STREET BLUES THEME is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 283 Name: ROHO.MAX Address: CAT Date: 860410 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 2 Description: COCO MAX 'MAX' FILE INSPIRED BY A FRIENDS PET Keywords: COCO, COCO MAX, PIC --------------------------------- File: ROHO.MAX is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 277 Name: MIKEYTERM 4.0 DOCS PT 3 Address: MUSICA Date: 860406 Approximate # of bytes: 16380 Number of Accesses: 78 Library: 2 Description: DOCUMENTATION FOR MIKEYTERM 4.0. PART 3 OF 3 PARTS. FORMATTED FOR 80 COLUMN PRINTER. (THIS IS THE SHORTEST OF 3 VERY LONG FILES!) Keywords: MIKEYTERM,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: MIKEYTERM 4.0 DOCS PT 3 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 276 Name: MIKEYTERM 4.0 DOCS PT 2 Address: MUSICA Date: 860406 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 67 Library: 2 Description: MIKEYTERM 4.0 DOCUMENTATION. PART 2 OF 3 PARTS FORMATTED FOR 80 COLUMN PRINTER. Keywords: MIKEYTERM,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: MIKEYTERM 4.0 DOCS PT 2 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 275 Name: MIKEYTERM 4.0 DOCS PT. 1 Address: MUSICA Date: 860406 Approximate # of bytes: 26460 Number of Accesses: 82 Library: 2 Description: DOCUMENTATION FOR MIKEYTERM VERSION 4.0. THE DOCUMENTATION COMES IN THREE PARTS. FORMATTED FOR 80 COLUMN PRINTER. Keywords: MIKEYTERM,DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- File: MIKEYTERM 4.0 DOCS PT. 1 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 274 Name: 20001 SPACE ODESSY THEME Address: B.JAMES Date: 860405 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 78 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: MUSICA,20001,MUSIC --------------------------------- File: 20001 SPACE ODESSY THEME is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 273 Name: DOS BOOT 1.1 ROM Address: B.JAMES Date: 860405 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 68 Library: 2 Description: RSDOS 1.1 ROM NEEDED. DIRECTION IN PROGRAM. Keywords: RSDOS 1.1,DOS BOOT --------------------------------- File: DOS BOOT 1.1 ROM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 271 Name: AUTO PROGRAM BOOT Address: B.JAMES Date: 860405 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM WILL PATCH RSDOS TO BOOT A PROGRAM ON COLDSTART SO IT CAN BE BURNED TO A EPROM. Keywords: AUTO BOOT,64K,RSDOS,DISK SYSTEM,1.0,1.1 --------------------------------- File: AUTO PROGRAM BOOT is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 227 Name: EXTENDED COLOR BASIC DEM Address: FORCE Date: 860316 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 94 Library: 2 Description: THIS IS A FILE THAT IS ROAM- ING AROUND ON A NUMBER OF BBS'S ACROSS THE COUNTRY. IT DEMONSTRATES THE POWER THE COCO HAS OVER ITS RIVALS. MOST NOTABLY, THE COMMODORE, SINCE IT CANNOT DRAW CIRCLES WITHOUT HAVING TO PLOT EACH ONE. ENJOY....MARK (THEFORCE) Keywords: COCO, DEMO PROGRAM, GRAPHICS, ECB --------------------------------- File: EXTENDED COLOR BASIC DEM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 217 Name: COCO PSALM.BAS Address: FORCE Date: 860315 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 64 Library: 2 Description: THIS WAS MADE WITH COCOMAX ON TAPE, AND AUGMENTED SLIGHTLY WITH COCOMAX II. AN EARLY ATTEMPT WITH DAVE JENKINS AND MYSELF, TO PRODUCE A BIT OF HUMOR FOR COCO FANATICS. THIS IS IN ASCII, AND CAN BE ENJOYED BY CASSETTE OR DISK USERS. ENJOY MARK MAYHEW Keywords: COCOMAX,ASCII,PIX,HUMOR --------------------------------- File: COCO PSALM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 201 Name: WOODHEAT.BAS Address: HWH Date: 860310 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 39 Library: 2 Description: A menu driven prog that will calc the cost savings and amount of wood you will use to convert your present heating system to an hydronic wood fired boiler system. It will also calc the payback time based on your cost input to convert. Keywords: WOODHEAT,WOOD,HEAT,STOVE --------------------------------- File: WOODHEAT.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 193 Name: LOTTO Address: HWH Date: 860305 Approximate # of bytes: 3780 Number of Accesses: 133 Library: 2 Description: This is based on the Connecticut State Lottery which are numbers 1-40. To change the number edit the RND(40) statement to whatever you want. Keywords: --------------------------------- File: LOTTO is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 177 Name: IF YOU COULD READ MYMIND Address: MUSICA Date: 860302 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 54 Library: 2 Description: GORDON LIGHTFOOT HIT TRANSCRIBED ON MUSICA. THIS IS A STAND-ALONE MACHINE LANGUAGE PROGRAM. YOU DO NOT NEED MUSICA TO PLAY IT, BUT YOU DO NEED XMODEM TO DOWNLOAD IT. Keywords: LIGHTFOOT,MUSIC,SONG,MUSICA --------------------------------- File: IF YOU COULD READ MYMIND is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 176 Name: MICHELLE Address: MUSICA Date: 860302 Approximate # of bytes: 8820 Number of Accesses: 67 Library: 2 Description: BEATLES HIT MICHELLE TRANSCRIBED BY MUSICA. THIS IS A STAND ALONE MACHINE LANGUAGE PROGRAM. YOU DO NOT NEED MUSICA TO PLAY IT, BUT YOU WILL NEED XMODEM TO DOWNLOAD IT. Keywords: MUSIC,MUSICA,BEATLES,SONG --------------------------------- File: MICHELLE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 170 Name: MORTAGE Address: SBM Date: 860228 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 59 Library: 2 Description: CALCULATE HOME LOANS OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF LOAN. WRITTEN IN BASIC FOR COCO 2 Keywords: COCO, BASIC, FINANCE, MORTGAGE --------------------------------- File: MORTAGE is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 166 Name: CHECKBOOK Address: SBM Date: 860225 Approximate # of bytes: 5040 Number of Accesses: 188 Library: 2 Description: THIS PROGRAM QUICKLY BALANCES YOUR CHECKBOOK. IT IS WRITTEN IN BASIC. S Keywords: COCO,FINANCIAL --------------------------------- File: CHECKBOOK is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 140 Name: BIORHYTHM.BAS Address: J.H.SHAPIRO Date: 860210 Approximate # of bytes: 2520 Number of Accesses: 147 Library: 2 Description: Keywords: GAME --------------------------------- File: BIORHYTHM.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 85 Name: MIKEYTERM4.0 Address: WVCOX Date: 851212 Approximate # of bytes: 17640 Number of Accesses: 250 Library: 2 Description: M/L XMODEM File transfer program 300 baud through the Bit Banger port(Built in) or 110-9600 through the RS232 Program pak. Supports PBJ 80 column card. Keywords: Mikeyterm,XMODEM, MODEM, File transfer, PBJ, --------------------------------- File: MIKEYTERM4.0 is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 67 Name: CONFIG Address: RAWILLIAMS Date: 851116 Approximate # of bytes: 7560 Number of Accesses: 66 Library: 2 Description: USE CONFIG TO CHANGE CURSER CAN ALSO CHANGE COM. SETTINGS Keywords: --------------------------------- File: CONFIG is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 66 Name: MTERM Address: RAWILLIAMS Date: 851116 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 108 Library: 2 Description: USERS MAY ALSO CONFIGURE MACRO KEY DEFINITIONS FOR SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS==ID'S AND PASS WORDS=== CAN ALSO BE USED WITH "SMART MODEMS" USE "CONFIG" TO CHANGE MTERM TO YOUR NEEDS Keywords: --------------------------------- File: MTERM is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... ********************************* Number: 44 Name: TAIPAN.BAS Address: MAGIC0518 Date: 851102 Approximate # of bytes: 13860 Number of Accesses: 254 Library: 2 Description: TAIPAN IS A SIMULATION OF TRADING AND PIRATEERING ON THE HIGH SEAS Keywords: GAMS,SIMULATION --------------------------------- File: TAIPAN.BAS is a BINARY File. Press <RETURN> to skip, <D>ownload, <L>ist, or <Q>uit. ? Skipping file ... == End of Browse.