2024-03-02: The wiki ran out of disk space, so things were not working. This has been resolved by adding another 5GB of quota ;-) Thanks to Tim Lindner for reporting the issues.
2020-05-17: If a page gives you an error about some revision not being found, just EDIT the page and the old page should appear in the editor. If it does, just SAVE that and the page should be restored. OS-9 Al (talk) 12:22, 17 May 2020 (CDT)
Funding the Fest
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This page was last updated on 04/1/2009. Total Pages: 747. Total Files: 995.
Home / Special Projects - Funding the Fest
Is it possible to raise enough money to do a really big CoCoFEST!? Share your ideas...
- Pre-sale tickets and T-shirts and such.
- Merchandise -- create a line of retro CoCo stuff to offer on the internet. Perhaps someone may think it's cool to have a T-shirt with the old green startup screen.
- Bounty -- start a bounty collecting to get certain people to the event. Find out what it would take, then see how many folks will pitch in. There are a number of famous CoCo folks I never got to meet and I would drop some money in a pot to meet them.
- e-Bay -- This is the single biggest thing we can do. Let's organize and sort out all the stuff Glenside has and see if we can start listing the more valuable/rare items on e-Bay, with funds going directly to the club. Heck, they can ship boxes of stuff to volunteers (shipping fees probably need to be donated) and have them work on it.