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CoCoFest Guest Speakers

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Home / Special Projects - CoCoFest Guest Speakers

Who would you like to hear speak at the 30th Anniversary CoCoFEST in 2010? If you don't find them on the list, add them -- and add some information about them and why you would like to see them. You, or others, can help us find out where they are now.

CoCoFest Guest Speakers

In alphabetical order by last name...

  • Tony Distefano -- Hardware designer of things like the Disto Super Controller and the No-Halt Super Controller 2.
  • Marty Goodman -- Famous for his Rainbow magazine hardware columns.
  • Lester Hands -- Author of Musica, Musica 2, CoCo MIDI Sequencer, and a zillion other things. He did software for hardware devices like Super Voice and EARS for Speech Systems, then later Rulaford Research.
  • Mark Hawkins -- Microware engineer who worked on SUPER EXTENDED COLOR BASIC and also OS-9/Level 2 for the CoCo. He is one of the three folks picture in the CoCo 3 easter egg.
  • Cecil Houk -- Rulaford Research.
  • Ken Kaplan -- Founder of Microware. It would be great to hear him tell the story of how Radio Shack and Microware came together for SUPER BASIC and CoCo OS-9.
  • Sockmaster -- Ultra cool CoCo demos.

Unknown Speakers

You can move these above if you can identify them.

  • Tom Mix Software -- who ran it?
  • The King -- who wrote it?
  • Dungeons of Daggorath author
