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A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar

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Home / Software - A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar

A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar

Name A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar
Year 1987
Author(s) Greg L. Zumwalt & Mark W. Easter (ZCT Systems Group) for Gamestar
Media ROM-Pak
Memory 128K
Platform CoCo 3
Publisher Tandy/Radio Shack
About the Software Info Box

A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar is an original arcade game where you play a character who is trying to get through a maze of walls. You have bricks that you lay, trying to block monsters off (some chase and kill you, some shoot at you, and some destroy the walls you put up). You can also make the walls permanent, but you instantly die if you block the path to your exit. Once you complete enough walls to make yourself a clear path to the exit, a yellow path appears, showing how to exit the maze. You have to pick up bricks as you go, and dynamite (to blow up temporary walls).
The game is will set up for controls: you can play completely by keyboard, or by either 1 or 2 button joysticks. The mazes get more complicated as you go, and I have no idea how many there are. It should be mentioned that all of the mazes are several screens wide and high; you have 4 way scrolling while wandering through them.

A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screen #1
A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screen #1
A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screen #2
A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screen #2

A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screens 1 & 2
A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screen #3
A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screen #3
A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar level 1 game screen
A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar level 1 game screen

A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar intro screen #3 and Level 1 game screen

NOTE: Screenshots of the other levels will come later